Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 329 The Flame of Ashes

The task entrusted to Qinglin was, to put it bluntly, just a casual move, but at least it gave this restless little girl something to do.

Yaowan is not cruel enough to let a seventeen-year-old girl sit in the cave like her, wasting too much time just for the reason of cultivation.

In life, it is always inevitable to live for yourself.

If Qinglin's wings harden in the future, she no longer wants to be restrained, and wants to leave, Yaowan will naturally not rely on past kindness to keep her by her side. It is enough to keep the bird in the birdcage, there is no need to put people He was also imprisoned.

However, even if this happens, based on her understanding of Qinglin, it will be a long, long time later.

Of course, she has to live until that time.

After letting Qing Lin leave, Yao Wan thought for a moment, and finally focused on the flame in her body that she had never dealt with.

Black and red, the flame of death symbolizes the end of all things.

As he entered the place of inheritance, the seal he set for himself was invalidated, and the black-red flame under the root system of the Flame of Life was broken. But what is surprising is that it seems to have nothing from beginning to end. Special anomalies.

He did not immediately start to become violent after breaking through the seal he set. Instead, he seemed to fall into a deep sleep and still maintained his calmness.

This not only made Yao Wan, who was originally worried about the flame, even more curious about what was going on with the flame that was born from him.

Since it was born out of the remnants of the Yin and Yang flames and the flames of life, Yao Wan could not help but suspect that these two flames themselves were a manifestation of one body and twins. In fact, there were countless connections between the two. The connection means that even if Yao Wan wants to throw it to Xiao Yan, he has to think twice.

And according to the ancestors, there is a high probability that he can control this flame.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the cave, Yao Wan raised her hand, and various elixirs flew out from her Najie. She was just waiting for the accident that might happen when she came into contact with this dangerous flame, so that she would not be caught off guard. .

In addition, Yao Wan also tried to reproduce the imitation of the Burning Jue seal in the absence of Burning Jue energy, but the success rate was not more than 10%. Yao Wan may only do this when he is really desperate. Choose to use it.

At this point, everything is ready.

Yao Wan took a deep breath. Even though she had a nonchalant attitude towards many things, but now it was a life-threatening matter, she couldn't help but be nervous.

Then, the "root system" of the flame of life was controlled by the medicine in her heart and slowly opened. Death, which was bound by countless life roots, had never been so relaxed.

The black-red flame jumped faintly, as if it had been inspired to some extent, and slowly flowed along Yaowan's heart veins like water, mixed with the blood, separated out bone and blood, and finally emerged from Yaowan's palm, Like a black-red flower from the other side, slowly blooming.

Yao Wan took a deep breath and felt her heart beating so fast. She didn't know whether this was instinct or an illusion, but no matter what, the flame still obeyed her guidance and orders without any resistance. Even though it is somewhat unbelievable that the meridians of her body were destroyed, it is also true.

And when the flames floated in her palms, Yaowan also felt an unprecedented feeling scorching her heart, as if everything inside was burning, but she knew very well that the black and red flames in her palms were particularly tame at this moment. She had no intention of actively harming herself. Just as she had guessed, life and death were two sides of the same coin, and the flame of life and the black-red flame were essentially the same kind of flame, but she had never found it out clearly.

It is precisely because of this that Yaowan is more certain that the strange feeling in her body at this moment is probably the process of life passing quickly, right?

With a hint of speculation in her mind, Yao Wan turned her attention to the threshold in the cave - the spiritual springs flowing out of the center of her cave would eventually gather at the threshold and become a small pool.

She stood up slowly and walked towards the clear spring. Her appearance was still the same, but the thick black hair was turning gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was still making her hair pale little by little.

Life and death, no one is exempt.

Yaowan suddenly recalled such a sentence in her heart, and the black-red flame in front of her eyes undoubtedly proved this.

Even if he is the master of this flame, he cannot stop life from passing through his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that he is luckier than others. It can also be said that it is inevitable that the flame of life of the medicine will grow together with this flame.

Yaowan silently began to operate the power of the Yan of Life. The rich life energy once again infiltrated Yaowan's heart and meridians throughout the body, and also caused the symbol of the person's hair roots under the calm water to reappear. The color of youth and energy in black.

