Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 202 Father and son reunited

Xiao Zhan was actually used to it.

I have to accept some things because of the decline of my family.

In his opinion, there is an unclear relationship between the decline of the Xiao family and him as the head of the family.

His father had a son in old age and gave birth to him, but he did not inherit his father's excellent cultivation talent. When he was young and had just started a family, his father passed away, and he had to bear the burden of a family before he matured.

His talent for cultivation, which was not very good in the first place, coupled with the heavy burden of the entire family, fell on him after Xiao Lin, the pillar of the family, collapsed. He was already overwhelmed just dealing with family affairs, let alone cultivation.

Because of this, Xiao Zhan understood early on the iron rule that strength is respected in Dou Qi Continent.

The glory of our fathers in the past is destined to melt as quickly as the ice and snow in spring, and all that remains is the still biting cold wind in early spring.

This is Xiao Zhan's year as the leader.

He had to make a choice to give up the favorable environment of the Imperial Capital. In order to reduce the huge pressure faced by his family from all aspects, he was forced to move out of the Imperial Capital and come to a small town with less pressure than the Imperial Capital. Wutan City.

Obviously his father, Xiao Lin, wanted him to become more courageous and persevering as he fought, but unfortunately, he, named Xiao Zhan, could only be forced to push through the waves, barely maintaining the peace of the family.

This is probably his own sorrow.

Therefore, Xiao Zhan actually didn't care that much about Nalan Yanran's breakup of the engagement.

During these many years, because of his incompetence, he had to deal with many serious things.

It's just that Yan'er has become successful and doesn't have to suffer the same humiliation as him. It doesn't matter what happens to him. He just hopes that all this will end with him. The Xiao family has been silent in his hands for decades, but it should not be in the hands of the next generation. The silence continued.

"I don't blame you, niece Nalan. Since you have no fate with Yan'er, I will naturally not force it. The dispute between you will ultimately be resolved by yourself. Others can't change anything."

Xiao Zhan shook his head and said.

"Okay, go quickly - if Yan'er bumps into you later, I'm afraid he may have misunderstood you. A three-year agreement is enough, but there is no need to add to the grudges between you and him. It’s been a lot of twists and turns.”

"...Well, thank you Uncle Xiao Zhan."

Nalan Yanran lowered her head slightly, then turned around and left quickly.

In a sense, perhaps the connection between father and son does exist.

When Xiao Zhan proposed this hypothesis in front of Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan had actually been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Not long after Ya Fei took Qing Lin out, Xiao Yan came back after completing the Alchemist Conference competition.

With the alien fire and soul skills, he is far superior to alchemists of the same level in terms of fire and soul control. In the alchemist conference, he is a dimension-reducing strike-like existence. Therefore, he is not only the first to succeed. For the task of refining medicine, the quality of the elixir is also undoubtedly the best.

Competing with alchemists of the same level was naturally no challenge to Xiao Yan. He was so bored that he naturally came back as soon as possible.

As a result, as soon as she came back, before she could even walk in, she saw Nalan Yanran bowing her head to admit her mistake and solemnly apologizing to her father who shouldn't be here.

Xiao Yan couldn't believe his eyes, and even couldn't help but secretly said: "Teacher...Am I hallucinating something?"

"Hallucination? Do you think it's possible? I'm still here."

Yao Lao's shadow appeared next to Xiao Yan, and at the same time he couldn't help but glance at the beautiful beauty bowing in the yard.

Yao Lao was not surprised that Nalan Yanran would reach this point.

But for Xiao Yan, this may not be something that can be easily accepted.

"...What, you can't believe it?"


Xiao Yan was silent for a moment and explained: "It's just a little unexpected."

Yao Lao couldn't help but smile and shook his head. Wasn't it unexpected because he didn't expect it?

"It seems that the changes in this girl doll in the past three years have been completely transformed."

Yao Lao said.

"But even if there are big changes, they can't change the established facts."

Xiao Yan frowned slightly. Despite the initial surprise and shock, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

——No, why did Nalan Yanran and her father appear here?

My father always had Ya Fei as a bridge, but what about Nalan Yanran?

Yafei knew the conflict between her and herself, and would definitely not bring her here casually.



