Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 508: Fighting Saint Skeleton

After getting the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, Xiao Yan and Zi Yan left here and set off again.

The birth of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit itself relies on the Taixu Ancient Dragon and the Ancient Sky Phoenix who were buried here at the same time. Under this huge altar, the corpses of the Taixu Ancient Dragon and the Ancient Sky Phoenix are connected head to tail, as if they were one body.

Xiao Yan wanted to recycle the corpses of these two top-level monsters, but was stopped by Zi Yan.

"All their essences have been combined to become the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit. It's not much use for you to take away the corpses."

Zi Yan couldn't help but wink and make a face: "Besides, digging up the corpse of my ancestor in front of me, the Taixu Ancient Dragon, can you act a little unnatural?"

"You are different."

Xiao Yan answered indifferently, which inevitably made Zi Yan a little stunned. She didn't expect Xiao Yan to say that.

"Okay, let's keep going. I heard that there might be a Heaven-level Dou Skill here... It's always good to try your luck."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan took Zi Yan away from the ancient forest.

Shortly after Xiao Yan and Zi Yan left, the space above the gradually dissipating beast spirit cover twisted and turned into ripples like the surface of the water, gradually revealing a burly figure.

"Hmm? When did our clan have such a descendant? And he's hanging out with human boys."

The burly figure touched his unshaven chin, but it seemed that he was indeed a member of their Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, but for some reason, he was away from the clan.

I wanted to take action at this point, keep the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit and bring this girl back to the clan, but I never thought that this human boy had some skills. He overwhelmed four Dou Zun with his physical strength alone, and even the mixed-haired bird had to avoid his edge.

Although this mixed-haired bird is not in his eyes, it is at least a five-star Dou Zun. Ordinary people can't suppress him. This human boy is quite capable, and it seems that the relationship between the two is also good.

Well, let's observe for a while.

After the ancient forest, Xiao Yan's goal was set on the huge palace and pavilion not far away.

In the palace, countless strong men fought for the treasures in it, but accidentally fell into the trap here and died in hatred. Xiao Yan and Zi Yan walked by, but never had the slightest nostalgia.

Xiao Yan's eyes swept through it, and then decisively gave up. These things were of no use to him, so there was no need to stop for them.

He needed something that could make him stronger, and time waited for no one.

Zi Yan secretly looked at Xiao Yan beside him, and saw the faint anxiety in his eyebrows from beginning to end.

Until they entered the center of the main hall of this palace complex, they found that the movement here was not small at all.

On the dark ground of the huge main hall, the devil energy flowed slowly like water. Many of the strong men who were still looking for the heavenly level skills accidentally stepped into the pool of devil energy and could not extricate themselves.

Only some strong men reacted immediately, flew into the air, and avoided the dangerous trap here.

"What is this?!"

The black-robed old man of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan exclaimed, sweating coldly.

The old ghost Zhaixing, who also came with many strong men from the Soul Hall, naturally saw the trick at a glance. He frowned in disgust, but also hurriedly retreated, fearing that he would be contaminated.

The only difference from the last conspiracy was that this time Zhaixing Old Ghost had no idea that this group of guys who were neither human nor ghost would actually appear in the Dou Sheng Ruins, which gave him a headache.

It goes without saying that this group of demons are crazy for what they are doing now. They are searching for blood, flesh and huge energy sources everywhere. Moreover, because their special spatial abilities are obviously different from any existence on the entire Douqi Continent, they are almost omnipresent.

Although the Soul Devouring Clan and the Soul Palace are nominal allies, to be honest, they are just taking what they need and using each other.

Because of this, the old ghost Zhaixing retreated further than others.

The quagmire formed by the gathering of demonic energy became higher and higher. The powerful people who noticed the abnormality retreated, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a blood-red chain drilled out of the dark pool and pounced on the nearby living things like a big snake.

Many people were pierced by the blood-red chain just as they breathed a sigh of relief. They let out a piercing wail, but they had no strength to struggle. They were dragged into the pool of demonic energy by the blood-red chain with countless spikes. They struggled unwillingly for a moment, but did not even scratch the water surface, and then there was no movement.

Many powerful people were stunned and horrified, but before they could make any move, the dark pool twisted and spread like a living thing. Everyone looked along the direction of the demon tide that ignored the rules, but found that the target of the demon tide was the Dou Sheng skeleton in the center of the main hall.

Obviously, the attraction of the Dou Sheng skeleton was far greater than that of these ants whose cultivation was only Dou Zong Dou Zun. As long as they could get this Dou Sheng skeleton, it would be enough to surpass all other gains.

