Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 376 Clown, what are you stirring up?

The so-called emotional rift sounds complicated, but in reality it is nothing more than that.

Feng Qing'er even had a partial understanding of all this at the beginning, but after staying with Yao Wan for a long time, she suddenly became self-sufficient in such concepts that she once had only a partial understanding of.

It's just a pity that Feng Qing'er got the premise wrong from the beginning. The essence of the emotional rift is caused by the inability to fully trust each other. It is also a test of the relationship between the two. It is just a different way of saying it. The reason why rifts turn into cracks is because the rifts already exist. But what if the rifts don’t exist?

Then the correct answer is to create discord, but it is equally obvious that Feng Qing'er obviously does not have the ability to create discord between two people in just a few words.

She used her experience of being played as revenge, but it was a pity that if she really had such ability, she would not have been trapped in the spider web woven by the herb in the first place, and would never be able to escape.

However, Xiao Yan never took any action from beginning to end. Instead, he looked at Feng Qing'er with a strange look, as if he was asking, 'Why did you have such an idea?'

Feng Qing'er's pretty face inevitably showed a trace of unnatural stiffness. She thought it was because Xiao Yan was hopelessly stupid, so she had to take the initiative to make it clear to him: "This woman is nothing." Normal person, do you expect this kind of person to have the same concept of love as you? Don’t be stupid! Neither me nor you...they are just playthings between her! Do you expect such a woman to play with you? A game for every family? Haha—you’re just being sentimental.”

Her final chuckle seemed sarcastic, but the effect was less than ideal.

However, Xiao Yan remained unmoved from the beginning to the end. His eyes only showed a slight change, from the confusion of wondering how she could say such words to the numbness of saying such idiotic words. So much so that in the end his eyes seemed to Feng Qing'er to be asking, 'Oh, what next? 'Same.

Xiao Yan's suspicion, anger, and rejection were all somewhat expected by Feng Qing'er. However, what Xiao Yan showed was silence and a completely nonchalant look that she couldn't bear.

It was as if what she said was no better than the fallen leaves in the autumn. It was just the noise that dissipated with the wind. When the breeze stopped, there would be no more noise on the ground.

After all, Feng Qing'er still couldn't bear this kind of humiliation. It was like a poisonous fire of resentment was burning in her chest, giving her uncomfortable choking and chest tightness, which almost made her breathless.

Feng Qing'er looked at Xiao Yan with red eyes, why? Why was there no doubt in Xiao Yan's eyes because of his words? Has this idiot been completely seduced by this woman? !

No matter how much he trusts that woman, he should at least make some statements, right? ! Why? Why didn't he react at all?

Looking at Feng Qing'er, who seemed to be trying to give some truth to her statement, like an ant on a hot pot, Xiao Yan broke the silence at the moment: "Are you in a hurry?"

"I haven't said anything yet, why are you so anxious? Little Phoenix?"

He couldn't help but laugh and joke, but it completely ignited Feng Qing'er's anger.

"It's so stupid, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

At this point, she could only say these useless words. Xiao Yan was startled, and then he couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders, oh, no matter what she said at any time, it was quite useless.

However, for the sake of self-sanction and Yaoyuan's warning, Xiao Yan gave up the more effective way of ridiculing and just said: "Probably only you would say this at this time, but do you want to control your voice? After all, it’s hard to say whether what we say here will be heard upstairs.”

As soon as Xiao Yan said these words, Feng Qing'er was so frightened that she trembled. Xiao Yan ignored her and turned around to leave.

Naturally, the conversation between Xiao Yan and Feng Qing'er could not escape Yao Wan's detection. If she had not deliberately avoided it, there would have been nothing within this scope that she did not know.

But she really didn't expect that even though she had already sent two people away, something like this would still happen.

She didn't know what to say all of a sudden.

But how can I put it... Apart from being blinded by Feng Qing'er who defaulted to that kind of relationship between herself and Xiao Yan, Yao Wan was quite touched by Xiao Yan's almost unconditional trust. After all, she He is the person who knows himself best. Although there are many situations where he has not been different from each other, they are still very similar on the whole. As the person who knows him best, Yaowan naturally knows what his personality is like best. There are probably not many people in the world who can withstand her own torture, and she has never regarded other people as equal to herself.

