
Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted like she was waking up from a dream.

He just didn't have the opportunity for Yao Wan to explode. After seeing the wonderful expression on Yao Wan's face, Yao Emperor Xuying chuckled lightly, then put the green leaf in his hand to his mouth and blew it gently. The slightly dull and withered leaves on her fingertips twirled between the two of them, and then fell on the fingertips that the wand subconsciously stretched out.

Yaowan subconsciously caught the leaf. The leaf that was originally slightly dull and withered in the hands of Yao Emperor Xuying began to become green and green again.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to turn around and forget what the ancestor had said about this blade.

"I have nothing to judge you, but it's time for you to face your feelings, right? No matter how nice you say it, Lizhi's reaction will always be the most powerful evidence and an irrefutable fact. ”

Yao Wan couldn't help but hold her forehead slightly, she had a headache visible to the naked eye. How could this happen——


In the Beast Domain, among the Dou Sheng ruins, Xiao Yan and Zi Yan have been marching straight in since they found the entrance to the Dou Sheng ruins, breaking through all the obstacles on the way.

However, along the way, Xiao Yan has not found anything that is of great benefit to his cultivation.

Fortunately, there is a large ancient forest in the Dou Sheng ruins, in which countless rare elixirs grow. Even Zi Yan couldn't help but want to feast upon seeing it. Although Xiao Yan was funny, he couldn't help it. While stopping Zi Yan, he took away half of the elixir in front of him.

Although most of these elixirs are of no use to him, and he cannot refine any elixirs that are of great use to him, maybe Xingyun Pavilion needs them. Zi Yan is still looking at it eagerly. Xiao Yan can't find any elixirs for himself. It's a good thing that I want, but I won't stop Zi Yan from taking it.

"Why just take half of it? It's useless to leave these things here, just leave some spiritual roots..."

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan's invisible hands that were no different from sieves taking in countless elixirs, but she couldn't help but curled her lips and said.

As a result, Xiao Yan slapped her on the forehead. Naturally, it didn't hurt, but it still stunned Zi Yan for a moment.

"It's not like others except us won't take it. We took away all the elixirs, but others also want to dig up the spiritual roots and take them away?"

Xiao Yan lost his temper, and then said: "It's okay, keep walking in, maybe there will be something good."


Unexpectedly, Zi Yan grabbed Xiao Yan, suddenly frowned slightly, and said: "It seems like something is calling me..."


Xiao Yan was slightly startled, but immediately thought of Zi Yan's Taixu Ancient Dragon's instinct to pursue the elixir and treasure.

Following Zi Yan's instructions, Xiao Yan followed her deeper into the forest.

The golden beast spirit shield blocked the two of them from going further.

"The aura of Taixu ancient dragon?"

Xiao Yan let out a light sigh and couldn't help but ask.

Zi Yan nodded silently, then bit her fingertips, and wiped the bloody fingertips on the golden beast spirit cover, as cleanly as a sharp blade cutting through cloth, forming an entrance that only one person could pass through.

"let's go."

Zi Yan greeted from the front, while Xiao Yan followed closely behind.

But before Xiao Yan could ask any more questions, what he saw in front of him made him silence himself unconsciously.

The lush forest disappeared and was replaced by a desolate plain.

The area of ​​this plain is not small. It is covered with red sand, which looks like it is stained by blood. Among the red, there are occasionally some lime-like paleness. Looking into the distance, everyone can see that In the center of the plain, there is an ancient huge stone altar that is a hundred feet high. A vague majesty permeates the altar.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. The terrifying suppressive force that obviously belonged to the magical beast acted on his body, gradually blocking the movement of Dou Qi in his body.

However, because Xiao Yan's dharma body is now protected, even the terrifying suppression from top-level monsters cannot overwhelm the glazed dharma body. Not long after entering the beast spirit shield, Xiao Yan has basically adapted to the suppressive power from the monsters. .

But even so, Xiao Yan was a little surprised. He had a glazed body to protect him, so he was naturally unaffected, but it didn't mean that the master of this pressure would be that weak.

"Is Zi Yan okay?"

"Fortunately... a large part of the wavelength of this coercion is similar to the power of Taixu Ancient Dragon, so I am not affected by it."

Zi Yan shook her head gently, but couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan: "Wait, why are you okay?"

"I am born with supernatural powers."

Xiao Yan subconsciously said that Zi Yan couldn't understand because the preface and the follow-up were inconsistent. However, she would almost get used to this guy occasionally coming out of his mouth with some incomprehensible words.


