Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 238 Xun'er: I'm going to start exerting my strength!

"...But you don't have to rush to find me in the next period of time."

Xiao Yan's words made Zi Yan a little confused, and she couldn't help but said: "Why?"

"I'm probably going to go out in the next few days."

Xiao Yan said seriously.

"Get out? You want to leave the inner courtyard?"

Zi Yan was stunned, and the sweet pills in her mouth lost their taste, and she suddenly showed a reluctant expression. Now in her eyes, Xiao Yan is just a parent who provides food and clothing. How could she let Xiao Yan go out? Said: "No, isn't the inner courtyard very good? Do you want anything? I can't live without you, Xiao Yan!"

"Are you so exaggerated..."

Seeing Zi Yan's exaggerated expression of holding her thigh and refusing to let him go, Xiao Yan's mouth twitched. Even Miss Wan and Xun'er were not as enthusiastic as her.

Fortunately for her, they haven't known each other for a long time, and they are saying one thing after another.

"Okay, it's useless for you to tell me now. I came to the medicinal material management warehouse of the inner courtyard this time just for the medicinal material called Yanluozhi."

"Now that the Yanluozhi can no longer be found in the inner courtyard, I can only try my luck in the Black Corner Domain."

Xiao Yan explained.

"That's it, okay then."

Zi Yan heard the imperative to win in Xiao Yan's tone, so naturally she couldn't stop him anymore, but soon she had other interests and couldn't help but said: "Hey, how about this? I'll follow you Let’s go to the Black Corner Domain together?”

"Then forget it."

Xiao Yan shook his head and said: "Do you think the Black Corner Territory is the inner courtyard? That ghost place is very dangerous. If I can't find Yanluozhi, I certainly don't want to go and look for it in that place."

"And what if you fancy some medicinal materials there? Forget it about Dou Wang, but as for Dou Huang and Dou Zong, aren't we still just a dish in the eyes of others?"


Xiao Yan's words indeed succeeded in convincing Zi Yan.

"Okay, okay, I won't follow you."

Zi Yan pouted, obviously not believing everything Xiao Yan said.

"If you don't go, I won't go, huh... But, when will you come back?"

Xiao Yan was slightly startled by Zi Yan's words. He pondered for a moment. After all, to be honest, he himself had not thought of this problem.

After all, he went to the Black Corner Territory just to try his luck. If he really couldn't find it, he probably wouldn't stay in such a hospitable place like the Black Corner Territory for long.

"Well, I think it will only take about seven days. If I can't find it within seven days, then I won't look for it."

Xiao Yan thought for a while and then said.

"Okay, then I won't stop you. I hope you can go and come back early. I have to save some of your pills."

As she said that, Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan's face and couldn't help but said seriously: "You must not die. If you die, what will I do?"

Xiao Yan didn't know whether Zi Yan was worried about him or cursing him.

"Okay, then I'll try not to die."

Xiao Yan nodded vigorously, thinking he was setting a reverse flag for himself.

After chatting with Zi Yan for a while, Zi Yan went back, and Xiao Yan quickly left the refining pharmacy in the inner courtyard.

Xiao Yan didn't have any bad feelings towards the little girl who took the form of a monster. On the contrary, he quite liked her. Although she was a monster, her nature was really not much different from that of a child, and she didn't look like a naughty child. It doesn't make any sense at all, even if you talk to her properly, you can listen to her.

As for this diner's request, it is not really difficult for Xiao Yan.

But it's just a matter of roughly refining the medicinal materials. This is much simpler than refining elixirs.

After leaving the alchemy, Xiao Yan did not go to Miss Wan's place, but went straight back to their residence.

It's just that on the way, he was still a little confused about what he should say when he saw Xun'er later.

Is it a lie? Or tell the truth and prepare for the storm that may come soon? Or was it exposed in public?

It seems that there are too many endings suitable for him, so that Xiao Yan really doesn't know what will happen to him.

As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Yan saw that Xiao Xun'er seemed to have been waiting for a long time. He secretly thought something was wrong but at the same time he was unconsciously prepared mentally. After all, at this critical moment, Xun'er would run away to practice or return. Not getting up or anything basically means that she is avoiding him on purpose.

If you can hide for a while, how can you hide for a lifetime? Xiao Yan murmured unconsciously in his heart.


Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, and as Xiao Yan walked into the yard, a faint smile appeared on Xiao Xun'er's face, and her beautiful eyes revealed a long-awaited joy and joy. Faintly worried: "Brother Xiao Yan is back."

When he saw Xun'er standing in front of him, Xiao Yan inevitably felt a little guilty. When he saw Xun'er walking slowly with a worried but gentle smile, Xiao Yan felt a little hesitant and struggling in his heart, but Finally, he suddenly changed his mind and said, "Xun'er, actually last night..."

