"Elementary... Douzong?"

Xiao Yan tilted his head and murmured subconsciously. Listening to Xiao Yan's tone that was obviously not quite right, Yao Wan even had a thought about whether he would be directly caught by Xiao Yan and then replay the plot. Worry.

After all, it seems that the plot of loving without turning to revenge is not so difficult to imagine.

Besides, she hasn't given him any good looks in the past two days...

Once she realized that Xiao Yan's feelings for her were not so innocent, thoughts like these surged uncontrollably in her mind like the coming tide of the season. They continued for a long time, and she could only shake her head secretly and force herself. He braced himself and comforted himself that Xiao Yan still had this in him.

No, why is she thinking about all this?

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and then gradually calmed down. There was no need to scare herself like this.

It is very obvious that such thoughts did not appear in Xiao Yan's eyes, otherwise Yao Wan would have used this distraction to explode with him first, and then turn around and let the main body come to confiscate his crime tools.

"Junior level Douzong, it's okay, at least he's still a Douzong."

Xiao Yan shook his head. It was not as Yao Wan imagined, but a trace of worry flashed across his brows. Then he comforted Yao Wan and said, after all, he was a person who had experienced this. What did the words "lost power" mean? What, he couldn't be clearer. Miss Wan's strength had declined and the two of them were now in danger. He was clear about it. At worst, he had to protect himself and Miss Wan.

In contrast, Xiao Yan was more concerned about whether this would create any sense of gap in her heart.

In fact, Yao Wan does have a sense of disparity in her heart. After all, for so many years, her realm has always been to crush others and then kill them to pieces. But now it is her turn to reverse the version, saying that she can really do it. It is naturally impossible to have a heart that is as calm as water, and Yao Wan himself knows this, but he will not give up on himself like Xiao Yan did at the beginning.

She couldn't help but look up at Xiao Yan and said, "Don't worry, I'm in a good state of mind. I won't end up like you before, desperate for life or death."

Yao Wan's answer almost made Xiao Yan choke on his own spit. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and said: "Although I did have a bad mentality at the beginning, I must not be at the point where I have to live or die, right?"

As they said this, both of them recalled the time when they first met. Xiao Yan was unable to improve his cultivation because of Yao Lao's absorption of fighting energy, and gave up on himself. As a result, Yao Wan happened to be seen by Yao Wan who was wandering here. Later knowledge and understanding.

They didn't know at that time that just a plain conversation between the two would lead to the kind of relationship and entanglement between the two.

Thinking about it now, it really makes people want to sigh, time is also fate.

"You know what I mean."

Yao Wan, however, raised her head lightly and said, "Besides, Douzong is Douzong, and it's not like he is really incapable of restraining a chicken."

"What about Miss Wan's soul power? I can understand that fighting spirit is restricted, but is the soul power actually restricted in this way?"

"Well, there are a lot of tricks in this ancient ruins. I have tried to mobilize my soul power, but the result is still the same. Maybe it is a ruin built by a strong man whose soul power is far better than mine during his lifetime. I can Even if I forcefully break through the connection between this ancient ruins and Dou Qi Continent, I still cannot avoid being bound by the laws here."

Yao Wan sighed, what Xiao Yan could think of, how could she not think of it? It's just a matter of course that we are prevented from taking advantage of the loopholes.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant Yao Wan is, as long as he is still in the ancient ruins, his cultivation is basically unable to break the seal... No, maybe if he sacrifices this clone, he may be able to do it in a short time. He can return to his peak strength within a certain period of time, but the suicide attack basically has nothing to do with him.

"Does Miss Wan want to go back?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but say, after all, they didn't know what was hidden in this ancient ruins and how dangerous it was. Xiao Yan could continue walking, but now she was just a junior Dou Zong girl... Xiao Yan naturally didn't mind. To protect her, it would be better to say that this is what he wants, but for her safety, it seems that this is the safest thing to do.

"It's okay. I can protect myself. Don't worry about me. Besides, you've already come, so why should you leave now?"

The medicine wand immediately shook its head like a rattle.

"It's all here..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but murmured, but he didn't expect that Miss Wan would say that.

But he didn't worry too much.

"It doesn't matter, then I will protect Miss Wan."

Xiao Yan smiled.

Yao Wan was slightly startled, but couldn't help but smile: "Are you the only one who still protects me?"

"Yes, just me."

Xiao Yan nodded with a serious look on his face, without any hint of joking.

