Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 290 That is a very important gift

After leaving the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, Zi Yan only felt refreshed.

If you want to say why, it is naturally because she has finally grown up and is no longer a little girl who will be treated like a little girl.

However, she is not in a leisurely mood to chat with other people. Just like what she just said to Xiao Yan, she just wants to relax. Besides, if possible, she would really like to see the man who secretly uses the flame of life to help He was a friend of the Xiao Yan who was promoted to Dou Huang.

After all, if it weren't for her, there's no telling how long it would take for him to become what he is now.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it will take a year or two at least.

With brisk steps, Zi Yan followed Xiao Yan's previous prompts and found Yaowan's residence, and then walked directly in.

"Hello? Are Xiao Yan's friends here? I'm looking for Xiao Yan's friends."

Zi Yan turned around and couldn't help shouting.

"Didn't Xiao Yan go to practice? He doesn't have many friends to ask me about?"

At the same time, Yao Wan's voice sounded, and Zi Yan couldn't help but turn her head and look at Yao Wan who walked out of the room.

Yaowan also saw her.

"Huh? Are you growing up?"

Yaowan recognized at a glance that the beauty in the cloak was Zi Yan. After looking up and down, she couldn't help but feel that not only had she grown up, but she also seemed to have changed a bit... The change seemed to be quite big, almost. Almost as good as her.

Of course, Yaowan herself doesn't have to worry. In this regard, except for the woman Medusa, who is indeed blessed by nature, no one can compare with her.

"It seems that the effect of the Flame of Life is better than I expected. After constantly transforming the alien fire energy of the Fallen Heart Flame, I actually turned into a Dou Huang so quickly."

She looked at Zi Yan and walked slowly, with a rare hint of approval in her eyes.

"You were the one who left me the Flame of Life?"


Yao Wan nodded, then looked Zi Yan up and down, and said: "It's not bad, I rushed to Dou Huang in one breath."

"It's really strange. Could something like the Flame of Life be born here?"

Zi Yan couldn't help but be a little curious. After all, in a place like the Northwest Continent, if there was a strange fire outside the top fifteen on the strange fire list, it would be a bloody battle, but suddenly there was a kind of strange fire that could be said to be the entire world. One of the five most powerful strange fires in Dou Qi Continent, it is somewhat surprising.

"I didn't say I was a local."

Yao Wan looked at Zi Yan's somewhat strange clothes, and couldn't help but glance down. A few smooth toes peeked out of the corners of the cloak, which made Yao Wan immediately realize what was going on.

"You don't have any clothes on?"

"Um...because we just broke through."

Zi Yan was actually a little embarrassed to mention this kind of thing in front of a stranger she had never met before. After all, she had been living in human society for a long time, and it was impossible for human concepts to treat her the least. No impact at all.

Yao Wan's expression gradually became strange: "Then you and Xiao Yan just met?"

"Well, he went to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to practice. I just made a breakthrough in cultivation, so I gave him my practice room."

"That's it."

Yao Wan couldn't help but let out a long breath, and there was inevitably a bit of resentment in his eyes. This guy was really, even if he went to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to practice, it would not stop him from continuing to have sex.

"never mind."

However, it was impossible for her to go to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to torment Xiao Yan. It would be more appropriate to leave this kind of thing to Xiao Xun'er.

Then, her attention returned to Zi Yan again.

"It's okay to have no clothes to wear. After all, you look like a human being on the outside. You always have to wear clothes well. I have a few pieces here that I haven't worn much. Let's try them in the house, so as not to spread the word to others. It would be too embarrassing for me to wear my leftover old clothes.”

With that said, Yao Wan led Zi Yan through the door.

"Sister, who are you?"

In Yao Wan's room, when Yao Wan lowered her head and took out a few pieces of clothing that she had not worn at all, so they were not much different from new clothes, Zi Yan was looking at the room curiously. Everything, and the mature sister with pale golden eyes did have a vague aura of the flames of life, which smelled very good, and made her even more fond of her.

But what is different from her friendly temperament is that she behaves a little coldly, which makes people don't know how to deal with it.

Although, this sister must be a very nice person, otherwise I wouldn’t have thought of preparing clothes for her.

And in the short period of time when Yaoyuan lowered her head to sort it out, Zi Yan saw at a glance a beautiful bonsai cutting placed on the entry cabinet, which was almost the first thing she saw when she entered the door.

"Hey, sister, can you give me this medicinal material? It doesn't seem to be very common. I can exchange it with you for three medicinal herbs of the same level."

