Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 256 You smell of her perfume

After Yao Wan left, Xiao Yan sat alone in the yard and fell into a brief silence. Then, he sat down where Yao Wan had been sitting just now, picked up a fruit from the fruit plate, and bit into it slightly. The peel was sour, and when he bit off a piece of crispy flesh, the sweetness with a bit of sourness stimulated his nerves at the moment.

"...Teacher, what do you mean by Miss Wan?"

"What's the meaning?"

Yao Lao was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but smile and said, "I think it's a good thing."

"Can this be a good thing?"

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan frown.

Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan's current appearance and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Isn't the trick you just used to deal with the girl very effective? Why did you retreat on your own at this time?"

Afraid that Xiao Yan wouldn't understand what he said, Yao Lao simply pointed it out: "You feel that the girl is angry. Could it be that you don't feel that the girl is jealous of you?"


When he heard Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan suddenly felt as if his head had been hit by a huge boulder, and the world was spinning for a moment, which was unbelievable.

Rather than being surprised, he was more worried that this was delusion. Xiao Yan was silent for a long time and couldn't help but said: "Teacher, are you serious?"

"You brat, have I ever lied to you before?"

Yao Lao laughed and cursed, then slapped Xiao Yan on the forehead with a moderate slap and said.

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then showed a silly smile: "Really?"

"Really, really, ouch."

Yao Lao nodded patiently, but couldn't help but shake his head after turning around. He is really a disciple who doesn't make people worry. You can just ask him to teach you how to practice. Even things like this between young men and women, talk about love. He has to teach me about love, it’s really hopeless.

"Although the authorities are confused, you, the authorities, are too confused."

Yao Lao cursed, but after he finished scolding, he continued: "But then again, don't be too happy too early. Judging from what the girl said and her expression later, she probably didn't even realize it herself. .”

"You didn't even realize it?"

"What I mean is that you hurry up and strike while the iron is hot. Now that the girl's feelings for you are not so clear, you can take one step at a time."

Yao Lao said, before Xiao Yan could say anything more, he heard him say: "Wait, your good sister seems to be here."

Then, Yao Lao immediately hid in the Najie in Xiao Yan's hand.

Xiao Yan's expression turned solemn, Xun'er is back? That's hard to say.

Not long after Yao Lao hid in the Najie, a series of noisy footsteps came. A group of boys and girls walked into the door, and saw that Xiao Yan, whom they had not seen for a long time, was there. They all raised their hands and saluted, "I have seen the door master." .”

"Huh? Master...?"

Xiao Yan's first reaction was confusion. Shouldn't others call him senior? Why did you become the sect master?

It's just that he didn't have the nerve to ask this question, otherwise it would be really embarrassing. After all, no matter who is actually in charge of the Ruyipan Sect, the nominal head of the sect is naturally Xiao Yan.

"Ahem, everyone has worked hard, let's go do our own thing."

After saying that, Xiao Yan dismissed the freshmen in the inner courtyard who were also members of the Panmen in front of him, leaving only a few people in charge who gave a few explanations one after another.

Wu Hao and Hu Jia are responsible for the external affairs of Panmen, while Xun'er is responsible for the internal affairs. Nalan Yanran is responsible for managing Panmen on Xiao Yan's behalf and dealing with provocations and challenges from various inner courtyard gangs.

Xiao Yan was naturally too lazy to come back to finish their work. At most, he could only explain a few words.

Only the content of the conversation between Xun'er and Xiao Yan was much more ambiguous.

"Nalan and I just went to look for the freshmen who have temporarily left the Panmen. After all, the trees are big and attract the wind. If we don't keep a close eye on the disciples in the sect, we will inevitably be picked up by local snakes."

Xun'er explained why she didn't come back immediately after Queen Medusa left.

"Are you okay? Brother Xiao Yan?"

"I'm fine, Xun'er, can't you ask me something else? Do I look like someone who can get into trouble so easily?"

Xiao Yan said with a straight face, as if he was angry.

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression, Xun'er was neither angry nor annoyed. She just smiled and took the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's slender but rough fingertips, and said with a smile: "Of course I know that brother Xiao Yan is the most powerful, so It’ll be fine for sure.”

Seeing Xun'er say this, Xiao Yan smiled and nodded, saying: "Well, it's like this, Xun'er just needs to believe in me."

"Well - of course I believe brother Xiao Yan."

Xiao Xun'er's eyes were as gentle as water.

Seeing the two people interacting like glue, Wu Hao and Hu Jia couldn't help coughing heavily. While signaling the two of them to calm down a little bit, they turned around and called all the Panmen disciples who were still in the courtyard at this moment, either go out and make money. Yes, or you can just go back to your house and practice. It’s broad daylight and you don’t need any light bulbs.

