This time, Yao Wanhuo didn't know what to do.

After all, Yao Wan was so decisive and resolute, and Yao Wanhuo's confidence was somehow a little weaker.

After all, the Xiao family boy's cultivation level that has now become a Dou Zong really scares him. If he is still a Dou Zong now, then Yao Wanhuo can still compare him with the younger generation of the Yao clan. , as a result, he has now become a Dou Zun. This kind of terrifying cultivation speed is beyond the reach of normal people!

Therefore, before at least confirming whether Xiao Yan's current terrifying cultivation speed is the result of burning his own talent, Yao Wanhuo really can't say anything to refute. Of course, if he wants to believe that Xiao Yan can become a Dou Emperor or something, Yao Wanhuo Even if Wan Huo died, he wouldn't believe it. He felt that at most he would be around the Five-Star Fighting Saint, and that would be the end of it.

"……All right."

Yao Wanhuo finally chose to give in.

"After that, I will send trustworthy people to help Xingyun Pavilion and Fenglei Pavilion in the name of the Medicine Clan. Wan'er, are you satisfied with this?"

Yao Wanhuo sighed, why would this have happened before? Although Yao Wanhuo couldn't understand Yao Wan's intention, Yao Wanhuo still accepted Yao Wan's suggestion. Although Wan'er's character is indeed very different from ordinary women, she is still a member of the Yao clan, and her starting point is naturally the same. For the medicine clan.

As for Yao Wanhuo's reluctance, it was actually more of his own psychology.

It's just that Yao Wanhuo's mentality and thoughts are relatively normal among the eight tribes.

Yao Wan could somewhat guess what kind of battle between heaven and man Yao Wanhuo had gone through in her heart, but that was all she had to say, and she was not going to say anything more, even if it was her own words. In the end, they couldn't change the obsession in their hearts and their aloofness which seemed somewhat inexplicable to Yao Wan.

Since the advice has been given, it doesn't matter to Yao Wan. What she has always believed in is to give up the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others, like this guy who always likes to talk about his own blood. , Yao Wan naturally had to ask Xiao Yan to slap their faces hard to see if they would go crazy.

If you don't want to listen to advice, then just wait to be beaten.

"Well, I am naturally relieved when Elder Wanhuo does what he does."

Yao Wan smiled lightly and nodded. It can be said that Yao Wanhuo and the Yao clan took the initiative to bow their heads to Xingyun Pavilion to show their goodwill. Not to mention her relationship, Xiao Yan has always reached out to avoid hitting people with smiling faces. You If you save enough face for him, he will naturally consider your feelings more.

In this way, the Yao Clan and Xiao Yan have established a connection, and there will not be too many points between the two parties when they contact each other.

On Yao Lao's side, he only needs to deal with Yao Wangui's old dog, and the other half will be solved. As for the matter of his parents entering the clan monument, as long as everything goes smoothly, he doesn't even need to help.

Everything fell into place.

After discussing these matters with Yao Wanhuo, Yao Wanhuo naturally began to prepare for these matters non-stop.

Yao Wan silently withdrew her spiritual thoughts, but couldn't help but look at the tall and beautiful beauty beside her.

Looking at Feng Qing'er, who is now as well-behaved as a family bird in front of him, aside from other things, her Dou Zong cultivation is indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

Looks like it's time to give her some tough stuff.

Yaowan's eyes reflected Feng Qing'er's beautiful figure, and then she slowly said: "Little Phoenix, do you want to...continue to become stronger?"

"Master... what do you mean, master?"

There was a hint of hesitation in Feng Qing'er's tone, and then she felt suppressed excitement. She was very happy, because as long as it was Yao Wan's promise, it would definitely be fulfilled. Her power was beyond her reach, and more importantly, Her power can also be granted to others, which is something that is almost impossible to achieve even among the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan.

Yaowan gently raised her fingertips, and traces of dark blue blood floated out from her ring, turning into a green and red blood pill.

Feng Qing'er very clearly felt a particularly strong aura of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan from the blood pill that had just condensed in Yao Wan's hand.

There is no doubt that this is something from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan! Where did she get it?

Feng Qing'er's heart couldn't help but flicker with doubts, but soon, she realized where the blood pill of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan that had just been condensed came from.

With a plop, she knelt down at Yaowan's feet.

The original excitement and anticipation suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if she had seen a ghost. Feng Qing'er suddenly covered her red lips, a kind of extreme fear, sadness and indescribable regret mixed in her heart. The waves rolled like waves under a storm, and Yao Wan heard the slight sound of retching coming from under her fiery red lips.


