Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 431 A moment of trance

Tianjian Palace is located on Tianjian Mountain, and it is no secret in the Ruins of Oblivion.

Because of this, the heavy responsibility of protecting the entire human race also falls on Tianjian Palace. Although it is facing huge pressure from the Spirit-Devouring Clan, it has indeed attracted many strong people to come and join. Go to the Heavenly Sword Palace and join in the fight against the spirit-devouring evil clan to avoid the fate of human beings being devoured.

This is the oath of everyone who joins Tianjian Palace.

On Tianjian Mountain, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan also saw a lot of unexpected things.

At first glance, Tianjian Palace sounds like a sect, but in fact it feels more like a huge fortress entrenched on the central mountain range of the Forgotten Ruins. Not only does it have a complete system similar to that of a sect, but it also feels like a sect. It has a system similar to that of an ordinary town, and existences such as markets are also particularly lively.

As they passed by, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan couldn't help but take a second look.

But what is somewhat surprising is that among them, they seem to have completely given up on the transaction stage of currency or even barter, and more of them have people setting up stalls, and everyone who comes takes what they need. He just left and there was no need to pay any compensation, which made Xiao Yan and Yao Wan somewhat surprised.

"Is there no concept of currency and transaction in the Ruins of Oblivion?"

Yao Wan could not help but ask Lord Tianhuo.

"It can't be said that it doesn't happen. In cities where there are more ordinary people when you come, human currency is still circulating. It's just that we gave up trading as we entered a higher realm."


Yao Wan said subconsciously, while Xiao Yan found the answer without thinking.

"It's because everyone's cultivation has been determined, isn't it?"

Xiao Yan asked: "Since the cultivation base has been framed according to the highest state in life, then it is true that many of the heavenly materials, earth treasures and elixirs that were originally very valuable in Dou Qi Continent have lost their original use. Since it is against It’s something that no one has any use for, so there’s no need to keep treating it as a treasure.”

"Well, that's a very important reason."

Lord Tianhuo nodded slightly and said: "It is precisely because of this that the humans in the Ruins of Oblivion forget their disputes with each other and are able to jointly deal with the spirit-devouring evil clan in the face of powerful enemies, even if it has nothing to do with their own good and evil. "

"Forget the disputes and deal with the Spirit Devouring Clan together?"

Lord Tianhuo's words couldn't help but make Yaowan fall into a rare silence. It was really an unexpected development. After all, according to ordinary principles, let alone foreign enemies or not, human beings always have to fight against each other and do not get together with others. She actually didn't quite believe in dealing with the Spirit Devouring Clan together.

And Xiao Yan really wants to believe it. If you want to say why, it is naturally because when he faced the Spirit-Devouring Clan in the northwest continent, no matter what empire existed, they chose to fight against the Spirit-Devouring Clan and finally drove them out. The Northwest Continent is also the result of the concerted efforts of everyone.

At this moment, the situation in the Ruins of Oblivion is undoubtedly more severe than that of the Northwest Continent, and the will to resist born from it is naturally more noble and pure.

It is precisely because of his experience that Xiao Yan naturally chooses to believe it.

Yao Wan simply thought it was somewhat magical, even unbelievable.

She has never advocated negative views such as the theory that human nature is inherently evil, but it is inevitable that she will have some doubts about the current situation, but if she really talks about it, it seems that there is nothing strange about it.

Lord Tianhuo was not in a hurry to explain, but said: "If you don't believe it, you can go down and have a look."

Lord Tianhuo's words also made Xiao Yan interested, and he took the initiative: "Want to go shopping? Okay, Wan'er, let's go down and take a walk!"

As he said that, Xiao Yan held Yao Wan's fair and slender hand with great skill. The strength was just right, not too light or too heavy. If the force was too light, Yao Wan would easily break away. If the force was too strong, Yao Wan would be easily broken away. If you accidentally pinch her and hurt her, you need to have just the right amount of force to prevent her from easily escaping from your fingertips and not to hurt her.

"Who said we were going shopping?"

Yao Wan's face was full of embarrassment and impatience. When no one else was around, Xiao Yan showed some restraint and didn't say anything. But why did this guy act like this in front of others? He really didn't think she had any shame. ? !

"Well...if you have anything you need, I can naturally let you get it."

Lord Tianhuo looked at the ambiguous and awkward couple of young lovers. Naturally, he was unwilling to be the light bulb. After pondering for a moment, he simply gave the two an assist with the right reason.

