"That's natural."

Yao Wan saw Nalan Yanran's reaction and had already expected it.

Anyway, she didn't think Nalan Yanran would reject her at all. After all, she had a particularly strong obsession with becoming stronger. But now, except for the improvement in fighting spirit, no one can bring her sword power. Naturally, this made her anxious.

She is not the kind of person who can sit back and relax, so she would take the bait... Ah, no, isn't it already expected that she would agree?

"In that case, go and tell your teacher, and we'll set off right now."

Yao Wan didn't say much nonsense, then stood up and said.

"no problem."

Nalan Yanran was naturally very happy to have Yao Wan by her side, and went out without saying anything more.

After Nalan Yanran left, the Xiyang-like smile on Yao Wan's face slowly disappeared. Well, having said that, she had to make more preparations.

Xiao Yan has Yao Lao there, so she is not worried.

As for Nalan... then he needs to worry more.

Yao Wan was thinking in her heart, and not long after, the door was pushed open again.

Nalan Yanran approached the door and said with a smile: "I have already told the teacher, as long as I come back before the three-year appointment, you can rest assured."

"Well, that's no problem."

Yaowan then smiled.

"Where are we going? Could it be that you want to take me to the Warcraft Mountains to hunt Warcraft?"

Nalan Yanran said curiously, if there were disciples of the Yunlan Sect standing here now, they would probably be shocked.

The young sect leader, who was usually serious in his sect and always immersed in cultivation, now naturally showed a faint smile.

It seemed that for her, going out for a trial with Yao Wan was as relaxing and comfortable as going out for an outing compared to the trial.

"Warcraft Mountains? Who would go to a place like that?"

Yaowan shook his head and said, "I'll take you to a more interesting place this time."

"More interesting?"

Nalan Yanran still doesn't know what Yao Wan means by this more interesting place, but judging from her understanding of Yao Wan, she imagines it to be some kind of difficult or even dangerous place, right?

"...Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. Anyway, you will know after a while."

Yaowan said with a smile.

Nalan Yanran saw that Yao Wan was still being secretive, and couldn't help but shook her head, forget it, she will always know when she gets there anyway.

Nalan Yanran and Yao Wan set out from Yunlan Mountain, but the direction Yao Wan took was very strange. Nalan Yanran didn't even know where Yao Wan was going to take her.

But as soon as the two of them flew out of Yunlan Mountain, Yaowan stopped.

"What's wrong? I just arrived in the imperial capital and I won't leave."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but ask.

"It's not that I won't leave, it's just that it's a waste of time to go there like this."

Yaowan turned around, and then scanned the surroundings with her pale golden eyes. Everything was normal.

"Don't shout too loudly when you leave later."

"Shouting too loudly...?"

Nalan Yanran murmured softly for a while, but she saw a deep whirlpool suddenly opened behind Yaowan.

She immediately opened her eyes wide, looking at the vortex, as if she was watching the space itself collapse, turning into a huge undercurrent that suddenly rolled up under the calm water, sucking her in forever, with no way to break free.

"——Don't move around. If you move around, I won't be able to protect you in the broken space, although I guess you won't be able to move around since you're locked in the space."

Fortunately, Nalan Yanran did not cry out in shame, but even so, her wide-open eyes that shrunk to the size of pinheads still showed that her heart was far from as calm as it seemed.

As soon as Yao Wan finished speaking, the vortex of space wrapped around their bodies, submerged them, and then disappeared into the clear sky.

Immediately, everything returned to calm.


The Black Corner Territory is a hot land located in the northwest continent that is full of vitality and where everything thrives.

Due to the special location advantages and the excellent matching mechanism of the northwest region of Douqi Continent, many empires in the northwest continent are unable to form effective actual control over this region, and they are unwilling to let this area connecting the important places from south to north be lost to other countries. The empire encroached on it, and after so many years of intensive cultivation here, it finally became the famous sign of the Black Corner Territory.

Because this vast area is surrounded by mountains and is filled with wilderness, but is connected by transportation belts as blood vessels, it has almost become one of the most chaotic areas in the entire continent. Countless fleeing strong men from various countries have ended up here, forming the most chaotic area. Barbaric rules. In addition, besides humans, various races from the continent are gathered here. It is like a small miniature version of the continent.

Here, except for the mountains and cities built by various forces, only the primitive law of the jungle prevails here, where the weak eat the strong.

