It has to be said that as the first strange fire that Xiao Yan would possess, the Qinglian Earth Core Fire was indeed a surprise to Wan.

The Flame of Life greedily absorbed the burning energy generated by Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire and Xiao Yan's operation. For a moment, green flames grew like grass, flowers, and vines around and around Yaowan. Continuously, endlessly.

The skills in the body were flowing, and the fighting spirit was constantly breathing. Yaowan gradually closed her pale golden eyes, feeling that the fighting spirit and realm that she had not paid much attention to before because of her busyness had loosened.

"Huh? Could this be...?"

Yao Lao, who was watching from the side, raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.

Yaowan's realm began to climb rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, until she finally broke through the shackles that had blocked countless people, and the fighting spirit surrounding her suddenly changed qualitatively.


And Yao Wan didn't even react to all this at the first time.

All her energy was invested in the Flame of Life, but she suddenly felt the vigorous aura released by the Flame of Life, and only then did she react.


Yao Wan was startled, and suddenly felt that his fighting spirit and the sea of ​​energy in his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Is this the Fighting Emperor?"

She suddenly opened her eyes and blinked her beautiful light golden eyes, still feeling a little dazed for a moment.

She has only broken through to Douhuang now. Considering her talent and the resources and skills she has obtained since she was a child, it is actually very late.

But now most of her energy is focused on raising the guy in front of her. Therefore, when she realized that her fighting spirit was completely different from before, which could be described as a qualitative change, Yao Wan realized that she had probably fought without paying attention. It's amazing, and she feels like she's going pretty fast.

I hope I won’t be scolded to death by the clan leader when I go back in the future.

Yao Wan sighed in her heart, but at the same time, she continued to extract the energy of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire from Xiao Yan's body.

It has to be said that this Qinglian Earth Core Fire is indeed extraordinary. With such huge energy, it is no wonder that it can directly lift Queen Medusa, who is at the peak of Dou Huang, to Dou Zong.

Even now, he has roped himself into Dou Huang.

While sighing in her heart, Yao Wan did not think about absorbing all Xiao Yan's Qinglian Earth Core Fire. Therefore, after noticing that Xiao Yan could handle the violent energy of this strange fire alone, she made a decisive choice. stop.

It's just that Yao Wan hasn't noticed it at this moment. As she absorbs the strange fire, some energy that does not belong to Qinglian's inner fire, but originates from the Burning Jue, also pours into Yao Wan's body. , and then absorbed by the gathered and growing living beings. Finally, as the living beings gradually became dormant, they settled in her heart and gradually merged with the green fire, becoming indistinguishable from each other.

Yao Wan's side was almost finished, and Xiao Yan's side naturally moved very quickly after the pressure suddenly decreased.

Because most of the energy was directly diverted by the medicine, the Green Lotus Fire in Xiao Yan's body did not have the ability to turn the world upside down. Even if he instinctively did not want to be refined, Xiao Yan would not give it the chance to reconcile. .

After thoroughly adapting to the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, Xiao Yan pulled it into his body to create a spiritual space.

The subsequent Devouring Fire and Evolving Burning Techniques were quite difficult, but at least they were a familiar journey.

As for what Xiao Yan was originally most worried about that might happen if he swallowed a variety of strange fires... Fortunately, it didn't happen.

His rationality is very clear. If he can't control himself in front of Miss Wan, the most likely thing is that he will be knocked unconscious by Miss Wan with a hammer, and then wait for Miss Wan to use a method he doesn't know to extract the evil fire from her body. Only then will he wake up, and maybe he will be alienated, ignored, or ridiculed by Miss Wan.

After all, there are many people in the world who have been poisoned by something or other, or taken some kind of medicine, and then come to someone and get the matter done without hesitation?

Even today's storybooks and storytelling rarely use this old-fashioned formula anymore.

If he really placed his hope on this kind of thing, he would probably be laughed at by Miss Wan until he died if he turned around.

Xiao Yan thought that he still wanted to save face.

At the same time, he also had some guesses about the unprovoked evil fire in his body.

Either the alien fire fusion produced similar reactions and impulses, or the energy in nature was too huge for the body to fully absorb, so it naturally needed to find some way to release it.

It's just that these two times are naturally not enough for Xiao Yan to judge. It may be necessary to try a few more times in the future.

At the same time, the excess energy after refining the strange fire and evolving the Burning Jue was quickly transformed through the evolved Burning Jue, making Xiao Yan realize that perhaps the time had come.

A large amount of fighting energy gathered together, and then through the evolved Burning Art, it was compressed like an instinct.

Gaseous energy can be transformed into higher-level liquid energy, while liquid can also be compressed into higher-level solid energy.

