Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 288 Zi Yan’s Promotion

When Xiao Xun'er opened her eyes again, it was already noon the next day.

She was startled for a moment, then turned her head and looked at the door.

Right next to her bed, Xiao Yan didn't know what he was still researching, maybe it was just pill recipes or something like that.

"Brother Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Xun'er's murmur broke the quiet atmosphere in the room. Xiao Yan then received the elixir into the ring, with a faint smile on his face and said, "Xun'er is awake?"


Xiao Xun'er nodded slightly, just lying on the bed and looking at Xiao Yan's profile, she was inevitably a little surprised.

She still vaguely remembered last night's bold move and Xiao Yan's embarrassment in her mind, but now the scene where it seemed like nothing had happened made her slightly stunned.

Could it be a dream?

Xiao Xun'er murmured secretly in her heart, looking at Xiao Yan, but did not mention what happened last night.

After all, it seems outrageous no matter how you look at it.

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Yan's face, and he explained: "Xun'er was drunk last night, so I brought you back. Because you refused to let me go, I simply kept you overnight, but don't Because you will be angry when you find me in your room when you open your eyes."

Xiao Yan said half-jokingly, half with lingering fear. After all, this was not the first time he had experienced this kind of thing. It was just that he was almost stabbed to death last time. No matter how big-hearted Xiao Yan was, he should be more cautious.

"It's okay, as long as it's brother Xiao Yan, it doesn't matter."

Xiao Xun'er said with a smile.

"Well, how do you feel after drinking? You shouldn't have a headache like ordinary people when you wake up, right?"

With that said, Xiao Yan was going to get some pills for her.

But Xiao Xun'er shook her head: "Well, I'm fine, nothing happened at all."

But the doubts in her heart inevitably got deeper and deeper, and Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but ask: "By the way, brother Xiao Yan, last night..."

"Last night? What happened last night?"

Xiao Yan asked calmly.

Seeing Xiao Yan's look of not knowing anything, Xiao Xun'er exhaled a breath with a hint of regret. It seemed like it was really a dream.

But to say it was a dream would be too real.

"Actually, it doesn't sound like much."

Xiao Xun'er explained, wanting to see Xiao Yan's reaction again: "I seemed to dream last night that I was drunk and... kissed or something like Brother Xiao Yan?"


Although Xiao Yan was surprised, his reaction was not that panicked. He just said: "Then it seems that Xun'er is really drunk."

"Do you need to take some calming elixirs and adjust your breathing?"

Xiao Yan's words made Xiao Xun'er shake her head subconsciously: "No, then forget it."

"Well, of course that would be great if nothing happens."

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Yan's face and he said, "But now that Xun'er is awake, do I still have something to be busy with?"

The looming joy in Xiao Xun'er's eyebrows suddenly dimmed.

"Brother Xiao Yan is leaving?"

"Well, I have been busy with a lot of things in the past month or so, and have been delayed a lot. I can't waste any more time. I need to seize the time to practice."


Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan and naturally didn't feel that he was lying at this moment.

"Well, then go ahead, brother Xiao Yan. Xun'er is fine, don't worry about me."


Xiao Yan nodded, naturally he couldn't be more relieved, and then left her room, closing the door at the same time.

After Xiao Yan left, he took a look at the little medical fairy. Now she has half-stepped into the Douzong and started to practice in seclusion. I believe that she will become a strong Douzong in the near future.

In this case, there is no other way.

He could only cheer for her silently in his heart.

After that, Xiao Yan went to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

Because he eliminated a challenger on the strong list last time, Xiao Yan can now enter the sixth level of practice on his own, but other training rooms are still not as good as Zi Yan's No. 1 training room.

Oh, by the way, speaking of which, where is Zi Yan?

I haven't seen her for two months. During this time, I haven't seen her come to refine elixirs for me, nor have she stayed with Queen Medusa. That's really strange. Where has she been?

Xiao Yan didn't know where this little girl lived, she was the only one who showed up unexpectedly.

Speaking of which, I am quite worried about her.

Xiao Yan walked down the steps leading to the sixth floor, turned his head and saw the No. 1 training room that was particularly conspicuous even in the deepest part.

Through the light curtain, what Xiao Yan saw was the green and purple colors inside.

Xiao Yan couldn't help being a little surprised and couldn't help but go forward to check. As a result, after walking in, he discovered that the green and purple colors formed an energy dome that was almost as tall as one person and could only be surrounded by two people hugging each other.

