Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 491 Poison Fire Evolution

However, it seems that Zi Yan is not in a very good mood.


Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan, but he still didn't say what he wanted to say.

After all, it would be too embarrassing to speak at this time... Xiao Yan himself was shameless, but he didn't want to implicate Zi Yan.

Seeing Zi Yan lowering her head like this, as if she had lost her soul, Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh. Now was obviously not the time for negotiation.

Zi Yan had no reaction, so Xiao Yan also focused his attention on himself. He temporarily looked inward with his soul power, but found that his cultivation had been improved by three stars to four-star Dou Zun.

However, when he found that his cultivation had ushered in a huge improvement, Xiao Yan's first emotion was not joy, but a faint doubt. He also understood the weight of the Three Thousand Flames. Although this Starry Sky Fire was indeed somewhat magical, he didn't expect it to bring him such a big improvement.

After all, the Dou Zun realm is different from the Dou Zong and Dou Huang realms. The gap in almost every small realm is obvious, so it is naturally more difficult to challenge the ears across levels.

But he probably wasn't counted among them.

So how could the Three Thousand Flames have this ability? Xiao Yan muttered in his heart.

Following his guess, Xiao Yan spread his hands. The original five-color blending and changing strange fire now had another color of strange fire. However, what Xiao Yan noticed was that the six-color strange fire had an unusual green color, which made Xiao Yan slightly startled. He thought that he had accidentally refined and absorbed the remaining flame of life, but it didn't seem right after thinking about it.

Xiao Yan separated the six-color strange fire in his palm, revealing the original posture of the six kinds of strange fire. In his memory, he had never subdued any green strange fire. The only thing he had come into contact with was the blue Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, but the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire had never shown this nature before.

When Xiao Yan's eyes swept through the six kinds of strange fire that were slowly flowing around him, he almost immediately locked onto the dark green color above the deep purple of the Netherworld Poison Fire.

He couldn't help but frown slightly. The Netherworld Poison Fire had mutated?

Could it be... Xian'er?

Xiao Yan immediately recalled what Yao Wan had mentioned in Fenglei Pavilion before and the source of the Netherworld Poison Fire that she helped Xiao Yixian take from him.

In a moment, Xiao Yan realized what was going on.

It seemed that this time he was benefiting from Xian'er.

The energy of the Three Thousand Flames should have only been able to break through to the level of three-star Dou Zun if he had intentionally suppressed it. However, it was probably because Xian'er's mutated poison fire had fed back to her, and Xian'er should have successfully absorbed part of the energy of the Three Thousand Flames, causing the energy that he had suppressed to be naturally transferred to Xian'er.

Because of the natural transfer of energy, there was naturally no so-called suppression. Under the joint action of two different energies, Xiao Yan's cultivation naturally made rapid progress.

A trace of natural joy appeared in Xiao Yan's eyes. This was naturally the best.

When Xiao Yan put away the strange fire, he also saw the dragon seal in his palm, which was still bright red and dazzling, and the faint breath of the ancient Taixu dragon spread out from it very obscurely.

But before Xiao Yan could react, the little doctor fairy in his arms frowned slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

When she saw Xiao Yan for the first time, the little doctor fairy's first reaction was not happiness, but a bit of intriguing lingering fear. From her cherry pink sandalwood mouth came a murmur that only she could hear clearly: "No... don't... really want..."

However, Xiao Yan didn't hear what the little doctor fairy said at all, and just tilted his head and saw that Xian'er's crystal lips trembled slightly.

"Hmm... Xian'er?"

"Hmm... Xiao Yan?"

Seeing that Xiao Yan was no longer completely driven by desire, the little doctor fairy couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief. There was a bit of lingering fear on her pretty face, and a burst of special shame and grievance suddenly surged in her beautiful gray-purple eyes.

"How dare you say that... You've tortured me to death..."

Xiao Yixian's words full of grievances immediately melted Xiao Yan's heart, and it was impossible for him to quibble about himself.

"Yeah, yeah - it's all my fault, it's all my fault."

Xiao Yan immediately hugged Xiao Yixian's delicate body tightly, but Xiao Yixian didn't seem to appreciate it. The delicate body in Xiao Yan's arms couldn't help but gently push Xiao Yan's chest.

In order to distract Xiao Yixian's attention, Xiao Yan hurriedly said: "Xian'er, you should take a look at your cultivation first."

"What's wrong with my cultivation? Don't try to change the subject..."

Although Xiao Yixian was still mumbling, she still honestly operated her Dou Qi according to what Xiao Yan said, but was shocked to find that her cultivation was actually countless times stronger. The vigorous Dou Qi rushed through the meridians in her body like a big river, but it did not cause any discomfort.