At the same time, this is also the intelligence exchange center for the entire northwest continent. Information from the entire continent will be gathered here, and then sent to every corner of the northwest continent by those who are willing and able to survive here.

All in all, it is an area with no regard for anything.

Xiao Yan, who was wearing a mask, walked on the streets here and quickly felt the atmosphere.

The chaotic environment makes this place a breeding ground for malice, which is annoying.

Walking through the streets here, even if I didn't want to cause trouble, I was forced to break the legs of a few guys who wanted to take advantage of the situation.


Xiao Yan gently exhaled a breath of turbid air. He was still a little uncomfortable wearing the mask that Miss Wan gave him. Then he punched the Xuan Zhong ruler in his hand and pressed the legs of the strong man on the ground together. The disgusting blood foam provoked him to scream.

"It's so noisy."

Xiao Yan frowned, his already not so comfortable mood became a little more irritable, and then he slapped the strong man to death with one ruler.

"Teacher, where is the place Miss Wan is talking about?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask as he fiddled with the small piece of cloth in his hand.

In Xiao Yan's hand, lying quietly was a piece of tattered cloth about the size of a palm. Although it looked like parchment that had been left for too long, it would be torn if you were not careful.

But in fact, although Xiao Yan has never tried this before - this piece of cloth seems to be much tougher than he imagined. Unless he uses strange fire, there is no special method that can tear it apart and tear it apart. Destructive.

Yaowan gave this to him before leaving, and told him: "Take this piece of cloth and keep walking, it will be the final test."

Although Xiao Yan was confused by Yao Wan's words, he still chose to follow it, just going around in circles. Apart from making him a little confused, there were no clues.

"Girl, since I only want you to go first, I think you are already prepared. Just do it."

Yao Lao's eyes looked at the piece of cloth in Xiao Yan's hand, and a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes that were not cloudy.

Regarding the origin of this mysterious piece of cloth, Yao Lao's eyesight can actually get a glimpse of it.

That is something that can only be spread among powerful ethnic groups from ancient times.

The ancient words above can only be understood by the inheritors of the ancient bloodline after breaking through a certain level... Even so, Yao Lao can barely distinguish one or two words in it with the help of his soul. After all, he He is just an outcast in the clan, and has not experienced the most orthodox bloodline awakening ceremony in the clan. Now even the body carrying that bloodline has long since disappeared in the betrayal of the past.

Yao Lao's eyes dimmed slightly, and he looked at the ancient words without saying a word.


What he recognized was just one of the characters.

Just, Xiao?

If you associate the ancient characters with the ethnic groups inherited from ancient times, the word "Xiao" will naturally point to the only answer.

The Xiao clan, one of the ancient ethnic groups in the past, later disappeared in the long river of history.

Xiao clan, Xiao, Xiao Yan.

He murmured something secretly in his heart, and Yao Lao couldn't help but sigh that it was time and destiny.

Even though he disappeared for who knows how many years, this thing buried in the deepest part of his blood has never been forgotten.

Is this also the reason why the girl wants to give this thing to Xiao Yan?

After all, no matter how smart she is, she is not of the Xiao clan's bloodline.

It would be most appropriate to leave this kind of thing to Xiao Yan.

"...By the way, Xiao Yan."

Yao Lao suddenly thought of a possibility and said, "Bite your finger and put a drop of blood on it to see."

"no problem?"

Xiao Yan was a little worried that his own blood would contaminate the piece of cloth of unknown origin, and in the end he broke it.

But then I thought about it and it seemed a bit unreasonable. After all, even if it was burned with strange fire, it would have to be burned for a while, and there was no reason for it to be so brittle——

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan was suddenly heartbroken. He bit his finger and a drop of blood dripped out, which stained the yellowed soft cloth. As expected, a line dyed red by Xiao Yan's blood appeared on the cloth. The blood stain was not a slowly spreading circle that could be seen normally, but a blood-red character appeared on the surface of the cloth at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Yao Lao's voice trembled, seriously.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and he could feel that he seemed to have some kind of resonance with the piece of cloth.

It was a resonance originating from the depths of his bloodline, which made Xiao Yan feel a throbbing that followed his bloodline and his heart.

It is sorrow and weeping.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but cover his forehead subconsciously.

"What's wrong? Xiao Yan?"

"Well...it's okay, I just felt a little dazed suddenly."

After hearing Yao Lao's voice, Xiao Yan immediately recovered from his trance, and then he couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said.

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