Xiao Yan raised his hand and rubbed his slightly frowned eyebrows, unless one of them was hiding something that he didn't know about.

After that, her father and Nalan Yanran didn't chat for too long. Nalan Yanran easily bowed again and left.

Xiao Yan used Yao Lao's soul power as a barrier to isolate Nalan Yanran's perception, and the beautiful beauty just passed by him without noticing.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath - what on earth is going on...

After confirming that Nalan Yanran would not come back, Xiao Yan naturally did not want to stand at the door. After removing Yao Lao's disguise, he walked into the gate of the small courtyard.

"Father, are you here?"

Xiao Yan walked up quickly, and then took off the mask on his face that was used to hide his aura. He hadn't seen his father for more than two years. Although this reunion was such an unexplainable turmoil, he still felt that in his heart I have been thinking about my father and the home I haven’t returned to for a long time.


Xiao Zhan stood in the yard with a slightly solemn expression, obviously thinking about what happened to Nalan Yanran just now, but he didn't expect Yan'er to come back by such a coincidence.


Although he was still thinking about what secrets Nalan Yanran was hiding before entering, when Xiao Yan took off his mask and appeared in front of Xiao Zhan, he rarely felt relaxed.

Looking at Xiao Yan standing in front of him, compared to the young boy who was still young at the beginning, Xiao Yan, who is now gradually losing his youthfulness, looks much more mature. Xiao Zhan's face has a trace of his father's tenderness.

"Long time no see, Yan'er seems to have lost weight again."

Xiao Zhan looked up and down at his beloved youngest son. As the youngest son he loved most, it was not like the two brothers Xiao Ding and Xiao Li who supported each other and took charge of the family early. Xiao Yan often asked Xiao Yan to help him since he left Wutan City. Zhan is worried and worried.

"Have you lost weight? I never seemed to gain weight, right?"

Xiao Yan joked, and Xiao Zhan was also amused by his son's witticism. It seemed that he had become a lot more cheerful after not seeing each other for these years, and finally he was no longer as lifeless as when he was silent.

"How has Yan'er been doing these days?"

"——Everything is fine. Since I left Wutan City, I have been to the Warcraft Mountains and the Tagor Desert to join my two brothers. After that, I practiced with great concentration for more than a year, and then I arrived at the Imperial Capital——and my father You see, I am already in the fighting spirit realm now."

Xiao Yan, who had always been as brilliant as a rising star in front of others, now looked like a child who had not yet grown up in front of his father. He wanted to show his father one by one all his gains and achievements over the years.

But he didn't want to scare his father, so even when he showed his fighting spirit aura, he restrained his aura.

"Okay, very good! The last time our Xiao family had a strong person at the level of fighting spirit or above, it was all in your grandfather's time. You have done a very good job, Yan'er."

Xiao Zhan nodded happily. He was particularly pleased that Yan'er could live up to his expectations.

Xiao Yan, on the other hand, noticed that Xiao Zhan didn't seem to feel anything strange because of his own aura. He couldn't help but blinked, and with a bit of joy, he suddenly said: "Father, is it possible for you too?"

"Haha... But I just took advantage of Miss Wan'er's generous gift of medicine. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to fight for the spirit."

Xiao Zhan smiled happily, and then released his fighting spirit. The fighting spirit was fierce and fierce, just like a lion holding its head high, and it was no less than Xiao Yan's fighting spirit.

Xiao Yan estimated with his own eyes that his father's current level was almost a three- to four-star fighting spirit.

With Dou Ling in charge of the family, Wutan City must have become the Xiao family's world now, and the embarrassing days of fighting for food with others in the cracks have finally come to an end.

Xiao Yan felt particularly happy when he thought that not only had his cultivation finally improved again, but his family had also grown and grown unknowingly.

Although most of the memories left to him by most people in the Xiao family are the cold treatment in those silent years, no matter what, Xiao Yan has always believed that he is still a member of the Xiao family. Since he is a member of the Xiao family, he will also be a member of the Xiao family in the future. Fallen leaves inevitably return to their roots.

"——Oh, by the way, where is Miss Wan'er now?"

After chatting with Xiao Yan just now, Xiao Zhan suddenly remembered the serious business he had to do no matter what when he came to the imperial capital this time.

