Not long after leaving Black Cloud City, Xiao Yan was still wondering about the little medical fairy.

"What's wrong? Still want to think about the little medical fairy?"

Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan's expression and reaction, and naturally knew what Xiao Yan was thinking without saying anything, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Even so, he didn't mean to blame Xiao Yan.

It is understandable that young people's emotions are sensitive and delicate, but Yao Lao has no intention of intervening on this point.

Xiao Yan nodded silently. Yao Lao knew that this was the case, so he was about to say something joking. It would be better to let his disciple be depressed all the way. But before he could say anything, Yao Lao's tone suddenly turned aside and became extraordinarily strange. He solemnly said in a deep voice: "Be careful, there is a strong man of Douhuang level approaching us!"

"Dou Huang?"

Xiao Yan frowned, subconsciously feeling that something was wrong. He did not think that the powerful Dou Huang warriors in the Black Angle Region could speak as well as the powerful Dou Huang warriors in the Jiama Empire.

But now along the way, Xiao Yan was not frightened. He had seen so many big scenes, and he was not scared out of his wits by a fighting emperor. He couldn't help but said: "Teacher, this fighting emperor is aiming at us." Coming?"

Yao Lao shook his head and said solemnly: "I'm not sure about this, but this Dou Huang is indeed charging in our direction."

Since it is not yet clear where this Dou Huang came from and what its purpose was, Xiao Yan felt a little more relaxed. After all, he remembered that he had only been in the Black Corner Territory for a few days, so he probably hadn't offended anyone here, and it wouldn't be a big deal. A Dou Huang comes here just to take his own life.

"In that case, let's hide first."

Xiao Yan thought for a while and said: "It would be best if the Dou Huang's target is not us. But if his target is really us, we can also directly ambush him here and eat him with a backhand."

As he spoke, Xiao Yan clenched his fist, and Yao Lao couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although Xiao Yan's words were somewhat negative, he was still waiting for work.

After all, no matter how talented Xiao Yan is, it would be too difficult for Dou Ling to fight against Dou Huang, so naturally he still needs to take action.

"Well, in that case, let's hide and take a look first."

In the end, Yao Lao agreed with Xiao Yan's plan, and then he took Xiao Yan down to the clouds. At this moment, Xiao Yan and the others were in a black mountain range, surrounded by rugged and strange rocks like blades. They wanted to find a hiding place. It's not difficult either.

After Xiao Yan fell, Yao Lao used the power of his soul to isolate Xiao Yan's aura and waited for the powerful Dou Huang who passed by.

Almost a stick of incense had passed after Xiao Yan hid, and a blood-red light suddenly cut through the already dark sky of the Black Angle Domain, making it even more dazzling.

Xiao Yan, who was hidden among the many jagged rocks, couldn't help but look up and looked at the dark sky that was reflected red by a ray of blood. A sinister middle-aged man with blood-colored bat wings on his back stood in the air, seeming to be everywhere. Watching something.

"That is……?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, and frowned subconsciously when he saw the unusual blood-colored fighting energy in the Douhuang strongman, which made people feel cold even just by looking at it.

After seeing the opponent stop and seem to be searching for something, Xiao Yan was basically sure that the Dou Huang's target was indeed him.

At the same time, the dazzling blood-red fighting spirit reminded Xiao Yan of someone.

When he first came to the Black Corner Territory, he, Miss Wan and Nalan Yanran walked together and obtained the third remaining map of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire at an auction in Black Seal City. When they left, they happened to bump into He met a young sect leader named Blood Sect in the Black Corner Domain.

Because he was interested in the residual map that Xiao Yan and the others bought, the two sides fought, and Xiao Yan finally killed him.

It can be considered that evil comes with evil consequences.

But what I saw today was that the skills and fighting spirit used by the young master of the Blood Sect were the same as those used by the powerful Dou Huang above him at the moment. However, the difference between the two was one of heaven and earth, and the gap between the realms was , it can be said to be a world of difference.

Other than that, Xiao Yan didn't have much to say. The only thing that could be confirmed was to confirm that this Dou Huang was either the master or the father of the young master of the Blood Sect. In short, he was probably here to seek revenge.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but smacked his lips. He just said that he remembered that he didn't make enemies in the Black Corner Territory, but the enemies really came to his door like this.

"Rat, get out of here! I know you are hiding here, and my son's blood is on you, and you will never be able to wash it off in this life. I will make you into a blood slave, cut him into pieces with thousands of knives, and cook him day and night. Thank you for the hatred in my heart!!!”

Fan Qi, the leader of the Blood Sect, was furious and let out a vicious roar, followed by a blood-red sound wave that spread throughout the black mountains in front of him until the end of his sight.

"Hmph, your son himself has a weak heart, so who can blame him?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but spat. This old dog was really shameless. It didn't matter that his son attacked and killed others and was killed in reverse. He dared to boldly jump out to seek compensation for his life. Now he could truly experience this blackness. The local customs and customs of Jiaoyu.

