On a street in the inner courtyard, Yao Wan opened the door of a spacious courtyard.

Xiao Yan and others walked into this grand courtyard together, with blue bricks and red tiles. Although it was just a simple courtyard in terms of structure, it seemed that there were inner rooms and small courtyards inside. There were even some high-rise buildings as far as the eye could see. There is a small attic overlooking the entire street, which is quite luxurious.

"...Okay, next, this is where you will live. There are many rooms, so you can allocate them among yourself."

Yao Wan personally led Xiao Yan and others here and said immediately.

"Do all the students in the inner courtyard live in this kind of place?"

Xiao Yan was slightly surprised. This did not mean that they were not staying well in the outer courtyard, but that the place they lived in was really surprisingly good.

Although Xiao Yan was asking about the medicinal herbs, they had just walked all the way and they knew very well that this kind of place was a very rare place in the inner courtyard.

Yao Wan lightly raised her embroidered eyebrows and said: "Of course not. The inner courtyard is so big. Every inch of land costs money. Even if you are the top freshmen of this class, you can't give this to you." Logically speaking, the high salary will only give you a small loft big enough for the five of you, and the rest is all up to you."

"Then this is?"

Everyone was at a loss. Elder Wan had said so, so why did he bring them here?

"This place was originally the residence arranged for me by Canaan College, but I don't think I can live in such a big place by myself, so..."

Yao Wan smiled sweetly, and suddenly, all the flowers turned pale.

"I think it's better to use it as your future base?"

"Elder Su just gave me a reward from Canaan College. As for now, let's just consider this as a special benefit."

When Yao Wan finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but fall into silence for a while.

Wu Hao and Hu Jia's eyes fell on Xiao Yan without thinking. They were really getting more and more curious now. What is the relationship between Elder Wan and Xiao Yan?

Such a large place of residence was given to them on demand, and the relationship couldn't be better.

However, this time Xiao Yan did not rush to agree: "Then we take over this place, where do you usually stay and rest?"

"The residence originally assigned to you is also in my hands, but it is just a place to stay. I will not not have a place to stay."

Yaowan said.

Xiao Yan fell into a brief silence, and then shook his head: "No, we can't do this."

"Yes, if we gain a firm foothold in the inner courtyard in the future, we can eventually find a way to raise a bigger storefront."

Xiao Xun'er also said at the right time: "There is no need to appreciate Elder Wan's kindness."

As she said that, the beautiful girl standing next to Xiao Yan slightly narrowed her eyes. No matter what, she couldn't let Brother Xiao Yan stay with this woman anymore. Otherwise, she dared to say that just now, and now she dares to say... She didn't even dare to think about giving her a place to live.

And this reason is sufficient and legitimate, so there is no need to worry at all.

All in all, this time he must keep a close eye on brother Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, and he must not let them fight with each other under his nose again.

Although Yao Wan never paid attention to Xiao Xun'er's little expression, she was noticed by Nalan Yanran who was beside her. She had an expressionless face, folded her hands on her chest, and showed an attitude that it didn't matter to her. But in the end, I couldn't help but glance at Yaowan indicatively, and reminded her with my own eyes: This little girl has a lot of opinions about you, are you sure you won't care about it?

Yaowan did feel the gaze from Nalan Yanran, but she didn't care that much.

She knew exactly what Xiao Xun'er was thinking, even if she didn't have mind-reading skills, but there was no problem in guessing it.

But I just don’t want to see my brother Xiao Yan snatched away by other bad women, especially myself. Otherwise, what else can I think about?

Thinking of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but think of how she had driven Ling Ying away after a burst of damage in the imperial capital some time ago, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry in her heart.

Really, Xiao Yan, who has told you a long time ago that he will not rob you at all, insists on making up some things that are not there. He has been repeatedly jumping in front of her eyes for more than two years. He really wants to kill her. If she gets angry, then she still insists on catching Xiao Yan, just to hang out with him in front of you and make you angry to death!

Yao Wan snorted secretly in her heart, but this was just a backup counterattack plan. As long as she didn't mess with herself, Yao Wan could get along with her peacefully.

After all, if you stay with Xiao Yan for a long time, you will get a little angry, let alone someone like her who jumps in front of Xiao Yan every day?

In short, it's just one sentence, don't be afraid, just panic.

It’s not sure who is afraid of who if we really want to pinch him.

Therefore, Yao Wan gave Nalan Yanran a calm look. Nalan Yanran understood that since she had nothing to worry about, she had nothing to say.

