Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 249 Yaowan: Do you like Xiao Yan?

However, what Xiao Yan was vaguely worried about did not happen.

The little medical fairy's arrival in the inner courtyard did not cause any disturbance. It was like a pebble being thrown into a pond that was already lightly wavy, and those few ripples disappeared.

This also made Xiao Yan, who was originally very worried, feel relieved, and then he focused all his energy on practicing and preparing to refine the spirit-melting pill.

Naturally, the Little Medical Fairy knew that Xiao Yan also had something to do, so it was impossible for him to put all his thoughts on her, so he would not take the initiative to disturb him.

But even so, the relationship between Xiao Yan and Yao Wan made her somewhat strange.

Ever since she separated from Xiao Yan that day, the little medical fairy has not seen Xiao Yan show his face much.

She just felt strange. If Xiao Yan liked Yao Wan, she would put it aside for now. Xiao Yan always came to see Yao Wan, right?

These days, the little medical fairy has nothing to do, so he naturally plans to practice here. After all, the days are long, and he probably won't need to go back to the Izumo Empire.

Anyway, there is only the Poison Sect that he established there. Although it is a sect that he established, the little medical fairy has no feelings for it, so if he doesn’t want it, he won’t want it. Even if he goes back one day, the worst he can do is to establish a new one. .

In addition, practicing here is not just about solving the disaster poison body.


Yaowan handed a small jade bottle to the little medical fairy and said, "This is my first time trying to refine the poison pill. I have already further purified the poison."

"Well, thank you Sister Wan."

The little medical fairy took the small jade bottle handed over by Yao Wan.

But she really didn't expect that the alchemist could even refine poison into elixirs. Of course, maybe it was just Sister Wan who could do it.

Her fingertips gently rubbed the smooth white jade bottle, and the porcelain-like jade bottle felt a warm touch similar to that of jade, and there was a faint warmth.

In the jade bottle are several small fingernail-sized elixirs with purple gold luster, but they are different from ordinary elixirs. These elixirs are made from the formidable poisons of the little medical fairy. Even if they are fighting The emperor might not dare to get involved easily.

But such a poison pill is a delicious tonic for the Little Medical Fairy, which can directly transform the toxins into his own poison fighting energy. This is why the Little Medical Fairy's cultivation speed has increased by leaps and bounds in the past two years.

"If you feel it's not enough, you can come to me."

Yao Wan explained: "But if your cultivation level is still improving, you need to ask Xiao Yan to replenish the poisonous fire in advance. Although the Poison Body Young Pill method is enough now, it is not a once and for all solution."

"Yeah, I will."

The little medical fairy nodded and just looked at the woman who was as calm as water in front of her. For no reason, she recalled in her mind the things she had talked about when she and Xiao Yan were relaxing a few days ago.

"Xiao Yan often mentions Sister Wan, so what does Sister Wan think of Xiao Yan?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but ask.

"What do I think of Xiao Yan?"

Yao Wan was slightly surprised by the ambiguous question from the little medical fairy, but thinking about it, it wasn't that surprising.

As if aware of the little medical fairy's thoughts, Yao Wan lowered her head slightly, seeming to be thinking about how to answer her question, which could be trivial or serious.

As if she had thought about how to answer, Yaowan raised her head and said casually: "Then Xian'er thinks, how should I answer?"


The little fairy doctor was slightly startled. She was obviously the one who asked the question, but why did the conversation come back to her?

"Xian'er wants to hear my answer? Do you like Xiao Yan? Or do you have no feelings for Xiao Yan at all? Or do I hate him?"

Yao Wan approached the little medical fairy and said softly.

"Sister Wan, I'm serious - I'm not kidding."

The little medical fairy came back to her senses and couldn't help coughing slightly. Unknowingly, the content of the chat was distorted and she didn't know where it went.

"Then how did Xian'er know that I was joking and not serious?"

Yao Wan looked directly into the eyes of the little medical fairy and said: "...Then if I say that I actually have no feelings for Xiao Yan at all, what will happen to the fairy? Will she be happy?"

"not me……"

The little medical fairy was suddenly forced to have no way out by Yao Wan's words. Her pair of gray eyes had to avoid Yao Wan's gaze for the time being, but Yao Wan stepped forward, held her pretty face, and forced her to Her eyes had to meet the pale golden eyes in front of her again.

"For a beauty like Xian'er, wouldn't it be a pity if we don't find a suitable one?"

Yaowan said softly.

“Sister Wan, please let me go first—”

"No, I won't let you go unless you tell me the truth."

The corner of Yao Wan's mouth rose slightly. Invisibly, the two changed their offensive and defensive positions. She only heard her say: "Does Xian'er like Xiao Yan?"