This is really the case.

Yao Wan sighed in her heart, life and death completed a closed loop in her body, and naturally became the most balanced existence in the world. Different from the conflict between water and fire, the blending of time and space , only life and death are the most perfect closed loops.

Should this be said to be a mistake or a mistake?

Perhaps there are indeed some inevitable inevitabilities between all accidents. It is not because she is lucky to encounter this intertwined phenomenon of life and death, but only when the balance between life and death is not broken, can she He wouldn't be lucky enough to survive an adventure he knew nothing about at the beginning, otherwise, there would only be one corpse in the Black Corner Territory.

Yaowan felt a little enlightened, then she closed her fingers, and the black-red flame was directly absorbed into her heart. Now she no longer needs to worry.

Death will naturally be balanced by life. Human beings who want to control the purest and most violent energy of heaven and earth, the alien fire, are often walking on thin ice like walking on a tightrope at high altitude. If they make a mistake, they may end up risking their own lives. , in contrast, the balance of life and death in Yaowan's body is far from the balance between a fragile person and a strange fire, so naturally he has to worry too much.

This was a real surprise.

Yaowan breathed a sigh of relief, and the green fire of life burned quietly again, and her long gray hair slowly turned black again, just like before.

I have to admit, this is an unexpected surprise.

Because I hold the Flame of Life, the restriction that every time I use it will deplete my life force to a certain extent seems to be negligible.

And death itself is the most powerful weapon.

Yao Wan couldn't help but be a little excited. It turned out that this unexpected blessing had already been pocketed by her without knowing it, and the price she had to pay was just her own life force - after all, there is an inexplicable power in such things as krypton life. Romantic, not to mention that she still has the power of life.

But even so, you may need to think twice about how to use this power.

The hidden danger of this flame has come to an end, but speaking of it, it seems that I have never given a name to this strange fire that was just born from me.

What should it be called?

The word "death fire" is too vulgar.

Let’s call it the Flame of Ashes.


Xiao Yan returned to the Miter family.

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Li have been settled by Haibodong, and now the little medical fairy is taking care of them.

However, Xiao Yan didn't spend long at Nalan's house before he was driven back by Nalan Yanran.

He immediately confirmed the condition of his second brother who had been unconscious. After all, he had been unconscious since he faced that Dou Zong. Although Xiao Yan had conducted an emergency examination on him before, he naturally still took it step by step. It's better to come.

The second brother's body was not seriously injured. It was more that his low-level body and fighting spirit could not withstand the pressure of Douzong. The body's body functions temporarily experienced a shock reaction. It was more like a body's instinctive self-protection. I just wanted him to be natural. It may take a day or two to wake up.

Just in case, Xiao Yan still gave his second brother a relatively mild healing medicine. He was not in a hurry to help his second brother wake up quickly. After all, this was a matter of body function.

Xiao Yan was relieved that his second brother was safe, and then he went next door to visit his father.

When Xiao Yan just walked in, he happened to find Xiao Zhan chatting with Hai Bodong, the Little Medical Fairy and Zi Yan. However, Zi Yan looked absent-minded, which was obviously not suitable for this occasion.

It was hard for her.

Xiao Yan shook his head and then looked at Xiao Zhan.

"Father, I'm back."

"Yan'er is back?"

Xiao Zhan was stunned. This time was shorter than what he had imagined at the beginning, but he still shook his head. That's all, it was not suitable for him to say anything more about the entangled fate between them.

"Where is Yanran...?"

"I have seen it. Although she is injured, it is not serious. I will definitely heal her."

Xiao Yan naturally knew that Nalan's status was not low in the eyes of his father. The words "life-saving grace" seemed to be just the same thing, but if you really experienced it, it was inevitable.

Xiao Zhan was about to say something else, but since the little medical fairy was still there, he naturally didn't have the nerve to say anything.

Xiao Yan had some vague guesses. If nothing else happened, it was probably Nalan, right?

But since his father didn't say anything, it was better for him to remain silent.

He sorted out his thoughts for a moment, then smiled and said, "By the way, has father already talked to Xian'er?"

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