"Miss Wan?"

When Xiao Yan saw his father asking about Miss Wan, he couldn't help but be startled. He thought what happened to Miss Wan, but he didn't hide it. He just said: "Miss Wan is in the inner room of the small courtyard. She has been practicing these days, day and night. I I haven’t seen Miss Wan in a few days... What’s wrong with you, Father? "

Seeing that Xiao Yan still looked confused, Xiao Zhan was surprised and happy. He couldn't help but hold Aizi's hand and sit in front of the stone table, saying, "What's wrong? Is it possible that Yan'er doesn't know about this?"

"This thing? What this thing?"

Xiao Zhan's words made Xiao Yan confused. Did he miss something important again? No? He has been staying with Miss Wan these days. How can he not know what Miss Wan knows?

Seeing Xiao Yan's confused expression, Xiao Zhan immediately understood what was going on. No need to say more, he simply started from the beginning: "Actually, the thing is quite simple - almost a year ago , not long after I was promoted to Dou Ling, Miter Auction House in Wutan City suddenly approached the Xiao family and wanted to have long-term cooperation with our family."

"Although I was surprised, I still chose to contact them, but I didn't expect that the prices offered by the other party far exceeded my imagination, or in other words, exceeded the limit of resource circulation in the entire Wutan City."

"I was shocked. At first I thought this was a way for the Mittel Auction House to defraud our families and squeeze out profits. But I didn't expect that before the business was concluded, they would directly transfer their resources to us. The family members were sent one by one, and it happened that the person in charge of this trip was the girl from the Miter family whom you also met, named Ya Fei. I asked her several times why she helped our Xiao family so much, guess what? What did she say in the end?"

"……How to say?"

Hearing Xiao Zhan's words, Xiao Yan came to his senses. Why should the Miter family be so considerate? The Xiao family is just a small family located in a small area of ​​Wutan City. How can there be anything they value? ?

If I have to say it - could it be Hai Bodong?

Apart from the powerful Dou Huang who was known as the Ice Emperor decades ago, Xiao Yan really couldn't think of any other worthy connection between him and the Miter family.

Despite the result, Xiao Zhan's words still made Xiao Yan involuntarily stunned: "She said, 'Entrusted by a noble person', nothing else."

"——Entrusted by your noble lord?"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know about the nobles of the Miter family, but if we were talking about the nobles of Haibodong... wouldn't that be Miss Wan?


Even Xiao Yan couldn't help but open his eyes. The rise of the Xiao family in recent days was due to Miss Wan's help?

No, then how come he doesn’t know about this at all?

Seeing that Xiao Yan was slowly dumbfounded, Xiao Zhan didn't explain much, and just said: "Yan'er, you and I both know that the Xiao family is related to the current Xiao family, and the only one who can be called a noble is Miss Wan'er. Alright?"

"Miss Wan'er has not only helped you practice and guided you these days, but the Xiao family is also taking care of you now. Such kindness is really hard to repay."

Xiao Zhan shook his head, while Xiao Yan was still in the short period of time when his brain was shut down.

"No, what if I admit it wrong?...Father, please let me think about it first--"

Xiao Yan held his forehead, this sudden information was unexpected to him, and now he understood more or less why Miss Wan had a headache.

Before the father and son could finish speaking, there was a sound of footsteps in the alley outside the door.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan could only temporarily stop the unfinished topic and look outside the door.

The visitors were naturally Ya Fei and Qing Lin.

It’s just that Yafei is still wearing the alluring fox fur and cheongsam, and the pretty girl next to her has also put on a more beautiful dress than the simple Tsing Yi before, so that because of her ordinary clothes on weekdays, Coupled with Qinglin's fear of strangers and her habit of deliberately avoiding people's eyes, today's girl actually has a sense of déjà vu as Cinderella has transformed into a princess.

The two of them were chatting when they came back, but when they came back, they saw that Xiao Yan had already returned, and they couldn't help but be startled.

"Master Xiao Yan is back!"

Qing Lin immediately walked quickly to Xiao Yan, while Xiao Yan looked at Qing Lin's beautiful clothes with a smile, and couldn't help but said: "It's time to put on some clothes that Qing Lin should wear... Really pretty."

eight thousand

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