Xiao Yan did not expect that the little medical fairy would think so far.

Looking at the little medical fairy who looked like a ripe shrimp at this moment, Xiao Yan couldn't help but think about it.

But he had no intention of doing that step in one go.

He would even think twice about kissing the little medical fairy, let alone such a thing.

But before Xiao Yan could say anything, the little medical fairy took the initiative and said: "After all, what I said... is definitely not appropriate. It is better to give this first opportunity to Sister Wan."

Xiao Yan was speechless, and then he couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that the little medical fairy would actually think of this?"

"Huh? What?"

The little medical fairy was stunned, what does Xiao Yan mean?

"I said, in fact, I didn't think about it at all. You misunderstood."

Xiao Yan explained word for word, but the little medical fairy's cheeks burned more and more.

"Does the little medical fairy think that I am that kind of person?"

"No, no, of course I didn't mean that-"

The little medical fairy was immediately embarrassed and anxious. Was she thinking too much that she shouldn't have?

"I, I just think this may not be appropriate... and it's not what you think..."

However, no matter what explanation the little medical fairy gave now, Xiao Yan didn't care. He just felt that her face was blushing and she was in a hurry, and she was particularly cute.

"I don't think the little medical fairy is thinking wrong either."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "To be honest, I quite like the current little medical fairy. Otherwise, as usual, he doesn't say a word except for practicing. Wouldn't that be too boring?"

The little medical fairy was slightly startled, and even the shyness in her heart could not help but weaken a lot, and she was a little surprised.

"Was I... boring before?"

Xiao Yan's words were naturally like a bolt from the blue to the little medical fairy. She was so shocked that she didn't know what to say for a moment.

So it was because she seemed too boring before?

Seeing that the Little Medical Fairy seemed to be getting into trouble again, Xiao Yan quickly shook his head and said seriously: "Of course I didn't mean it this way, it's just... well, how should I put it... after all, the Little Medical Fairy was full of ideas at the time. They are all poisonous bodies of their own, and if they are not dealt with quickly, they will be a time bomb."

"I think at that time you didn't have much thought other than practicing and getting stronger, right?"

"That's right..."

The Little Medical Fairy nodded silently. It was natural that Xiao Yan could take the initiative to find a reason to defend her. However, it also warned the Little Medical Fairy that she might not be able to continue like this.

"Okay, don't get into trouble anymore."

Xiao Yan also somewhat saw the little medical fairy's thoughts and couldn't help but say.


The little medical fairy nodded lightly and said.


When Qing Lin went out today, he found that the yard was very quiet. He couldn't help but tilted his head. No, logically speaking, Master Xiao Yan would have gotten up long ago, right?

Master Xiao Yan never stayed in bed, which surprised Qing Lin. Driven by curiosity, she couldn't help but go upstairs to see the room that the young lady had left for Master Xiao Yan.

Then the familiar voice of a pretty girl walking upstairs was heard on the wooden floor upstairs, startling the two people in the room, and the original conversation and laughter suddenly stopped.

"Master Xiao Yan? Is Master Xiao Yan here?"

Qing Lin walked up the corridor on the second floor and couldn't help but call out as he walked.

When Qing Lin called him, Xiao Yan didn't think too much, so he was about to respond. However, before he could speak, the little medical fairy's delicate hand touched his lightly parted lips.


Xiao Yan blinked and looked at the little medical fairy, his eyes full of confusion, but he saw the beauty in front of him looking at him, and then gently shook her head, signaling Xiao Yan not to speak.

Although he didn't know what was going on with the little medical fairy and why he wasn't allowed to reply, Xiao Yan still honestly remained silent.

Outside the door of the Little Medical Fairy's room, Qinglin subconsciously glanced at the closed door, then shifted his gaze to the opposite door, which was ajar.

"Master Xiao Yan? Is Master Xiao Yan here? It's getting late..."

Qing Lin didn't dare to go in directly. He just knocked lightly on the door and then couldn't help but say.

"Master Xiao Yan?"

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement between the rooms, which made Qing Lin very strange.

After waiting for a long time, Qing Lin saw that no one responded, so he pushed the door open and entered, only to find that there was no one in the small room, only the quilt that had been opened, as if someone had gone to bed.

Could it be that Master Xiao Yan is out?

Qing Lin couldn't help but have this thought in his mind, and then he couldn't help dusting the bedding tightly in the room again. When he went out, he knocked on the door of the little medical fairy's room opposite, but the room remained silent. The two of them were very frightened.

"Dong dong dong."

"Miss Xian'er, are you awake?"

Qing Lin couldn't help but say.

After a while, the little medical fairy's voice came from the door: "Is it Qinglin?...What's wrong?"

"Well, it's nothing important. It's just that it's so late and I didn't see Master Xiao Yan. I think Master Xiao Yan went out. Has Miss Xian'er seen Master Xiao Yan?"

