Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 278: Flirting with women

Xiao Yan also understood what Yaoyuan meant, and he could actually understand it in his heart.

I just want to think about it and do it again. No matter how clear it is in Xiao Yan's heart, it is not easy for him to turn around this corner in a short time.

"I know Nalan's side."

Xiao Yan was afraid that Yao Wan would worry too much, so he couldn't help but say something more.

"You know? If you really knew, you wouldn't be able to do this."

Yao Wan refused to listen to Xiao Yan's explanation. After all, the fault was with Xiao Yan and there was no way to run away. However, it was not possible to just throw away the current troubles just because of the difficulties. This was obviously not the case. So appropriate.

Xiao Yan actually understood what Yao Wan said, so he nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I understand. I will find a way to deal with it on Nalan's side."

"What I want is not for you to deal with it, but for Nalan to forgive you. After all, not everyone is like me and can just let it go. As for Nalan, he is not a particularly vindictive person. You should prepare some gifts. Wouldn't it be nice to give it to someone, apologize properly, and explain it clearly?"

Yao Wan sighed softly. During these days, she had been thinking about the Fallen Heart Flame and the cultivation of skills. She had neglected Nalan's side. Forget about Xiao Yan's side, she would have to go back later. Take a look and enlighten others.

"Well...I know...all this."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, and naturally he really listened to Yao Wan's words. He just had to think carefully about how to deal with it.

"You know that would be perfect, of course."

Yaowan nodded, having said all she needed to say, which made her feel a lot more relaxed.

"Speaking of which, Miss Wan seems to be in a good mood. Has anything good happened recently that I don't know about?"

Before leaving, Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"'s not like there's anything particularly good about it."

Yao Wan thought for a while and couldn't help but shook her head slightly, but she couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan and suddenly smiled: "Maybe this is because someone is lucky that someone took you in."

"Huh? What?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh, but before he could say anything, Yao Wan raised her hand and pushed Xiao Yan out. Then the door was closed tightly and calmness returned.


The corner of Yao Wan's mouth raised slightly, and she just thought that what she just mentioned to Xiao Yan was just a joke between friends, and she no longer took it seriously.

After all, when she hinted at Xian'er a few days ago, this was more or less what she had in mind.

But you really can't get too close to this guy, be careful of sailing a thousand-year-old ship.

Now that Xian'er has succeeded, he can almost feel relieved, right?

If it doesn’t work, Medusa, Nalan, and Xiao Xun’er, aren’t these the flowers everywhere? Anyway, it's enough to make him fussy, so there's no point in staring at him, right?

When Xiao Yan outside the door had already stopped moving, Yao Wan flicked his finger and reheated the tea stove beside the table with a wisp of fighting spirit flames. Steaming out, Yao Wan took out another teacup and not only filled himself with tea. , and poured a glass for the seat in front of him.

But before she could take action, she heard a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

Yao Wan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. This came at the perfect time.

"Is Sister Wan here? It's me, the little medical fairy."

The corner of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly, and she took the initiative to get up and open the door. She looked at the little medical fairy who somehow felt a lot more mature all of a sudden, and said with a smile: "I was already preparing to call my great hero, but I didn't expect the result. , Xian'er came by herself."

Yao Wan didn't know how to express the compliment, so the little medical fairy was a little embarrassed and said: "Sister Wan will make fun of me."

"A joke? I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart, Xian'er."

Saying that, Yao Wan took the initiative to grab the little medical fairy's wrist, led her into the bright room, and said at the same time: "How does it feel to spend a good night together?"

Yao Wan asked so many questions that even the little medical fairy didn't know how to answer, so she could only cough lightly and said: "Sister Wan——"

"Okay, okay, that's not a very good question."

Yaowan smiled, then returned to the table and said, "Then let's talk seriously. Xian'er is finally enlightened. I thought that based on your hesitation the day before, you might fall short again."

"But it's okay now. Sister, let's celebrate your success in taking down Xiao Yan for the time being."

In this regard, it really did not go beyond the Little Medical Fairy's expectations. Sister Wan's reaction could not be said to be exactly the same as her initial guess, but at least it could be said that she was probably right.

The little medical fairy couldn't help sighing, saying that she was always bored, and Sister Wan didn't give in too much. She was really not frank at all.

Looking at Yao Wan, who was now a big bottle of champagne, the little medical fairy just said calmly: "Isn't that a big thank you to Sister Wan? If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have the courage to tell Xiao Yan clearly."

"Yeah, yeah."

