Seeing the strange-colored flames that appeared from the flames of life leaping out of Yaowan's palm, Xiao Yan had never encountered such a situation before and couldn't help but frown.

"What's this?"

Xiao Yan asked subconsciously.

"Death - the precipitated death is simply like the diametrically opposite sediment of the flame of life that symbolizes the power of life."

Yao Lao also stepped forward to join in the fun, and then gave his own judgment.

"——It's too dangerous. How could something like this appear in a girl's hands?"

Yao Lao shook his head and said.

Yaowan couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this, and said: "To be precise, this thing is not in my hands, but in the depths of my heart."

Xiao Yan was even more shocked by Yao Wan's words. Naturally, he knew very well how important the heart was to a person. If something went wrong at all, he would be reduced to a useless person at the least, or on the spot at the worst. How could something so dangerous, sudden death, be deep in her heart?

" could it be?"

Xiao Yan was obviously a little unbelievable. Even he would not have his mind filled with water and stuff the strange fire into his heart.

Yao Wan rolled her eyes at him and couldn't help but said: "Do you think I would joke with you about this kind of thing?"

Xiao Yan thought about it and it seemed that it was indeed the case, but he would rather Yao Wan was making fun of him.

"If you ask me where this thing came from...didn't I take you to the ruins left by your family a long time ago?"

Yao Wan suddenly said.

"Well, Miss Wan swallowed the remains of the Yin and Yang flames in that place, transforming the flame of life from fire into an independent strange fire... What happened?"

Xiao Yan practiced Fen Jue, and now he was exposed to more than one kind of strange fire. Naturally, his understanding of strange fire was also unusually familiar.

"Well, that's the problem."

Yaowan held her forehead and said.

"It seems that because I swallowed the residue of the Yin and Yang dual flames, the flame of life was also affected by the polar nature of the Yin and Yang dual flames, and differentiated into this thing."

"Ah? So is this the reason why Miss Wan has always had this little problem?"

"Guessed it right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

She explained, then looked at Xiao Yan and asked, "Does Xiao Yan feel anything special?"


Xiao Yan shook his head. He glanced at Yao Lao subconsciously, and then said with some hesitation: "This flame feels different from the ordinary strange fire. It is not as violent as the ordinary strange fire."

"Of course I know that. If it gets violent, I'm afraid my life will be at risk."

Yao Wan couldn't help but said, and Yao Lao suddenly said: "I think this is probably because this mysterious flame was born directly in the girl's body. Although it is located deep in the girl's heart, it has an extraordinary fit with you since birth. Therefore, it does not pose any threat to you."

"At any rate, it was born out of the strange fire you warmed in your heart. Even the precipitated death is far milder than the ordinary strange fire. Of course, this situation is probably limited to you, girl. Such danger It's something that ordinary people will die if they get even the tiniest bit of it."

"Really? I originally planned to let Xiao Yan try to see if he could refine it."

Yao Wan really didn't realize this. She couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan.

"This is not okay."

Yao Lao shook his head and said.

"This is too risky for both Xiao Yan and you."

"Although Xiao Yan has indeed refined several kinds of strange fire, this nameless strange fire is too special, whether it is the sediment of death itself or the position deep in your heart, girl, it is too special. "

"Whether it is Xiao Yan who is trying to refine it, or the girl, such behavior is too dangerous. It can be said that if there is a slight mistake, the flame will immediately start to resist desperately, and the first one will be unable to hold on. It must be the girl."

Xiao Yan looked at Yao Wan. In fact, he knew that if he wanted to refine the flame, he would most likely cause the flame to resist and directly use Yao Wan's body as a battlefield. This would hurt her. , Xiao Yan is naturally unwilling to do anything.

"Does this mean that Xiao Yan can't refine it?"

Yao Wan was a little irritated. After all, during this period, she was really upset by the little problem caused by the conflict between the two different fires. She thought it could be solved at least, but she didn't expect that even the prerequisites were wrong.

"It's too dangerous for you, girl. If there is something wrong with a person's heart, you will know it very well."

Yao Lao shook his head, then pondered for a moment, and said, "In other words, if possible, it would be best for you, girl, to refine this flame yourself."

"This flame is born out of the two extreme characteristics of yin and yang. In essence, it is still integrated with the flame of life. Therefore, if you refine it, it is unlikely to cause problems like other people refining multiple kinds of strange fires."

"It's just that no one has ever experienced the process. This is your unique adventure and opportunity. How to use it is entirely up to you."

Yao Lao said seriously.

