She naturally knew that Yun Yun was here, and she also noticed it when she ran to meet Xiao Yan.

She knew all this, but it didn't seem like a bad thing to her, so she simply turned a blind eye.

What's more, although she didn't care, it still concerned Xiao Yan. She was still teaching Nalan some time ago, and her contact with Yun Yun was not too much, not too little.

Therefore, if they meet now, it will inevitably be awkward for both parties.

This is not how she wanted to make things happen.

So when Yun Yun ran away, she pretended that it didn't happen. It would be better if they didn't know each other.

"Well...some time ago, she helped me a lot when we were in the Warcraft Mountains."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but twist his neck with the armrest, his eyes drifted out unconsciously, not daring to look into Yao Wan's eyes.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with saying this, but the listener has no intention, and the speaker has intention. Even if Yao Wan doesn't care about it, Xiao Yan does care a lot.

What he is most worried about is that Miss Wan is stalking people... Although Xiao Yan himself knows that Miss Wan is not such a person at all, and she is not very interested in his own emotional issues. She just follows rationality and applies one code to another. This thing is not easy to explain.

"……Oh I got it."

Yao Wan nodded, then landed on her feet and stood beside Xiao Yan.

"Here, this little guy is here for you."

Yao Wan didn't want to waste time on this topic, so with a delicate move, she handed the colorful snake wrapped around her wrist to Xiao Yan.

The colorful little snake tilted its head in confusion, not yet fully understanding the fact that Yao Wan no longer wanted her.

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized what the colorful snake Miss Wan handed him was.

"Miss Wan, could this be... Queen Medusa?!"

When Yao Wan heard Xiao Yan's voice, the corner of her mouth raised slightly, and then she smiled and said: "By the way~~ It's a pity that there is no reward for guessing correctly. Oh, if there is any reward, I'm afraid it's only this little one on your hand. Guy."

"You have to treat others well and serve them well. It will be a great help in the future."

Yao Wan's words made Xiao Yan's face reveal a smile that was even uglier than crying.

He couldn't help but said: "Miss Wan, are you serious?"

"Nonsense~~If I wasn't serious, would I still use it to make you happy?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but roll her eyes at him and said: "The seven-colored sky-swallowing python, an ancient strange beast. This kind of spiritual pet is out there, but no matter who wants it, no matter how hard it is."

"But she is Queen Medusa..."

Xiao Yan said: "It's not like you don't know how dangerous that woman is, Miss Wan. This little guy looks quite harmless now, but if Queen Medusa wakes up one day, I'm afraid she won't be able to turn her head and Swallow me up.”

It will be swallowed, it will be swallowed, but it’s hard to say what it will be swallowed by then.

Yao Wan secretly joked in her heart, but when she saw Xiao Yan reacting like this, she said, "Do you think I won't be prepared at all when I hand it to you?"


"I placed a restriction on this little guy, or a mark would be more appropriate -"

Yaowan said: "I asked her not to hurt you in any way, so you can always raise this little guy with confidence, right?"

Yao Wan's words could be said to have sealed Xiao Yan's last escape route, and he had no better reason to refuse.


Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh softly. If Miss Wan hadn't insisted on doing this, he really didn't want to raise this...

After all, just the words Queen Medusa, placed around the Tagore Desert, are a vicious name that can make children cry. In addition, this time I can see what kind of character that woman is. He is really I don't want to get involved in this relationship.

To be honest, he could vaguely guess that the days to come would not be so peaceful.


Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Yan, who was upset, caught a glimpse of the colorful little snake on his fingertips that was wrapping its tail around his fingertips, and then looked at him with a confused expression.

...I have to say that, aside from other things, the Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python is indeed very beautiful, so much so that it can get rid of humans' natural fear of snakes to a certain extent.

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan blinked. Since there was no way to refuse, it would be better to think of some real benefits.

After comforting himself for a while, Xiao Yan let out a long breath, and then took out a small bottle of companion amethyst source from the ring, carefully dripped two drops into the palm of his hand, and then placed it on the colorful little snake. Around the mouth.

The Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python is a fire-attributed monster. Naturally, it is attracted by extremely pure fire-attributed treasures such as the Amethyst Source. After smelling the scent of the Amethyst Source, the whole little snake became obsessed with it. He became a little excited, and then he turned his head and stretched out the pink snake letter to lick the accompanying amethyst source in Xiao Yan's palm.

"——Don't even think about eating me. You have to know the difference between a full meal and a full meal."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said when he saw the colorful little snake eating enthusiastically.

