Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 309 Towering Sacred Tree

After all, your strength is your own business. Just blowing up a fish pond doesn't make you feel how strong you really are.

She is not even a fighting saint yet. If she really runs into trouble that cannot be solved, she will die.

Yao Wan's words made Yao Dan nodded slightly, then he looked at the elders in front of him and said, "In this case, don't just watch."

Yao Dan's words immediately aroused the response of the other elders, and then several elders headed by Yao Wanhuo stretched out their hands to explore. Under the clan hall, a hole slowly opened.

Yao Wan couldn't help but be surprised. There was actually an entrance here that she didn't know about?

Logically speaking, no. With the power of her heavenly soul, there are few things in this world that can escape her detection.

Unless it is a more powerful existence.

A possibility suddenly emerged in Yao Wan's mind. After all, the Yao clan was the most wealthy ancient clan among the eight clans, so it would not be particularly surprising to leave a relative inheritance.

After seeing a hole opened under the clan hall, Yao Dan was the first to jump in, leaving only his voice saying: "Everyone, come with me to go down to see the ancestor!"


I heard a powerful response ringing in my ears, followed closely by Yao Wan and Yao Wanhuo, and then several elders.

After entering the vertically downward hole, everything in front of Yao Wan suddenly dimmed, and he could only hear the biting cold wind blowing in his ears, which sent a chill to his bones, making it difficult to resist.

It's no wonder that she didn't tell her about the existence of this place until now. Yao Wan only felt that the biting wind was more deadly than the tearing of nothingness. Although she was able to use the power of the soul to ensure that she would not be injured, she was afraid that she would not be injured. You will be tortured enough.

After fully entering here, the cave entrance, which originally only accommodated two or three people entering side by side, became wider and wider as you went down.

Until it was fully entered, Yaowan found that the place seemed to have lost its top, bottom, left, and right, and she could only follow the medicine pill in front of her and speed towards the front.

She tried to explore with the power of her soul, but there was only nothingness, like a void.

Wait, void?

Yao Wan was slightly startled, and suddenly understood something.

This is not "like the void", but should be somewhere in the vast void. Even the ordinary Dou Zun can't bear the wind of emptiness here.

There was no reference object in the void, so the distinction between up, down, left and right was naturally lost. Yao Wan sped up, and after flying for who knows how long, a golden light curtain appeared in front of him.

The light screen seemed endless. Yao Wan subconsciously wanted to explore it, but she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity from the light screen in front of her.

It seems we have arrived.

Yao Dan turned around and glanced at Yao Wan's condition. After confirming that it was correct, he looked at the several Yao clan elders who had followed him here. Following Yao Dan's instructions, they together triggered a spell that Yao Wan had never seen before and condensed on it. On the chest, several streams of light flew out from the hands of several Medicine Clan elders almost at the same time, imprinting them on the golden light curtain. Using these magic runes as the starting point, an extremely mysterious magic circle was outlined. The boundless golden light curtain then opened a hole that could allow one person to enter.

"Wan'er, come in."

Yaodan said seriously: "You will have to walk the next journey alone."

"Clan leader, won't you go in?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but said when she saw that Yao Dan's serious expression didn't look like he was joking.

"I've already been there."

Yao Dan shook his head, and at the same time looked at the elders who were traveling with him, and said: "Everyone in the clan who can come here will eventually become the key to open this door for the next generation of Yao clan people. In the same way, The elders here are all without exception, they are all people who have been here and accepted the inheritance."

Yao Dan's words made Yao Wan couldn't help but think of the two brothers Yao Tian and Yao Ling, and subconsciously asked: "What about those two?"

"You mean Yaotian and Yaoling? They were already here during the time you were away."

Yaodan explained: "Now, among your generation, you are the only one who has the ability to come here to receive the inheritance."

"Originally, I planned for you to take your time and not be in a hurry, but the Creation Celebration is coming soon. It will be your first time to appear on stage in front of the eight tribes. As a new generation leader of our Medicine Clan, you have to speed up your pace. .”

Yaodan said, but was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "Did we put too much pressure on you?"

Yaowan shook her head. How could she not know what the patriarch wanted to say? Naturally, there is no need to say more.

"No - well, there's no need to worry about me anymore."

She didn't want to waste time here. Now that the decision had been made, all she could do was not let them down.

Yaowan dodged and walked into the golden "door".

