The next day, after Xiao Yan got up, he heard the sound coming from the courtyard downstairs. He woke up and went downstairs, only to see Wu Hao and Hu Jia sparring.

"Brother Xiao Yan is awake?"

Xiao Xun'er was looking at the two people in front of her just now. When she heard the familiar footsteps, she couldn't help but turn around and look at Xiao Yandao.

"Well, it's almost time to rest."

Xiao Yan nodded lightly with a smile.

"Miss Wan also said yesterday that there is nothing to do today. What do Xun'er plan to do today?"

"How about Xun'er going to the inner courtyard with brother Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Xun'er has been waiting for these words for a long time.

Xiao Yan thought that it was not bad, he really needed to wander around, so he agreed to Xun'er's suggestion.


"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we went shopping together, right?"

Xiao Xun'er took the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's hand. Xiao Yan was slightly stunned, but he did not break away from her hand.

Xiao Yan allowed her to take the initiative, which naturally made Xiao Xun'er secretly happy, her beautiful eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, Xun'er, where are you going?"

At the same time, Wu Hao and Hu Jia also temporarily stopped discussing with each other and couldn't help but say.

"Then do you still need to ask?"

Hu Jia said: "Childhood sweethearts have to spend some time alone together, right?"

A blush flew up on Xiao Xun'er's pretty face.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "I just went with Xun'er to see what's going on in the inner courtyard. What are you thinking about, Hu Jia?"

"Yes - let's go and see together -"

Hu Jia was obviously very disdainful of Xiao Yan's remarks. He really got an advantage and acted like a good boy. Even if he said he was fat, he would still breathe.

Then, Hu Jia couldn't help but hinted at Xiao Xun'er, who was beside Xiao Yan, that she would torment him to death later.

But how could Xiao Xun'er be willing to treat Xiao Yan like this? Therefore, he just nodded and walked out with Xiao Yan.

But just now when he went out, Xiao Yan's original plan of accompanying Xun'er around the inner courtyard was ruined.

Almost a dozen freshmen gathered outside the door, just waiting for Xiao Yan to appear.

Although Xiao Yan was confused, he could guess that something was going on when he saw the expression on his face as if he was seeing a savior.

It was just his first day in the inner courtyard, but things came to him so quickly.

Although he couldn't help complaining in his heart, Xiao Yan would not pretend that nothing happened and continue to go shopping with Xun'er.

When I inquired about it, I found out that it was the old students who saw the freshmen coming and were trying to rip them off. The freshmen themselves had no ability to get any advantage from these old guys, but they would always learn to retaliate if they couldn't beat them. Therefore, they approached Xiao Yan, hoping that Xiao Yan could come forward on behalf of the new students, not only to seek justice, but at least not to continue to be charged protection fees by the old students.

Xiao Yan had no choice but to look at Xun'er.

Xiao Xun'er naturally knew that there was nothing that could be done about it, so she naturally didn't care about it.

Therefore, Xiao Yan had to step forward and beat away those old students.

However, this is naturally not an idea that can be solved once and for all. If the freshmen do not want to be bullied by the old students, they naturally need to establish their own power in the inner courtyard.

Therefore, from the first day when Xiao Yan and other freshmen entered the inner courtyard, the Panmen established by the freshmen came into being.

It's just that although Panmen was established, Xiao Yan naturally didn't have the time to manage it, so he just asked Nalan Yanran and the others to stabilize the freshmen, and he found a reason and went out.

Xiao Xun'er was smart and slipped out with Xiao Yan.

"Panmen has just been established. Brother Xiao Yan will be the boss now. Is it really okay?"

Xiao Xun'er originally wanted to help Xiao Yan with something, but now she was really worried. If she turned around and couldn't see Xiao Yan, and the woman came out and took advantage of the situation, there would be no place for her to cry. Crying.

So no matter what, let's keep an eye on brother Xiao Yan first...!

"I'm not good at sect management. Isn't that what people have their own strengths? Since there are people who are more suitable for managing things than me, why not do it?"

Xiao Yan crossed his arms, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said.

Of course he was talking about a certain young master of the Yunlan Sect who did not want to be named.

As the young sect leader of Yunlan Sect, Nalan Yanran was selected at a young age. Naturally, she was trained not only on her own cultivation and strength, but also on laying a solid foundation for taking over a huge sect.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for her to manage Panmen.

Besides, Nalan Yanran didn't have any objections herself, so Xiao Yan couldn't be more relieved.

"Brother Xiao Yan trusts Nalan Yanran so much?"

Xiao Xun'er seemed to have noticed something and couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Sometimes, the opponent is more trustworthy."

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, then smiled.

