Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 466 The boomerang of medicine and fire

Rather, it would be better to say that Yao Wan is the one in the entire Yao clan who is most likely to reach the highest realm of the Emperor Soul. A trace of wonder and understanding flashed through Yao Wanhuo's eyes.

"Is Wan'er about to reach the Great Perfection of the Heaven Realm? She is really a formidable person."

Yao Wanhuo nodded slightly, with a pleased tone.

"Why is Elder Wanhuo here? But what happened?"

When Yaowan sees Yaowenhuo, he is not like a cat seeing a mouse. Instead, he smiles slightly and looks generous.

"I'm fine, but Wan'er is in such a hurry. Could it be that she's looking for Qing Lin?"

Yao Wanhuo thought for a moment, and found out that Wan'er didn't have much interaction with her clan members. The only person he could think of who had a pretty good relationship with her was Qing Lin.

"Qing Lin is still practicing, so I won't hinder her anymore."

Yao Wan looked at Yao Wanhuo and said: "I happen to have something urgent and need to leave the clan. It may not be possible to solve it alone. Since Elder Wanhuo has nothing to do, why not accompany me."

Yao Wanhuo was startled, but he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Can Wan'er have something outside the clan? Do you still need help from me?"

Yao Wanhuo knows very well that old men like them are very old-fashioned in the eyes of young people. They usually avoid people who are afraid of them. They only ask for help when something comes up. They don't do this even if they are doing hard work. of.

There is no problem just going out together for Wan'er, but in Yao Wanhuo's impression, Wan'er has never left the medicine world again since she returned to the Yao Clan, so how could she have anything to deal with outside? matter?

"Elder Wanhuo just comes with me."

Yaowan didn't know that this was a subconscious suspicion of the elders in the family, so she couldn't help but sigh. She was afraid that she had to think of something inexplicable again, so she added: "We can explain it slowly when we are on the way."

Seeing that Yao Wan's words had come to this, Yao Wanhuo naturally couldn't doubt anything anymore, so he sighed and said: "Okay, okay, since it is Wan'er's request, I will help you. In that case, Then let's go, I just hope Wan'er will confess to the old man later."


Yao Wan could guess what Yao Wanhuo was thinking of without even thinking about it. She couldn't help but feel a little tired. Did she look so untrustworthy?


Yao Wan was so sure of herself, but she didn't realize that in the eyes of these old people whose ideas had long been solidified, she had already done the most shocking acts of rebellion. If she wanted to do anything else in the future, they would naturally not dare to even think about it. think.

Putting aside these random speculations for the time being, Yao Wanhuo and Yao Wan arrived at the entrance and exit of the Medicine World. On both sides of the ancient gate, the fully armed Iron Guards of the Yao Clan saw Elder Wanhuo and the man who no one knew, but only from When the beauties whose temperament and appearance could tell who she was came together, they couldn't help but be startled, and then they said in unison: "I have met Elder Wanhuo, the eldest lady!"

"I want to take the eldest lady out to do some errands, it doesn't matter."

Yao Wanhuo made a special statement, and the iron guards silently turned their attention away from Yao Wan.

The last time Yao Wan left for three to five years, it really frightened all the elders of the Yao Clan. Since then, not only has the whereabouts of the people in the Yao Clan been strictly controlled, but the care of Yao Wan himself has been upgraded to the highest level. , if there is another situation like the eldest lady escaping, the elders guarding the gate will directly contact the clan leader and elders.

Yaowan had only heard of this rule from Qinglin before, but it really gave her a little shock... Wasn't it just that she had been out playing for a few years? Judging from the general longevity of ancient tribes, it shouldn’t be such an exaggeration, right?

And with Yao Wanhuo leading the way, it is indeed much more convenient than Yao Wan to go out alone.

During the gap between traveling through the void, Yao Wanhuo looked at Yao Wan and couldn't help but said: "Okay, what do you need help from me for? It can't be related to that boy from the Xiao family, right?"

Without waiting for Yao Wan to answer, Yao Wanhuo shook his head. As the person who found Yao Wan last time and brought her back, Yao Wanhuo was undoubtedly more knowledgeable than the other elders who were completely kept in the dark. Understanding Yao Wan's identity and emotional entanglement on Dou Qi Continent, when he thought of this, Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but sigh. In fact, he was not completely unable to understand this kind of thing.

Yaowan: "?"

She hasn't said anything yet, so why is she trying to attract him to her?


"Oh, this is what you young people do among you. We old writers actually understand it too... Who hasn't been young? Of course, we had feelings that made our hearts move."

However, Yao Wanhuo didn't have a chance to explain to Shi Wan at all. Instead, he took the initiative to express the most common concepts among the elders of the older generation.

