The Glazed Body Shaping Technique can be divided into four realms, the virtual image realm that condenses the glazed virtual image, and the three realms that truly condense the glazed body, dharma body, response body, and sambhogakaya.

But now, as the virtual image solidifies and merges with the real body, the Dharmakaya is completed.

The so-called Dharma is the self, and the so-called Dharma body is naturally the body of the self.

Entering the realm of Dharmakaya also means that Xiao Yan has entered a higher realm in his practice of Glazed Body Shaping Art. With this, with the power of his physical body, he is enough to defeat Dou Zun, even those with naturally strong blood and strong bodies like Warcraft. The racial confrontation is not untrue at all.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and glanced at the dazzling brilliance of his own body, but Xiao Yan didn't feel anything special, everything just happened naturally.

And as the calamity clouds above their heads dispersed, it naturally meant that the Dan meeting had ended, and the candidate for the champion was also chosen among everyone.

Looking at the dark red pill in the palm of his hand, Xiao Yan slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, but only belatedly reacted and heard the cheers coming in like a sea wave.

Now, no matter how much unwillingness and resentment the old man Mu Gu has in his heart, he can only grit his teeth and admit it for the time being, and hope that he can regain the situation temporarily in the star field.

He had subconsciously ignored all the humiliation he had suffered now, and just silently remembered in his heart that he would have the opportunity to come into contact with the three thousand flames in the star field, and the depression in his heart was temporarily washed away.


Above the Dan Pagoda, Xuan Kongzi and Tian Leizi waited quietly. Not long after, Xuan Yi led the handsome silver-haired man with a slightly unreal figure to the Dan Pagoda, which attracted Xuan Kongzi and Tian Leizi. They looked at each other.

"It's been such a long time."

"Yeah - long time no see."

Yaochen sighed softly, as if the days of being high-spirited and chasing after others slowly seemed like yesterday.

"Xuan Yi has been looking for you for so long, but never thought that you would give us such a big surprise when you came back."

Xuan Kongzi shook his head. Although he was mostly happy to finally meet his old friend, there was also a hint of helplessness in his tone.

When he was young, he had to fight for everything, but he couldn't fight for anything. Later, when he suffered this misfortune, it was not that Danta didn't help Feng Zun find it, but how easy is it to find a needle in a haystack?

As a result, just when everyone was about to give up hope, he came back with a disciple with an even more unusual talent, which could be said to have stolen the limelight of this alchemy meeting.

As he said that, before Yao Chen could answer, Xuan Kongzi shook his head and sighed: "I really don't know where you found such a disciple. He is really excellent."

"That's not entirely my fault."

Yao Chen shook his head. At first, he thought Xiao Yan's talent was slightly inferior to Han Feng's. But what happened? In the end, he was wrong. What Xiao Yan has achieved now is to use all the resources Xiao Yan has on Han Feng. He is destined to not be able to achieve what Xiao Yan is now.

What's more, the help given by the girl is also indispensable.

Recalling the days and nights when they first met, Yao Chen couldn't help but shook his head. These ten years were actually much more exciting than his hundreds of years of practice.

"When did you learn to be humble?"

Xuan Kongzi smiled.

"That's not modesty, it's just telling the truth."

Seeing that Yaochen was serious, how could Xuan Kongzi not know Yaochen's character? Naturally, I didn't bother to argue with him anymore.


After the commotion ended, Zi Yan immediately approached Xiao Yan.

"What's wrong? Come to congratulate me?"

Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan's appearance and couldn't help but smile.


There was a trace of disgust on Zi Yan's face, but it was obvious that she was not just here to make fun of Xiao Yan.

"Of course I have something to do with you... Xingyu, can I go with you?"

Zi Yan did not show off, but after hesitating for a while, she took the initiative to speak, causing Xiao Yan to raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Why are you going to the Star Territory?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"I want you to... to be precise, I just need to verify some things. I can only say that if my guess is correct, then I should be able to help you increase your probability of conquering the Three Thousand Flames to at least a 30% chance of winning."

Xiao Yan was quite surprised: "Really?"

"Of course it's true! Don't doubt me."

Zi Yan frowned slightly, and it was obvious that Zi Yan didn't like Xiao Yan's unfounded suspicion.

"Why? Is it possible that these three thousand Yan Yanhuo are still related to Taixu Ancient Dragon?"

"Then maybe there really is...but after all, there is a star field in the middle, so I'm not sure."

Zi Yan shook her head, and then looked at Xiao Yan, a trace of hesitation appeared in her brows unconsciously: "So?"

"I can't make the decision on this kind of thing..."

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath and murmured subconsciously. Although he was the champion of the Dan Club, Xiao Yan now had some understanding of the rules of the Dan Club. At least he probably couldn't bring anyone in.