Flesh, energy, everything they needed could be solved by getting the skeleton of the Dou Sheng.

However, just when the living demonic tide was about to submerge the Dou Sheng skeleton, the Dou Sheng skeleton shone brightly, causing the faces of the powerful people in front of them to change drastically.

Is this Dou Sheng skeleton alive? !

Everyone couldn't help but think of this, but they also denied it unconsciously.

Even a strong fighting saint cannot truly turn into a skeleton and remain immortal.

Therefore, it is assumed that the skeleton only has a trace of the remnant soul of the strong fighting saint left.

The existence of the demonic tide inadvertently activated the last remaining soul of the Fighting Saint's skeleton.

"Devil, suffer death!"

At this moment, the demonic energy permeating everywhere in the hall can be said to have completely ignited the residual thoughts left by the strong Fighting Saint in the skeleton of the Fighting Saint. It was originally set by the original owner as a trial to break into the Fighting Saint. The fighting saint bones of the people in the ruins sensed the evil aura that would never be allowed to exist in heaven and earth.

However, the demonic tide had no fear at all against the Dou Sheng skeleton, which suddenly erupted with terrifying aura in the hall, causing the strong men around to be frightened. It was only greedy.

The bones of the Dou Sheng contain enough energy to outperform a hundred Dou Zun, but the number of Dou Zun entering the Dou Sheng ruins at this moment is no more than the number of hands. Who among the two is more important? You don’t need to think about it to know. .

The demonic tide gathered together and condensed into an irregular, huge, twisted, terrifying and twisted object, like mud, mixed with the bones that had fallen into it, leaving only all the black bones that were spat out like garbage.

The Dou Sheng Skeleton did not hesitate. When the demonic shadow of the tide desperately wanted to catch it, it paused for a moment, suddenly raised its head, and a vague, low and hoarse voice came quietly as if from those ancient times.

"Great Heaven - Creation - Palm."

After the hoarse and ancient intermittent sounds, everything around them was quieting down in an extremely strange way. A feeling of extreme danger overflowed from the depths of the souls of everyone present. In the face of this Driven by the fear of death, the only fear of death is in everyone's heart. No matter how much they care about the many fighting skills and techniques here, they just rush towards the distance with all their strength.

"Damn it, you damn bastard!"

Seeing that something was wrong, the old star-catching ghost turned pale and cursed angrily, but despite the curse, he turned around and ran away.

Suddenly, the old star-catching ghost who ran away in embarrassment attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. Although they didn't know what happened, they rolled back quickly. For a while, the whole hall became extremely tense again. The confusion arose.

While the people around him dispersed, the demonic tide was not afraid of the counterattack of the Fighting Saint Skeleton. So what if it shattered it with one blow? As long as there is a trace of its residue left, after the skeletal spiritual consciousness disappears, it will be worth all the losses.

The Dou Sheng skeleton was furious. The almost instinctive repulsion towards the Spirit Devouring Clan made it use the strongest attack without hesitation. A black spot about the size of a soybean suddenly appeared in the center of the jade-white metacarpal bone. This black spot is so pure that if a person takes a look at it, it seems that even his soul will be swallowed into it. It is extremely weird.

Black dots appeared, and the Dou Sheng Skeleton's right palm was raised fiercely, and then hit hard on the extremely hard ground of the hall.

Where the bone palm fell, the stone slab did not make any sound. At the moment of contact, the extremely hard stone slab seemed to disappear in an instant, revealing the dark brown rock underneath.

The floor disappeared, and a black halo suddenly emerged from the stone slab, and then spread suddenly, like a black hole, mysterious and terrifying.

At the same time, the twisted sound of countless devoured corpses mixed together came from the demonic tide.

"The king's blood melts, the Temple of All Demons——"

As soon as he finished speaking, a trace of dirty blood quickly spread out from outside the pitch-black circle of light, and almost instantly collided with the black circle of light. The pure blackness and dirty blood color merged with this almost instantly. At the same time, the fragmented hall was divided into two distinctive death worlds.

Countless people were immediately frightened out of the part belonging to the black circle of light. All the places affected by the black circle, whether it was stone slabs, stone pillars or other things, disappeared in an instant. That kind of disappearance was in the true sense. Disappeared without any trace left.

The dirty and blood-colored part was even more weird and terrifying. Many people began to disintegrate uncontrollably as they flew, melting into flesh and blood, and fell into the demonic tide in front of them.

But the demonic tide was also swallowed up by the dark aperture. Even the terrifying demonic tide turned into nothingness when it submerged into the black aperture.

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