Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 161 The wooden villain

Of course Xiao Yan didn't dare to gamble in the end.

And if you think about it carefully, things like hairpins seem too ordinary.

Of course Xiao Yan knew that Miss Wan could get almost anything she wanted, and she had never seen any good things before. If he prepared any valuable items, he would only be considered vulgar by her.

And Miss Wan obviously doesn't look like the kind of person who takes care of herself. When I see her, I always see her just tying up her hair with a wooden hairpin. How can any ordinary girl like it? The rouge and pink look?

Ah, maybe it's because she doesn't need that kind of thing to make her strong. She's a great beauty, right?

All in all, Xiao Yan certainly didn't want his first gift to come up empty handed.

So, he cast his hopeful eyes on Qinglin.

"……So this is ah."

Qing Lin came back to his senses, a look of surprise appeared on his lovely face.


Xiao Yan nodded and calmed down his somewhat restless heart, but his dark red eyes cast a hopeful gaze.

"Miss Wan, she did mention to me what she likes, but I don't quite understand."

Qing Lin hesitated and said.

‘It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, as long as I understand. ’ Xiao Yan almost blurted out these words, but fortunately he controlled his mouth in the end.

"Miss Wan said that she likes those exquisite little people or puppets, but she hasn't seen them much now, and she doesn't care much about them anymore."

Qinglin's words made Xiao Yan's eyes light up.

"Exquisite little man? Mechanical puppet?"

Xiao Yan's voice rose slightly.

Isn’t that just figures and models?

He is good at this!

Xiao Yan was as happy as if he suddenly discovered during an exam that all the test questions were from candidates he had reviewed.

Others may be confused after hearing this. How can they still not understand this?

"Well, I understand, thank you, Qinglin."

After reacting, Xiao Yan thanked him sincerely.

"Master Xiao Yan?"

Qing Lin looked at Xiao Yan in confusion. To her, she didn't seem to have said anything particularly valuable.

"Did Qinglin say something strange?"

"Ah? No, no, I'm just thanking Qing Lin, really."

Xiao Yan said sincerely.

"It's nothing, as long as I can help Master Xiao Yan, not to mention it's Miss Wan's matter——"

Qinglin smiled shyly. Although she said it was nothing, she was still very happy.

After all, people like her would be scorned just by walking on the street, let alone saying thank you.

In addition, she has a very good impression of both Master Xiao Yan and Miss Wan. If possible, she certainly hopes that this pair of people who are rumored to have an ambiguous relationship can finally get together.

"Then, I'll go down first. Young Master Xiao Yan can call me anytime if anything happens."

"Well, that's fine, I'm about to get busy."

Xiao Yan smiled and nodded.

After Qing Lin gently closed the door, Xiao Yan raised the corner of his mouth.

"Teacher, it's done."

"What's wrong? You just found out what this girl likes. Are you so confident?"

Yao Lao didn't want to attack Xiao Yan, but he was indeed curious about why Xiao Yan suddenly became so confident.

"This is why you don't understand, teacher... Anyway, I really have a plan for the gift I'm going to prepare for Miss Wan."

Xiao Yan said with a smile, "Have you never eaten pork and never seen a pig running?"

But it was just a gadget like this, so he naturally picked it up at his fingertips.

Without thinking, Xiao Yan took the initiative and started to take action. However, as soon as he started, Yao Lao saw that he stopped in embarrassment.

"what happened again?"

Yao Lao asked: "Aren't you already very confident? Why did you stop again?"

"Ahem, aren't you thinking about what to do?"

Xiao Yan coughed awkwardly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took out many things from his Najie.

Most of them are my own medicinal materials and the elixirs that Miss Wan gave me but haven't finished yet. The rest are miscellaneous things that I got from raiding the enemy's warehouse.

Xiao Yan himself knew that he would definitely not have any materials that could be used for carving anyway, so he still put most of his energy into rummaging through the pile of trophies that he had not carefully cleaned.

After rummaging for a while, Xiao Yan found a large piece of thick wood that looked like a wooden stake.

"How about that?"

"Isn't this a very common log in the Warcraft Mountains? Are you going to use this to send it to others?"

Yao Lao's words revealed some inexplicable disdain from his mother's family. He was optimistic that the pairing of his student and the girl was true, but he definitely didn't want his apprentice to use this kind of thing to fool people.

He can be regarded as the girl's mother-in-law. Even if others don't recognize it, she, a relative, must still recognize it.

"Teacher, what are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

Xiao Yan said angrily, and took out a very small flying knife from the ring. He turned the blade and held it like a pen.

Then he injected Dou Qi into the flying knife, and the flying knife blessed by Dou Qi gently cut across the log, leaving an incision like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Xiao Yan briefly thought about what kind of gesture he wanted to carve in his mind, and then immediately started to cut through the log with his knife, peeling off piece after piece of wood chips.

Yao Lao raised his eyebrows quietly. Although with the alchemist's ability to control the soul, it was no problem to carve a simple wooden figure. However, Xiao Yan did it so quickly, which was beyond his expectations. Unexpected.

"Have you decided what to carve so quickly?"

he couldn't help but ask.

"Well, that's right. Anyway, teacher, just watch."

Xiao Yan kept moving his hands and responded without raising his head.

Since Xiao Yan said this, Yao Lao had no intention of disturbing him, and just watched the sharp flying knife slowly carve out the outline of a human from the huge log.

Then, Xiao Yan relaxed the force of the blade and just swept it gently, bringing up a small piece of delicate wood chips.

The hazy outline gradually became clearer. Yaolao took a closer look and saw that Xiao Yan did not further carve out the delicate outline of the human body. He just maintained the clear shape and continued carving.

Under Xiao Yan's knife, there was a beautiful figure standing on a connected wooden base wearing a cloak and a hat, almost covering her whole body.

Yaolao paused for a moment. Isn't this the girl's outfit when she was first in the Xiao family? Xiao Yan still remembers it so clearly?

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