Yaowan nodded and said: "So, isn't this good? Being able to stay with the person you like and love for a long time is already a great thing."

Yes, stay together forever.

It can almost be said to be the greatest pursuit of a person who does not have much ambition in his life.

The Little Medical Fairy nodded with deep feeling, as if she herself had been unable to live in peace for half her life because of her calamitous poisonous body.

But now, the word that she thought was destined to go away from her not long ago is about to become a summary of her life, which is really like a dream.

In this regard, it is not an exaggeration to say that the little medical fairy is extremely grateful to Yao Wan. Although Sister Wan's current thoughts may not be completely consistent with her original intention, even so, she is already very satisfied.

"Well, at this point, I really thank you, Sister Wan."

The little medical fairy said with seriousness on her face.

"Okay, what else do we need to say to say thank you?"

Yaowan chuckled and shook her head, saying, "I'm still waiting for you to be your bridesmaid on the day you get married."


Yao Wan's words made the little medical fairy stunned. Will she be the bridesmaid? Naturally, she was not doubting Sister Wan's appearance, but she was somewhat worried about Sister Wan's future situation.

After all, it's hard to say whether she will be the bridesmaid or the bride.

But before that, the little medical fairy thought it would be better to hide it for a while.

"Yeah, I remember."

The little medical fairy nodded slightly.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I need to tell you, or should it be considered a vaccination?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but said seriously: "Xiao Yan has no other shortcomings, but he is easy to get into trouble with others. At this point, it's hard work for Xian'er to take more care of him."

"Yeah, I know that."

After hearing this, the little medical fairy nodded lightly and nodded with understanding.

"Xian'er already knew this?"

This surprised Yao Wan. When did Xian'er find out that Xiao Yan was flirting with women? Isn't he quite honest recently? Is he still capable of sneaking out under her nose and fooling around?

"Well, I know, I know it too, so as long as he has a place for me in his heart, that's enough."

The little medical fairy nodded calmly, how did she know? It's normal to say that, isn't she just a flower that has been touched, how can she not know what is going on?

Rather than saying that Sister Wan is worried about her, it is better to say that the little medical fairy is still worried about whether Sister Wan can accept it in the future.

After all, regardless of which step they have taken, the little medical fairy is now the first to get there.

"Well, if Xian'er can really think so, it would be great."

Yao Wan nodded. After all, Xiao Yan's most indispensable thing was peach blossoms. It would be best for Xian'er to be mentally prepared early.

After the little medical fairy had finished explaining everything, Yao Wan chatted with her for a while, and didn't go back until it was getting late.

Xian'er has a great advantage, and Xiao Yan has a rare awakening. In this case, there is no need to worry about them. If I have to say it, Xiao Xun'er may be more troublesome in the future, but there is nothing I can do about it. The gunpowder barrel was bound to explode anyway, and the most she could do was ensure that it would not explode on Xiao Yan and Xian'er.

The next day, Yaowan went out and rarely wandered around the inner courtyard, but the main purpose was naturally Panmen.

After all, just asking Xiao Yan and Nalan to explain clearly made Yao Wan really uneasy. It would be better for her to go and see for herself.

It didn't take long for Yaowan to arrive at Panmen. As soon as he approached, he found that there were guards guarding the door of Panmen.

These Panmen members naturally recognized Yao Wan at a glance, and they all lowered their heads and saluted, "I have met Elder Wan."

Although the appearance rate of Yaowan is not high in the inner courtyard, the beauty is particularly popular wherever she is placed. Therefore, even though many people have not seen Yaowan with their own eyes, the moon-white elder robe, blue hair and golden eyes The alluring beauty can be recognized at a glance.

"Well, is Nalan Yanran here?"

Yaowan nodded, automatically ignoring the ripples in their eyes after seeing her, and then couldn't help but look at each other secretly.

Alas, you can guess without even thinking, this must be another rumor between yourself and Xiao Yan.

Yao Wan didn't bother to clarify. Anyway, this kind of thing would become more troublesome the more it was explained, and a basin of water would only make it dirtier, so it was better to just leave it alone and keep it out of sight.

"Sister Nalan?"

The two Panmen members guarding the door looked at each other and said, "Sister Nalan is at Panmen, in the third room on the second floor."

Yao Wan looked at the strange looks of the two of them and said, "Well, thank you both for your hard work. I'll go find her myself."

Judging from the reactions of these two people, it seems that Nalan's life has not been easy these past two days.

Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head as she went upstairs.

"I don't know if Xiao Yan has been here."

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