In the next few days, Xiao Yan's life was extremely simple. He just ran in two directions. He went to take care of Nalan's situation in the morning, then came back to take care of his father and second brother after noon, and practiced a little in the evening. The day passed like this. It's inexplicably fulfilling.

But Xiao Yan has not forgotten what kind of undercurrent is hidden in his current peaceful life.

Soul Palace.

Xiao Yan now fully understands that as long as these guys are not dead, he will never have peace.

Regardless of the reason and purpose, Xiao Yan now has one more reason to go to Zhongzhou.

However, such days did not last for a few days before Xiao Yan received an invitation from the Gama royal family and went to the palace to discuss important matters.

Xiao Yan would naturally not refuse. Although he had an average feeling about the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire, from the perspective of the Soul Palace and the monster, they were on the same front. Jiaxing Tian probably wouldn't be bored. It was just for the invitation. There was some leisure and leisure in it that invited him. If this was true, then the Jia Ma Empire would be gone in the future, and Xiao Yan would have to comment on it.

So, Xiao Yan took the little medical fairy with him and prepared to go to the palace for a tour. Zi Yan was very dissatisfied that Xiao Yan didn't take him with him.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, you won't take me out to play!"

"If you can bear to sit there for several hours without moving your butt, then I'll take you there."

Xiao Yan was too lazy to reason with Zi Yan, and just explained his views and opinions in the most understandable language. Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yan finished speaking, Zi Yan wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"If you lie to others, you will die badly!"

Zi Yan hesitated for a moment, then threatened.

"Then it seems that I will live a good life in this life."

Xiao Yan smiled. He kept Zi Yan not only because he was afraid that she would make trouble in the palace, but also to prevent the people from the Soul Palace from taking advantage of it again.

Xiao Yan and Hai Bodong went to the palace of the Jia Ma royal family. For Xiao Yan, who had already seen many rare things in the world, naturally the palace of an empire could no longer shock him.

However, there was an obviously non-human aura in the palace that made Xiao Yan a little curious. He had heard some legends about the divine beasts that protected the country, but legends were just legends after all, and they might not be taken seriously.

Even if it were true, it had nothing to do with him.

When Haibodong came to the palace, he seemed to be very familiar with it. After taking the two of them for almost three sticks of incense, Haibodong opened a door. The decoration in the room was very simple, just some tea. It was just a table and tea set, and there wasn't much of a luxurious appearance that fit the status of an emperor.

In the room, it was Yunshan and Jiaxingtian.

They seemed to have been waiting for a long time, so they were not surprised to see Xiao Yan arrive.

"The real master has finally arrived."

Yunshan sighed, and then said: "Xiao Yan, let me ask for my disciple, how is my disciple Nalan Yanran's injury now? She loves her student the most. When she learned that this happened, she I have been worried for a long time.”

"Well...Old Sect Master Yunshan, don't worry. Nalan is fine. Also, please tell Sect Master Yun that there is no need to worry. Although Nalan and I had conflicts, it is all in the past. This time she risked her life to save me. Father, I owe her a favor.”

Xiao Yan said, which made Yunshan slightly startled.

He originally thought that these two people would not be enemies in the future, but at least they would be strangers who have not been in contact with each other forever. Even if he rescued them today, it was just to repay a favor. But from Xiao Yan's tone, why did it seem like the two of them had a good relationship?

When he thought of this, Yunshan's eyes and expression inevitably became a little strange. What did these two people mean? Is this going full circle and back to the starting point?

Forget it, the affairs of these two people are really not something that ordinary people can understand.

Yunshan shook his head, but he noticed the beautiful white-haired woman behind Xiao Yan, his eyes slightly focused.

That Douzong strongman who was in the Imperial Capital a few days ago? It doesn't look like the strength of a low-level Douzong... It's really strange. Where did Xiao Yan find such helpers?

However, no matter how many doubts and incomprehensions there were in his heart, Yunshan could not confront him. Instead, he glanced at Jia Xingtian and said, "I'm sorry to disturb your rest. It's just that the situation is special now, so there aren't many." That’s all, Xiao Yan, do you know the origin of the man in black robe who is your enemy?”

"I don't know, it's just that that guy seems to have been converting the fighting energy around him into a kind of black energy that we can't use. He can get a steady stream of increases, but we are faced with the black energy that isolates the fighting energy and cannot consume it for a long time. Amidst the embarrassment and ebb and flow, it is inevitable that we cannot cope with this beast."

Xiao Yan explained that Yunshan, Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong all agreed with this point.