While there was no one around, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but hug Xiao Yan secretly. Xiao Yan had no choice but to open his arms and hug the elf-like girl in his arms.

All this was so beautiful to Xiao Xun'er, but while hugging Xiao Yan, she discovered a small flaw behind these sweet words.

Brother Xiao Yan seems to smell like that woman...

Xiao Xun'er twitched the tip of her nose slightly, feeling a little uneasy and dissatisfied subconsciously, but because the smell was so light, it seemed as if it was just her own misunderstanding.

Disgusting woman, hateful weed...

This breath of hers seemed to remind Xiao Xun'er all the time, stimulating her fragile and sensitive emotional nerves.

As long as he doesn't drive that woman away completely for a day, he won't be able to find peace for a day.


As if she would be reminded that her victory is far from coming in the gentle countryside, Xiao Xun'er endured the smell that did not belong to her still on brother Xiao Yan's body, while burying her head in the He touched Xiao Yan's chest and couldn't help but rub it gently, as if he wanted to use his own scent to cover and drive away the smell of that annoying woman.

Regardless of whether this was an illusion or not, she would never tolerate it.

Xiao Yan simply thought that maybe the smell left by the contact between Queen Medusa and him had aroused Xun'er's alert, so he let her do whatever she wanted.

It's just that Xiao Yan himself has undoubtedly overlooked one thing. Because of the colorful sky-swallowing python, Xiao Yan has already been marinated in it. The smell of the colorful sky-swallowing python will naturally not arouse Xiao Xun'er's alertness and attention. .

The two of them got tired of each other for a while, and Xiao Xun'er knew that it was not a problem to pester Xiao Yan all the time, so she consciously let go of Xiao Yan and did what she should do.

Seeing that Xun'er had left and couldn't help but look back at him before leaving, Xiao Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know whether he was regretting that the relationship between girls here was too short, or the hidden danger behind it. It gave him a headache.

But maybe having both is the norm.

"——Isn't it fun to have sex with Xiao Xun'er?"

Suddenly, another Qianying, who was the only one left in the courtyard besides Xiao Yan, couldn't help but cross her arms and said.

Xiao Yan subconsciously looked at Nalan Yanran.


Xiao Yan quickly discovered that something was obviously wrong with Nalan Yanran's expression.

"...How does it feel to have two boats under your feet?"

There was a bit of sarcasm in Nalan Yanran's words, which made Xiao Yan couldn't help but hold his forehead: "After hearing what you said, I almost know that it is probably impossible to explain it to you clearly."

Xiao Yan's words made Nalan Yanran snort: "Explain clearly? How do you explain?"

"Explain how you plan to get them both together?"

Nalan Yanran frowned, but what a coincidence, her words were almost exactly what Xiao Yan meant... what he meant in his heart, but it was basically impossible to say it out loud.

And looking at Xiao Yan's face, Nalan Yanran knew that she must have guessed it right.

"I know it's not appropriate for me as an outsider to intervene at this time. It would be too pretentious to threaten you to let her down - but!"

Nalan Yanran's eyes were extremely serious: "I don't know what you are thinking in your heart, but even if you are a bastard who wants to step on a few boats, you should at least show some courage to step on a few boats, okay? Or is it fun for you to pretend to be infatuated while still showing affection?"

"If you really like Yaowan, then even if you are a bastard, please be worthy of her devotion to you, okay?"

"——It's better to be a bastard and be slapped in front of her than to be left behind by her and never see her again until death."

Nalan Yanran exhaled a breath, looked at Xiao Yan who seemed to have a brain shut down, and said: "There is only so much I want to say. How you act is entirely up to you. I said, I am just an outsider, a threat. You are too pretentious to ask you to listen to me."

Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't reply, Nalan Yanran just took him as his acquiescence.

"Other than that, I don't have much to say to you... right, the master of Shenlong who never comes to an end? If you hadn't popped up occasionally from time to time, I would have thought you had died somewhere in the corner... …”

From Xiao Yan's perspective at this moment, while diverting his gaze, he couldn't help but think that Nalan Yanran, who was scolding him, did have some resemblance to Miss Wan.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Xiao Yan didn't know where he got the courage, and he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Nalan Yanran's hands with an excited look on his face.

"Well, thank you for your advice, Nalan!"

Xiao Yan's tone already showed that Xiao Yan was extremely excited at this moment.

It's just that this kind of excitement is destined to be impossible to understand by Nalan Yanran.

"What do you understand?! Bastard, let me go!"

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