Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 422: Take care of him

A glazed shadow with a height of more than twenty feet stood quietly on the side of the spiritual spring, causing an uproar from all sides.

"The destined person...really appeared?!"

I don’t know who made such a sound among the crowd, but it caused a violent ripple like a heavy boulder smashing through the calm water.

"What kind of technique is this? Just looking at the momentum, it feels extremely powerful."

"He is truly a destined person... he will definitely lead us to defeat the Spirit Devouring Clan!"

Lord Tianhuo listened to the sighs of many strong men around him, and the corners of his mouth also slightly raised. Yes, this was what he had been looking forward to from the beginning.

And even with his temperament, he couldn't hide the excitement and excitement at this moment.

The faint doubt in my heart was like a fallen leaf in autumn, suddenly hit by a strong wind, and then blown away neatly by the strong energy stirred up by the glass virtual image, leaving no trace.

And what Xiao Yan has shown now has fulfilled all his previous expectations.

Outside the spiritual spring, Han Shanshan, who was closest to Xiao Yan at the moment, was staring blankly at the glazed virtual image that was more than twenty feet tall. Naturally, she could feel the majestic aura and endless energy brought by the virtual image, which was like a mountain and sea. Raging momentum.

She couldn't help but be a little dazed, and the glazed virtual image in front of her naturally gave her a big shock.

"What kind of technique is that?"

"It's just a simple physical training technique."

Yao Wan said in a neutral tone.

"Simple body refining technique?"

Han Shanshan glanced at Yaowan in surprise. How could this be a simple body refining technique? It would be strange if she could believe what Yaowan said.

"It's just something useful."

The old god Yaowan was here, and although her views on Xiao Yan were very complicated, she really wasn't worried about his cultivation.

From her point of view, Xiao Yan's current glazed image is just to scare people at best. The silver-like pewter spear head is very imaginary, but in any case, Xiao Yan has indeed taken a step forward on the glazed body shaping art. This is the first and most important step.

In the future, if I kill a few more spirit-devouring clans and take evil cores to build a glass body, my growth rate will not be much slower.

Afterwards, Yao Wan couldn't help but subconsciously turned her head and looked at the dozens of figures walking in the sky behind her. She slightly narrowed her pale golden eyes. Among those figures, there was not even a Dou Qi transformed person. There was no sign of Tsubasa either.

However, due to the current reduction in cultivation, Yao Wan had no way to distinguish whether there were any other powerful Dou Zun besides Lord Tianhuo.

Even so, the lineup of dozens of Douzong experts, even if placed in Zhongzhou in Douqi Continent, is a medium-sized force that cannot be ignored.

It's a pity that what Tianjian Palace faces is not an ordinary enemy, but a strange evil that is eating away at the entire Dou Qi Continent.

Speaking of which, what surprised her somewhat was that Lord Tianhuo had been looking forward to it for a long time. It was obvious that he was really interested in Xiao Yan and herself.

However, she was still more curious about the strongest human being in the Ruins of Oblivion, the Palace Master of Heavenly Sword, who to them was a divine dragon but never saw its tail. What kind of existence could make most human beings inferior to the Spirit Devouring Clan? Under such circumstances, he can forcefully regain a victory and at least maintain a superficial balance?

At least Yaowan had seen more than one Dou Zun strongman from the Spirit-Devouring Clan on the previous battlefield, and the Spirit-Devouring Clan obviously had more than just two Spirit-Devouring Clan members, that woman and another person. The only human Dou Zun seen at the Tianjian Palace was the Tianhuo Zun, so it was inevitable to have this question.

Putting aside these irrelevant thoughts for the time being, Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's eyes never moved away from Yao Wan from beginning to end. The initial motivation to practice this body-training technique was just because Miss Wan insisted on doing so. Of course, he knew what Miss Wan would give him without a doubt. It's a good thing, but Xiao Yan is actually a bit casual about whether to practice the Glazed Body Shaping Technique.

But since it was something that Miss Wan wanted to cultivate, he naturally chose to accept it happily. The most straightforward reason was that he didn't want to see her disappointed with him.

However, Yaowan really didn't have as many twists and turns as Xiao Yan thought.

But after seeing that the time was almost up, he walked towards Xiao Yan. The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth raised slightly, and he couldn't help but walked forward and said, "How about it? It's done once and for all, it's awesome, isn't it?"

"Just be so-so, practice hard, don't slack off."

Yao Wan still had the same expression as usual, which made Xiao Yan exhale and felt inexplicably discouraged. Sometimes he really hoped that he could be more proactive, maybe he could still Maybe I saw some different expressions on her face.

But now it seems that it is a bit of a fantasy.