When the dazzling light gradually dissipated in front of her eyes, what Yao Wan saw was a completely different world.

What caught her eyes was the green tree that was covered with a layer of golden light at that moment, but was so big that it seemed to support the entire light screen. She couldn't help but be slightly startled. What if this big tree was under the golden light curtain? In the world of medicine, it is no surprise that it must support an entire sacred mountain.

While seeing this towering ancient tree, Yao Wan's feeling of familiarity that she had already vaguely sensed outside the light curtain became stronger, so much so that she was astonished when she saw the towering tree. After being shocked, an impulse naturally arose in my heart to get closer.

I want to get close to that place, or rather, there is something there that my blood cannot ignore.

She obeyed the guidance in her heart and was about to get up and fly in the air, but found that there was no way to use the power of space. Not only was the power of space unusable, but even the fighting spirit wings were useless.

Helpless, she could only walk over.

However, he saw that starting not far away, puddles began to form under the big trees, and everything in front of him became a piece of water that did not look deep.

Yaowan hesitated for a moment. After trying and failing to affect everything here, she slowly stepped her lotus feet into the puddle. The slightly cold water temperature made her nerves a little tense, but after getting used to it, she hesitated for a moment. After the water warmed up, she immediately walked slowly towards the foot of the big tree.

At the same time, she also vaguely felt that the water here did not seem to be simple.

This is something that is more conducive to cultivation and realm improvement than the spring in his cave that is completely formed by the aura of heaven and earth. Yao Wan has never seen it, but he just feels that the pure and ownerless power is involuntarily pouring into it. Her meridians are cleansed of impurities, and integrated with her own body in a state that is visible to the naked eye and perceptible to the body.

Yaowan didn't notice anything unusual and continued walking towards the roots of the big tree.

Naturally, she didn't notice any abnormalities in her body, but not every clan member who entered here could go on without any trouble like her. The clan members who could come here first came here. , the same is true, but the deeper you go, the body will eventually be unable to withstand the intensity of the energy in the body. In the end, when it is really unbearable, it will be directly ejected to avoid risk of life.

But the medicine is different. The energy contained in the spring water is directly integrated into her body, skin, flesh, meridians, bones and blood, eliminating the need for filtration, and there is no need for the body to run in with the energy, and it is directly absorbed. .

Still wanting to inspire this dormant energy is another matter.

Because everything went so smoothly, Yao Wan, who was completely unaware of this, slowly approached the huge tree trunk that looked like a pillar of heaven from this angle, almost blocking nearly half of Yao Wan's field of vision, which made people wonder. He lamented the insignificance of human beings. No matter what kind of existence they were, they would look like mayflies under this towering tree.

This made Yaowan think back to the ancient Bodhi tree that would have a huge influence on Xiao Yan in the future, but he didn't know what the relationship between this unknown big tree and the ancient Bodhi tree would be.

I don't know how much time passed, but the huge crisscrossing roots of the big tree gradually appeared above the waist-deep calm water. She followed the roots straight up, and finally approached the foot of the big tree.

She didn't feel anything from this big tree. In her perception, this big tree seemed to be as unresponsive and lifeless as the water and stones next to it.

It can't be said to be lifeless, but there is indeed no so-called vitality that only life can have.

Could it be that the guidance in his bloodline is wrong? All we have here is just a pool of dirty water?

Yaowan shook his head. Thinking about it, he knew it was impossible. There must be something he hadn't figured out yet.

Just as Yao Wan was thinking this, she noticed something strange. She heard the sound of dripping water. When she looked back, she found that the water below was suddenly boiling.

What's going on?

This unusual scene immediately made Yaowan full of vigilance. After all, everything about her seemed to have lost its effect here. She couldn't even fly. If any accident happened, it would be difficult to escape.

She silently called out the flame of living beings, which had already shared the same origin with her. Unless she died, it would be difficult to separate it from her body.

With the Flame of Life, which was almost the only available power base, Yao Wan felt a lot more at ease, but at the same time, Yao Wan also noticed another thing.

As everything inside and outside of herself was neutralized here, deep in her heart, at the bottom of the root system of the Flame of Life, the nameless black-red flame that she had sealed with the power of the Burning Technique also came into contact with her again. A certain degree of connection was established between them, but it seemed that the flame itself fell into a temporary slumber and showed no response.

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