Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 301 Medicine Pill: Is the cabbage going to be eaten by a pig?

The matter between Yao Wan and Qing Lin was now over. Yao Dan naturally did not want to delay any more, so he ended the meeting in the clan hall.

Yaowan naturally needs to return to her residence, so while Qinglin has not been completely finalized, she plans to take Qinglin to stay with her for a few days, but she may need to stay with her for a few days. I was separated and trained by a dedicated person.

After all, things like Bi Snake and Three Flower Pupils are not that common. In addition, with the protection of Yao Wan, Yao Dan and Yao Wanhuo will listen to it to some extent.

And just when Yao Wan took Qing Lin one step ahead, the man and woman who had been standing silently on the side followed Yao Wan and Qing Lin's steps and walked out the door.

"Sister Yaowan, please stay."

Yao Wan wanted to ignore them, but before she could shake them off, the young man took the initiative to stop Yao Wan.

Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh, but she still didn't escape after all.

Therefore, she could only turn around under Qing Lin's somewhat incomprehensible gaze and look at the man and woman who were obviously more like brothers and sisters than lovers.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Looking at the man's eyes with pale golden eyes, Yaowan guessed it with a hint of obsession and concentration, and the perfunctory look in his eyes became more intense.

"It seems that the sister of the Yaowan tribe has not met my brother and sister. My name is Yaotian, and this is my sister, Yaoling."

The young man who calls himself Yaotian seems to have an extraordinary impulse towards Yaowan, but Yaowan has no interest in him.

"Sorry, Brother Yaotian, I have something else to do, so I'll excuse you now."

Before Yaotian could finish what he said, Yaowan grabbed Qinglin's hand and ran away without looking back.

"Clan sister, wait a minute——"

When Yaotian saw Yaowan turning around and leaving, he immediately wanted to follow him, but was held back by Yaoling.

"Brother, can't you see this?"

Yao Ling couldn't help but said: "She is deliberately keeping a distance from you."

"Even if you really want to get in touch with her, now is not a good time."

Yaoling said solemnly: "She has been away for five years. In the next two or three years, she will only practice crazily to make up for all the lazy cultivation in the past. If we see her again, I'm afraid it will be the celebration of life in the future."

As for Yao Tian's thoughts, Yao Wan turned around and forgot about it. Now that she had so many things to worry about, where could she have any spare time?

"Miss, who was that person just now?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know him either."


Qinglin nodded, and the young lady's reaction made her completely relieved.

Yao Wan had no intention of continuing the nonsense with Qing Lin, so he took her back to his former residence, which was also his training room.

This is a regular square cave with a length and width of more than ten feet. However, the top of the head is not flat, but a round dome, which is in line with the saying, the sky is round and the earth is round.

Even in the entire medicine world, except for those secret realms and cultivation places that can only be entered when the clan's bloodline is awakened, this is probably one of the best places you can find.

The energy of heaven and earth that is so strong in the outside world that it forms auspicious clouds and mist has been merged with the spring in the center of the cave. Along with the grooves on the ground that outline simple patterns, the spring water formed entirely by the energy of heaven and earth is flowing throughout the entire cave. Samsara circulates on its own in the cave, just like a small world.

Qing Lin only felt that her cultivation level was growing with every breath she took here. Even if she didn't have to do anything, she would immediately spontaneously break through the one-star realm that she had spent several months on and still had not yet fully achieved. The dream was about to become a reality, and Qing Lin couldn't help but feel like he was in a dream.

Sitting on such a precious land, it is no wonder that the young lady is so much better than Master Xiao Yan.

But before Yao Wan could say anything to Qing Lin, Yao Wan couldn't help but look at the door of the cave. An old figure walked slowly behind the stone screen. Yao Wan immediately went up to meet him.

"I've met the clan leader."

Being able to see that the old man was still in good spirits after not seeing him for five years made Yao Wan secretly sigh a sigh of relief and then bowed.

"Hey, there's no one else here. The leader of the clan doesn't look like a clan leader."

There was no air on Yao Dan's face that a leader of a clan should have, and he just said with a smile while looking at Yao Wan.

"Come on, come on, let me take a good look - well, not bad, my energy level has improved so much."

Yaodan said with a smile.

"Huh? Is it that exaggerated?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head and smiled.

"I'm not blind yet. Can't I tell if Wan'er's spirit is good or not?"

Yaodan nodded and said: "So, have you had enough fun in the past five years? Are you smiling so happily?"


Yao Wan shook her head, but she couldn't deal with him, so she had to say: "Human, isn't it good to be happy?"

