It was night, after several compatriots who grew up together in the Xiao family compound toasted and celebrated, while Xiao Xun'er was being entangled by Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, Xiao Li patted the shoulder of Xiao Yan who was drinking. .

Xiao Yan was slightly startled.

"What's wrong, second brother?"

Xiao Yan said with a hint of ambiguity in his tone.

"It's nothing, I just have something I want to talk to you about alone. Come on, let's go up and have some fun together?"

Xiao Li said.

Since it was the second brother who spoke, Xiao Yan could not refuse. He gently put down his wine glass and walked onto the balcony with Xiao Li.

"I haven't had the time to ask you alone just now, how have you been these days?"

Xiao Li slowly turned around and asked.

"It's good. Didn't Xun'er and the others just say this?"

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Li with a trace of doubt and said.

But when Xiao Li heard the words, he couldn't help but shook his head: "What I want to ask is not the answer they gave you. Second brother wants to hear your true thoughts."

Seeing that these few words couldn't make sense, Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's quite tiring."

"Is it cultivation or feelings?"

"Second brother?"

There was inevitably a hint of astonishment in Xiao Yan's tone.

"It seems that I guessed it right."

Seeing the astonishment on Xiao Yan's face, Xiao Li smiled, then turned around and glanced at Xiao Xun'er in the room, and said, "Of course that girl Xun'er is good, but why didn't you call your younger siblings?"

"What kind of siblings? Between Miss Wan and me..."

"You want to say it's nothing? No, right? It's just a matter of time."

Xiao Li shook his head and said.

Xiao Yan breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "It's inconvenient. Guests are coming to the Xiao family's party. It's not appropriate for me to call Miss Wan, not to mention that there's Xun'er here too?"

"Oh, are you jealous?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's pointed look, Xiao Li couldn't help but smile: "I just noticed that there seems to be some minor conflicts between you two. Although I can't tell the details, it's obvious that something is wrong with the atmosphere."

"Atmosphere? What atmosphere?"

Xiao Yan didn't react for a moment. After feeling the eyes from his second brother, he smiled bitterly: "Actually, this is my own fault."

With that said, he briefly told Xiao Li all his experiences during this period, especially the fact that he almost caught fire in the backyard because of his haste.

"Haha, this isn't really a backyard fire."

Xiao Li smiled and shook his head and said.

"Emotionally speaking, jealousy is inevitable, but if it doesn't work out the first time, just take it as a precaution. After all, you can't just abandon someone again, right?"

"So this thing is actually not that great. Men, who doesn't want to have three wives and four concubines? Like me and your elder brother... ahem, forget it, it's hard to say, but in short, It’s okay to have this idea, and it’s okay to want to do this, as long as you have the ability and responsibility.”

Xiao Li patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and comforted him: "Besides, you are not a bad boy. Originally, your eldest brother, your father, and I only guessed that you would only take two together in the future, but we didn't expect that you would come again." Got one, he’s really capable.”

"As for the relationship between Xun'er and that girl I've never met, hey, what's that sentence called? Crying children have milk to drink. You can't neglect the other side just because of Xun'er's momentary grievances. ? People will indeed compromise and won't complain, but people's hearts are full of flesh and blood. It's unreasonable to favor one over another."

Xiao Li shook his head seriously in front of Xiao Yan: "We will all be the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family in the future. There is no need for this."

"Yes, I understand, second brother."

Xiao Yan nodded, then changed the subject and said: "But second brother, how did you come to the Black Angle Region? The Black Angle Region is too dangerous. You are a great fighting master..."

Before Xiao Yan finished speaking, he couldn't help but be a little stunned. He felt the aura from Xiao Li. He was already a fighting spirit.

"Do you think you are the only one making progress?"

Xiao Li lightly punched Xiao Yan's chest and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this is all the result of my younger brother and sister. She was too busy to prevent us from telling you when she was here. Now that it's almost two years, it's time to tell this I’ve told you the story.”

"Oh, also, during the period around the three-year appointment between you and the Nalan family, the Xiao family also received a large amount of assistance from the Miter family. My father asked the person in charge of the Miter family, and they only said that it was Entrusted by noble people.”

Xiao Yan had actually heard his father mention this later, but this was the first time he knew about the two brothers.

"People are so kind to you, and they are not just kind to you. It's hard to find them even with a lantern."

Xiao Li said: "That's it for now. The remaining brothers can't help you much, so I can only cheer you up."

Xiao Yan shook his head: "Of course I know this too."

"It's just that Miss Wan probably won't stay with me for too long."

"What? She's leaving?"

"I'm not leaving, I'm going back."

Xiao Yan shook his head and corrected his second brother.

