Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 298 Returning to the Medicine World

Of course Xiao Yan felt the invisible fire python charging towards him, and it was inevitable that this guy was like a shark that smelled blood, and would be targeted by the slightest smell of strange fire.

Xiao Yan has no chance of winning in a speed competition with Fallen Heart Flame and a Dou Zong, but he also knows very well that he must not let Fallen Heart Flame devour Hai Xinyan. Today's Queen Medusa and Great Elder Su Qian can still suppress it for the time being. Keep it in check, but if it were to swallow another type of strange fire, the consequences would be truly disastrous.

While thinking about this, Xiao Yan simply gave up on racing against Fallen Heart Flame to grab Hai Xinyan, and instead stopped directly in front of the invisible fire python.

When the fire python was stopped by Xiao Yan, he turned his head and saw that Zi Yan had already grabbed the soul with a strong aura of strange fire. Compared with the ownerless strange fire, it was undoubtedly the one in front of her. The three kinds of strange fire were even more coveted, so the fire python turned and pounced on Xiao Yan without thinking.

Xiao Yan's breathing was stagnant, but with the help of Yao Lao's power, he had the strength to deal with the fire python without being killed directly.

At the same time, Queen Medusa also came to her side.

Although Xiao Yan's changes meant that she at least wouldn't be swallowed by Xiao Yan, but she also knew that Xiao Yan's current state probably wouldn't last too long.

"How long can you last?"

"Three sticks of incense at most. If you go all out, I'm afraid it will be consumed faster."

This is the consensus between Xiao Yan and Yao Lao that they must obtain the Fallen Heart Flame no matter what.

"Can you guarantee that you can capture this fire python within three sticks of incense?"

"No, so I'm going to find another way."


In the dark void, the flickering light flickered like star points, as if he were in the starry sky. Yao Wan used his soul power to protect Qing Lin, who was not strong enough to stay in the void for the time being, but suddenly he felt thoughtful. The ground frowned.

Yao Wanhuo was planning to return to the medicine world with the two of them, so he did not immediately see Yao Wan's expression suddenly change.

"Miss? What's wrong with you?"

Qing Lin saw the slightly wrinkled eyebrows on Yao Wan's face and couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but look back at Yao Wan.

"It's okay, it's just that there's probably a lot of excitement over there, right?"

Yao Wan shook her head, but the creature's flame had some reaction. It seemed that it was not beyond expectations.

"Miss, are you worried about Master Xiao Yan?"

Qing Lin secretly glanced at Yao Wanhuo, and couldn't help lowering her voice. Yao Wan couldn't help but feel helpless, while Yao Wanhuo simply turned a deaf ear... But even if he wanted to ignore it, he had to accept that his genius girl went out. This fact seems to steal people's hearts.

But this is not what he is most worried about now, or the person he is most worried about has not yet had his turn to do it. He should let the patriarch worry about this kind of thing slowly.

However, Yao Wanhuo feels that it is not a bad thing. There are always two sides to everything. If this can be used to allow Wan'er to stay in the clan and practice with peace of mind, it is not a bad thing.

As for Xiao Yan's visit? Yao Wanhuo is not worried about this yet.

The gap between the two is too big. In his opinion, if Xiao Yan stays in the Northwest Continent, he will be limited to Douzong at most. If he comes to Zhongzhou, it is possible to douzun, but whether it is Douzong or Douzun, there is no difference between him and Douzong. The gap between them and Wan'er is also too big.

In addition, Xiao Yan's identity seems to be somewhat intriguing.

The surname Xiao, without even thinking about it, can make Yao Wanhuo subconsciously recall the Xiao clan that was at its peak a thousand years ago. Unfortunately, it all ended with the failure of Xiao Xuan Gong, and the Xiao clan declined and disappeared.

When Wan'er went out and met a friend named Xiao, Yao Wanhuo thought that this was just a coincidence. But this time when he picked Wan'er back, he saw the little girl from the ancient tribe and Hei Yan. The people from the army actually stood with Xiao Yan and the others. Although there was a lot of conflict in the words, this almost made Yao Wanhuo 100% sure that Xiao Yan was Xiao Xuan's descendant.

After running away from home for a few years, I was able to meet someone from the Xiao clan. Although there was no doubt that it was a side branch, considering what happened to the Xiao clan a thousand years ago, it was already a great thing to have the bloodline surviving.

As Yao Wanhuo gets older, he feels a little more sad about the truth that time is merciless but blood lasts forever.

I just hope that their clan will not end up like the Xiao clan in the past, but now these old guys are still there, and Wan'er will definitely take up the important role in the future. Yao Wanhuo is not worried about this.

"That's a little bit."

Yao Wan didn't know that Yao Wanhuo was turning a blind eye. She then said: "But at least I have left enough backup for him, so he won't be killed by a fallen heart inflammation." Killed."