A strange color flashed in Yao Dan's eyes, and he couldn't help but said: "Oh, by the way, I heard from Elder Wanhuo that when you were in the Northwest Continent, you made a friend named Xiao Yan?"

Yao Wan almost choked on her own saliva when she heard this. No, she hadn't mentioned anything yet. Why did she suddenly mention Xiao Yan?

"Well, there is a person like Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan put her fist against the tip of her nose, coughed slightly, and then said calmly.

Seeing that his grandson didn't seem to be planning to speak on his own, Yao Dan was not in a hurry and said, "Oh, it's okay, I'm just listening to what Elder Wan Huo said."

"Speaking of which, does Wan'er remember how old she is now?"

"Less than twenty, right? Well...after all, I have sealed my own bloodline. Now that the seal is stable for the time being, I guess it is not yet time to awaken."

When Yao Dan talked about this topic, Yao Wan could not help but feel a little ashamed. After all, self-sealing one's bloodline was not considered an honorable thing among the Yao Clan, and one would be punished if he failed to do so.

After all, the Medicine Clan is most proud of their bloodline, but it would be abnormal if someone wants to seal their bloodline and delay their awakening.

"Oh, it's not your fault."

Yao Dan thought about it, if Wan'er didn't seal the bloodline, and once the bloodline awakened naturally, then for the Yao Clan, there would be no difference between Yao Wan and opening the position. If they want to play outside for a few years, there is no need to even think about it. .

"Since we are approaching her 20th birthday, has Wan'er ever considered getting married?"

Yaodan continued to ask.

"Marriage? Patriarch, why do you suddenly care about such a thing?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but laugh and said.

"Hey, that's wrong. When you grow up, major events in life are inevitable."

Yao Dan simply continued to add insult to injury and said: "Actually, if everything goes well in the past, the clan is planning to bring you and Yaotian together... Oh, you don't seem to know him yet. He is the young man in the clan hall today. Although he is talented, Not as good as you, but not bad.”


When Yao Wan heard the name, she frowned and shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, I don't like him."

Yao Wan's answer was within Yao Dan's expectation, and he was not too surprised. He just nodded and said, "I knew you would say that."

However, Yao Dan's sudden question did make Yao Wan hesitate for a moment. If the clan leader really asked him casually on a whim, Yao Wan would not believe it to his death.

Could it be that this is the clan's arrangement for his future? I don't think so. She just came back today, so the clan's discussions couldn't be that fast.

The decisive point is that Yao Wan knows that she is different from those vases. At least she will not be a victim of political marriage. Instead, she is the most likely leader of the Yao clan in the next generation. But even so, Yao Wan is also difficult to Don't worry about whether the patriarch is testing his attitude.

Therefore, no matter what she said, Yao Wan always had an attitude that she would never agree to it even if she died.

But after seeing that she rejected it, Yao Dan stopped making any noise. Yao Wan couldn't help but take the initiative: "What's wrong with the clan leader? Why do you suddenly ask about such a thing?... The clan can't wait to tie me a chain." ?”

Yaodan's expression was stern: "What are you talking about!"

"But it's just my whim. The clan doesn't dare to arrange your whereabouts casually. If that time comes, maybe the decision-making power will be in your own hands."

Yao Wan was delighted: "Really?"

Seeing his grandson's smiling face, Yao Dan was a little confused, but he still nodded.

"Well, you can rest assured."

"What should you worry about?... Are you really interested in someone else out there?"

When Yao Dan saw Yao Wan changing his face as fast as flipping through a book, he couldn't help but feel worried about which pig would eat his cabbage.

Yaowan was annoyed: "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?!"

Yaodan didn't rush to answer, but after recalling Wan'er's temperament and performance in the past, it seemed that it was indeed not too serious.

But no matter how much he believed in Wan'er, he had to ignore Elder Wanhuo's report.

Xiao Yan...the remnant of the Xiao clan in the past...even the ancient clan is involved. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as what we see now.

What's more, this matter has something to do with Wan'er.


"So, this is your approach?"

At the same time, in the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy, Queen Medusa looked at the fiery magma world in front of her and couldn't help but ask.

Although the Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python is indeed a fire-related monster, it does not mean that she is not afraid of strange fires, especially since the opponent is the Dou Zong-level Fallen Heart Flame.

A faint three-color light curtain temporarily blocked the Fallen Heart Flame that was constantly trying to pour in from the outside. Feeling the high temperature here that just breathing was enough to burn the trachea, Xiao Yan squeezed the small jade bottle tightly in his hand. .

"This time I'm really dragging you down, Queen."

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