Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 418: Making love with Qing Mu

Yao Wan couldn't help but stare blankly at Xiao Yan, a hint of astonishment flashing through her heart.

After all, didn't Han Shanshan just say that if Xiao Yan woke up later, he would have to wait until tomorrow? How did you know you would wake up so quickly...

She couldn't help but exhale softly, her pale golden eyes flickering slightly, and she had to stop her movements when she originally wanted to hold herself up. The graceful arc at the bottom of her skirt once again fell on Xiao Yan's body. bedside.

"wake up?"

Yao Wan did not hesitate for too long before he took the initiative to break the silence between the two and said


Xiao Yan's dark red eyes, which were first hazy and then gradually regained their clarity, clearly reflected a familiar and reassuring figure, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously rose slightly.

But before he could say anything, Xiao Yan, who had completely woken up, noticed that Yao Wan's hair was now full of silver threads, and the trace of smile on his face completely disappeared, leaving only a faint bitterness in his heart. .

Yao Wan never noticed the momentary loss in his heart and only said: "Do you feel a little better?"

"Well, I can't die anyway."

Xiao Yan tried his best to look relaxed and then said.

"That's not so good."

Yaowan shook her head, and then stood up from Xiao Yan's bed calmly. Xiao Yan naturally didn't want her to be too far away from him, but before he could react, he heard a slightly uneasy sound. A pleasant cough.

Han Shanshan raised her fist in front of her lips and coughed intentionally. Only then did Xiao Yan realize that there was still someone there.

"I finally woke up... Fortunately, your body can still withstand your torture."

Unlike Yao Wan who always silently accommodates Xiao Yan despite what she says, Han Shanshan is quite resentful of what Xiao Yan has done. Looking at Xiao Yan who finally looks like a living person now, she feels... Still couldn't help but put his hands on his hips and said, but his tone was not so friendly.

Naturally, Xiao Yan would not turn around and forget about the girl who was the hall master. He could only smile and said, "How long have I been sleeping? Thank you, hall master, for taking care of me."

"No need to thank me."

Han Shanshan frowned and waved her hands and said, obviously not following Xiao Yan's tricks.

However, no matter what opinions she had about the patient, it did not prevent her from treating the disease and saving lives. She threw a pill to Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan quickly raised his hand to catch it. After sleeping for several days, he himself felt a little sleepy. , even the reaction became much slower.

"After eating, you still have four days of elixirs. After eating and cultivating yourself, you will basically feel better. But don't rush to fight right away. Otherwise, the foundation will be unstable and there will be hidden wounds. Don't blame me for not warning you. ”

Han Shanshan put her hands on her hips. She didn't know why, but when she saw Xiao Yan, she always felt like she hated iron. She couldn't explain it herself, but she had never been a person who likes to think wildly. If she likes it, she likes it, and if she dislikes it, she dislikes it. There is no such thing. There were so many twists and turns to talk about. Since she had such feelings for Xiao Yan, she naturally made her own response without hesitation.

"Well... Xiao Yan knows. Although I don't have much ability, if there are any requests for refining elixirs or looking for medicinal materials in the future, I will definitely be able to help the hall master."

Xiao Yan did not hesitate. Han Shanshan's elixir melted in his mouth, but there was no overly strong feeling. It was like a clear spring in spring flowing silently through his meridians. It seemed particularly gentle, although perhaps In terms of healing effect, it is not as effective as those powerful elixirs, but it will not put any burden on the human body.

"It's better to wait until your injury is almost healed before we say these things."

Han Shanshan waved her hand and felt relieved after seeing Xiao Yan take her own elixir, and then focused on Yao Wan.

"I'm going to leave first, Yaowan, and I'll leave this person to you to take care of."

Han Shanshan confessed, and without waiting for Yao Wan's reply, she turned and left Xiao Yan's room. Yao Wan opened her lips slightly and watched her turn around and sell herself.

When the sound of the door closing again came from behind, Yao Wan couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, her beautiful light golden eyes only slightly touching the traces of light released from Xiao Yan's dark red eyes. Guang couldn't help but silently avert her eyes. By now, this had become her subconscious reaction.

"Phew...finally left."

Xiao Yan didn't seem to be in a hurry to start the conversation between them. Instead, he couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the door that was closed again and let out a long breath.

"Do you hate Han Shanshan?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression of relief, Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

"I can't say I hate it, but I do have a strange feeling when communicating with her. It feels like I'm talking to one of my elders. I'm afraid, but I'm really tired..."