The colorful little snake seemed to understand what Xiao Yan was saying, and then raised its little head and glanced at Xiao Yan before continuing to lick Xiao Yan's palm, as if savoring the delicious taste of the amethyst source. seems good to raise this little guy...?

A smile gradually appeared on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth.

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan, who was gradually experiencing how to raise pets, and immediately said: "Okay, my beast taming master, bring the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and we will find a place to refine it."

Only then did Xiao Yan remember that there was such a thing. He nodded immediately and said, "Well, I almost forgot about the business. Let's go."

Under Yao Lao's instructions, Xiao Yan used the Qinglian pedestal to re-contain the changing Qinglian Earth Core Fire above their heads.

"You haven't forgotten anything, have you?"

"Everything is ready, let's leave this place of wrong as soon as possible."

Xiao Yan said.

Naturally, Yao Wan couldn't delay, so he grabbed Xiao Yan and left the Snake Tribe's temple, quickly and silently passing through the Snake Tribe's royal city, leaving all the commotion in that area behind.


At the same time, Furukawa and his party also left the city of the snake people in disgrace.

At the same time, Queen Medusa's defeat also completely angered the snake people here. They wanted to kill those humans to vent their anger.

Therefore, I definitely can’t stay in this place.

Furukawa and the powerful men from the Jiaji Empire who had been summoned just left. At the same time, Yun Yun also caught up with them, but naturally found nothing.

"Sure was the one who took away the strange fire, right?"

Seeing Yun Yun return empty-handed, Furukawa couldn't help but feel a touch of sourness on his face. Before she could speak, he smiled bitterly.

Yun Yun was surprised that Furukawa was mentally prepared so quickly, even before she opened her mouth.


However, Furukawa's cooperation saved Yun Yun a lot of trouble in explaining.

"That being the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

Furukawa sighed, but he could see things in this way. After all, he had worked hard so far, all the personnel were exhausted, and there was nothing he could do if his destiny was not there.

When he thought of this, Furukawa bowed to the strong men gathered around him and said: "Thank you for helping Furukawa make this trip. However, although the bamboo basket was used to fetch water, it was all in vain, but the reward I promised before There will definitely be a lot of it, and I guarantee it will be delivered to everyone."

The powerful men found by Furukawa looked at each other. Now that things have happened, they can't blame anyone. They all sighed and said: "King Dan is serious."

Yun Yun's beautiful eyes hidden under the hood narrowed slightly, and then said: "Okay, let's go back first. This place is not safe after all."

Yun Yun's words naturally aroused the unanimous approval of all the powerful men, and they immediately flew out of the desert.

And Yun Yun also had her own plans in mind.

After all, no matter how she thought about it, Yao Xianzi was staying with Xiao Yan now, and she didn't think she could hide her identity from Yao Xianzi's nose.

Judging from the fact that she was able to wrestle with Queen Medusa, she probably ignored herself on purpose, right?

After all, it was inevitable that I would be a little embarrassed to meet her.

In addition, she had to find a way to do what she had promised her earlier.

She had just returned to Yunlan Sect a few days ago, and she immediately received the news from Gu He, and rushed to the Tagor Desert without stopping. Even though she always remembered what the Medicine Fairy said earlier, she didn't have time to find a teacher.

This time when I go back, I have to talk to the teacher about this matter no matter what.

Yun Yun looked at the outline outside the desert and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.


Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, who had left the Tagor Desert earlier than Furukawa and his party, had already found a suitable place to refine the strange fire.

In an uninhabited land bordering the Warcraft Mountains in the Tagor Desert, the two found a cave that was safe and quiet, and there were no monsters around.

Yaowan was quite satisfied with this place, while Xiao Yan lowered his head and looked at the green lotus that was flowing and changing on the lotus platform, like a living thing's inner fire.

He clearly felt that the energy contained in this Qinglian Earth Core Fire was by no means comparable to the two different fires he had previously possessed.

The poisonous fire of the netherworld lies in its poison, and the spirit fire of all beasts lies in its spirit. Compared with the core essence of the alien fire, they actually have characteristics that cannot be replaced by other alien fires.

Qinglian's Earth Core Fire really gave Xiao Yan the feeling of pure violence. It was the ultimate result of the essence energy originating from the earth being repeatedly tempered in the movement of heaven and earth.

It takes ten years to take shape, a hundred years to become a spirit, and a thousand years to become a lotus.

If not, I'm afraid Queen Medusa wouldn't be interested in it, so she would like to use its terrifying energy to break through the Douzong.

six thousand

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