Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 303 Queen, please respect yourself

Xiao Yan couldn't help but wonder what kind of medicinal materials Miss Wan had used to refine the medicine that could suppress even the differentiation of alien fire, and would not even have any negative effects on the human body.

And when the fallen heart flames entered the body, the dust settled.

The medicinal properties in the body quickly swarmed up like sharks smelling blood, frantically eating away and decomposing the terrifying heat and destructive power of the Fallen Heart Flame, converting it into pure energy, floating in the body, and quickly mobilized by Fen Jue. stand up.

Compared to the pain that Xiao Yan had to go through before refining the alien fire, this time it was incredibly smooth.

This time, Xiao Yan also boldly released the restriction on the redundant energy in his body. As Xiao Yan used the power of the Burning Art to completely devour and refine the Fallen Heart Flame, the surrounding oppression and high temperature were almost overwhelming to Xiao Yan. He disappeared immediately.

Xiao Yan's cultivation level also increased due to this, and even Dou Wang's shackles could no longer trap the majestic energy in Xiao Yan's body.

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, and then simply used the energy of the strange fire here to achieve a once-in-a-lifetime excellent state. At this moment, he reached the peak of the Dou King. However, when he was just a hair away from the Dou King, Xiao Yan decided to give up his power for the time being. It would be better to stabilize his cultivation for a period of time, so he once again asked Queen Medusa to help deal with the energy that could not be digested in his body.

As for this kind of thing that can really help the growth of her own cultivation, Queen Medusa will naturally not refuse. After all, Dou Zong needs huge energy if he wants to go further. If there are no adventures, he can basically rely on himself to practice. Yes, how can the accumulation of each star last for years and months of the monkey?

The time before Xiao Yan refined the Fallen Heart Flame had already made Queen Medusa feel that her current small realm was a little loose. If Xiao Yan took advantage of this opportunity to swallow the Fallen Heart Flame, she might be able to reach a higher level. Maybe the building.

And this is indeed the case.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the over-fullness that almost burst his meridians gradually disappear.

When a translucent colorless flame ignited at his fingertips, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

This is what is called living up to your trust.

But having said that, Xiao Yan was still surprised that the improvement brought to him by this Fallen Heart Flame was not comparable to the previous three different fires.

The reason for this, Xiao Yan had heard his teacher mention before, was because Miss Wan was there when he devoured the first three kinds of strange fires. In order to develop the flame of living beings, it was also because Xiao Yan could not withstand the energy of the strange fires, so he used the Burning Jue to Transformation, Yaowan absorbed most of the energy. In the end, what Xiao Yan got was actually the origin of fire from the three strange fires. Although it was indeed of great benefit to Xiao Yan, compared to this For Fallen Heart Flame, it was still much worse after all.

After all, this is a strange fire that fully demonstrates the Douzong level. In addition, its heart fire tempers the fighting spirit. Every minute and every second in the future, the fighting spirit in Xiao Yan's body will become more solid after being tempered by the fallen heart fire. Therefore, regardless of the Both in terms of quality and quantity, Xiao Yan has made a huge leap forward.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yan did not choose to rush to the Douhuang in one go until the last moment. Continuous charging will always be more or less vain. In addition, the inner fire tempers the fighting spirit. When the time comes, no matter whether Xiao Yan chooses to take the initiative or not All situations are harmful to the body. Naturally, it is better to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible.

But having said that, Xiao Yan was not dissatisfied with the medicine he had always taken a share of when he was refining the strange fire. After all, basically every strange fire had her help more or less. Xiao Yan Yan is not the kind of person who likes to worry about everything, let alone Miss Wan.

Because of this, Xiao Yan even had the feeling that some of the fighting energy in his body was being tempered and compressed by the operation of the Fallen Heart Flame.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. This was the best thing.

And because Queen Medusa helped him share the huge energy generated by the fusion of the different fires, although Xiao Yan still felt a vague throbbing feeling of heat gushing out of his body like last time, it was not that strong.

In this case, just take a purifying pill.

Xiao Yan thought about it, and took the initiative to remove the ring that was protected by the three kinds of strange fires from being completely burned by the Fallen Heart Flame. The teacher had to fall into a deep sleep temporarily because the consumption was too much this time. A simple black ring also lost its aura again.

He just took out the jade bottle containing the Pure God Pill from another Nai Ring. When he was about to take it, Xiao Yan caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan raising his bare hands to cover his chest. It seemed that he was coming from his side. Qianying is uncomfortable because she has absorbed too much energy.

"Queen Medusa?"

Xiao Yan blinked. To be honest, if Queen Medusa helped him this time, he would probably waste a lot of energy.