"Oh, is it her mysterious family?"

This is not a secret in the eyes of the Xiao family. Yaoyuan is so mysterious that it is a no-brainer possibility that there will be a mysterious family behind it to support it.

"Not just because of external reasons, but also internal reasons."

Xiao Yan thought for a while, maybe because Jiu Jin really needed someone to talk to, he said: "Miss Wan sealed the power of her bloodline to ensure that she would not be sensed by her family, but if she still doesn't awaken her bloodline, , which is also a harm to her own body."

"I don't want her to leave at all, but maybe if she leaves, her bloodline will harm herself so that things like this won't happen."

"That's it."

Xiao Li nodded silently. At this point, it was indeed unexpected.

"Then she's gone, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Li asked.

"Go and chase her back, no matter the ends of the earth."

Xiao Yan's tone was very firm.

"What about the other girls? What are you going to do?"

Xiao Li asked again, and this question seemed a bit sharp.

"After I find her, I will pay them my whole life."


Xiao Li couldn't help but smile: "Well, I won't say that I am very responsible, but I have a certain spirit of speaking my mind."

"However, Xiao Yanzi, this world is very big, very big. If you look for it, no matter time or space, it will become an invisible barrier. You have to learn to accept such a cruel reality. Sometimes what you find may not be the same." That’s what you want.”

Xiao Li's words were tantamount to pouring cold water on Xiao Yan, but they also served as a reminder to his family.

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then he couldn't help but ask: "How come the second brother suddenly likes to talk about truth as much as the eldest brother?"

"What's the matter? You don't want to hear it?"

Xiao Li smiled helplessly: "If you don't like to hear it, then you don't want to hear it. I can't imitate your eldest brother. As for me being so old-fashioned, I don't mean to pour cold water on you... Let's put it this way, your eldest and second brother are actually At first, I didn’t particularly want to establish a mercenary group in the Tagor Desert. After all, you know what the environment is like in that place, but since they have already stayed, there is nothing we can do.”

Xiao Yan listened and just nodded silently, but suddenly he couldn't help but raise his head when he heard Tagor Desert.

"By the way, second brother, why is it that you are here this time and not someone else? Where is the elder brother? Are you still in the Tagor Desert now?"

"There is no way. The most talented young generation of the Xiao family are basically in Canaan College. The elders can't leave if something happens in the family. Others who come to a place like Black Corner Domain that eats people without spitting out their bones are seeking death. , only I can come."

"Your elder brother and I have made the Motie Mercenary Group bigger and bigger in Shimo City now. As for our safety, there is no need to worry about it. Since Queen Medusa died in the catastrophe of being promoted to Douzong, the snake people are now On the contrary, we have become more peaceful, and there have been few big moves in the past two years. Our mercenary group now spends less and less time fighting snakemen, and instead we have begun to work more as a trading escort vehicle."

Hearing the comfort in Xiao Li's tone, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

But when his second brother mentioned the snake people, Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "It would be good to have less fighting and disputes, but second brother, Queen Medusa is not dead, but she is not here for a while. It’s just a desert.”

Xiao Li was stunned: "Oh? Is there such a thing?"

"Well, I guess she will go back in about half a year. By then, the Tagor Desert... probably won't be too peaceful. The second brother and the eldest brother should be more careful."

Xiao Yan originally wanted to persuade his two brothers to just stay in the Tagor Desert and go home. But before he could say anything, he probably guessed that the two brothers would not give up after so many years. It is useless to try to persuade others to be brothers.

It seems that he can only think of a solution here.

"Well, I understand. I'll tell my brother later."

Xiao Li smiled and nodded, then looked at everyone in the room and couldn't help but sigh.

I thought that my father's hint was probably referring to his younger siblings, but I didn't expect that they all thought of them as Xun'er... Sigh.

Xiao Li shook his head.

"What's wrong, second brother?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's go in and have some more drinks?"

"Forget it, after chatting for a while, the smell of alcohol has dissipated on its own, so I won't drink anymore. I'm not used to drinking too much wine."

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly and then circulated his fighting energy to dispel the alcohol in his body.

After the banquet, Xiao Li naturally did not intend to delay Xiao Yan's return to practice, so he did not force the two of them to spend the night outside in the courtyard. However, Xiao Yan was sober, but Xiao Xun'er was tipsy and could only lean against Xiao Yan slightly. He climbed onto the gryphon with some staggering steps.

"Okay, Xun'er, let's go back."

Because he was really worried that Xun'er might not be able to catch him and fall from the sky later, Xiao Yan could only hold Xun'er in one hand and control the griffin beast to fly back to the inner courtyard.

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