Hot on the outside and cold on the inside, aloof, treating Feng Qing'er as a plaything, laughing and killing people, all of this is based on self-arrogance. In this way, Yao Wan is actually a more pretentious person than Feng Qing'er, but it's just him His talents and abilities are enough to make him so arrogant.

Yao Wan knew this, and she also understood that she would probably not be tolerated by the normal world, so she always lived her own way without interfering with anyone, and no one could interfere with herself.

Even Xian'er, Nalan and the others, Yao Wan also considers them from the bottom of his heart that they are his friends and very important people. If one day they are in danger, their lives will be in danger, and even he himself will be in danger. In the desperate situation of death, Yao Wan will still choose to save them, but even so, they are not equal to him.

...The so-called arrogance of time-travelers is probably this, right?

Yao Wan couldn't help but laugh at herself.

On this basis, the hypothesis given by Feng Qing'er is indeed correct.

She deserved to be alone. As for Xiao Yan, in her eyes, Xiao Yan was naturally different from others, but now he only regarded himself as a young man who walked out of Wutan City, and he would never see the soul that wandered here again. .

Therefore, Xiao Yan is the same as himself, but different from him.

That's fine. As a human being, living a relaxed life is the most important thing.

Forget it, Yao Wan naturally has nothing to care about Xiao Yan. In the days to come, she just needs to remind Xian'er to pay more attention to him.

As for Feng Qing' seems that she has not been educated enough yet.

On the lower floor of the giant tower, Feng Qing'er couldn't help but tremble when she heard the crisp footsteps coming slowly. The familiar figure that made her extremely frightened slowly came down from the top.

She had naturally guessed everything she saw before Xiao Yan when he left, but when Yao Wan really found it, the fear that penetrated the bone marrow spread uncontrollably.

"It seems that little Phoenix is ​​not very honest."

Yao Wan's tone was leisurely, and she didn't seem to be angry at all because Feng Qing'er talked about the relationship between herself and Xiao Yan and made rash conclusions.

But Feng Qing'er, who now understands Yaowan, is very clear that she is on the verge of burning with anger at this moment.

And all this is just as Feng Qing'er guessed.

It doesn't matter what Feng Qing'er said is one thing, but if Feng Qing'er said such words and still wants to be safe and sound, then it's a bit of a dream.

Since you said something wrong, it is only natural that you should be punished accordingly, right?

"It seems that little Phoenix can't wait for the training I just mentioned."

"No, no...Lord, master...listen to my explanation...ah——"

Feng Qing'er tried to organize her defense, but Yao Wan didn't want to listen to Feng Qing'er's words now. She just wanted to see this pretentious woman turn into a domesticated pet that would die if she left her.

Not long after Xiao Yan left, he found that the little fairy doctor was already waiting for him.

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth raised slightly, and he quickly walked up.

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan's smiling face and couldn't help but said: "What good thing happened? It can make you so happy."

"It's okay, I just haven't seen her for a long time and I feel happy."

Xiao Yan shook his head, and then said from the bottom of his heart, of course he knew that this was not a good thing, but he couldn't help but was happy.

"Really? Then...did she say anything?"

The little medical fairy hesitated for a moment. She really couldn't say anything about the relationship between Sister Wan and Xiao Yan. The main reason was that it was obviously not something she could guess as to how the relationship would change despite the inseparable relationship between the two people.

Therefore, instead of making random guesses and random thoughts, it is better to wait for Xiao Yan to announce the correct answer directly.

"I didn't say anything. I just met and talked about old times."

"Looks like we get along well."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, with Sister Wan's temperament now, she was really worried that some minor conflicts would break out between her and Xiao Yan, although it would definitely not affect the relationship between the two. , but it will definitely be full of twists and turns.

It would be great to be able to avoid this happening.

"But Feng Qing'er said some inexplicable words to me."

Xiao Yan then relayed what he had just seen and heard to the little medical fairy, and she couldn't help but frown.

"Then you probably believed her words, right?"

The little medical fairy's heart tightened, and the only pity she had for Feng Qing'er disappeared. This Feng Qing'er was really a harmful person. Sister Wan couldn't help but bite her after she relaxed a little in the past two days. She should let her go when she turns around. Sister Wan, please discipline her more.

"Of course not. Don't I know who is more trustworthy between Miss Wan and her?"

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders.

The little medical fairy breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. I'm afraid that after hearing these words, you can't help but think wildly and cause some troubles. That would be bad."

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