As Xiao Yan spoke, he couldn't help but stretch out on the bed. These days he was either tired from running around or sleeping for several days. Although it wouldn't put any burden on his body, it was definitely comfortable. Not going anywhere.

"Maybe he is really your elder."

Yaowan crossed her chest with both hands, slightly squeezing her plump chest that was tightly wrapped in her long skirt, and couldn't help but say.

However, Xiao Yan didn't seem to hear any different charm from Yao Wan's words, nor did he realize that it was a hint of another level. However, he suddenly reacted and said: "It seems so, this forgetfulness If the people in the market take Yao Lao as the standard, they are all characters who have been buried for countless years, so there seems to be nothing wrong in calling them senior. "

"A character buried in countless years...?"

Xiao Yan's words made Yao Wan fall into deep thought for a moment, but she couldn't help but said: "Perhaps this Ruin of Oblivion is a world built based on our memories? That's why you met Lord Tianhuo here. ”

"It's hard to say. After all, if this is the case, how can we explain the many strangers along the way?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, obviously not agreeing with Yao Wan's statement.

Yao Wan didn't insist. Anyway, it was just a hypothesis made by herself, and she didn't guarantee that what she said was 100% correct.

"Besides, is it really possible to build an entire world based on our memories?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but question, and this time, Yao Wan affirmed.

"Definitely. As long as you are strong enough to change everything, heaven and earth are just small chessboards in the palm of your hand."

Xiao Yan looked at Yao Wan, but couldn't help trying to get up, and then touched the silver threads scattered under Yao Wan's temples. Yao Wan couldn't help but startled slightly, but did not immediately stop him. The first thing that echoed in his heart was The thought was that it wouldn't hurt just to let him have his way.

"What's wrong? Do I look weird with white hair?"

Feeling his gentle fingertips gently brushing her hair, Yao Wan couldn't help but say.

Although she was asking, after such a short period of time, she seemed to be unable to bear the feeling of Xiao Yan brushing against her fingertips, so she couldn't help but raise her hand to push Xiao Yan's hand away.

But how could Xiao Yan be willing to be turned away by her? The hand that usually let her do whatever she wanted was now a little stubborn and unwilling to let go. Yao Wan couldn't help but frown slightly. A trace of irritation inevitably emerged in her heart, and then she took a few steps back. Xiao Yan was slightly startled, and with a slight An inaudible crashing sound echoed in my heart.

He subconsciously looked at his hand, but was shocked to find that there were a few snow-white broken hairs remaining on his fingertips, gently swaying under the airflow caused by the retreat of the medicine.

Xiao Yan was startled, as if he never expected that this would happen.

He subconsciously looked at Yao Wan, and there was no sign of pain on Yao Wan's face.

"It's not's just..."

"You don't need to apologize, Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan shook his head and said, but the more Yao Wan said this, the more distressed he felt.

"It's nice to change your hair once in a while."

Yao Wan's tone was extremely relaxed, as if what happened was just a trivial matter that didn't require too much attention.

"I'm the one dragging you down."

"Don't talk about this, that's not what I want to hear."

"Then what do you want to hear?"

Xiao Yan said suddenly, which made Yao Wan startled in her heart. She suddenly felt a little worried. If Xiao Yan really broke the relationship between the two, how would they get along with each other?

However, Yao Wan's mind was not slow either, and he took the initiative without hesitating for too long: "I want to hear when you can be promoted to Dou Zun as soon as possible, and you can eliminate all the Spirit Devouring Tribes without my help. "

Xiao Yan couldn't help being slightly startled when he heard this, but he nodded slightly.

"Well, then I, understand, I will try my best."

"Well, I believe you."

"...Besides that, do you have anything else to do? If nothing happens, I will first..."

"I have something that I may need Miss Wan's help with."

"What's the deal?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but hesitate.


Behind the Tianjian Mountain Pharmacy Department, there is a clear spring formed by the gathering of quiet and uninhabited streams. The spring water is crystal clear to the bottom.

The beauty in a plain skirt slowly sat next to the spring. Looking at the clear spring water, she couldn't help but sigh: "I really don't know why you have such a strange request."

As soon as he finished speaking, his slender, rough fingertips slowly took off the silver hairpin that was tied up behind Yaowan's head. The back of the beauty's head was like stars pouring down, and the uniquely beautiful snow-white hair fell down and spread. Behind Yaowan's head and shoulders.

"You and I have been practicing for so many years, and we also know that we have already purified ourselves. Isn't it completely unnecessary to wash our hair?"

"I know, I just want to wash you once."

Xiao Yan's fingertips gently lingered on her silver thread.

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