Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 489 No, what’s going on? !

The stalemate between the two lasted for nearly two or three months.

In the end, the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo was unable to withstand the dual refining of Xiao Yan's Burning Technique and Dragon Seal, and turned into Xiao Yan's sixth type of strange fire.

Zi Yan looked at the thin figure with flowing light all over his body sitting cross-legged. On his body, there were countless strange fire dragons faintly flowing around. They were constantly leaving the body and melting into the Dharma body. This kind of thing was obviously different from the outside world. Flames swirled around it, and every time the flames rolled, the endless purple-black sea of ​​​​fire outside would cause violent fluctuations.

And every time Xiao Yan further absorbed the three thousand flames, the purple-black sea of ​​​​fire would fluctuate more intensely, until finally, it was almost boiling.

But after boiling, the purple-black sea of ​​​​fire that covered the entire star field began to slowly shrink. Xiao Yan's existence suddenly became a whirlpool in this sea of ​​​​fire, and countless purple-black flames poured into the golden sea. In the Dharmakaya, the sea of ​​black and purple fire gradually subsided until half of it was reduced.

Xiao Yan, who had remained silent and was in a state of intense cultivation, finally regained his vitality and then slowly opened his eyes.

Around him, three thousand black and purple flames gathered on him to form a huge fire dragon, surging and stirring endlessly.

He felt that the evolution of Fenjue had come to an end and gradually subsided, and his own cultivation seemed to have settled down, no longer a little frivolous.

It was just like the last time he refined Hai Xinyan, but because Hai Xinyan had already been subdued by Han Feng once, he did not give Xiao Yan much improvement, whether it was an improvement in cultivation or skills. This is true of evolution.

But this time, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo was obviously not like Hai Xinyan's drizzle.

While Xiao Yan was still subconsciously groping for what kind of huge improvement Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo had brought to him, he saw that Zi Yan could no longer bear the joy and visible curiosity conveyed by the dragon seal, and slowly got closer to him.

"Succeeded? Does it feel like this?"

Zi Yan looked at the current Xiao Yan. At first glance, it seemed that there were no traces or changes at all, which made her even more curious.

However, facing Zi Yan, who can be described as optimistic and cheerful, Xiao Yan's answer seemed unexpected.

"Success is success..."

Xiao Yan subconsciously touched his chest, then frowned slightly and said, "But it feels a little... wrong."

"Something's wrong? What's wrong? Didn't you absorb three thousand flames?"

Zi Yan replied subconsciously, but she immediately felt the emotion transmitted from the dragon seal proving that what Xiao Yan said was indeed not a lie.

But how? The Dragon Seal absorbed three thousand flames of fire. This is not the first time Xiao Yan has absorbed strange fire... What else could happen -

Zi Yan couldn't figure it out, so she said: "Don't move around yet, I will use the dragon seal to help you take a look..."

With that said, Zi Yan accurately grasped Xiao Yan's wrist. The moment Xiao Yan's wrist was grasped by Zi Yan's slender fingertips, she felt an unspeakable heat and inexplicable hotness. Come, she couldn't help but be secretly surprised, but it wasn't too surprising. After all, it was reasonable if it was related to the strange fire.

But the moment Zi Yan subconsciously grabbed Xiao Yan's wrist, Xiao Yan immediately broke away from her hand as if he was electrocuted, causing Zi Yan to show a trace of anger after a brief moment of shock.

"What are you doing?!"

Zi Yan was very disgusted with Xiao Yan's sudden reaction, as if she wanted to harm him.

But what Zi Yan didn't realize at once was that it was not she who wanted to harm Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan who wanted to harm her.


Xiao Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but his heartbeat was getting faster and faster uncontrollably, and the blood in his body began to boil as if it had been ignited by the absorbed Three Thousand Flames. However, the feeling it brought to Xiao Yan was not the same. It's not the so-called pain, but another kind of impulse that I have experienced before but can never stand.

"Zi...Zi Yan, go quickly, hurry up!"

Xiao Yan finally realized where the something he subconsciously felt was wrong came from, gasping for breath, immediately turned his back, and cut a bloodstain on his palm, almost instantly, like a gasoline barrel being ignited. The detonated impulse turned Xiao Yan's thoughts into a mess in his mind.

But he could still recall the last time the Fallen Heart Flame had an accident. It was an instinctive reaction caused by his inability to accept too much energy in a short period of time, and Medusa still couldn't control herself after absorbing it. In this case , then it is better to discharge this energy directly with your own blood. Although it is a waste, it is worse than being impulsive.

The tingling sensation on his hands made Xiao Yan temporarily come to his senses, and he immediately went to Najie to find the Qingshen Danqie evil fire that Wan'er had left for him.

