Yao Wan was choked by the little medical fairy, so she smiled and said: "Oh, of course I know what Xian'er is worried about. It's okay. Xiao Yan is just the kite in your hand, it can't fly very far."

"As for how big the bed is... don't worry, there are only five of you including Xiao Yan, right?"

Yao Wan's tone was relaxed, revealing a hint of unusual optimism and open-mindedness, as if she had already anticipated Xiao Yan's future life and everything.

"Only five? Even that's really not enough."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but shake her head, indicating something. However, since Sister Wan likes to act stupid, the little medical fairy will naturally not be ignorant.

"Isn't this enough? If this isn't enough, it's time for me to teach Xiao Yan a lesson. Four women are not enough. I want to go to heaven."

Yaowan clasped her fingers in her heart, Xian'er, Nalan, Medusa, and the eldest lady of the ancient tribe who did not want to be named, there is no one else... Oh, I almost forgot Zi Yan, that one from back then Naturally, the little kid has no chance at all, but now this big girl with a bulging front and back is really hard to say. Forget it, just wait for her and Xiao Yan to slowly pull together and let nature take its course. If she can achieve success, It doesn't hurt that it can't happen.

At the very least, the girls he is most optimistic about have now become successful, which is gratifying and congratulatory. I guess I won’t have to pay any money to appear as a bridesmaid in the future, right? On the contrary, it was those few Yingying Yanyan who should give themselves red envelopes together with Xiao Yan.

"What about Sister Wan?"

"Me? It doesn't matter to me. How you and your husband and wife solve the problem is your business. What does it have to do with me?"

After feeling Yaowan's silence, the little medical fairy couldn't help but wonder whether she really didn't know or was just pretending not to know.

Do you want to push them all down and then walk away? There is nothing so easy in the world.

The little medical fairy nodded silently, forget it, it doesn't matter what Sister Wan's answer is for now, as long as everything is recorded in the account, there will be opportunities to slowly settle accounts with Sister Wan in the future, right?

Thinking of this, the little medical fairy couldn't help but nodded lightly.

While turning around to chat, Zi Yan met Xiao Yan after taking a break on the stage. Before the fight started, Zi Yan jumped off the ring, causing an uproar among others.

Zi Yan didn't take it seriously, but just pointed to Xiao Yan with her eyes. It's boring to have to fight to the death. Since Xiao Yan is interested in winning the jackpot of the conference, it's okay to give her more later. It's not enough to refine some elixirs. She is very efficient here. Once Xiao Yan's elixirs arrive, needless to say, all the fake match services you want will be provided.

Xiao Yan wanted to exchange for a jackpot in front of the girl, and she earned a few more bottles of pills, and everyone had a bright future.

As for other things, that was beyond her consideration.

Looking at Xiao Yan and Zi Yan, who lost but seemed to have won some big prize, Feng Qing'er couldn't help but frown slightly. She thought that her opponents in this conference were still the same old opponents. Naturally, she could do it now that she had received such a huge improvement. He won steadily, but he didn't expect that such a character would come out halfway.

However, even if the opponent is unfathomable, that does not mean that he is willing to admit defeat.

Feng Qing'er slightly narrowed her slender eyes. She was inexplicably wary of Xiao Yan's existence. Whenever she looked at him, she couldn't help but express that kind of excitement and extreme trembling. , it was like facing that woman.

Is it possible that he has some connection with this woman?

A stray thought appeared in Feng Qing'er's heart unconsciously, but she could not get rid of it. On the contrary, it only intensified her fear of medicine.

Different thoughts were fermenting silently in her heart. She had long been accustomed to the trembling and fear, but now it became her unusual motivation.

And when Xiao Yan noticed the strange look on Feng Qing'er's face, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's not easy to live like this.

Xiao Yan didn't have any special feelings for this woman, but since he had planned to win the jackpot for his reunion with Miss Wan, he had no choice but to let her leave here.

A moment later, the phantom of the demon phoenix and the strange fire filled the entire square, shocking others to the point of widening their eyes.

"Xian'er thinks, who is better between Xiao Yan and Xiao Fenghuang?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask, causing the little medical fairy to shake her head. Why do we need to think too much about this kind of thing? Then he replied: "Of course it is Xiao Yan."

Regardless of whether it is accurate or not, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is true in the eyes of women. The little medical fairy naturally hopes that Xiao Yan will come out on top.

What's more, Xiao Yan is now a Dou Zong. It's not like she has never seen Xiao Yan's cross-level challenges in the past. Now he just faced a demon phoenix, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Hmm...that's true."

Yao Wan nodded slightly, and the fact seemed to be exactly what the little medical fairy said. Xiao Yan was still brave enough to face Feng Qing'er and successfully won.