Before Xiao Yan could finish speaking, Xiao Xun'er had already shaken her head slightly, interrupting what Xiao Yan was about to say.

"Brother Xiao Yan, there is no need to explain, Xun'er actually knows..."

Xiao Xun'er took a deep breath and said softly: "I know, it's not Brother Xiao Yan's fault."


"Brother Xiao Yan has his own big things to do, and Xun'er understands that, so why would Xun'er blame brother Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help being slightly startled. He thought that Xun'er might be furious when he came back this time, and then have a cold war with him for a few days, but he didn't expect that things would develop far beyond his original expectations.

There was no trace of the expected anger and cold war, only the tenderness and slight loss on Xiao Xun'er's face.

This made Xiao Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

" brother Xiao Yan, just do what you need to do."

Xiao Xun'er stared at Xiao Yan in front of her, reading each word carefully.

Xiao Yan was grateful that Xun'er could measure up to him so well, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Immediately, he explained to Xun'er that he was about to go to the Black Corner Territory to look for Yanluozhi. Xun'er was naturally uneasy, but Xiao Yan insisted on doing so, so she naturally couldn't do anything to stop him.

It's just that it's getting late today, and Xiao Yan still needs to report to the Council of Elders. It would take almost half a day just to go from the inner courtyard to Canaan City and then to Heping Town. It's definitely too late today.

Therefore, Xiao Yan still had to spend the night in the inner courtyard and set off again tomorrow.

It's just that tonight is destined not to be so peaceful.

Xiao Yan, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and regulating his breath, slowly closed his eyes, but there was a familiar knock on the door.

"Brother Xiao Yan, can you let me in?"

Xiao Xun'er's voice came from outside the door.

"...It's Xun'er, what's going on so late?"

Xiao Yan opened his eyes, looked outside the door, and couldn't help but say.

"It's nothing important. I just want to have a chat with brother Xiao Yan alone."

"The door is unlocked, Xun'er, please come in."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, but in the end he couldn't think of any reason to reject Xun'er and said.

With the door creaking, the wooden door was gently pushed open, and a beautiful girl in a plain skirt walked into the dim room from the brightly lit corridor.

"Brother Xiao Yan hasn't rested yet. I didn't disturb brother Xiao Yan's rest, right?"

Xiao Xun'er asked as she looked at Xiao Yan sitting cross-legged on the bed without lighting the lamp in the room.

"It's okay, I don't plan to rest, I'm just practicing."

Xiao Yan shook his head: "Okay, don't just stand there, sit down."

Xiao Xun'er was not polite. Seeing Xiao Yan say this, she took a step forward, walked directly to Xiao Yan's bed, and sat beside him.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled. His original intention was to let her sit at the table by herself, but he didn't expect Xun'er to be so proactive.

"Brother Xiao Yan has been very busy recently and has no time to accompany Xun'er."

Xiao Xun'er naturally noticed Xiao Yan's hidden embarrassment, couldn't help but get closer to him, and whispered.

"Well, that's true."

Xiao Yan nodded lightly. Naturally, he knew this very well. Ever since he reunited with Xun'er, he had basically not spent much time together. He was either preparing for the inner court selection or the next Huo Neng competition. After hunting, I finally reached the inner courtyard. It was a rare trip with Xun'er, just to understand the current situation of the inner courtyard.

Speaking of which, although he and Xun'er have been together for some time, there really hasn't been much time for the two of them to be alone together.

Xiao Yan thought to himself that he had indeed neglected Xun'er during this period. Maybe when he had some free time, he should spend more time with Xun'er.

But before he could express what he was thinking, Xun'er's arms wrapped around Xiao Yan's waist.

"It's okay, I know everything."

"...Brother Xiao Yan is very busy, but there is nothing we can do about it. I am not so unreasonable that I just want you to spend more time with me."

She chuckled lightly and signaled that Xiao Yan didn't have to make that kind of guarantee. What she wanted was never a guarantee that she didn't know when it would be fulfilled. If Xiao Yan was like this, then she would rather not have it.

"As long as I can stay with brother Xiao Yan, that's enough."


"Shh... don't talk."

Xun'er propped up her delicate body, loosened her arms around Xiao Yan's waist, then raised her onion finger, and gently pressed Xiao Yan's lightly parted lips.

"I just want to accompany Brother Xiao Yan like this today. I don't want to hear any guarantees from Brother Xiao Yan. I just need Brother Xiao Yan to be by my side... That's fine."

Xiao Xun'er said softly, her eyes full of autumn water looking through Xiao Yan's eyes.

Xiao Yan was silent, and in the end he just sighed secretly in his heart and nodded silently.

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Xun'er's face.

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