Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 134 Death or an abrupt end

Yunzhi was slightly startled, as if he was a little surprised by Xiao Yan's words.

Rather, it is more appropriate to say that it is unexpected and reasonable.

She came back to her senses and looked at Xiao Yan, slightly shocked.

Her initial thought was indeed an accident, but when she came back to her senses, she realized that it was natural for the young man in front of her to say such things.

But before she could say anything, Xiao Yan raised his hand and fed her a pill.

Yunzhi did not resist, and allowed the young man's slender, fair, but rough calloused fingertips to gently peel open her lips and feed the elixir.

"Let's adjust our breath a little first and heal slowly. Let me take care of the rest."

Xiao Yan confessed.


Yunzhi's face finally regained some color and nodded slightly.

After settling down Yunzhi for the time being, Xiao Yan was finally able to focus on the beast spirit fire in front of him.

From the current point of view, the beast spirit fire itself does not show much hostility. The only trouble is the beast spirits surrounding it.

And for some reason, these beast spirits didn't seem to be hostile to me. When I went to rescue Yunzhi just now, those beast spirits even just looked on and gave up the pursuit.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ponder for a moment, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

"Teacher, I suddenly thought of a possibility... Is it because I refined the beast spirits? These beast spirits nourished by the beast spirit fire also regarded me as a similar beast spirit, so they did not attack? "

Xiao Yan asked softly in his mind.

"There is indeed such a possibility - wait, you want to..."

Yao Lao nodded, and then couldn't help but hesitate a little.

"If we look at it from this perspective, can I refine the beast spirits here bit by bit, so that I can approach them without losing any blood, and even obtain the beast spirit fire?"

After thinking for a moment, the young man expressed his guess.

Regarding Xiao Yan's bold guess, Yao Lao inevitably hesitated a little.

"You really have some ideas."

Yao Lao shook his head, but said: "Since you can try this aspect, I will naturally not stop you, but Xiao Yan, you must think clearly."

"Refining beast spirits, although this has nothing to do with your fighting spirit, is a huge test of your soul power. If you want to refine the beast spirits here, each one will be as painful as the beast spirits you refined before. and hardship, it’s not an easy shortcut.”

Although Yao Lao said that he would not stop Xiao Yan, the dissuasion in his words was self-evident.

After all, this is still too dangerous.

Xiao Yan can ensure that he maintains his rationality in front of one or two beast spirits, and can face so many beast spirits around the beast spirit fire. How can he guarantee that he will not be killed in the process of refining the beast spirits? Devoured by animalistic instincts?

It's not that Yao Lao doesn't believe Xiao Yan, it's just that this move is too risky. Moreover, this is an answer that cannot be confirmed to be correct. In Yao Lao's view, it has naturally lost enough value to gamble on it.

"But this is the only feasible way at the moment, right?"

Xiao Yan gave his own reasons.

"So, you think it's okay to fight for this, right?"


Xiao Yan's answer was straightforward and full of power.

"If you are really a brat who is not afraid of death, then fine, I will help you as much as possible, but it all still depends on you."

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan couldn't help but shake his head: "It's not that I am seeking death, teacher, but I have understood that there are things in the world that are more terrifying than death."

"The scary thing is not death, but the sudden end of everything."

Before taking action, Xiao Yan said: "I can't stop here, teacher."

Even though this was not the first time he had known Xiao Yan's character, Yao Lao was always deeply surprised by his sometimes reactions and choices.


After Xiao Yan walked out of the narrow hole, he approached a wandering animal spirit.

The beast spirit that revealed the body of the monster was obviously wary of Xiao Yan's existence, but unexpectedly did not take the initiative to attack or avoid his actions.

The speculation in his heart was being fulfilled step by step. Xiao Yan suppressed the restlessness in his heart. Just like when he was refining the beast spirit before, he condensed the power of his soul into a needle-like sharp shape, and then pierced the beast spirit. among.

The beast spirit realized that something seemed not quite right, but it was already too late.

Xiao Yan simply sat down cross-legged on the spot, sinking into his mind, preparing to welcome the animalistic instinct that was like a wave or storm rushing into his heart.

Whether he can keep his mind is the first step for Xiao Yan to be able to refine the beast spirit and realize this speculation.

When the primitive animal nature rushed in like a raging torrent, he gritted his teeth tightly, and the harsh beast roar in his ears seemed to emerge from the deepest part of his body, almost drowning him.

But even so, the candle in Xiao Yan's heart has not been extinguished.

Ordinary people will always transform their originally incomprehensible self-consciousness and soul power from abstraction into things that can be subjectively understood and explained by themselves.

Or flowers, trees, or the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

Use these concepts that you have been exposed to or can understand to coordinate your soul power.

Alchemists are born with strong soul power, and their ability to perceive the soul is far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, the structure of their self-awareness in their hearts is often more concrete.

The same is true for Xiao Yan.

Think of your inner consciousness as a candlelight, and the raging animal nature brought by these refined animal spirits as the cold wind.

No matter how the candle flame flickers, as long as the candle flame is not extinguished, it will naturally not be completely swallowed up by the animal nature brought about by refining the beast spirit.

After all, humans and monsters are all living things in the world, and animality is one of human instincts.

This is already the third time he has refined beast spirits. Although the beast spirits he faces are still as dangerous as ever, Xiao Yan has also summed up some necessary experience, and during the long time of refining, he has gradually become more familiar with it. stand up.

Yao Lao just watched quietly in Xiao Yan's acceptance. Such a beast spirit, which was only a second-level monster in life, naturally had no need to let him help, otherwise he would not agree with Xiao Yan's appearance. Such a crazy plan.


Yao Lao couldn't help but have a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Xiao Yan was refining the beast spirit at an unprecedented speed, which even surprised him.

Otherwise, how could he be confident in doing such a seemingly impossible thing?

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