"Xun'er is right, this residence belongs to you, how can we have the nerve to occupy the magpie's nest?"

"Since the academy has already made arrangements, let's start from scratch. A true genius doesn't need to care about whether the start is good or bad, right? Elder Wan?"

"Then you shouldn't say this to me, keep it to yourself, genius."

With a smile on her lips, Yaowan said, "Okay then, let's go, I'll take you to your residence."

Compared with the luxurious courtyard allocated to Shi Wan by Canaan College, the residence of each freshmen seems a bit ordinary. It is not that bad, but it is different from the inner courtyard they just visited. There is a very obvious difference in the main courtyard.

A small courtyard pavilion is not particularly big, but it is not crowded, but it feels a bit warm like a sparrow although it is small but has all the internal organs.

"There are a lot of rooms here. You five can just find a room to stay."

Yao Wan said: "There are no fixed courses in the inner courtyard. There is only one opportunity to enter the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to practice collectively once a week. The rest of the time depends on your consciousness."

"So, you don't have to be too anxious. The schedules and lifestyles of the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard are very different. You have a good rest tonight. In the next few days, you can take a good look around the inner courtyard. Every corner is wonderful.”

"Also, one last thing to remind you, regarding the inner courtyard, although it is wonderful, it is not that easy to get ahead."

"A person's strength is limited. If you don't want your arms to be unable to twist your thighs, then it's best for you to have a thigh yourself."

"Yeah, we get it."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly.

"It's good to know. In that case, I won't disturb your rest. Go and have a good rest. If anything happens, just come to my place to find me."

After Yao Wan finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Xiao Xun'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as he had gotten rid of the woman. Even so, Xiao Xun'er herself didn't feel the joy of winning in the confrontation.

Obviously, life in the inner courtyard during the next period will not be so easy.

Compared with cultivation, in Xiao Xun'er's opinion, the woman Yaowan is a greater threat.

Nalan Yanran immediately said: "It just so happens that I have been fighting for seven days and I really need to take a rest. If there is anything that the collective needs to do, just knock on the door and come to me. Don't disturb me at other times."

In this regard, Xiao Yan naturally nodded with great understanding: "Thank you for your hard work. Here is the Qi Restoration Pill I refined. Nalan, feel free to use it."

As he spoke, Xiao Yan touched the ring with his hand, and a small jade bottle fell into his hand, and he threw it to Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran naturally did not refuse. She also had some understanding of Xiao Yan's alchemy skills. Although she was not as good as Yaowan, she was definitely the outstanding one among the alchemists of the same level. .

After receiving the elixir, she found a room by herself and went in to rest.

And since they were given the Nalan elixir, Xiao Yan would not favor one over the other. The other three people also received a bottle of Qi-reviving elixir from Xiao Yan.

"Then brother Xiao Yan, I'm going to rest too."

Xun'er gently took Xiao Yan's hand and shook it. Xiao Yan's doting look came back and he nodded immediately.

"Well, go ahead and have a good rest."

Hu Jia and Wu Hao also went back to their rooms to rest. After taking care of everyone, Xiao Yan exhaled a thick breath, quite a bit tired after taking charge of the family.

Soon, he returned to his room and started practicing.

This time, he was actually sitting at the rear. Except for the last two old-student teams, which were considered to be hard to crack, he basically didn’t take any action. Unlike Nalan, although he could kill everyone with just one strike of his hand, he continued to hit them. After seven days, even an iron man would be unable to hold on.

He exhaled a thick breath. The top priority now was to establish a firm foothold in the inner courtyard, and then naturally it was time to consider the matter of Fallen Xinyan.

In addition, Xiao Yan still needs to refine the spirit-melting pill and deal with Miss Wan about her return. Xiao Yan doesn't know how to deal with it now.

Thinking about it this way, there are really a lot of things going on in the inner courtyard...

Xiao Yan temporarily stopped adjusting his breath, and he gradually noticed that the colorful snake next to him seemed to have woken up.

However, it is hard to say who woke up.

Such an idea just came into Xiao Yan's mind. The colorful snake in front of him exuded a sweet red mist. Xiao Yan seemed to feel something and couldn't help but gulped.

Is she... awake?

Soon, the room, which was not too spacious, was completely covered by the sweet red mist. The intoxicating breath filled every corner of the room, making people's blood surge and their heart beat faster.

"How long have I been asleep? Human being, why haven't you refined the spirit-melting pill for me yet?"

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