Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 411: The dead man is talking

"...When did the Spirit Devouring Tribe appear here?"

When the conversation between Master Tianhuo and Xiao Yan almost came to an end, Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

"have no idea."

Lord Tianhuo shook his head slightly and said: "We have no idea where those evil obstacles appeared from, but they have appeared since we were here."

"Knowing nothing..."

Yao Wan frowned slightly. It can't be said that the Swallowing Spirit Clan is also an aboriginal of the Ruins of Oblivion, right?

"It no longer matters where the Spirit Swallowing Tribe comes from. What matters is that since they appear here, the result is that we can only let them devour everything, or we kill them all without leaving any one behind."

Lord Tianhuo didn't even frown when he said this.

For him, this is already an ironclad rule that needs no doubt.

"Follow this line of defense established along the southeast and northwest to deal with the Spirit-Devouring Clan, and then walk thousands of miles further to where the Heavenly Sword Palace is located."

Lord Tianhuo explained: "The person you may have heard of before is there, and I think he would also like to see you."


Xiao Yan subconsciously said, but Yao Wan frowned slightly and said, "Is it because of that prophecy?"

"It is said to be a prophecy, but in fact it is just an illusory legend. Whether it is him, me, or other strong human beings who are still fighting against the Spirit-Devouring Tribe, we have never built our hopes on an unknown moment. On the fantasy that will come.”

Lord Tianhuo saw Yao Wan's resistance to the prophecy, and explained it in a nonchalant manner, but he didn't think much of taking care of Yao Wan.

"That's best."

The meaning of Yaowan is unclear. Unlike Xiao Yan's curiosity, she has always disliked futile things such as prophecies, and then sums up all these boring things into the word fate. If it is said in this way , Yaowan is probably not so willing to believe in fate.

No one likes to attribute everything they have fought for in life to fate, not to mention Yao Wan has always been a pretentious person.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but secretly glance at Miss Wan. The disgust in her words could not escape Xiao Yan's ears, not to mention that she didn't hide it at all.

She just thinks this is too fake, and she doesn't like it. What she likes is the bright sunshine, and what she hates is the stormy weather. It is different from how she treats feelings, and is not sloppy at all.

But it's a little different from Nalan's neatness. Nalan is more normal, while Yaowan is more selfish, and his happiness and anger all depend on his own likes and dislikes.

Lord Tianhuo was silent, and the girl behind him who always had a hint of indifference in her tone couldn't help but remind him of some bad experiences he had when he was traveling in Zhongzhou, and he also had some guesses about Yao Wan's identity.

Probably the eldest lady of some big family.

While everyone had their own guesses, the group was still moving towards the direction of Tianjian Palace.

But when they were halfway there, a hint of unusual demonic energy attracted their attention.

Obviously, this is another city that is being targeted by the Spirit Devouring Clan.

And if they are targeted by the Spirit Devouring Clan, unless they directly kill Yong Jue, they will still be remembered even if they are temporarily repelled.

No one hesitated. They would return to Tianjian Palace whenever they wanted, and it would not be short of the time in front of them.

The city not far away has been covered and shrouded by vine-like demonic energy, just like the lid of a cauldron. Not a single breath is allowed to leak out, and the slightest bit of fighting spirit is allowed to enter the city in front of you. among.

Under the strong demonic aura, a man and a woman stood under the demonic cloud, with their hands behind their backs. They seemed to be confident about taking over the city. The struggling people in the city were just trying to resist in the end.

And it is also a kind of fun to watch the plaything in the palm of your hand lose the chance of hope little by little.

"Run, escape, let's see how long you can last today."

The woman from the Swallowing Spirit Tribe, who was wearing revealing clothes and looked particularly dissolute, chuckled, but her melodious voice, like a silver bell, seemed to make people dizzy, as if a ball of magic fire was burning in her chest, burning her from the inside out. But the other places cannot be burned.

She just flicked her sleeves, and the dark demonic energy swept across the city. The demonic energy surrounding the city continued to compress and shrink. Once these demonic energies came into contact with the living people in the city, they immediately killed them like tarsal maggots. Surrounded by people, absorbing the fighting spirit and blood energy, almost in the blink of an eye, the city was left with patches of inhuman-shaped debris.

The fighting energy and blood that had been absorbed and devoured by the demonic energy were quickly contaminated by the demonic energy, and then fed back into her body.

Feeling the feeling of blood feeding back to herself, the charming beauty of the Spirit Devouring Clan couldn't help but let out a sweet and sweet hum that made people go numb, but she couldn't help curling her lips: "Why so little? Sure enough, inferior creatures are inferior. If you wait for a living creature to squeeze out all the marrow, that’s it~~”

"Don't be too crazy, Xijiao. I am responsible for the first battle this time. I can't let you down."