However, she still didn't want to reveal too much in front of Yao Wanhuo, so she just pointed at Qing Lin with her eyes and stopped talking.

When Yao Wanhuo saw Yao Wan, he stopped talking and realized the reason.

Then, a spiritual light lit up in front of the three people's eyes, and then became more and more dazzling.

When Yao Wanhuo opened the door to space again, the world outside was no longer the scenery of Canaan College, or even the Black Corner Territory, and the Northwest Continent, but the lush and lush wilderness mountains that covered an area far larger than the entire Black Corner Territory.

The Yao Clan is located in the Shennong Mountains in the extreme south of Zhongzhou. From a certain perspective, the area there is actually separated from the Zhongzhou area, so it seems quite remote.

However, it is said that mountains are not high, and there are immortals and spirits, and this mountain range is also for the same reason. Although the Shennong Mountains belong to that kind of wild area, where poisonous insects are rampant, and all kinds of ferocious beasts that are rare in Zhongzhou emerge in endlessly, but because of the existence of the Yao Clan, it still makes people This area has become quite lively, and this mountain range is rich in various rare medicinal materials. Many alchemists have traveled thousands of miles to come here to find medicinal materials for alchemy. Therefore, the Shennong Mountains are also extremely popular. .

And since countless rare medicinal materials can be produced, and there are hard-to-find exotic beasts strutting here, it naturally means that this is a rare treasure land. The auspicious clouds and mist above the peaks are not water vapor, but jade. The pure and solid energy of heaven and earth, you can imagine how rich the energy here is. When practicing here, the increase in the speed of cultivation is enough to leave the cultivation conditions of any other place in the northwest continent far behind.

However, this mountain range is not a natural cultivation treasure land, but an ancestor of the Yao Clan spent hundreds of years cultivating it to be so fertile. The Yao Clan’s accomplishments in this area are even greater than those in the entire Dou Qi Continent. Above, it is enough to be called the pinnacle.

But in the final analysis, although the Yao Clan has not explicitly ordered people who do not belong to the Yao Clan not to set foot in the Shennong Mountains, they are basically isolated from the outside of the mountains and unable to go deeper.

After all, most of these ancient ethnic groups are very exclusive beings. They are proud of their ancestors and the blood of their ancestors who have reached the top of the world, so they believe that they must be at the top of the Dou Qi Continent.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but in the end, he especially likes to look down on those outside forces.

Although Yao Wan knew about this from the beginning, there was nothing he could do about it.

Obviously, the disease of arrogance is not so easy to cure. Although it is not curable now, it may not be possible in a few years.

"Miss, where are we?"

Qing Lin took a deep breath. The fresh air here and the energy of heaven and earth contained in it made people in Qing Lin who had not yet reached the level of a one-star fighter vaguely aware that this was a very good place for cultivation.

"This is where I come from, my... home, sort of."

Yao Wan paused, then explained: "But it's not here yet, so there's no rush."

As they spoke, the three of them lowered their clouds, and finally landed on a deep stream deep in the mountains. Opposite the deep stream, a huge stone arch of several hundred feet stood quietly, and a breath of vicissitudes came from From above the huge stone arch.

In the center of the arch is a gray and twisted space, and here is the space gate leading to the Medicine World. If outsiders want to enter or exit here, they need to inform the Medicine Clan Iron Guards guarding outside the gate before they can let them go. ,

Outside the gate of the Yao clan, several figures standing there like sculptures saw that Yao Wanhuo had returned with Yaowan and Qinglin, and they all saluted respectfully and said, "I have met Elder Wanhuo."

"Well, let's send word to the medicine community that the lady is back."

Yao Wanhuo glanced at the guard responsible for guarding the Yao Realm today. After speaking, he turned to Yao Wan and said, "Wan'er, let's go."

"Okay... Qinglin, stop looking. You'll see it later. Let's go."

"Yes, miss."

While several Yao clan iron guards bowed their heads respectfully and followed the instructions, they couldn't help but fell into a brief daze when they raised their heads and brushed against Yao Wan.

"I said...who is that?"

Someone was stunned for a few seconds before reacting and couldn't help but ask.

"Are you deaf? Elder Wanhuo just said, it's Miss! Miss is back!"

Someone poked him with their elbow, and he woke up as if from a dream: "Oh, is that the young lady who ran away without anyone noticing five years ago?"

"Yes, the eldest lady who was in the medicine world but disappeared without a trace at some time is a peerless genius who was born with a soul in the heavenly realm! The hope for the prosperity of our generation of medicine people!"

"Elder Wanhuo has finally found the young lady?"

"Yes, but even though the eldest lady is so famous, this is my first time seeing her."

"Nonsense. Previously, the eldest lady stayed at home and practiced with peace of mind. It is said that only the clan leader, two clan elders, and some high-ranking elders have seen her."

"So, are we just lucky?"

"...Hurry up and report! If the news of the elder and the young lady's arrival has not reached the clan leader, we won't be able to survive!"

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