"Queen, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yan looked at her and seemed uncomfortable, and couldn't help but ask, "Is there too much energy?"

Xiao Yan's words did not bring back Queen Medusa's thoughts, but they also attracted her attention. Following Xiao Yan's voice, the enchanting snake-man queen slowly raised her head, her crimson eyes that charmed all living beings. A rare trace of mist and water vapor flashed through, and then he immediately locked onto Xiao Yan who was right in front of him.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned when she raised her head. He could only try hard to prevent his eyes from looking at the places he shouldn't look. This time, he was trapped in the magma world. Xiao Yan spent most of the time with his back to Mei Du. For Queen Elizabeth, the rare situation was that he took one look and then immediately withdrew his gaze. After all, his life was about to be lost, and it would be a bit too shameful to still be thinking about that matter.

It's just that Queen Medusa is obviously not normal at this moment.

And all the reasons are naturally because Xiao Yan asked Queen Medusa to actively absorb the energy from Xiao Yan and refine the excess energy of the alien fire. This was originally the main reason for the sequelae of devouring various alien fires, but because Medusa Queen Sha helped Xiao Yan absorb this part of the energy, and the sequelae naturally fell on her.


Queen Medusa looked at Xiao Yan, swallowed hard, and exhaled a moist breath under her nose.

However, for Xiao Yan, this time she did not act like Xiao Yan had remembered before, but slowly walked towards him.

The snake queen's charming and sexy figure made Xiao Yan's temples throb. No, he couldn't bear it if he kept doing this. Therefore, he immediately prepared to take a purifying pill for himself to calm down. , and then find a way to stuff one into her.

Just when Xiao Yan raised his hand, there was a crisp sound, and Xiao Yan and the pill in his hand were slapped away.

This inevitably made Xiao Yan feel embarrassed.



Without any more unnecessary nonsense, Xiao Yan was knocked down by the hot warm and fragrant nephrite in front of him.

"Queen? Queen, please wuwuwuwuwu——"

Xiao Yan didn't have much luck in his mind. Before he was suppressed to the point where the rational string in his mind completely broke, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

——It’s really over now.

In the end, the last shackles between Xiao Yan and Dou Huang were broken, and this was probably the only good thing.


Previously, Yao Dan did not immediately agree with Yao Wanhuo's proposition and preached that the Yao Clan had obtained the Flame of Life. The fundamental reason was certainly as he said, and on the other side, they were naturally waiting.

As for what to wait for, it is naturally waiting for Yaowan's bloodline to awaken itself, and then find a good and auspicious day. After Yaowan's cultivation level rises, he will test the concentration of the bloodline and grant the clan mark.

However, these matters cannot be rushed. Therefore, they did not make a big announcement to the clan, but planned to wait until everything was settled before it was too late to talk about it.

Yao Wan also knew that he must have been slacking off, so during this period of time, he did not continue to go out and waste time refining medicine, but began to practice silently.

She might need to worry more now, or she should pay attention to Qinglin for the time being.

Not long after Qing Lin came to the Medicine Clan, he was taken away by an old woman who was specifically responsible for this matter. Although the Medicine Clan was not so exclusive that they would never allow foreign blood to join the Medicine Clan, they still had to be on guard against others. Even if the young lady brings it back, the ceremony of joining the Medicine Clan must be held only after the tester has no problems.

This was naturally prepared for fear that the Yao Clan would be infiltrated by foreign tribes. After all, although this kind of thing is not common, once it happens, it is destined to be a devastating blow to the entire Yao Clan.

Yao Wan herself had no intention of challenging the Yao Clan's established traditions, and after confirming her identity - mainly to test whether Qing Lin's body was taken away by other souls that did not belong to her and would not cause harm to her, she naturally There is nothing more to say.

Naturally, Qing Lin didn't want to bother the young lady with even such a trivial matter, and it was even less likely that he would have any objections.

In the sacred mountain of the medicine world, under a special reception hall, the wrinkled and serious old woman looked at Qinglin sharply, and then said: "Qinglin, an orphan, was born in a humble family, and her parents died. , the Mongolian female Yao Wan was introduced, and since then she has joined the Yao clan, and has been honored by it, do you have any objections?"

"The orphan Qinglin has no objections."

Qing Lin knelt in front of the reception hall, a trace of trance flashed through his emerald eyes. So, after wandering without roots for so many years, he now has a destination?

"In that case, I will allow you to join the clan. If you betray and rebel in the future, you will not be spared. If you make achievements, you may be glorious. Okay, clan girl Qinglin, get up."

After the old woman finished her announcement, the expression on her face gradually softened.

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