Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 357 Do you like Xiao Yan?

In the next few days, Xiao Yan calmed down and took good care of his injuries. Thanks to the fact that he was also an alchemist, Xiao Yan prepared a lot of healing elixirs on weekdays. After stuffing them all together, he continued Begin five days of healing practice.

"Hey, Sister Nalan."

While Xiao Yan was recovering from his injuries, Nalan Yanran was also preparing to restore herself to her best condition to face the upcoming inheritance of Wanjian Mountain.

Although it is something that belongs to the same lineage as the Yunlan Sect, it does not mean that Nalan Yanran can be guaranteed to be safe and sound after entering. Even in a place like the Jiama Empire, a strong man will find someone to express his feelings before he dies. It is one thing to wait for death in a safe and quiet place. The death that is destined to come is one thing, but the final peace before death is another thing. Most people in Douqi Continent also have this concept of death. He is immortal, at least his burial place will not be disturbed by others in the future.

For this purpose, the Jia Ma Empire even spawned some sects related to advance payments, mainly focusing on strange techniques such as mechanism techniques.

And when we get to Zhongzhou, I'm afraid this concept will only become stronger.

Nalan Yanran has naturally been mentally prepared in this regard. Maybe she can get what she wants from the Yunlan Sect's inheritance that has long been lost to her ancestors, or she may have become the cave of some powerful monster. , seeking death, but no matter what the outcome is, you still have to go through it again.

Next to Xiao Yan, she also sat cross-legged on the futon. However, while her mind was sinking, Zi Yan's questioning voice brought back her thoughts.

"What's wrong? Zi Yan?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help asking. She was not angry, but time was very tight now. If possible, she would not waste any time.

"I heard from Sister Xian'er that you and Xiao Yan knew each other earlier than Sister Xian'er?"

Zi Yan naturally didn't know what Nalan Yanran was thinking, but she just felt that it was rare that Xiao Yan finally stopped moving, which happened to remind her of a question she had always wanted to ask before. Those magnificent purple eyes stared at the heroic but handsome man in front of her. The beauty showed a rare hesitation and couldn't help but ask.

For Nalan Yanran, this kind of question is actually no less than a sarcastic remark. However, Nalan Yanran also knew that Zi Yan definitely didn’t mean it, so she took a deep breath and said: "Yes, I It’s not very clear when the little medical fairy met him, but it seems like it was after they made a three-year agreement, right?”

"I heard that Sister Nalan had a fight with Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan won in the end?"

"To be precise, he won by bombing. If he had used other fighting skills, I might not have lost..."

Nalan Yanran felt speechless in her heart. Now she was not the only one who had witnessed Xiao Yan's Furious Lotus. But the more she saw this move, the more outrageous she felt... What was she thinking in the first place? I hate this thing.

Until now, Nalan Yanran still has a little bit of psychological shadow in her heart, thinking that she will be with her for the rest of her life.

"Then why are you fighting?"

"Because... it's a long story... Let's just put it this way. Xiao Yan and I were in love at first, but later I was not satisfied with the marriage, so I backed out on my own initiative. Xiao Yan must not be convinced. I was not convinced either, so we agreed to have a fight three years later. To use Xiao Yan’s words, at that time we both wanted to take off each other’s hoods.”

Nalan Yanran said concisely and concisely, and Zi Yan's temperament is naturally the kind of person who likes to eat melons the most, so she naturally clapped her hands and applauded.

"It doesn't matter what happened in the process. What may be important is that we later discovered that the other party was not as bad as we thought, so after I lost the fight, we became friends again."

Mentioning this experience again, Nalan Yanran suddenly found that she couldn't help but smile slightly when talking about this matter. The failure that she could not accept in the past, in her eyes now It has become a rare conversation piece among precious memories.

After all, her life is boring. She has spent most of her time practicing and studying since she was sensible. On the contrary, after experiencing so many things with Xiao Yan, she also had some different experiences and colors. Especially during the year she stayed at Canaan College, Nalan Yanran now naturally feels that it was her happiest time.

And Xiao Yan seems to be the most vivid colorant in that painting, the most eye-catching red.

"Sister Nalan doesn't sound angry at all."

Zi Yan subconsciously thought that although Nalan Yanran was not as powerful as herself, her way of dealing with the world seemed extraordinarily mature and steady. This was why Zi Yan later called her Sister Nalan after they got along with her for a long time.

