Looking at Zi Yan's tall figure now, Xiao Yan was slightly startled and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"How did you come?"

It wasn't until Zi Yan finished speaking that Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

After all, for Zi Yan's temperament, things that have nothing to do with her naturally have nothing to do with her and should be ignored.

"What do you mean, why am I here? The inner courtyard is my home after all. I can't just watch the bastards from the Black Corner Territory and this guy demolish my home, right?"

Zi Yan snorted softly, and then felt a burst of burning pain in her palm. She couldn't help but frown, and used a burst of fighting spirit to push back the huge fire python that was staring at Xiao Yan.

"I didn't expect that Xinhuo's true form would look like this..."

Although Zi Yan is a monster with extraordinary talents and a powerful ancient bloodline, she is only a Dou Huang in the end, and the fire python in front of her is at least at the level of a Dou Zong. Therefore, Xiao Yan is the strongest person who can temporarily defend Xiao Yan in front of the fire python. The impact is almost the limit.

As for dealing with... Just kidding, even Warcraft will be afraid of strange fire. This strange fire is a strange thing made by heaven and earth. How can it be so easy to deal with? It has not become a cliff-like weapon like Yao Wanhuo. Overwhelmed by strength, this strange fire, which is basically intelligent, will be afraid of being subdued by him.

As a result, Yao Wanhuo didn't snatch the Fallen Heart Flame away directly for Yao Wan's sake.

It is the instinct of life to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, even if it is a life born from the alien fire itself.

The Xiao Yan in front of him looked like a mixture of three different fires to Fallen Xinyan. It was the most irresistible food for this more powerful foreign fire.

Naturally, the fire python will desperately want to swallow Xiao Yan. After all, these are three kinds of strange fires. If two kinds of strange fires meet in this world, there will only be two results. One will devour the other, and then become more powerful. Grow or destroy, die together, and then turn everything around them into dust and scorched earth.

However, when he felt Zi Yan blocking him, the fire python was stunned for a moment, and then immediately became furious again.

It remembered very clearly that this monster was greedily absorbing its strange fire energy some time ago. Even if the energy absorbed by other people's cultivation combined, it was not as much as she absorbed when she broke through the Dou Huang alone.

Ordinary people cannot use the energy of alien fire at all, so other people's cultivation only uses the heart fire to compress and filter their fighting energy, thereby accelerating their own cultivation. However, it is different when Zi Yan breaks through. The flame of life is used as a converter to directly convert No. 1 The strange fire energy in the training room was absorbed completely, which meant that the energy supply in the No. 1 training room was enough to keep up with this huge consumption, but even so, the fire python also remembered Zi Yan's aura that made it extremely disgusted.

This magical beast that sucked away his own energy actually dared to appear in front of it?

The fire python let out a piercing roar, and Xiao Yan immediately opened his fighting spirit barrier and prepared to defend, but found that the originally expected piercing scream did not reach his mind.

He was slightly stunned and subconsciously looked for the reason with his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Yan's reaction, Zi Yan smiled: "Humph, I told you that I would bring reinforcements for you, right?"

"Reinforcements? What reinforcements?"

Xiao Yan looked at the two sides who were gradually beginning to confront each other and were preparing to fight. To be honest, apart from the little medical fairy who was still in seclusion in order to break through the Douzong, he really didn't expect that there were other people on their side. What a helper.

"——Didn't you forget about me?"

Suddenly, a very familiar voice suddenly made Xiao Yan react. He couldn't help but raise his head and look higher. The enchanting beauty in a red dress had her slender hands on her waist. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. When she raised her hands, The power of Douzong directly folded the space between them and the fire python, so the scream that Dou Ling could not resist was intercepted silently.

"Queen Medusa?"

Xiao Yan blinked, full of surprise, and couldn't help but said: "Didn't you go back?"

"...No, even though I said I left, I did not leave the inner courtyard."

Queen Medusa looked at Xiao Yan inexplicably and said.

"Then how did you..."

Xiao Yan's eyes naturally fell on Zi Yan: "Did Zi Yan do it?"

"Eh? What do you mean I did it? It sounds like I'm doing something bad again."

Zi Yan was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but hit Xiao Yan, and she almost lost her breath without even punching him.

"Cough, cough, cough! I didn't do anything bad, I didn't do anything bad!"

A fighting emperor who was proud of his physical strength punched him. Xiao Yan felt that if he had not died on the way to refining the fallen heart flame, he would have been beaten to death by Zi Yan.

"Okay, stop joking."

Queen Medusa looked at the way Xiao Yan was fooling around with Zi Yan, and she couldn't help but let out a breath, feeling quite relieved.