On the energy dome in front of her, Zi Yan's own fighting energy is entangled with another kind of life breath that Xiao Yan is very familiar with. It is a protective shell that protects the transformation towards a higher realm, and it also filters the sky burning. A huge filter of pure energy in the deepest part of the Qi Refining Tower.

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, but finally crossed the translucent light curtain and walked into the No. 1 training room.

After all, he has used this training room before, so he will not be turned away.

While entering the door, Xiao Yan naturally noticed that the ray of living beings was continuously transforming the alien fire energy, turning into pure life breath and injecting it into the green and purple giant egg in front of him.

Xiao Yan had no intention of affecting her breakthrough, so he had no intention of touching her.

But it's really strange. Could it be that Miss Wan and Zi Yan also know each other? After all, there is nothing surprising about this.

Will she use the breath of life to help her as a Warcraft break through to the Dou Huang? There is no way for humans to use this method. Only those magical beasts with ancient bloodline and naturally strong bodies can use this method to quickly upgrade.

If nothing else goes wrong, when Zi Yan breaks the seal, she should be the Dou Huang, right?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be a little envious of Zi Yan's cultivation speed. She could level up just by taking medicinal materials, she had the best cultivation room, and even if she had a breakthrough, she would still have the help of the flames of life.

Even if he breaks through, it probably won't be such a big battle.

Comparing people with others is worthy of comparison, but comparing goods with others should be thrown away.

Xiao Yan shook his head and sighed for a while. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a crisp crackling sound coming from the green and purple dome behind him.

Xiao Yan immediately turned around, no, Zi Yan is about to break through?

And it seems that it has been felt that the purple dome can no longer carry such energy, and the creature's flame above the head gradually shuts down the process of converting the surrounding strange fire energy.

Xiao Yan was deep in thought, then he simply reached forward and asked if he could pull this creature's flame over.

As a result, the Yan of the Creature behaved extremely tamely. After sensing the will from Xiao Yan, he took the initiative to fly into Xiao Yan's palm, appearing particularly intimate.

He couldn't help being slightly startled, and then he directly took this creature's flame into his body. After getting along with Miss Wan for a long time, he naturally knew very well that the creature's flame itself did not have the terrifying destructive power and destruction like other strange fires. Sex, on the contrary, is extremely docile, so there is no problem even if it is directly inserted into the meridians of the body.

After all, things like the Flame of Life are very rare. If you borrow it today, maybe you will have a chance to use it?

As for why the creature's Yan was so docile towards him, and even took the initiative to come closer, maybe it was because of Miss Wan.

When Xiao Yan put away the Flame of Life, the balance of the green and purple dome in front of him was broken, both internally and externally. One after another, spider web-like cracks gradually filled the entire dome. A bright purple light couldn't wait to pass through the cracked eggshell, bursting out in all directions.

As the strong light above became stronger and stronger, finally, there was a subtle clicking sound. Immediately, the small cracks originally covered on the light cocoon suddenly cracked quietly, and countless bright purple lights appeared along the way. It shot out from the crack.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath. Is this the news of Warcraft advancing to the sixth level?

If it weren't for the last energy tidal phenomenon caused by the energy of heaven and earth being aroused at this moment, which then caused a catastrophe, Xiao Yan felt that this movement would be comparable to Medusa's promotion to Douzong.

When he reacted, the green and purple energy dome exploded completely, revealing a body outline that was different from the little kid's Zi Yan in Xiao Yan's impression.

In the purple mist that was first dense and then quickly dissipated, a tall figure gradually appeared in front of Xiao Yan, causing him to slowly open his eyes.

who is this.

The tall figure is not much better than the Asparagus and Medusa. The jade body is naked, and a faint purple light lingers on the body. The facial features are exquisite and regular, but there is a hint of something that seems not to be human in the first place. She is enchanting, with slender purple hair that falls like a waterfall on her shoulders and falls directly on Fu Liu's hips under her waist. Her mature body is curved forward and backward. How can she still have the charm of that little girl back then?

Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly. Compared with the impulse caused by species instinct, Xiao Yan's first reaction was to hold his chin with his hand to prevent it from falling to the ground.

Xiao Yan was probably unwilling to admit that this was actually Zi Yan.

He couldn't help but silently raised his hand to pinch his cheek, and then pulled it hard.

Hiss, it hurts so much, it’s not a dream.

But the naked beauty in front of her opened her soul-stirring and enchanting eyes, and saw Xiao Yan's expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"Xiao Yan? Why are you here? Huh? Have you become shorter? No - am I growing taller?"

Zi Yan didn't fully understand the situation in front of her. She lowered her head and looked at her completely different body. After being stunned, ecstasy followed.

"Yeah, I've grown up!"

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