When Xiao Yan heard the words of Lord Tianhuo, he immediately became energetic. His dark red eyes looked straight at Yao Wan, and Yao Wan couldn't help but let out a sound in his throat that he didn't even notice. He sobbed, seeming hesitant and moved.

However, this state did not last too long. Yao Wan sighed and silently used some strength to break away from Xiao Yan's hand.

"If you want to go, I won't stop you, but you will be alone..."

But before Yao Wan could finish her words, Xiao Yan took her hand again and pulled her down from the cloud head.

"Hey, hey, hey...wait, I said you go alone!"

"Hmm, I'll go alone, and then Wan'er will go alone, so aren't we just two people?"

I don’t know why, but now that Xiao Yan’s cultivation and strength are getting better and better, not to mention his verbal skills are getting more and more powerful. The moment Xiao Yan answered with a smile, Yao Wan was a little confused about how to answer.

After all, you can never wake up someone who is pretending to sleep.

Yao Wan saw that Xiao Yan was now relaxed and carefree, as if he had returned to his normal appearance as a teenager. He couldn't help but sigh and walked around in circles. This was back again.

When she thought of this, Yao Wan gave up the idea of ​​continuing to struggle. She just hoped that after a while, he would never do something difficult for her to do again. Yao Wan was really thankful to God.

But... is this possible?

In the bustling market, there are ordinary people, as well as Dou Wang and even lower level Dou Lings, great Dou Masters, as well as Dou Emperors and Dou Zong, who are just powerful enough to be local emperors in one place. However, here, everyone has only two identities, buyers and sellers.

Generally speaking, the buyers have stronger cultivation bases, mostly Dou Zong and Dou Emperor, while the sellers are those with lower cultivation bases, or even ordinary people.

Whether it was Xiao Yan or Yao Wan, they were still a little surprised by the current situation.

After all, the strong are respected in the Dou Qi Continent, and the weak can eat the strong. The appearance of such strong men in the realm of Dou Emperor and Dou Zong appearing together, and even a scene of harmonious coexistence, in the minds of the two, is probably the most absurd dream. It won't show up anymore.

"Shopkeeper, where are the golden lotus fruits I asked you to purchase a few days ago?"

"Yes, yes, all two hundred golden lotus fruits are here. Please accept them."

"Well, thanks for the help."

"Everywhere, everyone is fighting for the survival of mankind. If it were not for my low strength and I could only shine in a place like this, I would go into battle to kill the enemy just like you."

As soon as they fell into the noisy market, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan heard such conversations. She couldn't help but turn her head and looked around. What she saw was a conversation between a Douzong buyer and a Douze seller. She couldn't help but She was stunned. When Lord Tianhuo told her story just now, she still didn't believe it, but when she saw it, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised and confused.

And this scene is not even an exception, but this scene is constantly happening in front of you. In a market as big as a city, there is no one monitoring it, but this prosperous and peaceful atmosphere is still so stable.

"Wan'er? What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Yaowan. The beauty in front of him just used her pale golden eyes to take in everything. There was just a look of shock in the astonishment, which Xiao Yan had never seen before. Passed.

It wasn't until she heard Xiao Yan calling her that Yao Wan came back to her senses. Then she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "It's nothing, it's just a bit unexpected. This scene actually happened in front of our eyes."

Xiao Yan could somewhat hear the shock in Yao Wan's tone. After spending so long with Yao Wan, this was the first time he saw Yao Wan like this.

"I think……"

Yaowan opened her mouth slightly, as if she was murmuring to herself, but Xiao Yan still keenly captured it.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"I said I thought... if it's the same on Dou Qi Continent... Ah, forget it, it seems I've had too much rest in the past two days and I've fallen asleep. That's all, just think I'm talking in my sleep."

Yao Wan sighed quietly. She rarely showed this side of her. It was not until she said these words that she suddenly realized that she had long been accustomed to the jungle of the Dou Qi Continent and took it as a matter of course. There is nothing wrong with nature.

"Even if everyone is the same and cannot practice cultivation, disputes are inevitable."

Xiao Yan shook his head, as if he was recalling something that was very long ago for him.

"That's right."

Yao Wan was silent, then nodded slightly and said no more.

Xiao Yan held her warm fingertips and felt a strong pull. She couldn't help but look up, and what she saw was Xiao Yan's smiling profile.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go and see it together."

"...Who wants to go with you..."

Yao Wan sighed, but there was still a hint of complaint in his tone, but Xiao Yan didn't care, the slightly cold fingertips did not break away from his hand, that was enough.

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