Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 280: You are a scumbag, why are you so scumbag?

"It's just a rumor. Let them look for it slowly. They only have a few days anyway."

Yao Wan thought for a moment, and after all, this was not something she needed to worry about. After all, she knew that she had only a few days to stay. Therefore, Yao Wan was mostly arranging things for herself after leaving.

Whether it was discovered earlier or discovered later, it was just that, and it would not affect Yao Wan's current actions and decisions.

Therefore, for Yao Wan, knowing that there were rumors of looking for the daughter of a wealthy family in the Black Corner Territory was just a matter of nodding.

Other than that, there was nothing to care about, she didn't plan to run around anymore, and there was nothing worth running for.

If I have to say it, I probably hope to try my best to help Xiao Yan solve the matter of Fallen Xinyan before going back.

Seeing Yao Wan's nonchalant look, Su Qian pondered for a moment and couldn't help but said, "Are you planning to go back?"

"Well, running away in the past was just a whim. Even if they really took me back, I would have nothing to say."

Yao Wan let out a long sigh of relief, then looked at Su Qian and said, "Thank you very much, Great Elder, for taking me in during this period."

"Haha, where is the shelter here?"

Su Qian couldn't help but shook her head and said: "It's just about getting what you need. After all, even in Canaan Academy, it's not easy to find a seventh-grade alchemist."

Su Qian's words were naturally sincere, while Yao Wan was noncommittal. For her, this was just a piece of cake, not to mention that most of the medicinal materials she refined for the Presbyterian Church were provided by Canaan College itself. .

The conversation with Su Qian did not last long. Although Su Qian knew a little bit about Yao Wan's identity, he only knew a little more than others who knew nothing about it.

After all, in Dou Qi Continent, Yao Wan's family is not the only one that can be called a big family.


After talking to Su Qian, Yaowan was ready to go to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, but on the way through the back mountain, her mind unconsciously caught a familiar scent.

Yaowan could not help but stop slightly, then turned around and flew into the back mountain.

Under a natural rift in the back mountain, the ground was in a mess. Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were breathing heavily, looking uncomfortable.

In front of the two people, a huge and strong white ape fell to the ground, but it was slightly dead.

After knocking the Snow Demon Sky Ape, which had a notorious reputation in the inner courtyard, into shock, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran didn't care so much and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

"You said you wanted my help just so that I could fight the Snow Demon Sky Ape?"

Now Nalan Yanran's anger had been drained out. No matter how angry she was, she would not have the strength to get angry at Xiao Yan.

"Well, because I can't handle it on my own."

Xiao Yan stuffed a few Qi Recovery Pills into his mouth, then gave a few more to Nalan Yanran and explained.


Nalan Yanran smacked her lips in boredom, but in the end she didn't say much. After silently taking the Qi-rejuvenating pill given by Xiao Yan, she couldn't help but said: "So what do you want to do? It's not just to vent your anger. Sandbags, right?”

Xiao Yan shrugged, and then took the initiative to reach out to Nalan Yanran, who was sitting on the ground. At first glance, she looked like she had no temperament as a young sect leader, and said: "Of course not, there are good things - but you don't want to Also pay a little attention to your clothes? Such white clothes can get dirty easily if placed in a place like this."

"I want you to take care of it - and don't touch me casually!"

When she saw Xiao Yan reaching out towards her, Nalan Yanran's heart skipped a beat for no reason. She suddenly recalled the scene that was a nightmare for her, and she felt a trembling feeling that she didn't even know how to describe. It filled her whole body at once, causing her delicate body to tremble slightly, and then she warned with a stern look.

It's just that Nalan Yanran can't see her face now, so naturally she doesn't know that in Xiao Yan's eyes, her expression and demeanor full of resistance are quite cute, and not aggressive at all.

"Alright alright."

Xiao Yan was not angry either, but before he could take back his hand, Nalan Yanran reached out and grabbed his wrist, but she used the force to stand up.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes slightly and couldn't help but said: "I can't touch you casually, but you have no problem touching me, right?"

"It was you who took the initiative to pull me away."

Nalan Yanran responded with a bit of indignation: "I just pulled your wrist without even touching your hand. Isn't it much better than when some bastard touched me?"

Nalan Yanran's posture made Xiao Yan speechless.

"Or, if I touch you accidentally, some woman will come out to fight for you?"

Nalan Yanran said inadvertently: "Is it her? Or Xiao Xun'er? Or some other woman I don't know?"

