Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 183 How did you meet her?

Staring at the faint cold light above his head, Xiao Yan retracted his gaze and turned to look at everything under the cave hall.

The cool gleam fell on the surrounding rocks, illuminating the huge cave hall.

Xiao Yan was not in a hurry to go in. Although it was a relic left by his predecessors, there was no guarantee that there would not be any mechanism set up to prevent outsiders from disturbing it.

"……What's wrong?"

Nalan Yanran rarely travels outside. When she leaves Yunlan Sect, she either visits her family in the Imperial Capital or participates in some necessary sect activities on behalf of her master.

For example, if that incident had not happened in Yancheng, she would probably have been sent by her teacher to celebrate the birthday of Elder Mo Cheng of the Mo family.

It’s just that what happened next was known to the whole country in the Jiama Empire.

The Mo family in Yancheng didn't know who offended the evil god. In the end, no one in the entire family was left alive. Their meridians burst and their heads bloomed.

As a result, the entire Yancheng was covered in the disgusting and sticky smell of blood for more than a month, which shocked the Gama royal family and Yunlan Sect, and they must find the real culprit of this tragedy no matter what.

It's just that all this has nothing to do with her. She just heard about it, and she doesn't know what happened.

She just subconsciously felt it was a little strange. After all, she knew exactly who the strong men were in the Jia Ma Empire, but there was really no one who could do such a thing silently.

I guess it can only be done by strong people outside the empire... That's really strange. If it's a strong person outside the empire, how could it be that the Mo family is just a mere fighting spirit?

Xiao Yan's words immediately brought back Nalan Yanran's thoughts: "Any relic left by the predecessors will most likely have some traps and mechanisms, some may just be warnings, and some may be deadly things at first sight."

Xiao Yan stretched out his hand, and the dim yellow flames in his hand gradually gathered into a beast spirit, rushing straight towards the end of the cave hall.

There was no toxin in the air here, and the dark purple flame burning quietly at Xiao Yan's fingertips was extinguished.

Nalan Yanran looked at the strange-colored flames emerging from Xiao Yan's hand with some curiosity.

It always pays to know yourself and your enemy.

Although there really wasn't much to talk about with Liu Ling, Nalan Yanran also gained some knowledge of some of the common sense of alchemists during her interactions with him.

For example, the deeper the fighting spirit flame, the more proficient it is.

This is not just limited to alchemists, most of those who practice fire attribute techniques will also apply to such rules.

But this was the first time Nalan Yanran saw two different colors of flames appear on the same person.

Two different colors, dim yellow and deep purple, swirled together and gradually disappeared at the end, which made Nalan Yanran very curious.

Could it be that this is the rumored strange fire?

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. She heard that a few days ago, Dan King Guhe had summoned many powerful men from the Jiama Empire to go to the Tagor Desert to search for strange fires, but they returned in vain.

...I didn’t expect to meet him in a place like this.

Nalan Yanran crossed her arms, maybe the origin of the strange fire had something to do with her, right? If she treats herself like this, it is naturally impossible for her to treat Xiao Yan any worse.

"It seems there is no mechanism, let's go."

When the beast spirit turned into a ball of dim flames and flew back to Xiao Yan's fingertips, he raised his head and said.


Nalan Yanran remained silent and just followed silently.

Regarding this girl Qingran, Xiao Yan did have some thoughts about chatting with her. However, whenever he secretly caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye, she always seemed to keep strangers away and deliberately kept a distance from him. posture, and with a touch of hostility.

Xiao Yan felt aggrieved for no reason. He didn't seem to have done anything, right?

But Nalan Yanran didn't give him this chance. They passed through the huge cave hall and reached the depths of the cave hall.

At the same time, they all noticed the huge blue crystal above their heads. Xiao Yan couldn't help but subconsciously raised his head and looked at the huge blue crystal carefully. The material like ice that had not melted for thousands of years emits ice blue. The dim light of color is deep yet translucent.

He couldn't help but wonder what this thing was. It couldn't be something like a moonstone. Xiao Yan still had some eyesight.

The space they were in now was not so much a cave hall under the cave as it was just a mezzanine between the rock formations and the huge crystal above their heads.

"Teacher, do you know what this is?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

Yao Lao pondered for a moment, but did not rush to answer.

"I can guess more or less, but I still need to confirm whether it is what I guessed."