It's just a pity that Xiao Yan's spiritual mind went through his Najie in an instant, but he couldn't find even one Qingshen Pill.


It’s over, it’s over——

Xiao Yan felt a chill in his heart, but he felt that the effect of bloodletting this time was minimal. While the calm thinking awakened by the sting of the wound quickly dissipated, Xiao Yan's eyes became cloudy and his breathing became uncontrollably heavier.

However, there was indeed extremely pure energy in the blood he released, and almost in the blink of an eye, it once again ignited the sea of ​​black and purple fire surrounding the star field.

It's just that the most serious problem for Xiao Yan is not these problems, but Zi Yan's delicate body trembling slightly. It seems that she has felt something. Xiao Yan has obviously told her to leave quickly. With Taixu Gulong's talent, Zi Yan With her ability, it would not be difficult for her to break through the space of the Star Realm and leave. However, the sound of Zi Yan's breathing in Xiao Yan's ears never disappeared. Instead, it brought an irresistible temptation to his ears. .


Xiao Yan gasped, and at this moment he no longer cared about the connection of the dragon seal... He gritted his teeth silently and tried his best to stay nailed to the spot.

Zi Yan was actually vaguely aware of something. After all, because of her relationship with Medusa, she certainly knew why the two of them had a bad relationship.

But she really didn't expect that this funny fate would come true for her again.

Is it because she was present when Hai Xinyan was refined last time that she relaxed her vigilance this time...?

Not only that, the dragon seal he had engraved on Xiao Yan's body was also conveying inexplicable emotions and impulses to her all the time, as if invisible fire had spread to her body, and her feet were also It stood in place as if it had taken root.

But even if Zi Yan didn't make a sound, her increasingly heavy breathing was burning Xiao Yan's last heartstrings, preparing to burn them off.

"...Zi, Zi Yan..."

Xiao Yan's voice of rationality was weak. This was due to the instinctive throbbing and impulse that no one could resist.

"Why don't you leave yet..."

Unexpectedly, Zi Yan said coldly: "Just wait a moment, I - you make me a little mentally prepared -"

Before Zi Yan could finish her words, Xiao Yan had already thrown her to the ground with red eyes. The agitation stemming from the instinct of life was burning like a fueled flame and could not be extinguished at all.

Zi Yan didn't struggle or resist at all. She just looked at Xiao Yan who had knocked her down but was still gritting his teeth. She was inevitably a little scared.

No, no, no, no, no————

Xiao Yan shook his head vigorously, not wanting to look into Zi Yan's eyes. If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing in the star field, he would have wanted to be knocked unconscious and nothing would happen.

"Xiao...Xiao Yan?"

"Don't talk - let me - calm down - a little bit"

Xiao Yan felt that he was almost speechless. No matter whether he opened or closed his eyes, he saw Zi Yan. The girl he had always regarded as a little girl or a younger sister now suddenly made him realize that Zi Yan had already He has grown up so charmingly.

Qingli but with a bit of charming natural eyebrows, graceful figure, waterfall-like long purple hair, Xiao Yan, who was already in a daze, felt how could he be so blind that he was indifferent to Zi Yan's current figure? .

Especially when the faint lavender-like fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose, it is even more exciting.

Is it because of Wan'er...or...

Xiao Yan's heart beat violently, but this time it was not another violent impact caused by instinctive impulse, but another strange fire that had been in Xiao Yan's body for ten years.

The trembling of the Nether Poison Fire temporarily allowed Xiao Yan to regain some consciousness.


The rare throbbing of the poisonous fire almost immediately reminded Xiao Yan of the Little Medical Fairy. At the same time, a spatial crack filled with green poisonous fire suddenly opened in front of him, and a silver-haired beauty in a lavender dress appeared. He broke into the star field that once again caused riots without any scruples.

"Xiao Yan? Xiao Yan?! You didn't—"

The moment she saw Xiao Yan, most of the worry on the little medical fairy's face immediately disappeared. However, before she could get too happy, when she saw that the person who came was Xian'er, the unyielding feeling in Xiao Yan's heart was still there. Fang's heartstrings finally broke completely.

The vast starry sky turned into a soft big bed. Before the little medical fairy could fully understand what was going on, a familiar figure immediately threw her down. The sound of space distortion and recovery behind her was accompanied by the sound of clothes being ripped apart. Mixed together.

"Xian, Xian'er - help, help me...!"

Xiao Yan almost used up all his rationality to squeeze out such intermittent words.

The little medical fairy looked confused, but her bewildered gaze happened to pass through Xiao Yan's shoulder at that moment, and he caught a glimpse of the purple-haired dragon girl behind Xiao Yan who also looked bewildered, which almost made her whole body tremble.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Yan... Zi, Zi Yan is still there... we... don't... um..."

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