"This, this is different...!"

The little medical fairy was stunned. How could she be asked? This was completely different from what she had imagined at the beginning.

"Hey, can't you be a little more frank? Do you like it or don't you? Just nod your head, right?"

Yaowan's fingertips gently caressed the soft and moist skin under the little medical fairy's veil. Her eyes were soft, but with an irresistible toughness.

It's just that Yaowan's soft and hard words didn't directly force the little medical fairy's true thoughts out.


The little medical fairy hesitated for a while, but finally resisted the pressure from the medicine.

However, looking at the reaction of the little medical fairy, the smile on Yao Wan's face did not diminish, but became stronger.

"Does Xian'er know?"

Having gotten the answer she wanted, there was no need to force her any longer. While letting go of her hand, Yao Wan gently scraped the little medical fairy's nose with her fingertips, and then smiled.

"Sometimes, the answer does not require any exact answer. Your reaction and performance are already the answer."

The little medical fairy was stunned when he heard this, and then subconsciously held his cheek, only to find that his cheek was hotter than ever before.

Seeing the little medical fairy's appearance, Yao Wan just smiled, but stopped teasing her, and went further: "I know you like it - since you like it, then why not go boldly."

"I didn't stop you."

"But... no, between us..."

The little medical fairy looked at the yarrow in front of her with a tangled face. Xiao Yan had told her a few days ago that he liked the yarrow, so what did it mean if she came here to interfere with it now?

"Does Xiao Yan hate you very much?"

Yao Wan suddenly said.

"That's not true."

The little medical fairy shook her head.

"Then do you hate Xiao Yan?"

"how come?"

"Then since you don't hate it, why not give it a try?"

Yaowan shrugged and said: "In life, it is not easy to find someone who suits you. Do you have to wait until you miss it and regret it when it is too late?"

Yaowan's words made the little medical fairy speechless.

"To put it a little more utilitarian, the combination of the evil poisonous body and the nether poisonous fire is unprecedented. Maybe there are not many people who can be like you two. Even if the poisonous elixir completely solves the problem of the poisonous body in the future, The method is not feasible, as long as you are always by Xiao Yan's side and the poisonous fire is there, your poisonous body will never explode."

"You still like the person closest to you, and they don't hate you. Are you sure you don't want to work harder?"

Yao Wan posed this question to the little medical fairy herself. After all, no matter how keen she was that the two of them could achieve righteousness, she could not force anything to happen between them.

Oh, no.

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was not impossible.

Forget it, the relationship between them has obviously not reached that point yet, and it is not good to encourage the relationship.

"I'm just talking, but I still hope Xian'er can think about it carefully, okay?"

Yao Wan took a serious look at the little medical fairy. The little medical fairy looked confused and embarrassed. Without saying anything, she finally nodded.

She naturally understood what Yao Wan said.

It's just that you understand it, and you want to accept it. It's another thing.

But Yaowan's words really touched her heart deeply.

The little medical fairy naturally likes Xiao Yan, but people always cannot let go of certain things that have passed for a long time. In the end, those things sealed in the memory are separated from other things, and finally the weight in their hearts becomes more and more. The heavier.

But the feeling in his heart couldn't compete with reason after all. After learning that Xiao Yan liked medicinal herbs, the little medical fairy was no longer prepared to get involved.


Looking at the medicinal herbs in front of her, the little medical fairy couldn't help but feel entangled in her heart.


"Are you ready?"

In the special refining pharmacy in the inner courtyard, the Yao Lao appeared next to Xiao Yan and said.

Xiao Yan turned his head and glanced at the medicinal materials neatly arranged in a row, and then took out a medicinal cauldron.


Xiao Yan took a deep breath. In the past few days, he was not so much practicing as he was adjusting himself to the best condition to cope with the huge burden of refining the spirit-melting pill.

After all, sixth-grade elixirs are not so easy to refine.

Although Xiao Yan already has the basic conditions for refining the spirit-melting elixir at the soul level, Dou Qi itself is also a top priority. Refining the sixth-grade elixir itself takes a long time. If Dou Qi cannot keep up, it will be impossible to succeed. .


A ray of colored light then emerged from Xiao Yan's cuffs, revealing Medusa's moving and coquettish figure in a burst of charming drunken red mist.

Her hip-length hair was scattered behind her head, and her graceful figure was tightly bound by a red dress, which restrained her plump chest. Her willow-like water snake waist twisted gently as she walked towards her. , full of charm.

Those demonic red eyes glanced at Xiao Yan, but she also knew that it was not convenient to disturb the alchemist before such an important moment, so she said nothing more. All she wanted was the result.

Yao Lao watched every move of Queen Medusa. As long as he was around, she would not dare to act rashly.

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