"The truth is, the day Sister Medusa wanted to leave, she came to me to say goodbye. I thought it would be a pity to let Sister Medusa go back, so I simply let her stay for a few days. Houshan will play with me for a few more days."

Queen Medusa heard the explanation from Zi Yan, sighed softly, and said: "It was just a whim. After all, the mountains and roads from the Black Corner Domain to the Tagore Desert are far away from Zi Yan. I don’t know how long it will be before we see each other after we say goodbye, so I just want to stay with her for a few more days."

"It just happened that something like this happened in your inner courtyard. Although the others have nothing to do with me, since Zi Yan asked me to help, I will naturally keep the place where she was raised."

Queen Medusa's attention returned to the fire python, which seemed to be particularly angry because her prey had escaped several times.

"Hmph, it's just a strange fire, but it pretends to be a living thing."

Queen Medusa sneered and then responded to the enemy.

The fire python was temporarily entangled by Queen Medusa. Xiao Yan wanted to just stare at the fire python and observe when the fallen heart flame would show its flaws, but soon, another uninvited guest came to the door.

Zi Yan raised her pretty eyebrows, quickly pulled Xiao Yan aside, and looked at Han Feng who was flying towards him.

"Step aside."

Naturally, Han Feng, who had already been torn apart by the trash talk he had with Su Qian just now, would no longer pretend to be benevolent and righteous. Now, the strange fire was more important to him than anything else.

In addition, Han Feng, who has keen soul perception, also noticed that Xiao Yan had a very strong aura of strange fire. Although he had not seen him use it yet, Han Feng was sure that this person must be related to the strange fire. If he could not get it quickly If he is under the Fallen Heart Flame, it would be a good choice to capture him.

"Where are your eyes looking!"

Zi Yan scolded.

Han Feng came back to his senses, looked at Zi Yan but smiled contemptuously, a clear blue flame like lake water emerged from his fingertips, and said: "A one-star Dou Huang who has just been promoted not long ago dares to stand in my way. Isn’t it too much to put too much trust in front of you?”

Zi Yan looked at Han Feng expressionlessly, then clenched the fist with her slender white fingers together with both hands.

"I'll hold him back while you go help Sister Medusa."

As she said that, Zi Yan glanced at the people who were already fighting over there. The great elder Su Qian was entangled by the gold and silver elders and could not escape. The others also found their own opponents, and the remaining people were struggling to hold on. With seal.

Xiao Yan shook his head.

"I have a grudge against this person. If he doesn't let go, the people in the Black Corner Region will not leave. The longer the Fallen Heart Flame is released, the more dangerous it will be for everyone."

He said seriously: "You help me block him first, give me some time, and get rid of him as soon as possible."

"Well, that's good, I believe you!"

Zi Yan nodded, and then rushed towards Han Feng without any scruples.

Han Feng originally didn't care much about Zi Yan, a one-star Dou Huang. Although the two were in the same realm, he had already touched the threshold of Dou Zong again. How could she be a junior like her who had just broken through to Dou Huang? And the language?

"Come on fire!"

Han Feng shouted, the place where the Fallen Heart Flame is located is a place where the fire attribute energy is particularly strong. For an alchemist like him, it can be said to be a unique and advantageous environment.

"No. 15 on the strange fire list, Hai Xinyan, be more careful."

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously. He knew that Zi Yan, as a monster, would be somewhat afraid of strange fire, but there was nothing he could do about it. As long as it was a living thing, it would be afraid of this destructive force born from heaven and earth, so he reminded him loudly. .

Although Zi Yan was childish and reckless, she was obviously not a fool. She stepped into the void, her slender jade legs slightly bent, and Xiao Yan saw the overlapping ripples under her feet that were like ripples on the water.

That is the fluctuation of space.

Xiao Yan felt that his soul perception seemed to be affected by Zi Yan's action. Later, Ting Yao Lao explained: "She is taking the initiative to overlap the space, and then use her physical power to create space in the space." Through his performance, he gained energy that was several times greater than his own physical ability.”


Xiao Yan listened to Yao Lao's explanation, but didn't understand it all of a sudden.

"In other words, she is using the characteristics of space itself to enhance her own power... It's strange, this little girl is just a one-star Dou Huang, how can she understand the use of the power of space so quickly? Even if I’m afraid even the veteran Douzong may not have such skillful methods as hers. It’s really rare for Medusa to be able to use the power of space when she first joined the Douzong, but this little girl turned out to be even more terrifying.”

Yao Lao shook his head: "Is it because of the racial talent of being a Warcraft?"

"Then how did Miss Wan manage to open the portal so easily?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"The girl relies solely on her talent. Understanding, analyzing, and applying. This kind of thing is no more troublesome for her than eating and drinking."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, let's deal with this evil beast first!"

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