Zi Yan recognized the strange effect of Qihuan Qingling Saliva on the soul level at a glance, and couldn't help but said to Yaowan, after all, she could not find many rare medicinal materials, but medicinal materials related to the soul were indeed not that common, even if For Zi Yan, it is quite difficult to find.

But Yao Wan refused without even thinking: "No."

"Well, why? Most people wouldn't use this medicinal material as a bonsai cutting, and my sister wouldn't use it herself, right?"

"——Because it is an important gift. Its owner gave it to me just because of a simple diagnostic error. The value itself is not worth mentioning to me, but as long as I have that emotion, I will keep it. .”

Yao Wan didn't even raise her head, maybe because Zi Yan was relatively unfamiliar to her, or maybe because she felt that Zi Yan was still young and didn't understand this, so she explained directly, not afraid of her knowing. .

"Oh, if that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

Although Zi Yan did not fully understand Yao Wan's meaning, she could sympathize with Yao Wan's emotions to some extent. Although she was reluctant to let go, she still put the Qihuan Qingling Saliva in her hand back to its original place.

Then she also saw the shiny wooden doll, but before she could speak further, Yao Wan said: "Okay, let's change clothes and see which one you like? Of course you can take them all with you. , anyway, I basically never wore it once.”


Zi Yan subconsciously thought of the color of her hair, and naturally and subconsciously wanted to find clothes of the same color.

"There are no pure purple ones, only white ones with purple patterns. By the way, wouldn't you be afraid of clashing colors?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but say as she watched Zi Yan happily put on the white shirt and skirt with purple patterns in front of her.

"Contrasting colors? No way. Is it okay if I like it?"

Zi Yan said with a smile. Yao Wan originally thought of talking about Xiao Xun'er, but after thinking that there seemed no need to mention her, she shut her mouth.

"Hehe, what do you think, sister?"

It has to be said that Zi Yan, a beauty, is good-looking in everything. Seeing Zi Yan swaying with joy in front of her eyes, Yao Wan chuckled.

In front of the mirror, Zi Yan has purple hair scattered around her shoulders. Under her knee-length skirt, her fair legs are covered with a layer of fine and shiny black silk, revealing an unusual color.

"It's pretty good. Let's take these things back with us. That guy Xiao Yan is not easy to deal with. It's better to be more careful when dealing with him in the future."

Yao Wan couldn't help but warned.

"Xiao Yan? Isn't he a very nice person?"

Zi Yan couldn't help but feel a little strange about Yao Wan's seemingly incomprehensible question.

"Well, I didn't say that he was bad, right? It's just that you have to be more careful and cautious about this kind of thing, otherwise you will be... ah, forget it."

Feeling Zi Yan's gaze, Yao Wan sighed and gave up her preaching.

"By the way, what's your sister's name?"

Zi Yan added, to be honest, the number of people who can make Zi Yan behave temporarily and be obedient is not more than the number of hands in the entire Canaan College.

Yao Wan thought for a moment, and realized that he wouldn't be staying much longer anyway, and said, "Ya Wan, don't tell Xiao Yan the name for now. I will tell him myself after a while."

"Xiao Yan, he doesn't know your name?"

"After all, I deliberately concealed it."

Yao Wan's tone was relaxed, but still inevitably laced with a hint of sadness.

"Then why hide it?"

"Because at first... I didn't expect to stay with him for so long."

Yaowan exhaled a breath and seemed to sigh: "When I came back to my senses, I found that the opportunity to explain seemed to have been missed."

"Timing? Don't you just need to tell him about this kind of thing?"

Zi Yan couldn't help but feel a little confused about Yao Wan's twisted behavior.

"So that's not the case at all."

Yaowan didn't take Zi Yan's doubts to heart, and just said: "You just don't understand this yet. When you grow up spiritually, you will probably understand."

“Spiritual growth?”

"It's what the saying goes: maturity. The growth of life is divided into physical and spiritual. This has nothing to do with humans and monsters. It's just that humans will soon complete spiritual growth among each other in their short enough lives. This is not The difference between humans and Warcraft, after all, after reaching the sixth level of Warcraft, there is not much difference between the two in terms of wisdom. As a child of ancient blood, you have taken the Transformation Grass early. From the beginning, you are actually different from ordinary human children. There’s not much difference.”

"Oh, I see."

Zi Yan nodded in understanding. In other words, do you want to become more mature?

So what should we do next? Ask Sister Medusa?

Yao Wan had no intention of interfering with Zi Yan's thoughts. After all, Xiao Yan and Qing Lin already had enough to worry about. If Zi Yan came in again, she might be able to tear this place apart.

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