The man next to him frowned unconsciously at the bad taste of Erosion Pepper, which was like a cat catching a mouse. If he hadn't known that interrupting this mad woman's interest would easily lead to her getting burned, he would have wanted to take action to kill all the humans in the city. Kill them all.

"Why are these words so strange when they come out of your mouth? Xiaoxiao, am I not faithfully following your orders?"

"That's not what you say when you play with human men. How can you play with food? It's disgusting."

Eclipse Xiao did not hide his dislike for Eclipse Pepper at all. Although they were members of the same clan, a woman like Eclipse Pepper was someone who was feared to be avoided by people in the Devouring Spirit Clan. If she was targeted, nothing good would happen. .

And Eojiao doesn't care at all about the disgust of his colleagues. People who hate each other say nothing will affect each other's status in their hearts.

But before she could say anything, she and Xi Xiao noticed a disturbance in their demonic energy, as if it was forcibly broken by something. In this case, they knew it must be Tianjian Palace without even guessing. Those guys are here to disrupt the situation.

But it doesn't matter, she knows those old guys very well, and usually needs to retreat for a while, but this time she is not acting alone.

"Alright~ Now that the principals are here, Xixiao, what are you waiting for? Counting the time, our clan's vanguard will be here soon, right? I have to rely on you for the Heavenly Sword Palace~"


Eclipse Owl suppressed the disgust that made him want to vomit, but his movements were not slow at all, and he went to intercept the strong human flying from a distance.

After all, this is an action personally designated by His Majesty. Even if Eclipse Xiao is dissatisfied with Eclipse Pepper, he will still do his duty honestly. Not only that, he also needs to consider giving Eclipse Pepper a clean slate. As for the butt thing, after all, this woman will always cause other troubles if she eats dirty food.

Eclipse Owl then looked at several demonic shadows emerging from another place not far away, and then quickly came to him.

"I've seen the Demon General!"

Those demonic shadows fell in front of Xi Xiao's eyes, and finally they all bowed.

Eclipse Owl did not respond, but turned his head and looked in the direction where the demonic energy was broken away.

"Where can you go from here, the evil deeds of the Swallowing Spirit Clan!"

At the same time that Lord Tianhuo descended from the cloud head, the colorless Fallen Heart Flame burned a large hole in the demonic cloud in front of him that could not be ignored, forming a gap that was torn open abruptly.

"Yao Tianhuo, I knew it was you."

Eclipse Owl's eyes were cold, and probably no one else had this annoying alien fire aura except him.

"Now that you know it's me, you shouldn't get out of here, but now that you're here, don't leave!"

Lord Tianhuo looked at Eclipse Owl. Naturally, the old rival who had fought against him several times had nothing to say. Almost immediately, fighting spirit and demonic energy collided.

But before the two Dou Zun were about to fight, Lord Tianhuo couldn't help but confess: "I will take care of the Eclipse Owl, and the other demons of the Devouring Spirit Clan will be up to you, Xiao Yan. In addition, there are probably others in Jiecheng." There is a Demon General, at least a Dou Zun-level expert. If you are facing each other, don’t fight him forcefully. Don’t force him. If you can’t defeat him, just retreat immediately.”

"I understand, Yao Lao."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then nodded slightly.

After the words fell, Lord Tianhuo no longer had any worries in his heart. He took a step forward and the Fallen Heart Flame in his hand turned into an invisible fire python. He opened his bloody mouth and directly swallowed up all the countless demonic energies in front of him and burned them to ashes.

There was a strong murderous aura in Eclipse Owl's eyes, this damn strange fire!

It's just that at the same level, Eclipse Owl really can't do anything against Master Tianhuo. Yihuo's restraint of demonic energy is really too strong.

And just when the two fighting masters were opening up a new battlefield, a few remaining demonic figures pounced on Xiao Yan and the four in front of them.

It's just that when the Spirit-Devouring Clan of the same level faced Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, they were really a bit unsatisfied. Several kinds of strange fires quickly swept away the dark demonic clouds in front of them, and at the same time, several twisted... The demon shadow died in the hands of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan with hatred.

Just when Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were preparing to take a step further, they heard a faint sound.

"...How useless are the people of Eclipse Owl? They can't even stop such a small number of people, that's all. The more toys, the better."

The sexy and scantily clad woman's smooth jade feet stepped away from the dirty magic cloud. Her charming eyes glanced at Xiao Yan almost subconsciously. A mesmerizing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't help but lick her soft red lips.

"Ah, what a handsome brother, do you want to come and have some fun with your sister~~~?"

Before Xiao Yan could say anything, Xiao Yan felt that the aura of death around him was getting stronger.


Yao Wan said nothing, but in her eyes, Xijiao was no different from the dead.

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