Yao Wan also quickly adjusted her state. Knowing that it was a blessing or not a disaster, she nodded her head lightly and said: "Well, I understand, thank you Yao Lao for your enlightenment. "

"Haha, it's not enough to say it's enlightenment. It's just that the authorities are confused and the onlookers are clear."

Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan, pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but smile: "As for Xiao Yan, although there is no way to help you refine the flames within, there is no problem in using the Burning Jue technique to help you suppress it."

"Really? Burning Jue still has this effect?"

Yao Wan was surprised, and Xiao Yan became energized when he saw that he could help.

"Of course it's true."

Yao Lao smiled and said: "The Burning Jue itself evolves by devouring strange fires, but this does not mean that it only picks out strange fires."

"Whether it is animal fire or any man-made strange flame burning technique, it can certainly be refined and devoured, but these are not as good as the natural fire of all things."

"It's just that the flame on the girl's body, as far as I can see, can no longer be defined as an ordinary artificial flame."

"Whether it is the flame of life as the main body or the residue of the yin and yang twin flames that induces qualitative change, they are not man-made. Even if the flame born from it is called a strange fire, it is nothing."

"And since it is fire, the flames burning in the girl's body must have a suppressive effect."

Xiao Yan was undoubtedly moved by Yao Lao's words, and couldn't help but look at Yao Wan, but Yao Wan didn't resist much.

"Well, what Yao Lao said, I can guess more or less."

"But since it works, why not give it a try?"

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan in front of her and asked.

How could Xiao Yan refuse? It was rare to be able to help Miss Wan, so Xiao Yan naturally seemed very positive.

"I don't have any problems...but what should I do? Can Miss Wan absorb the energy of my Burning Art?"

"Have you forgotten what I did when I helped you refine the strange fire?"

Yaowan and Xiao Yan sat cross-legged on the green grass face to face. Xiao Yan raised his hands after understanding and merged with Rou Yi, who was clasping his hands with the beauty in front of him.

"Xiao Yan, just run the Burning Jue, and I will take away part of the Burning Jue energy. Don't worry, I won't take away too much from you."

"It doesn't matter, Miss Wan, just use it."

It was rare that he could help her, so Xiao Yan naturally wanted to do more for her, but Yao Wan no longer cared about what he said, focusing on the fighting spirit and energy movement in his body.

Yao Wan felt the energy that belonged to Fen Jue flow into his meridians like a trickle, and the creatures' flames then emitted a burst of joy that was similar to joy.

Yao Wan was not too surprised by this. Although he had never practiced Burning Jue, it was not the first time he came into contact with Burning Jue energy. As for the close relationship between strange fire and Burning Jue energy, he had absorbed it from Xiao Yan before. When the excess energy is used to nourish the fire of living beings, Yaowan already knows.

However, Yao Wan was somewhat surprised that the energy of Burning Art could be used to suppress the unknown flame in his body.

But with Yao Wan's talent, he naturally immediately thought of what to do now.

She pulled a trace of Fenjue energy as a guide, and kept it in her body, deep in her heart, to separate the unknown black-red flame and the flame of life with a spell composed of Fenjue energy, and temporarily isolated it. The two extreme fires coming into contact will continue to have an impact on his body.

As for the black-red flame itself, as Yao Lao said, it did not have any impact on Yao Wan's body. Even after it was separated from the root system of the Yan of Life, it did not immediately expand wildly in Yao Wan's body. The territory, but it became quiet.

Naturally, Yao Wan was still not at ease, so he set up several magic seals specifically for the red and black flames before he felt relieved.

When Yao Wan slowly opened her eyes, Xiao Yan was overjoyed. Just now, he thought that Miss Wan had just taken away part of the Fen Jue energy and then stopped making any movement. Instead, he was quite worried. But now It seems that there is nothing serious.

"Miss Wan? Are you okay?"

"Well, it's okay for now."

There was a bit of relaxation in Yaowan's tone, and then the flower-like creature's flame grew again in his open palm, but this time it was obvious that there was no longer the black and red ominous aura on it.

"It's all thanks to you this time."

Yaowan held his forehead and gently pressed his temples. The trance and slight headache that would have followed immediately after using the Life Flame also disappeared.

She was secretly happy, seeing that this method really worked. Looking at Xiao Yan in front of her, she unconsciously recalled what she had dreamed about when she felt the flame for the first time.

"...Speaking of which, regarding this strange fire, I seemed to have dreamed about you some time ago, Xiao Yan."

Maybe it was just a whim, Yao Wan said.

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