"There's nothing to be angry about in the first place."

Nalan Yanran joked and said, she is no longer as young and energetic as before. It’s funny to say that people often assume what they would say or do when they meet their past selves. The answer Nalan Yanran hears most often is either It's a warning, or it's a slap in the face to make up for some of the stupid mistakes you made in the past.

What about her?

Nalan Yanran thought subconsciously that there seemed to be nothing to say, because even if her current self said it, even if her past self knew about it, she would probably do it anyway, not to mention she knew too well what kind of temper she had. The more people came to dissuade her, the harder it was to change her temper.

Fortunately, she met Yaowan and pulled her back from this crooked path. Otherwise, she would have to pay an unknown price in the future to grow up.

"From an emotional point of view, of course I still feel a little bit resentful about losing to Xiao Yan, but from a rational perspective, I'm glad that someone could wake me up like this when I was at my most arrogant. "

Nalan Yanran shrugged her shoulders and explained.

"Then...does Sister Nalan like Xiao Yan?"

But Zi Yan's next question was a bit surprising. Nalan Yanran looked at Zi Yan in shock, as if wondering how she could ask such a question.

But she didn't stay dumbfounded for too long. She just turned her head quietly and looked at Xiao Yan, who was beside her and had fully entered the state of cultivation. Unknowingly, her fate seemed to have changed since the day she broke off the engagement. Unknowingly, their two fates were entwined with a rope.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, I know you're awake, please open your eyes."

Nalan Yanran ignored Zi Yan for the time being, she just wanted to confirm whether Xiao Yan was really practicing and not lying to her.

"Xiao Yan must be practicing. After taking so much medicine, even I should digest it in a day or two."

Zi Yan shook her head gently, and then continued to wait for Nalan Yanran's answer.

"Are you really practicing?"

Even until this moment, Nalan Yanran would inevitably have some hesitation in her heart. After all, this was an issue that could not be ignored for her.

The answer to Nalan Yanran was still silence. Nalan Yanran took a deep breath and felt that if Xiao Yan accidentally heard what she said, she would silence her immediately. Then there wouldn't be much of a problem.

Later, she finally distracted herself temporarily to deal with Zi Yan's problem.

"——I like him, of course I like him. He is the man I have had the most contact with and entangled with outside of my family. He was even my fiancé from the beginning. How could I not like him? If I didn't like him, I would have stayed away from him long ago."

Nalan Yanran took a deep breath and then said, which shows how much courage it takes for Nalan Yanran to say these words.

"That's it...then if you like it, wouldn't there be no need to break off the engagement in the first place? Is this considered regretting it?"

Zi Yan asked back, for a person like her who always only needs to think about who is the enemy and who is a friend, and deal with it according to the method... to be precise, it is Warcraft, such a question is obviously a bit beyond the scope.

"A marriage is a marriage, and a relationship is a relationship. These are two different things."

Nalan Yanran shook her head slightly and said, "If I had liked him since the three-year appointment... maybe it would be different."

"Oh...human emotions are so complicated."

Nalan Yanran's words, which were no different from tongue twisters, naturally gave Zi Yan a headache, and she shook her head.

"At this point, there may not be any difference between monsters and humans. Maybe they have the same feelings, so it will definitely be like this."

"When will Sister Nalan plan to tell Xiao Yan?"

Zi Yan never imagined that she would fall in love with the same person as the Little Medical Fairy and Nalan Yanran, or even be the same person to such an extent. She felt like her head was getting big just thinking about it.

Nalan Yanran shook her head.

"No, I don't plan to tell him. It's fine to hide it like this for the rest of my life."

"Eh? Why?"

Nalan Yanran's answer made Zi Yan a little surprised. She really couldn't understand that Nalan Yanran would not tell Xiao Yan about this.

"Because regardless of the reason, I did do some things that hurt him at the beginning, not just him, but also his family and family. If I step out now, it will be difficult for everyone."

Nalan Yanran's tone was calm and gentle. It was obvious that this issue had been brewing in her heart for a long time, and it was only revealed today.

Zi Yan didn't know what to say at all.

"Not to mention anyone else, Medusa probably can't tolerate me. The little medical fairy is different. She looks gentle, but in fact she is far more decisive than me, not to mention she has medicinal herbs... She helped me a lot and treated me with kindness and kindness...I can't be sorry to her."

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