The long and delicate fingertips gently stroked her green hair. Yao Wan's tone was so gentle, but to Feng Qing'er, it sounded like a devil from hell, just comforting her with gentle words. Tempt yourself to fall into the deeper and darker abyss.

Feng Qing'er raised her head in horror and looked at the woman she could no longer escape. She shook her head softly, and crystal tears rolled in her phoenix eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't want it?"

Yao Wan looked at Feng Qing'er's expression of collapse as if the sky had collapsed. She was not in a hurry to force her to make a choice, but asked softly.

"I...are you...sorry, master...I..."

Feng Qing'er still covered her lips, and the slightly crying voice came intermittently, which was inevitably accompanied by the sound of choking and physiological nausea. At this moment, in addition to the sadness and sadness that suddenly surged into her heart, Feng Qing'er still covered her lips. Apart from fear, it was hard to feel anything else.

And just like this, quietly watching Feng Qing'er's erratic performance and expression that was completely on the verge of collapse, Yao Wan finally exhaled a breath, played with the demon phoenix blood pill the size of a dragon's eye with her nimble fingertips, and said: "Are you regretful? Are you afraid? Also - do you hate me?"

The problem of Yaoyuan is now recognized almost instinctively by Feng Qing'er, who is in a state of collapse.

"I'm so sorry—I'm so scared—"

Feng Qing'er had already burst into tears. She thought that the teachers and teachers who had been buried in her memory had completely transformed into the pill circulating in the woman's palm that could help her strength grow rapidly in a short time without even having any side effects. Only then did she truly realize what true terror was.

Although Warcraft is always defined by humans as powerful beasts and spirits that are powerful but have no sense of reason, in fact, even Warcraft born with ordinary blood are no different from humans when they are promoted to Douzong, and are like heavenly monsters. A race of magical beasts with powerful bloodlines like Phoenix, were born with intelligence that was no less than that of humans when they were first born, and they could transform early without relying on the help of shape-changing grass and shape-changing pills.

Because of this, the Warcraft race tends to become more united, and bloodline becomes the strongest bond among the race.

Because of this, Yao Wan took out the Demonic Phoenix Blood Pill at this moment, and the blow to Feng Qing'er was no less than that of forcing her to surrender to him in the first place.

She regrets that she didn't understand the situation but because of her greed, she turned herself into her mount and her humiliating plaything.

Afraid of her impenetrability, gentleness and drizzle, cruelty and insidiousness.

And, hate.

Feng Qing'er felt extremely resentful, but the one she resented the most was no longer the Yao Wan who had directly brought all her misfortunes.

"...I, I hate it too."

"Really? That's true when you think about it."

Yaowan doesn't mind being resented. Although she doesn't believe in the theory that fate is inevitable, she still knows very well what she is doing and what it will bring about. She feels at ease because she is not afraid of being hurt. Boldly hurt others; because you are not stingy with your own love, you will be loved in exchange.

It's a pity that although she understood the second half of the sentence, she couldn't help but want to escape.

"If you don't want to take this blood pill, I won't force you. If you just stay by my side, I won't make any demands on you."

Yao Wan was also a little more tolerant towards Feng Qing'er, and then said.

But in Feng Qing'er's view, the outcome was already doomed since Yao Wan took out the blood pill. It was just a matter of choosing whichever method she thought might be more decent.

The Sky Demon Phoenix clan's pursuit of becoming stronger has been deeply ingrained into the bones and blood of every clan member, so no matter how much Feng Qing'er resists, she will never let go of the opportunity to become stronger.

Yes, she has been like this from the beginning, doing whatever it takes to become stronger. This was true when she wanted to seize the dragon and phoenix scale feathers from Yao Wan, and it is also true with the blood pill now.

Another reason she couldn't resist was that Yaowan could bring her a sense of security that neither the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan nor Fenglei Pavilion could give her. Only when she stayed by Yaowan's side, the fear of inheritance spread throughout her body. It is peace of mind and fulfillment that does not require timidity. For someone like her who has been chased by urgency almost her whole life, it is the most deadly anesthetic.

But perhaps Feng Qing'er had indeed given up her resistance. Her mental fatigue was worse than her physical weakness, and everything was over.

Yao Wan waited quietly for Feng Qing'er's sobs to gradually subside and return to calm, then raised her hands and gently grasped Yao Wan's fingertips while trembling slightly.

"Please-please don't abandon me, Master..."

"Well, I won't abandon you."

Seeing Feng Qing'er's trembling look on guard against collapse, Yao Wan's brows also showed a hint of softness. After stripping her of all the foreign things that didn't belong to her, only her own glow was left. .

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