Feng Qing'er was half-kneeling aside and panting heavily. She couldn't believe that she actually lost, and fell down in front of another human being.

A strong sense of frustration surged in her heart, but she saw the whole audience cheering for Xiao Yan.

Naturally, she is not willing to accept it. Even if she has now become Yaowan's mount, she can comfort herself that there is nothing she can do. After all, killing Dou Zun is as simple as crushing an insect, and what is trying to control her is just the difference between wanting to and not wanting to. That’s all.

But she would actually lose to Xiao Yan? A human that appeared out of nowhere? How could she be willing to do this?

When Yao Wan saw that the winner had been decided, she said, "Have you had enough fun?"

As soon as Yao Wan said this, everyone present could not help but be stunned. Who is this mysterious Lord of Fenglei Pavilion talking to now? Feng Qing'er?

But Feng Qing'er knew that her tone was definitely not calling her. She knew Yao Wan's tone too well. It was teasing, mocking, and gentle, but there had never been a hint of helplessness hidden in her tone like this.

She couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan beside her. Sure enough, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was feeling a little happy because of her helpless tone in the stands.

"Then it depends on what the Pavilion Master wants."

Xiao Yan laughed loudly, and his tone made everyone react unconsciously. Could it be that Xiao Yan and the new master of Fenglei Pavilion are old acquaintances?

Otherwise, how could Xiao Yan dare to speak to a powerful Dou Zun like this?


Yao Wan smiled and snorted, then waved her hand and said: "So, Xiao Yan is the champion of this tournament. Do you have any opinions?"

The three Dou Zun experts were silent and just shook their heads in silence. Although there seemed to be some intrigue between Xiao Yan and the new master of Fenglei Pavilion, even so, the final victory or defeat was decided between Fenglei Pavilion and Xiao Yan. In any case, she was not at a loss.


Yao Wan suddenly turned her head and looked at the inexplicable Master Feng, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yan has a relationship with Master Feng. If Master Feng is interested, he can ask Xiao Yan privately."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Master Feng was stunned for a moment. Seeing that what Yao Wan said was true, he was a little skeptical. His memory was not very good, but he was sure that this was the first time he met Xiao Yan. How could he and Xiao Yan have any old feelings?

But since Yao Wan said this, he naturally became curious about Xiao Yan, and then nodded and said: "Since the Pavilion Master said so, I will go to Xiao Yan later to confirm."

In this way, the Sifang Pavilion Conference was successfully concluded. The three Dou Zun experts could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that although this person was strong, he had no interest in Sifang Pavilion matters, and it did not matter to them either. What a threat.

And Venerable Feng indeed took the initiative to find Xiao Yan privately as Yao Wan said. Then, when there was no one around, he saw a familiar figure next to Xiao Yan.

Master Feng's body suddenly shook violently, as if he had been shocked by electricity, and he froze on the spot.

"What's wrong? Didn't you come here very quickly just now? Why do you seem to be stupid now, old guy."

Yao Lao joked with Xiao Yan for a while, then turned to look at Master Feng and said with a smile.

"You...you! You old fool! Where have you been all these years! But it's easy for me to find you!"

When Master Feng heard Yao Lao's teasing, he realized that this was definitely not an illusion. He was angry and happy at the same time. A trace of tears welled up in his eyes. He walked forward quickly and cursed.

But soon, he discovered that Yao Lao, who seemed to have a solid body now, was just a soul. He couldn't help being slightly startled and said: "Old guy, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

"Who is it? Who made you look like this?"

"It was the bastard Han Feng's affair with Mu Gu that put me in this situation."

Yao Lao said but shook his head, then looked at Xiao Yan with a smile and said: "Fortunately, I have a new disciple, he is very good, and he can restore my residual soul to what it is now. I will find a suitable disciple later." The body can be resurrected by turning around."

Master Feng digested the huge amount of information in Yao Lao's three words, and then suddenly realized: "So that's it, no wonder she said that Xiao Yan and I have an old relationship, no, in that case, what is the new master of Fenglei Pavilion now? Do you know this relationship?"

"Oh, you mean girl."

Yao Lao's answer made Master Feng even more surprised and stunned: "Girl is the new master of Fenglei Pavilion in your mouth. Don't worry, she is one of our own and can be trusted."

"One of our own?"

Master Feng paused and couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan beside Yao Lao, and an idea appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

Xiao Yan didn't realize what Master Feng was thinking, he just bowed and said, "I've met Master Feng."

"Ah? No gifts, no gifts, I'm just saying, where did this genius come from, but I didn't expect that he was his disciple? Oh...it's such a fate."

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