"You...oh, I don't even know what to say to you."

Yao Wan stared blankly at Xiao Yan's serious face at this moment. Naturally, she did not doubt the authenticity of what he said, but maybe she still couldn't let go of the inexplicable pride and reserve in her heart. Believing and accepting it was another matter. .

"You have protected me so many times - what if I protect you this time?"

It was rare for Xiao Yan to be more sincere. It was obvious that what he said was not only sincere, but also a strong thought that had been buried in his heart a long time ago.

"This is different-"

Yao Wan simply stopped arguing with him. At least it was inappropriate to discuss this topic... Forget it, just let him go.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yan was about to say something, but he noticed an ominous aura sweeping in from a distance, which made the strange fire in his body agitate. It was obviously for that aura coming from a distance. The aura coming at speed was particularly repulsive.

"Wait, something seems to be coming."

Xiao Yan suddenly became serious, but Yao Wan blinked in confusion, and then realized that something was wrong. Wait, why was Xiao Yan aware of it, but he didn't feel at all that he was already so weak? ?

As soon as Xiao Yan finished speaking, Yao Wan felt an unusual aura flying towards where they were.

"Tsk, I'll take care of it, don't run around."

Yao Wan clenched her silver teeth gently, then jumped into the air, and even flew to the direction where the ominous aura came from.

Although the current strength has indeed shrunk a lot, it is naturally impossible for Yao Wan to really hide behind Xiao Yan. Instead, he took a step forward and ran into the dark figure head on.

"Huh? How can such a thing exist in such a remote and remote place?"

The black shadow was naturally aware of the existence of Yaowan, and the surging momentum was even more unusual. If it weren't for the fact that the fighting spirit only belonged to the junior Dou Zong, he almost thought that a strong Dou Zong appeared in front of him.

But if she were Dou Zun, then she would be the one who should consider running away.

It's a pity that he is just a junior Douzong.

The black shadow shook his head, and then said arrogantly: "Hahaha, it's really rare. A junior Dou Zong like you usually can only run away in front of me, but it seems that there will be people like you in such a remote place. It’s a worthwhile trip!”

"There's so much nonsense, come and die!"

Yao Wan had no interest in understanding this person. Since he was an enemy, the only outcome was to beat him to death. It was that simple.

Under the black shadow, a jet of dark energy flew out, trying to force Yao Wan back, but was blown away by Yao Wan's punch.

The black shadow was stunned for a moment, then immediately cleared away the arrogance in his heart, and then a handprint flew out of his hand, covering the medicine wand.

"You are a bit weird as a junior Douzong, but since you met me today, I cannot give you the possibility to continue to grow!"

The black shadow who called himself Eclipse smiled fiercely, and the demonic energy around him turned into countless chains and black seals that squeezed the Yaowan's movement space.

"Tsk, why is he still at the peak of Douzong?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but feel a little troublesome. Miaoman's figure moved between the black shadow and the chain, escaping the opponent's blockade and restraint time and time again. Then the pair of pale golden eyes immediately turned into pitch black, which belonged to her fighting spirit. Then it was tainted with a trace of black-red flames, and when the eclipse saw the flames of ash destruction that Yao Wan showed in an instant, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The black-red flames silently burned the seals and chains into nothingness. This kind of terrifying power could only be manifested by the most violent energy of heaven and earth.

Alien fire? !

The shock and surprise that first appeared in Xiu Yu's eyes soon turned into a particularly strong murderous intention.

Since she still has strange fire in her body, this woman must not be allowed to grow up, otherwise she will definitely become a serious problem for their clan!

With this idea in mind, Xiu Yu had no reservations in his heart and even went all out to take action.

All the surrounding fighting energy was absorbed and transformed into demonic energy, and then turned into a monstrous demon statue, overwhelming all living things, and even blasted towards Yaowan without any reservation. The swallowing spirit tribe at the peak of Douzong level struck with all their strength. Yaowan may not dare to take it directly now.

She was about to retreat from its sharp edge temporarily, but she heard Xiao Yan's voice.

"Miss Wan, step back."

Yao Wan was slightly startled, but still subconsciously followed Xiao Yan's instructions and exited. He saw a five-color fire lotus passing by him. The fire lotus was no bigger than a fist, but it emitted brilliance like glass. It was terrifying. The high temperature was restrained in the small fire lotus by the powerful soul power, and then turned into a stream of light, and hit the monstrous demon statue of Eclipse head-on.

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