Although Xiao Xun'er was somewhat wary of this, she did not show her hesitation.

How to put it, she didn't think she had anything to worry about Nalan Yanran. There was basically no possibility between her and brother Xiao Yan. It would be better for her to focus all her energy on that woman.

"Where does brother Xiao Yan plan to go now?"

Xun'er walked beside Xiao Yan, and her mood relaxed a little unconsciously.

Feeling the astonishing looks of others on the street when they caught a glimpse of the two of them walking together, Xiao Xun'er remained calm, but she felt particularly happy in her heart.

"I'm planning to go to the north and have a look."

Xiao Yan twitched the tip of his nose. He didn't know if it was his imagination. He just seemed to smell a faint scent of medicine coming from not far away. Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed. He thought that there were some tricks in the inner courtyard. He must be a good alchemist.

Then why not try to refine some elixirs and sell them? It feels like a good deal.

After retracting his gaze, Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we went shopping together, right? Xun'er?"

Xun'er was startled for a moment, then nodded gently and said, "Yes, it's been more than two years..."

"This is a rare reunion. As a result, I have been either busy preparing for the inner court selection or the Fire Energy Hunting Competition."

Xiao Xun'er shook her head gently when she heard this: "It's okay, I know brother Xiao Yan is very it doesn't matter, I can understand brother Xiao Yan, as long as brother Xiao Yan always has Xun'er in his heart."

As she said this, she looked at Xiao Yan with a bit of joking and a bit of seriousness.

Xiao Yan naturally noticed Xun'er's slightly different look.

Xiao Yan was silent, but he just looked away silently.

When Xiao Xun'er saw Xiao Yan diverting his attention away from her, she felt a little sad in her heart unconsciously, but she couldn't say she was discouraged. It didn't matter. It was just her first failure. She wasn't that fragile yet.

Xiao Yan is not that slow, but whether he accepts it or not, it is not a good thing.

Therefore, it is better to pretend to be a little dull.

He sighed secretly in his heart, no matter what, this is too irresponsible.

Xiao Xun'er's question didn't get an answer. There was no words between the two of them all the way, so they arrived at the northernmost part of the inner courtyard. Here, many students from the inner courtyard gathered, seemingly queuing up to wait for something.

This is……

Xiao Yan unconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Xun'er to wait where he was, while he spread his fighting spirit wings and flew into the air to find out.

In Xiao Yan's sight, a huge black ancient tower was buried deep underground, with only a section of the tower spire and entrance exposed to the surface. It was obvious that the inner courtyard students here were waiting to enter this black ancient tower to conduct Practice.

Could it be that this is the rumored Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower?

A trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Yan's mind. At the same time, his soul power quickly explored everything around the black ancient tower. He soon noticed that there seemed to be some similar things around the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. Wrinkles caused by the distortion of air under high temperatures.

But Xiao Yan knew very well that it was not the refraction of light caused by changes in airflow, but the distortion of space that caused the phenomenon in front of him.

The power of space.

A word that can only be accessed after the Douzong realm and higher realms quickly emerged in Xiao Yan's mind.

In Xiao Yan's memory, he had only seen Miss Wan occasionally tearing open the door of space and moving long distances while on the road.

"...Teacher, what do you think?"

"It's not convenient for me to use the power of my soul to investigate. There are many powerful people in Canaan College. I'm afraid I will be discovered if I take action casually."

"However, as expected, this power of space can only be used by those who are strong in Dou Zun."

"There are not many things in this world that are worth the great efforts of Dou Zun to seal here."

Yao Lao's words immediately made Xiao Yan react: "What does the teacher mean...Falling Heart Flame?"

"It's just a guess. If you want to know the truth, you have to go in and find out."

Xiao Yan couldn't hide his excitement, and his heart was in flames. If nothing else, he would be here.

To be honest, although he himself knew not to rush for quick success, Xiao Yan was also curious about how much more powerful it would be if the fire lotus he rubbed changed from three different fires to four different fires.

According to his own estimation, with the power of the three-color fire lotus he had contracted for three years, it would not be a big problem to blow up the Dou Huang.

Then if he absorbs the Fallen Heart Flame, wouldn't he be able to fight spirits and explode Douzong?

However, this is just his own temporary imagination.

Compared with these vain people, it is better to go to the Tianfenqi Refining Tower to find out what is going on.

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan returned to Xiao Xun'er and said, "Xun'er, let's go. If nothing else happens, there will be some good things."

"What good thing is it? Brother Xiao Yan?"

A trace of curiosity flashed across Xiao Xun'er's face.

Xiao Yan took the initiative to hold Xiao Xun'er's hand, led her forward, and said, "You will know later."

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