"And when I rushed back to the Jia Ma Empire, I discovered this kind of people... and they seemed to be afraid of the violent energy of heaven and earth, and my strange fire happened to be among them. This was also the best way for me to defeat him in the end. Important reasons."

Xiao Yan was not convinced about this. He was the Dou Huang now. If he wanted to defeat the Dou Zong, he would have to either be too powerful or have restrained attributes. Those who have this resource but don't use it are the real fools.

"I see. In that case, you should come and hear the news we know."

Jia Xingtian nodded, and then said seriously: "Just a few days ago, news of the emergence of such strange existences came from the surrounding empires."

Xiao Yan was not surprised by this. At the same time, he took out a fragment of the formation that he had taken away from the ring and placed it in front of everyone. They couldn't help but be surprised by the strange aura revealed by this formation. , no different from the black-robed man appearing in the sky above the imperial capital.

"Xiao Yan, where did you get this fragment?"

"In the Jiama Empire, in the barren mountains near the Warcraft Mountains."

Xiao Yan said: "When I came back, I happened to see a group of people led by Dou Huang arriving there and laying out such a formation."

"I guess they want to use this formation to more efficiently convert fighting energy into black energy that only they can use."

Xiao Yan's words suddenly shocked the three of them. This is no small matter. If the energy of the world is filled with that weird black energy, the Nagama Empire will never have peace.

According to Xiao Yan's statement and the news from other empires, the situation Xiao Yan encountered was not unique.

In other words, at this moment, in the least known places in other empires, there are also a group of strange black-robed men laying such formations!

"Who are these people? How dare they act so boldly?"

"Humans? I think they are not human at all...but more like another race that is different from humans and Warcraft."

Yunshan frowned. In that case, would you tell him that thing is still a human being? Yunshan naturally wouldn't believe it even if he beat him to death.

"In addition, it seems that several reports have been sent to the Imperial Capital recently from the Tagore Desert."

"Tagore Desert?"

Xiao Yan suddenly frowned, feeling a sense of uncertainty immediately arise.

"Is it possible that they also plan to lay such a formation in Tagore Desert? After all, the original formation has been destroyed by you."

Haibodong guessed.

Xiao Yan thought for a while, and it seemed that this was really possible.

"Anyway, since such news has come from the Tagor Desert, a trip to the Tagor Desert is unavoidable."

He shook his head, an unspeakable darkness flashing through his mind.

"Well, since there is news about them in Tagore Desert, I will go and take a look."

Xiao Yan did not refuse. After all, this was obviously not the time for him to be coy. Not to mention that his eldest brother was still in Shimo City. Xiao Yan left him there alone. There were wolves in front of him and tigers in the back. Originally, there were people in Tagore Desert. Snake people are dangerous enough, let alone the Soul Palace and guys like that.

This time, no matter what, I have to bring him back.

Xiao Yan secretly made up his mind. After confirming the next goal, he and the Little Medical Fairy went back. However, the imperial capital was not particularly close to the Tagore Desert, so Xiao Yan naturally needed to Just be completely prepared.

Not only on the father and second brother's side, but also on Nalan's side.

Xiao Yan unconsciously took Nalan Yanran into consideration.

Therefore, when Xiao Yan decided to leave the imperial capital, he visited Nalan Mansion again.

As a guest of Nalan Mansion, Xiao Yan has become very familiar with the situation in the past few days. Naturally, there will be no more obstacles. He just informed Nalan Yanran and then went to find Nalan Yanran.

Just as he was walking through the familiar corridor, Nalan's room came into view. Xiao Yan gently twitched the tip of his nose, seeming to feel a hint of water vapor.

Nalan's room is already very familiar to me. How can there be any moisture in it?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but slow down his pace, and then slowly approached.

Sure enough, as Xiao Yan expected, Nalan Yanran in the room was wrapped in a bath towel, and the black hair on the back of her head was dripping with fine warm water drops.

He also saw the wooden barrel beside him. It was obvious that he had just taken a bath.

It's really a good time for me.

Xiao Yan shook his head, then tried his best not to alarm her, and just said: "I think I came at the wrong time?"

It's just that Xiao Yan's caution seemed to backfire. Nalan Yanran was startled, and quickly turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Xiao Yan.

"Why are you here now? I thought you wouldn't come today."

The moment she saw Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran was still a little panicked, but after thinking about it, the strange relationship between her and Xiao Yan seemed to be no different.

Rather than being stunned for a moment, she was still more curious about why Xiao Yan suddenly came to find her again.

"I went to the palace this morning and met Jiaxingtian and your master Yunshan."

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