Qing Lin was naturally not defensive about the little medical fairy and couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao Yan..."

The little medical fairy at the door couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his tone.

In the door of the room, Xiao Yan was holding the little medical fairy in his arms, looking at him with a slightly embarrassed look.

Xiao Yan was also a little uncomfortable, but before he could speak quietly, he saw the little medical fairy lightly opening her lips: "...I haven't seen him today. Maybe he went out early in the morning."

Xiao Yan looked at the little medical fairy and couldn't help but widen his eyes. The little medical fairy silently avoided Xiao Yan's sight, as if he suddenly thought of something, and his pretty face turned red.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it."

Qing Lin outside the door naturally didn't see anything wrong, but he was secretly wondering why Master Xiao Yan was usually eager to sharpen his head and drill this way, but why did he change his temper today?

"Miss Xian'er, please have a good rest, I won't disturb you further."

With that said, Qing Lin walked downstairs briskly.

Hearing Qing Lin's footsteps walking farther and farther, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that the little medical fairy was not feeling well at all, with a blush on his face from Xue's neck to the roots of his ears, which was really beautiful.

"What's wrong?"

However, Xiao Yan still couldn't help but wonder, why did the little medical fairy pretend to be absent just now?

Listening to Xiao Yan's question, the little medical fairy couldn't help but glance at him with resentful eyes, and said: "You are still talking, but you don't have any thoughts at all. If Qing Lin finds out, will you do it in front of Qing Lin?" Come out of my house?"

"Isn't it good?"

Xiao Yan tilted his head, a little hard to understand. Is this a good thing for the little medical fairy?

"What a great guy you are."

The little medical fairy shook her head and said: "I'm fine, what will you do? What will Qinglin think of you? It wouldn't matter if it were someone else. If you make Qinglin think wrong, why don't you look back to your sister? Do I have to torment you for a long time?"

Xiao Yan was stunned, but he didn't expect that the little medical fairy thought more deeply about this than him.

"Since I have this plan in my heart, I don't have any idea at all."

Seeing Xiao Yan's dull reaction, the little medical fairy sighed helplessly and worriedly, and said: "With three women in a drama, there will be a lot of trouble on Sister Wan's side. It's a good thing for you, you are not mentally prepared at all. How can that be done?”

"Looking back, your boat leaked, and I had to sink you with me."

Seeing the little medical fairy's worried look on his face, Xiao Yan couldn't help but be touched. He couldn't help but hug the little medical fairy slightly tightly.

"Ugh...I'm not kidding you."

"I know, so aren't I just listening to what you have to say?"

Xiao Yan gently hugged the little medical fairy, and then couldn't help but whisper: "——Xian'er?"

Xiao Yan's words naturally amused the little medical fairy so much that he couldn't help himself. He heard the sweet and melodious whimpering of the beauty in his arms. He was like a shy cat being flattered, but his face was a bit restless and coquettish. Said: "You-how did you learn this so quickly?!"

Xiao Yan shrugged, with an innocent look on his face: "I'm just following what Miss Wan said... Xian'er doesn't like it?"

"Who...who said I don't like it anymore?"

He looked up at Xiao Yan's dark red eyes but quickly withdrew his gaze as if he was electrocuted. The little medical fairy felt that he was too strange. While listening to Xiao Yan's intimate words, he felt that his heart was racing. As he melted, he was still a little embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to hide.

"If you like it, how many more times should I shout? Xianer Xianer Xianer~~"

Xiao Yan obviously saw the embarrassment on the pretty face of the Little Medical Fairy. He did not take the initiative to point it out, but wanted to directly let the Little Fairy Doctor get used to this feeling. After all, although she looked shy and looked good, she was a generous little girl. The medical fairy is also very good-looking.

"Okay, okay!"

However, Xiao Yan still overestimated the tolerance of the little medical fairy. The little medical fairy, who was born with a thin skin, could endure it until now.

Xiao Yan blinked, but he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore after being shouted at by the little medical fairy.

However, when Xiao Yan suddenly lost his voice, the little medical fairy couldn't help but worry that she had made him angry. After a moment of silence, she sighed softly and couldn't help but said: "I, of course I don't like it when you call me... …”

"Ok, I know."

Xiao Yan nodded and said, "I understand everything, but I don't want Xian'er to become as depressed as she is now."

"I like your shy look very much, but I prefer your cheerful and carefree look in Qingshan Town."

Xiao Yan's sincere words made the little fairy doctor suddenly not know what to say.

"Well...actually, I wasn't very cheerful during my time in Qingshan Town..."

The little medical fairy coughed lightly. Naturally, she knew best what her own mentality and situation was at the beginning.

"what about now?"

"Then I...will try my best..."

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