Xiao Yixian thought she had seen it wrong, and hurriedly looked inside her body, but found that the surprise was far more than that.

Not only did his fighting spirit experience a terrifying surge, but the Netherworld Poison Fire in his body, which had already been subtly integrated into his blood and connected to his blood, also completely lost its original dark purple color and turned into a new dark green poisonous fire.

And under the dual blessing of poisonous fire and fighting spirit, the little medical fairy's cultivation directly broke through Dou Zun's shackles without any resistance. The fighting spirit accumulated and suppressed before was further and completely released, transforming into the power of the stars in the sky. The huge energy made her directly reach the realm of Four-Star Dou Zun.

"Four...four-star Dou Zun?"

Even the little medical fairy couldn't help but be a little confused. How could Xiao Yan be promoted to a four-star Dou Zun by chance?

The little doctor fairy subconsciously felt that something was not right. Although she and Xiao Yan were not people who liked to have sex after all, but after such a long time, if she could improve her strength so quickly by doing this kind of thing, wouldn't she have become a Dou Zun long ago?

It can’t be that you haven’t done it often enough, right?

A very dangerous thought suddenly appeared in the little medical fairy's mind, and then she shook her head quickly to drive this dangerous thought out of her mind.

"What is Xian'er thinking?"

Xiao Yan subconsciously stroked the silver hair of the Little Medical Fairy, and an elegant fragrance like an herb lingered on the tip of his nose, which made Xiao Yan particularly attached to it. The Little Medical Fairy felt helpless and relieved. After each time, Xiao Yan She especially likes to smell the breath in her hair, and the faint fiery breath always makes her feel particularly at ease.

"Bad guy...what did you do to me? Why am I a four-star Dou Zun?"

The Little Medical Immortal sighed quietly, feeling extremely helpless. He was clearly being tortured by Xiao Yan to the point where he felt like his whole body was about to fall apart, but lying in his arms gave him indescribable peace of mind.

"It seems to be a special reaction between the poisonous fire evolved in Xian'er's body and my burning technique."

Xiao Yan thought for a while and then guessed that after all, he had been with Wan'er for so long, and had been exposed to it for so long. Even though he had never eaten pork, he had seen pigs running away. Regarding the basic principles of the operation of skills, etc. He didn't say that he could analyze it at a glance like Wan'er, but wasn't Xiao Yan still clear about the Burning Technique that he had practiced for so long?


The little medical fairy slowly raised her hand, and the slender and pale fingertips burned with a deep green flame as magnificent as emerald.

Xiao Yan saw that the Netherworld Poison Fire turned into a green flame that was very different from his own, and he immediately confirmed in his heart that Wan'er's previous guess was not wrong at all. The Poison Fire and the Poison Body complement each other with super high compatibility. It indeed contributed to the evolution of Poison Fire, and also brought Poison Fire's power to a higher level.

Coupled with Xian'er's current Dou Zun cultivation, even if the power of this new poisonous fire is not as powerful as the three thousand flames that absorbed the power of the starry sky for an unknown period of time, it is at least as powerful as the top ten on the strange fire list. of power.

"The Poison Fire has evolved to a certain extent... Now it is probably not the original Nether Poison Fire. At most, the Nether Poison Fire only has the power of Douzong. How can it be as powerful as Xian'er's Poison Fire today?"

Although Xiao Yan was praising the little medical fairy, he had no other ideas. He was just stating the facts.

"Has it become a new strange fire...?"

The little medical fairy subconsciously murmured, having already reached the current state, both of them are naturally talented people, so it is naturally easy for them to turn around and dive into cultivation.

"Well, Xian'er, do you want to give this flame a name?"

Xiao Yan looked at the little medical fairy and smiled.

"How can I do such a thing..."

The little medical fairy murmured, thought for a while and then said: "Since this strange fire is born out of my Ernan Poison Body, why not call it the Ernan Poison Fire?"

"The disaster is poisonous and the fire is..."

As soon as the little medical fairy said this, Xiao Yan was somewhat confused about what to say.

It’s not that the name Little Medical Fairy wasn’t very good, it just felt too casual.

Seemingly seeing Xiao Yan's inadvertent speechlessness for a moment, the little medical fairy suddenly became a little anxious: "You asked me to choose the name yourself. Is there anything wrong with my name? You don't think it sounds good. Just change it yourself.”

"Forget it then. This is Xian'er's own thing. How can I give it a name?"

Xiao Yan shook his head and said seriously: "I just think this naming style... is very fairy-like."

"What does it mean to be very me... the bad thing is so bad... you have been tormenting me for so long and you still want to scold me when you turn around. I shouldn't come to you at this time."

"That Xian'er really came at the right time -"

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