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan raise his eyebrows.

"You should continue walking inside first. Even if this thing is really what I know, it is not something you can use at will."

Yao Lao shook his head and said immediately.


Xiao Yan nodded. Although he was confused, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, compared to the strange scenery in front of him, what he cared about more was what was buried here.

It's not some legendary martial arts or fighting skills, but the secret here.

In Xiao Yan's knowledge, he came to Wutan City when he was very young and grew up there.

Even from the mouths of the elders, they only vaguely knew that when grandpa was still alive, the Xiao family was a big family located in the Jia Ma Imperial Capital, and it was not far behind the big families in the Imperial Capital today.

This is his memory.

However, through the small piece of cloth that Miss Wan gave him, and having his own bloodline connected with it, Xiao Yan realized that the roots of his family might be much more than that.

Thinking about it, if the ruins here were really established by his predecessors, then they would probably be relics that had long been forgotten among the oral traditions of their fathers.

Only if his surname is engraved in the blood can he awaken it at this moment.

But this is just Xiao Yan's guess, not the truth.

He could only vaguely feel what he had felt before and barely guessed that perhaps the Xiao family had suffered some changes before coming to the Jia Ma Empire.

And his actions at this moment are tantamount to verifying the authenticity of this speculation.

Walking in the cave, Xiao Yan noticed that there were rock walls all around the cave that were burned by flames, melted into magma, and then solidified again.

This trace is particularly obvious but also very strange. The rock structure inside the cave hall is clear, but there is such a trace...

While walking towards the deepest part of the cave, Xiao Yan couldn't help but stop.

"What's wrong?"

Nalan Yanran asked from behind Xiao Yan.

"It's nothing, it's just that there might have been a violent fire in this cave before we came."

Xiao Yan knocked on the stone pillar that melted halfway and then stopped suddenly, and said.

"Then if you think about it, is it possible that all the things left here in the past were burned cleanly?"

"——Not necessarily."

Xiao Yan withdrew his palm and said: "We haven't finished exploring this yet, and we are not in a hurry to draw a conclusion."

"Is this... really a relic left by the people of the past?"

The two of them continued walking inside, but Nalan Yanran took the initiative to break the somewhat strange silence between them after a long silence.

The doubts in her heart naturally had their reasons. It was not that she really doubted Xiao Yan, but that she realized that if the Xiao family's relics had been left here in the Black Corner Territory, what kind of existence was the Xiao family in the past? ?

Isn't the Xiao family originally a family in the imperial capital?

The doubts in your mind will soon lead to different answers, and new questions will emerge.

"Of course I didn't lie to Miss Qingran - but if you don't believe it, then there's nothing I can do."

"That's not the case."

Nalan Yanran shook her head subconsciously. She didn't know why. Although she didn't like Xiao Yan very much, she somehow never doubted Xiao Yan's character.


When Nalan Yanran came to her senses, she felt a little weird.

Perhaps because she had the courage to divorce her in front of the Xiao family, she subconsciously realized what kind of person he would be.

Regarding this point, Yaowan actually mentioned it to her more than once.

Because of this, now that she has learned to restrain her sharpness and temper, Nalan Yanran has gradually learned the calm thinking mentioned by Yao Wan.

If you put aside your position, Xiao Yan's original behavior was understandable and even fit her temper very well, but she happened to be the one who played the villain.

Because of this, Nalan Yanran, apart from being hostile to Xiao Yan as an opponent, does not have any resentment. If anything, she might be a little jealous.

After all, it was the person in front of her who met her first, and it was largely because of him that she met her. If not, there wouldn't have been much interaction between her and Yao Wan.

From this perspective, Nalan Yanran really couldn't tell whether she should thank him or hate him.

"It's better to go inside first and see what's going on."

Xiao Yan said, and Nalan Yanran followed immediately.

"...How did you and her meet?"

This question had been lingering in Nalan Yanran's mind for a long time, but after brewing in silence for a long time, she finally couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and couldn't help but ask.


On the way, Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, but he didn't know where to start.

"What's wrong? Isn't it convenient to say?"

Nalan Yanran's tone rose slightly. She didn't want to say anything. Anyway, she just asked casually. It was nothing special.


Xiao Yan coughed lightly and then said: "It's not inconvenient...forget it, since Miss Qingran wants to hear..."

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