Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 131 Fierce Battle with Beast Spirits

Yunzhi flew out of the narrow entrance, then fluttered his wings and rushed directly to the ceiling of the cave hall. The target was naturally the dim yellow fireball.

All the beast spirits wandering around in the huge cave were ignored by Yunzhi. Among these numerous beast spirits, most of them were first- or second-order low-level monsters. Yunzhi naturally had no mood to waste time with them. In time, he simply went straight to Huanglong and pounced directly on the dim yellow beast spirit fire.

But she didn't expect that her actions alone would completely anger all the animal spirits wandering in the cave.

The beasts roared and roared, echoing in the cave.

Yunzhi didn't take it seriously and continued to speed up.

Upon seeing this, the beasts immediately transformed from their original monster forms into beast spirits floating in mid-air, and rushed towards Yunzhi.


Yunzhi snorted coldly. These were only first- and second-level minions at best. With such goods, no matter how much they were piled up, they would not be able to kill her.

Even she couldn't stop him.

The sharp sword in his hand swung fiercely, and the sword drew a line of blue crescent-shaped sword energy, flying through the cave, directly sweeping away the large areas of beast spirits below.

With the strength of Yunzhi Feng attribute Dou Huang, the distance between himself and the strange fire can only be overcome in an instant.

Just as Yunzhi was approaching the beast spirit fire, one of the beast spirits suddenly took action.

A familiar purple fire spurted out instantly, forcing Yunzhi to retreat, forcing her to temporarily stop in front of it.

"This is--"

Yunzhi frowned slightly, his face solemn.

This purple flame was naturally very familiar, and the beast spirit in front of him gradually revealed its huge monster body in front of Yunzhi.

The huge, well-proportioned and powerful body is covered with armor-like purple crystals. A pair of huge wings spread out on its back, beating the surrounding heat waves. On its head, which is full of majesty and ferocity, is a sharp golden horn. All show their identity and strength.

"It was you who stood in front of me when I went to get the Purple Spirit Crystal, and now it's you who stand in front of me when I come to get the Beast Spirit Fire - it's really a bad fate."

Yunzhi looked solemnly at the Amethyst Winged Lion King blocking him in front of him. Judging from its intact single horn, it was naturally not the one that was currently the king in the Warcraft Mountains. It was probably the previous generation of that one. right.

And she also knew that the Amethyst Winged Lion King in front of her was transformed into a beast spirit, and he was probably sleeping here for a long time.

However, Yunzhi could not help but lament the bad fate, but this amethyst-winged lion king did not hesitate at all, let out a deafening roar and rushed towards Yunzhi.

Warcraft is physically powerful, so it is much stronger in close combat than human warriors of the same realm.

However, after losing its body and becoming a beast spirit, Warcraft undoubtedly lost this greatest advantage and reliance.

The terrifying body that was able to suppress Yunzhi immediately after getting close has now become illusory, and the threat to Yunzhi is not that great.

"Hmph, do you still think you are the living lion outside?"

Yunzhi snorted coldly, and then swung his long sword. As the sword energy stirred, it seemed as if the space was being torn apart. Four cyan storms rolled up and rushed towards the Amethyst Winged Lion King in front of him from four directions. come over.

Looking at the sweeping storm, the Amethyst Winged Lion King let out a low roar from his huge mouth, flapped his wings, and the fire attribute bursting in the air was naturally called and absorbed by the beast spirit, and was released through the illusory body as a converter. Four huge pillars of fire came out of the body and hit the surrounding storm without hesitation.

The moment the two behemoths collided, the space almost became silent.


Fire and violent wind tore through the space, eventually erupting into thunderous thunderbolts that exploded everywhere.

The storm and the fire pillar collided fiercely, releasing terrifying energy from each other crazily. At the intersection of the two, Xiao Yan could clearly see twisted ripples being set off like ripples on the water wherever he looked.


After a moment of stalemate with each other, the two finally exhausted their energy and were annihilated in a thunderbolt that tore apart space, leaving no trace of their existence.

Only the loud noise echoed in the huge cave was left.


Yunzhi couldn't help but smacked her lips and curled her pretty lips.

Although the Amethyst Winged Lion King has lost his body, this is the most powerful support of the monster - but because the Amethyst Winged Lion King is a fire attribute monster, with the increase of the beasts' spiritual fire behind it and the home environment, its The destructive power has reached a level that can be called terrifying, and even the attacks unleashed by instinct are enough to overwhelm her fighting skills.

In other words, the Amethyst Winged Lion King has transformed its original advantage into a more powerful advantage on the other hand.

In this case, you can try another idea!

With such thoughts in her mind, Yunzhi immediately took action. After the storm and the pillar of fire dispersed, her green wings fluttered behind her, and her body turned into a flash of lightning, instantly passing through the turbulent energy zone, and then appeared in Behind the Amethyst Winged Lion King, the strange long sword in his hand stabbed out quickly. On the tip of the sword, a circle of high-speed rotating wind blades actually formed, like a blue ball covered with blades.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Amethyst Winged Lion King to let her get close so easily. The fighting spirit around her turned into fiery snakes and swarmed towards Yunzhi, and Yunzhi had to deflect the sword edge to temporarily stop the Amethyst Winged Lion King. defense.

But its counterattacks made Yunzhi's guess more conclusive - the loss of the monster's body has indeed become the biggest weakness of the beast spirit in front of her. In the previous battle with the Amethyst Winged Lion King, she was like this The lion king, relying on his strong body, did not even bother to resist the probing attack.

If that's the case, then there's something to be said for it!

The amethyst-winged lion king swung its head, and the red spiral tip on its head shot out a huge purple flame half a meter thick.

The blazing purple flame made Yunzhi Xiu frown slightly, and his bare hands formed a strange handprint in front of him: "Wind push force!"

As the crisp and soft sound fell, a violent blue wind emerged in front of him, and then roared out, blocking the huge purple flame.

The moment the green whirlwind stopped the flames, the moment the fire was extinguished in the wind, a beautiful figure rushed out of the wall-like green whirlwind without any scruples, and slashed at the beast spirit in front of him with a sword.

Even with the instinct of a Warcraft, he probably wouldn't have thought that Yunzhi would take such an aggressive approach.

While the sharp sword split the beast spirit into two, Yunzhi shouted softly: "——It's over!"

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