However, Fan Qi was shouting to cheer up outside, and Xiao Yan was too lazy to pay attention to him. There was no need for the teacher to take action. He wanted to see how long this old dog could stay here.

However, just as Xiao Yan was thinking about this, an extremely strange smile appeared on Fan Qian's face in the sky. Then, he stretched out his five fingers like bat claws and pinched a Weird blood balls, like spheres made of condensed blood, exploded.

Xiao Yan, who was originally hiding under the mountains and among the jagged rocks, suddenly frowned, and a blood energy that did not belong to him suddenly erupted from his body.

Because this blood energy is too thin and weak, there is no way to harm Xiao Yan at all.

But even so, this blood energy still exposed Xiao Yan's hidden location.

"Hahahaha, let me see where you run now!"

Sensing the blood energy soaring into the sky from the mountains, Fan Qian's face revealed a fierce look, and he flapped his blood-red wings on his back, rushing towards Xiao Yan who was hiding in the mountains at extremely fast speeds.

A dignified color inevitably appeared on Xiao Yan's face, but now he couldn't care less.

In front of Fan Qi, a hundred-foot blood claw condensed and grabbed Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan naturally did not dare to neglect. Although the blood sect's cultivation method was extremely cold and was defeated by Xiao Yan's strange fire sky, the cultivation level of both sides was still high. The gap is really too wide. Even if Fan Qian's blood sect skills encounter the strange fire, the power will be sharply reduced, but this does not mean that Xiao Yan can beat him.

But even so, Xiao Yan did not let Yao Lao take over his body right away.

Yao Lao naturally knew what Xiao Yan wanted to do.

Dou Huang, for the time being, can be regarded as one of the strongest in the Northwest Continent, and Xiao Yan has already seen many powerful Dou Huangs of all kinds. For these powerful men, Xiao Yan not only has admiration in his heart, but also naturally has The desire to challenge.

Xiao Yan was always thinking about when he would be able to join the ranks of the strong, and when his own glory would come.

Normally, Xiao Yan might just choose a safer plan after questioning again and again in his mind, and let Yao Lao take over his body as soon as possible, compete with Fan Qi, and even kill Fan Qi.

But not long ago, Yao Lao told Xiao Yan that the many problems he still had to face next were beyond the reach of ordinary people one by one.

The mountain he needs to climb is too high, and time keeps urging him to move forward.

Therefore, Xiao Yan wanted to try it.

Yao Lao understands what his apprentice means, so naturally he won't stop him at will. This is what he wants, but it may not be what others can give him.

Therefore, he only needs to ensure that Xiao Yan is safe and sound until the last moment.

When a hundred-foot bloody claw fell from the sky, flames of different colors appeared on Xiao Yan's left and right hands.

Xiao Yan didn't think too much. With the support of his huge mental power, he directly forcibly fused the two flames together.

It was also at this moment that Xiao Yan once again felt the fatal drawback of the extremely destructive fighting skill of Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus - the fusion of alien fires takes time, and the more alien fires are fused, the more time and soul power it takes. The consumption will be more.

However, at the same time that the Hundred-foot Blood Claw fell, Xiao Yan still completed the fusion of the two different fires. A green and purple fire lotus was pushed out of his palm, and hit the Hundred-foot Blood Claw that was about to fall like a star chasing the moon.

"How dare an ant still resist? Come and die!"

Fan Qi naturally felt the fusion and collision of the terrifying heat and energy from Xiao Yan in a very short period of time. A trace of solemnity flashed across his brows, but soon, this trembling terrifying energy quickly recovered. Calm, this made Fan Qi couldn't help but laugh loudly. A mere fighting spirit must have wanted to use some secret method but was counterattacked by the secret method.

However, at the moment when the hundred-foot blood claw collided with the fire lotus no bigger than a human palm, everything changed drastically.

There was a violent roar accompanied by an explosion of alien fire energy. It was like the earth was shattering. A huge fire lotus bloomed in the rugged black mountains. Instead, it swallowed up the hundreds of feet of blood claws, which were completely composed of cold blood. After the blood claw collided with the Buddha's Furious Lotus, it melted quickly like ice and snow under the sun.

"Damn, what the hell is this!"

"Tsk! You actually have this skill!"

Fan Qi immediately retreated, a flash of fear flashed across his sinister face, and his bloody wings flapped behind him to avoid the terrifying explosion range of the fire lotus. But then again, this was just him. After the last resistance, he didn't believe that Xiao Yan could immediately throw out the second fire lotus.

The rising fire lotus gradually disappeared after a short period of blooming. In the dissipated firelight, Xiao Yan was panting in a somewhat embarrassed manner, but his momentum did not weaken at all, which made Fan Qi feel irritable and furious.

"You have this skill, so I underestimated you, but do you really think that you can compete with the Dou Huang with the strange fire?!"

Fan Qi no longer cared about so much and came straight towards Xiao Yan.

"You dare to touch him today!"


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