As a result, the transformation of fighting energy in the body was completed, time passed slowly, and the liquid energy in his cyclone was also rapidly decreasing. Everything seemed to be moving along the smoothest route.

Within the crazy whirling cyclone, the liquid energy has gradually bottomed out, and the basic energy conversion has been completed. A cyan rhombus crystal only the size of a thumb suddenly floated slowly in the center of the cyclone as Xiao Yan watched. , quiet and motionless, just flickering with light like breathing.

That was Dou Jing’s proof of becoming a great Dou Master.

With the existence of Dou Jing, Xiao Yan's speed of absorbing Dou Qi and the total amount of Dou Qi accumulated in his body have also undergone qualitative changes.

The Dou Qi in his body that was almost filling his own meridians became more solid after being refined by Burning Jue, and finally merged into the Dou Jing in the center of the cyclone.

All of this is constantly pushing Dou Jing to change from being fragile at the beginning to becoming stronger and stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then gradually growing stronger.

Until the end, the energy dissipated from Qinglian's Earth Core Fire was transformed into pure fighting spirit and was absorbed by Xiao Yan, and the aura on his body became more solid.

After a long time, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, looked up and saw a cloak flying towards him, covering his body.

"Um...Miss Wan? Teacher?"

"Aren't you ashamed of not wearing clothes?"

Yao Wan turned her head, pretending that she didn't hear anything, but it made Yao Lao inexplicably embarrassed. After all, this brat told him that he was his disciple. If he played too hard, wouldn't it still be his old face?

Yaolao coughed and said.

Xiao Yan woke up from a dream and quickly covered himself with a cloak.

Yao Wan turned her back to Xiao Yan and stared quietly at the flame in her hand, which was more like some kind of plant than a flame, swaying slightly in the wind.

The fire is now only one step away.

She lowered her head, and when she saw that so many years of hard work were finally about to bear fruit, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

"Miss Wan?"

Hearing Xiao Yan's call behind him, Yao Wan calmly closed his fingers, and the heat of life in his palms also disappeared.

"-How was the harvest?"

Yao Wan didn't ask any other nonsense. All she wanted to know now was Xiao Yan's current cultivation level and his current level of Fen Jue.

"Three-star great fighting master, as for the Burning Technique...the earth level is low."

Even with Xiao Yan's character, when he said these last few words, he couldn't help but smile slightly. It could be seen that he was indeed very happy.

Even compared to the breakthrough in cultivation from being promoted from a Dou Master to a three-star Dou Master in one fell swoop, the transformation of one's skills is undoubtedly a more valuable and huge gain.

"Is the earth level low... It's okay."

Yao Wan nodded slightly, the higher the level of the skill, the better.

Come to think of it, when he was fighting life and death, it was because the Burning Technique, which was still a low-level skill, was holding Xiao Yan back. He didn't know how much energy he had to spend to catch up with others, and many of his In fact, in the eyes of people with advanced skills, hard work may be as simple as eating and drinking water.

Xiao Yan's talent is naturally the best among the best, but it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. If you only hold a yellow-level skill in your hand, no matter how talented you are, it will be in vain.

The refining process of the strange fire has also ended. When Xiao Yan swallowed the strange fire just now, the colorful little snake that took the opportunity to hide on the medicine mandarin sprouted its little head. Its lavender eyes were curious and ignorant. Looking at everything in front of me.

Yao Wan stretched out her hand, pulled out the colorful snake wrapped around her wrist, and threw it to Xiao Yan.

Away from the yarrow, the colorful little snake showed a trace of disappointment visibly to the naked eye.

"This little guy seems to like you more than me, Miss Wan."

Xiao Yan looked at the eagerly looking colorful little snake and couldn't help but smile.

"She just likes the scent of the flame of life. Warcraft's perception of life is more acute than humans, so it's understandable that she clings to me."

Yao Wan said: "If you don't believe me, why don't you try releasing the breath of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire? There are snake spirits of the same kind among the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, and they will also like you."


Yao Wan raised his brows, and then released the aura of Ten Thousand Beasts Spiritual Fire. The colorful little snake was stunned. Looking at Xiao Yan in front of him, he couldn't help but tilted his head. He seemed to be very confused about Xiao Yan who suddenly showed the same kind of aura. .

Xiao Yan blinked, it was really like this...

However, even if Xiao Yan showed the aura of the beast spirit fire, perhaps because there was too much beast spirit aura in it, the colorful little snake was a little dizzy, so it didn't take long for it to cast its expectant gaze in front of it again. of yarrow.

Seeing this, Yaowan had no choice but to separate out a wisp of life's energy, turn it into a small piece of grass and place it in front of the colorful little snake. The little snake suddenly became happy and was not in a hurry to eat, but just wrapped its tail around the little snake. A small leaf, very happy.

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