"It's just that life is not easy after all, and getting your wish is the most unusual. If the two of you come together, there are too many problems in life that need to be solved by you together. Can you solve them on your own? Wan'er has been a problem for our Yao clan for generations. The proud daughter of heaven, how can the boy of the Xiao family who has long lost the blood of Dou Emperor be worthy of you... This is a difficult problem, and there is only one answer. This is not just a matter of nodding and arrogance between the clan leader and the clan elders. It’s something that can be solved, but something that he must prove with his strength.”

"Perhaps you think that the violent storm outside cannot capsize your boat after all, but the storm can be avoided, but the undercurrent is unavoidable. The discord between you will be caused by every pressure you have seen and experienced. The overwhelming pressure and problems expose cracks, and the cracks will only get bigger and bigger, until eventually, the harbor in your heart will be shattered. "

"Is this what you want to see? Not necessarily?"

Yao Wanhuo tried to persuade Yao Wan with this, but it was just impulsive. He must not make any jokes that outweigh the gains and losses because of him.

Just looking at Yao Wanhuo's serious expression, Yao Wan was silent for a moment and couldn't help but want to laugh, but she couldn't.

I didn't know what to say at all.

"I really don't know what you are worried about, but this time it really has nothing to do with Xiao Yan. Elder Wanhuo, don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

Yaowan coughed slightly and then said.

"It would be best if you knew it yourself."

Yao Wanhuo nodded, but even so, he still trusted Yao Wan's judgment ability.

Afterwards, Yao Wan and Yao Wanhuo rushed to the place where Yao Wan was distracted and took Xiao Yan into the Ruins of Oblivion and forcibly opened the ruins.

When Yao Wanhuo saw the void extending from the depths of the earth's veins, a trace of solemnity appeared on his old face, and then he followed Yao Wan into the void in front of him.

At the same time, the demon fetus had escaped from the Ruins of Oblivion and was flying straight in a certain direction along the faint demonic energy that was faintly visible in the darkness. However, on the way, it happened to bump into the demon fetus that was wandering in the void of Zhongzhou. of two people.

It was not Yaowan and Yaowenhuo who happened to arrive. Instead, they were filled with demonic energy. Without even thinking, they knew they must be from the Devouring Spirit Clan.

And if Yao Wan were here, he would find that these two people happened to be the two survivors among the Dou Zun when he rushed back to Zhongzhou from the northwest continent.

After the two of them received the demon fetus, they naturally did not dare to neglect, so they turned around and flew towards their domain.

Now that he has succeeded, there is no reason to linger any longer and increase the risk.

Yao Wan and Yao Wanhuo entered the void connected to the Ruins of Oblivion, but this time, Yao Wan did not enter the Ruins of Oblivion again.

Xiao Yan probably hasn't left yet... Even after the incident is over, there are probably still some things that he needs to deal with.

There was a trace of complexity in Yao Wan's eyes, and Yao Wanhuo noticed the slight change in Yao Wan's brows.

He couldn't help but use his soul power to search, and as expected, he saw someone.

——That boy from the Xiao family.

Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but glance at Yao Wan. If he continued like this, his trust in Yao Wan would really be gone.

But soon, Yao Wanhuo's first thought was quickly broken by the cultivation level he saw Xiao Yan now showing.

... Dou Zun?

Why did this kid become so famous in the blink of an eye? What kind of cultivation was he when I saw him last time? Dou Ling? It seems to be a fighting spirit.

But how long has it been? But within five or six years, what was once a small Dou Ling had actually become a Dou Zun?

Now even Yao Wanhuo himself is not calm. In five or six years, among their Yao Clan, they can only cross one or two major realms. And since the beginning of Douzong, without the help of the power of blood, only With your own talent and hard work, it is not easy to make a breakthrough.

As a result, this wild boy from the Xiao family actually rose from a small Dou Ling to a one-star Dou Zun in five or six years. Even riding a rocket was not as fast as him.

Although the one-star Dou Zun is not very talented among the Medicine Clan, where is Xiao Yan's starting point at the same level as the Medicine Clan? Yao Wanhuo didn't know what to say all of a sudden.

Thinking of this, Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but look at Yao Wan with complicated eyes.


Yao Wanhuo silently patted his forehead.

Damn it, these old guys are too old to recognize pearls.

If Xiao Yan is currently showing the terrifying promotion speed and cultivation talent, as long as he has a chance to break through to the Fighting Saint, he will definitely not be limited to the elementary level.

If this is the case, if Wan'er insists on marrying him in the future, then these old guys will really have to hold their noses and admit it.

There is no way, a fool would not want a future Fighting Saint with a clean foundation. There are Fighting Saints among the eight tribes, but Fighting Saints are not like the crucian carp crossing the river, they don't need money.

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