But before Xiao Yan was about to say anything more, Yao Wan's eyes and eyes indicated that it was not convenient for the two of them to talk at this moment.

Xiao Yan understands Yao Wan's eyes very well. With just one look, the meaning worth more than a thousand words is directly reflected in Xiao Yan's heart, like a bright mirror. Xiao Yan naturally has a clear mind and will do it when necessary. Necessary things.

But in front of me, the latter is undoubtedly more important than the Yaowan.

Xiao Yan followed Yao Wan's gaze and couldn't help but look up at the figure high in the sky.

Lord Tianhuo then slowly landed on the green grass behind the medicine department. He looked at Xiao Yan with an indescribable smile on his face.

"You certainly did not disappoint me."

Lord Tianhuo said from the bottom of his heart, unable to hold back the passion and ecstasy surging in his heart, as well as the overwhelming waves.

"Yao Lao received the award, but it was just a fluke."

Xiao Yan still spoke in the same way that had not changed for so many years, and others might not be able to handle it when he said it.

“But nothing in this world can be achieved by luck.”

Lord Tianhuo shook his head, but as long as the result is gratifying and satisfying, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter what the process is like.

"You should cultivate yourself in the past few days. When you have cultivated well, I will introduce you to the Palace Master. I guess you are also very curious about the Palace Master. The Palace Master is also the same. He is very much looking forward to meeting you. On that day, and in the future, all the cultivation resources of Tianjian Palace will be tilted towards the two of you. There is no need to worry about it. This is what we should do and should cultivate for the destined people. "

Even Yao Wan had already guessed that Tianjian Palace, the guardian of the entire human race in the Ruins of Oblivion, would probably have some benefits for the legendary destined person, but she did not expect to be so generous.

After all, with money so tight, she couldn't still be as generous as usual, and still pat her majestic breasts that swayed, ensuring that Xiao Yan would be fine as long as he raised her alone, at least that's what Yao Wan said. Such words came out.

Therefore, Yao Wan is naturally very happy. In this way, there is no need to go outside to kill the Devouring Spirit Clan. That would be too troublesome.

"I don't have anything extra to do here. If you have something important to do, I won't bother you. As for the Medicine Company, I will naturally trouble Shanshan."

Lord Tianhuo said.

"Well, I don't have any problems here, don't worry, Elder Tianhuo."

Han Shanshan nodded. She had no complaints about Lord Tianhuo's decision. Although she was a little unhappy with Xiao Yan, it was simply the doctor's opinion of the patient and did not need to be taken seriously.

Lord Tianhuo nodded, turned around and flew away. At the same time, he also dispersed many powerful men in Tianjian Mountain whose excitement did not completely dissipate for a while.

After all, what needs to be said has been said, what to do next depends on Xiao Yan.

After Master Tianhuo left, Xiao Yan also took back the glazed virtual image. Xiao Yan himself knew that the glazed virtual image he carved was still a bit too fragile to deal with the strong men who were also in the Douzong realm. It's a bit reluctant, let alone a powerful Dou Zun at a higher level.

But even so, it still didn't stop Han Shanshan from looking at Xiao Yan curiously.

"What a strange body-training technique."

Han Shanshan couldn't help but said: "I have never seen such a technique."

"It's normal if you haven't seen it before. I haven't seen such a technique either."

Xiao Yan said truthfully.

"Speaking of which, are you still an alchemist? After you recover, I can compete with you to see how your alchemy skills are."

Han Shanshan couldn't help but wonder, it was really strange to say that she had nothing to do with that person, but she still vaguely felt that Xiao Yan looked familiar, and this was obviously not an illusion, but a feeling that was getting stronger and stronger. .

This feeling also subconsciously urged Han Shanshan to learn more about Xiao Yan in order to relieve the confusion in her heart.

Besides, Yao Wan, who had a good relationship with him, knew that person, so there was no reason why Xiao Yan didn't know about it.

"Do you want to compete in medicine refining? It's okay. I will definitely do it next time if I have a chance."

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, but his tone sounded slightly perfunctory to Han Shanshan's ears.


Seeing Xiao Yan's perfunctory attitude, Han Shanshan couldn't help but frown in disgust. When she caught a glimpse of Yao Wan from the corner of her eye, who had no intention of interrupting, she couldn't help but poke Yao Wan gently with her elbow.耀.

Yaowan: "?"

"You should take care of him anyway."

Han Shanshan couldn't help but said.

"Do I care about him?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but be startled when she heard what Han Shanshan said. She almost thought she heard it wrong, so naturally she wouldn't hide anything in front of Xiao Yan.

"Do I control him? Do you think I can control him? Huh?"

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