"That's it..."

Zi Yan held her forehead, if this was the case, then there was nothing she could do.

But just when the two of them were at a loss what to do, Yao Chen's cheerful and clear voice came out, causing Xiao Yan and Zi Yan to turn their heads and look at the silver-haired man floating towards the house and the beautiful woman walking back together.

"What were you two secretly talking about as soon as you got back?"

Yao Chen said with a smile. It could be seen that he was in a good mood this time. He was even more elated when reminiscing with Xuan Kongzi and his group. This caused the two giants of the Dan Pagoda to sigh that they were really fooled by this pretender. The old man has been under pressure all his life. He can't compare with his own ability, and neither can the apprentice he taught.

When Yao Chen was happy, Xuan Yi was naturally happy too, and she wanted to spend more time with Yao Chen no matter what.

When Xiao Yan saw Yao Chen, a smile appeared on his face, and then he solemnly said: "Teacher, I am fortunate to have lived up to my command."

"Well, I knew you could do it a long time ago. Now it's better. Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo is finally found - huh? What's wrong with Zi Yan?"

Because the master and the disciple knew each other too well, the communication between them became increasingly difficult for outsiders to understand, so that Xuan Yi stood aside and just looked at Xiao Yan and Yao Chen, the master and disciple. During the eye contact, they exchanged their thoughts. If Xuan Yi didn't feel any soul fluctuations in front of her eyes, she would have almost thought that they were communicating with each other through spiritual thoughts.

After Xiao Yan informed Yao Chen of the current situation, Yao Chen couldn't help but look a little weird.

After all, he really hadn't thought about this.

Can Zi Yan actually help Xiao Yan conquer Three Thousand Flames?

Yao Chen frowned slightly. Naturally, he knew a little about Zi Yan, a little girl. She was not the kind of person who liked to talk nonsense. Since Zi Yan said it was possible, then nine times out of ten, it was really possible.

Conquering the strange fires has never been an easy task. Even if Xiao Yan has now conquered five different fires, it does not mean that he can deal with the three thousand flames calmly. The success rate of conquering the different fires will naturally be higher. The better, no matter how high it is, it’s never too much.

Because of this, since Zi Yan said so, Yao Chen naturally felt that he had to bring Zi Yan in no matter what.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Yan doesn't have this ability. Isn't there a capable person beside him?

After basically understanding Xiao Yan's meaning, Yao Chen turned his head slightly and looked at the beautiful woman with a hint of confusion in her brows.

"Xiao Yan, you have a good rest and be prepared to conquer the Three Thousand Flames. Zi Yan, you stay with Xiao Yan. I still have some things that I need to talk to Xuan Yi alone."

Yao Chen said seriously, which made Xuan Yi feel a little stunned and surprised. What on earth were they talking about? Why didn't she understand a word she said? The antecedents do not match the consequences.

Xiao Yan and Zi Yan didn't think much, they just nodded obediently and left the guest room.

Xuan Yi looked at the medicine dust that looked like the sun was really coming out in the west, and couldn't help but ask.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Xuan Yi looked at Yao Chen, who had a serious face and no intention of joking at all, and the smile at the corner of his mouth also disappeared.


"Hey, Xiao Yan."

On the way, Zi Yan couldn't help but call Xiao Yan, and then couldn't help but ask: "Do you know the relationship between your teacher and the Danta giant?"


Xiao Yan was silent for a moment. Zi Yan thought Xiao Yan didn't hear what she said. Just when she was about to repeat it, she heard Xiao Yan was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "...Friendship?"

"How good are you at being a friend?"

Zi Yan was angry, she could see it, didn't Xiao Yan? Is he blind? Even if you are blind, you cannot be so blind.

Zi Yan muttered something in her heart, and then immediately realized Xiao Yan's strange interpersonal relationship. Well, it has become instinct to look at others, right? You should go back to Sister Nalan and ask her to chop it up for you with a sword!

However, Zi Yan did not say such terrible words. Although she could not scare Xiao Yan, after all, it was related to Nalan's happiness in the rest of his life.

"Ahem, cough, cough - no more joking."

Xiao Yan said: "Senior Xuanyi is probably interested in the teacher, but how the teacher chooses, whether to accept or reject, is not something we can decide."

"...Well, you said this, and I actually know it."

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan with an incomprehensible expression.

After that, Xiao Yan began to adjust his breath and practice in his room, while Zi Yan was silently protecting the law. For some reason, she felt vaguely anxious when she faced her request to enter the Star Territory and accompany Xiao Yan. Vaguely uneasy.

Should I say it's instinctive intuition or something else...

But before she could react, Yao Chen pushed open Xiao Yan's door and looked at Zi Yan.

"Zi Yan will go to the Star Territory with Xiao Yan later."


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