Zi Yan ignored him, but turned to look at the end of the stone staircase. The feeling of instinctive calling in his heart seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

With a gentle breath, Zi Yan's slender feet stomped on the ground, turning into a ray of light and shadow, running through the stone stairs like lightning, and arriving at the end of the altar with Xiao Yan in just one step.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the center of the altar. There was a golden and purple stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a half-foot-sized groove. A small sapling grew out of the stone platform. The sapling was no more than the thickness of a thumb, but it snaked around like a giant dragon. On the top of this small sapling, there was a fruit hanging.

This fruit is about the size of a palm, and its whole body is golden and purple. If you look closely, you will find that the golden half, between the twists and turns, looks like an ancient void dragon that has been shrunk countless times, while the other half Purple is a demon phoenix dancing with its wings spread out.

Although this demon phoenix was slightly different from the Feng Qing'er that Xiao Yan had seen, Xiao Yan could recognize the general shape.

"What's this?"

"...Dragon Phoenix."

Zi Yan looked straight at the golden and purple fruit and said subconsciously.

"Dragon Phoenix? Taixu Ancient Dragon and Ancient Sky Phoenix?"

Xiao Yan vaguely guessed something, but just when Zi Yan was hesitating, there was a twisting movement from the beast spirit shield. It was obvious that someone was coming again.

"Huh? It's so lively."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but turned his head and looked at the several figures under the altar, but unfortunately, they were enemies on a narrow road, but they were a group of people from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

But having said that, Xiao Yan himself has no grudges with the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan. However, Ziyan, as the Taixu Ancient Dragon, is fighting to the death with the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, not to mention Wan'er's side and the Taixu Ancient Dragon. Small friction.

"Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit?!"

The people from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan let out a burst of exclamations.

"Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit? Is this what it is?"

Seeing the reaction of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, Xiao Yan immediately realized that this Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit must be a good thing. Otherwise, how could the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan be so shocked? Xu Gulong can definitely be used, and Xiao Yan made up his mind in an instant.

"Zi Yan, you pick fruits, I'll hold them back."

Xiao Yan glanced at the people in front of him and spoke calmly.

Zi Yan and Xiao Yan had a dragon seal connection, and their minds were connected. After knowing each other's thoughts, they immediately chose to reach out to the dragon and phoenix origin fruit in the center of the altar without hesitation.

But just when her fingertips were about to touch the fruit where the phantoms met, a thunder-like sound exploded in her ears under the altar, and an old man in black robe who belonged to the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan stepped forward and said : "Junior, leave now, I will leave you two a way to survive!"

The old man's voice carried the natural intimidation of the Sky Demon Phoenix. Even though Zi Yan's Taixu Ancient Dragon bloodline was not afraid at all, the pressure belonging to the five-star Dou Zun made Zi Yan subconsciously hesitate.

When the black-robed old man saw this, he felt ecstatic in his heart. He never expected to encounter the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit here, which is the supreme treasure for their Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan. As for the still young Taixu Ancient Dragon and the human Boy, there is nothing to be afraid of. Although the Taixu Ancient Dragon is difficult to deal with, the Taixu Ancient Dragon in front of you is only in its infancy, not even a Dou Zun.

As for the human boy, the cultivation level of the four-star Dou Zun is a bit interesting, but it is undoubtedly a dream for a weak human to deal with himself as a five-star Dou Zun.

But before he could continue to say anything, Zi Yan reacted immediately after a moment's hesitation. She grabbed the dragon-phoenix origin fruit with her slender white jade fingers, and then pulled hard, with the fragile sapling growing. There was a fragile cracking sound in front of Taixu Ancient Dragon's terrifying physical power.

The smile on the black-robed old man's face had not fully spread before he froze in place, like lava that was gradually solidifying, leaving only ugly, dull wrinkles squeezed together.

At the same time, as soon as the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit was contaminated by Zi Yan, a burst of dazzling light erupted. Immediately, the illusory fruit turned into a stream of golden and purple liquid, flowing in Zi Yan's palm. , and then quietly invaded his body, and when the liquid disappeared, a pattern shaped like the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit appeared on Zi Yan's palm.

A trace of excessive rosiness appeared on Zi Yan's cheeks, and then after the rosiness disappeared, it turned into a bloodless pale color, but soon, Zi Yan adjusted her condition.

Xiao Yan didn't care at all what the old man in black robe said, but subconsciously said: "Did you get it?"

"Well - I have temporarily sealed it in my body...but the power of this fruit is too strong, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Are you full? Let's take a rest for now and leave the rest to me."

Through the dragon seal, Xiao Yan naturally knew Zi Yan's condition very well, and then he asked her to calm down and leave everything to him.

"——You dare to compete with my Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan for the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, don't you want to live anymore?!"

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