"? What are your baseless words?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes at her and said, "Apart from that incident, I remember that I never did anything to you, right?"

"You don't understand, this is called a woman's intuition."

Nalan Yanran said, but Xiao Yan disagreed: "What intuition, just groundless suspicion."

"Then you haven't been flirting with women recently?"

I have to say that chatting with Xiao Yan has become a rare pastime for Nalan Yanran. The two of them don't need to have any stance and can talk trash just by looking at each other. It feels so refreshing.

"As big as you."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then he took the initiative to lead Nalan Yanran into the rift valley. As he walked, he said, "How can that happen? At least there is some basis for what you say, right?"

"in accordance with?"

Nalan Yanran snorted and looked at Xiao Yan walking inside without looking back. Thinking about it, she felt a little unconvinced, so she curled her fingers, and a wisp of breath from Xiao Yan was absorbed by Nalan Yanran's wind attribute. The fighting spirit was peeled off, lingering on the tip of her nose, and then quickly dissipated like the wind.

But even so, Nalan Yanran still caught a trace of strange breath from the wisps of Xiao Yan's breath that did not belong to Xiao Yan himself, nor did it belong to Yao Wan.

Nalan Yanran was slightly startled. When she came to her senses, even she was a little surprised. No, how could he really have it if he said he had it?

"Nalan? Why did you stop talking all of a sudden?"

Seeing that there was no movement behind him, Xiao Yan was about to speak, but when he turned around, he saw Nalan Yanran whose eyes had changed.

Nalan Yanran stared at Xiao Yan fiercely, her anger and blood surged for a moment, and she cursed incoherently: "You said you have it, how can you still really have it? How many times is this already? Are you worthy of her? ?”

"Who said she came later?"

Xiao Yan did not deny it, but answered with a strange angle, which made Nalan Yanran frown visibly, and subconsciously said: "Then you came earlier? Are you not going to deny it at all now?!"


"You might as well deny it!"

Nalan Yanran was anxious.

"What are you denying? After all, this is the truth. Do I have to tell you from beginning to end?"

Xiao Yan glanced at Nalan Yanran, causing her to ask: "Then who is she? What is her name?"

"She is called Little Medical Fairy, and her name is Little Medical Fairy. She is a girl I met in Qingshan Town in the Warcraft Mountains... Oh, I also know Miss Wan. The two of them have a good relationship."

Although it was true, when Nalan Yanran asked, Xiao Yan couldn't help but speak.

"Little Medical Fairy..."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but repeat this strange-sounding name. She had never heard Xiao Yan or her mention this name before.

I don’t know what kind of person she is.

But since she knew him, and Xiao Yan accepted it happily in the end, he probably wasn't a bad person after all.

Besides, what's the use of her objection? Who is she from Xiao Yan? Do you care?

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's see what good things are here."

Xiao Yan shook his head, and then led Nalan Yanran into the deepest part of the mountain rift valley, deep into the underground cave.

First there was lightless darkness, and then there was a sudden bright white light. Countless stalactites stood among them, nourishing a kind of moss that produced a faint light and grew in the cracks of the rocks, lighting up this lightless world.

Nalan Yanran didn't understand what Xiao Yan wanted to find, but since he didn't tell her, she wasn't in a hurry to ask, so she followed him deeper into the bright underground world, going deeper and deeper until the end.

Until finally, what appeared in front of us was a huge stalactite that was far larger than the other stalactites. This huge underground space seemed to be supported by this giant pillar-like stalactite.

His eyes gradually moved down. Under the stalactite, there was an extremely large bluestone. Most of the bluestone was buried underground. At this time, at the top of the bluestone, there was a groove less than half a foot deep. The groove is just opposite the tip of the stalactite above, and the groove is filled with two inches of milky white water. Above the lotion, there is a faint white mist floating. The white mist is quite strange, and it keeps floating, They have never dissipated.

"What are you doing standing there dumbly? Come up and take a look."

As if he had realized that this was what he was looking for, Xiao Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and couldn't help but say.

"What the hell is this?"

"The Earth's Heart Tempering Body Milk."

Xiao Yan's tone was calm with a hint of playfulness, as if he wanted to see what Nalan Yanran's expression would be like when she learned what kind of rare treasure was in front of her.

"Earth-centered body quenching milk?"

Nalan Yanran repeated.


"never heard of that."

Unexpectedly, Nalan Yanran shook her head, which surprised Xiao Yan.


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