Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 510: Business at your doorstep

Hei Qing's words made Xiao Yan involuntarily startled, but he did not expect to hear the name of his ancestor here.

"Senior Hei Qing knows my ancestor?"

"Well, when I first met Xiao Xuan, I was almost like this little girl."

"Hey, who are you calling this little girl?"

What Zi Yan doesn't like the most is that people call her little girl all the time. She has been a short winter melon for so long, and now she has finally grown up, but she still calls her little girl when she meets someone.

"I won't say much else. You'll know when you get here."

Hei Qing said while waving.

Xiao Yan didn't know where this powerful man from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan was going to take him, so he had no choice but to follow silently with Zi Yan.

Because they didn't stay in the ancient ruins for long, and while there was still much time, Xiao Yan planned to at least accompany Zi Yan back to the clan to confirm the situation.

After saying that, Hei Qing raised his hand, and a door to space opened in front of Xiao Yan and Zi Yan, and then led them to fly in.

Thanks to Taixu Ancient Dragon's terrifying racial talent, super-long space tunnels can be completed in the blink of an eye. Among humans, only the strongest at the Fighting Saint level can do this.

Seeing the surprise in Xiao Yan's eyebrows, Hei Qing couldn't help but smile and said: "Why should you be surprised? Within the beast spirit shield with the dragon and phoenix origin fruit, I saw that your body shape and skills were a little too different from mine. The Ancient Void Dragon clan is similar. If it weren’t for the human aura on your body, I would have thought you were also a Taixu Ancient Dragon.”

"No, it's just a result of physical fighting skills. Senior Hei Qing is so complimentary."

Xiao Yan shook his head, but he also realized that it seemed that the ancient dragon's fighting skills of stepping on the void that Wan'er had taught him in Fenglei Pavilion were similar in principle to the space talent of the Taixu ancient dragon clan.

"Although it is bizarre, there seems to be no other possibility besides fighting skills. Even if you transplant dragon wings and swallow dragon blood, you will not be able to obtain the space talent of Taixu Ancient Dragon."

Hei Qing looked at Xiao Yan and said: "But this makes me even more curious. With only fighting skills, he can actually achieve the ability of Taixu ancient dragon to step on the void without leaving a trace in a short distance. I have never heard of it. Let me take the liberty of telling you, where did you learn this fighting skill?"

Xiao Yan did not expect that the fighting skills that he had long been accustomed to would actually arouse Hei Qing's surprise. However, he thought it was a member of Zi Yan's family, so he said: "A friend gave it to him. This should be a fighting skill that she wrote herself."

"The fighting skills you wrote yourself? Darling, is it real or fake?"

Hei Qing couldn't help but be stunned after hearing Xiao Yan's words. He had never heard of someone using a fighting skill to copy their clan's racial talent to an exact degree, even though the related Taixu Ancient Dragon was used as a research object. It can’t be done either.

The only possibility is that the other party's understanding of the power of space is no less than that of the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, or even better, but this is more terrifying than killing a few Taixu Ancient Dragons secretly for research.

But seeing Xiao Yan's indifferent attitude, Hei Qing had no choice but to believe it, and just subconsciously said: "Then who is your friend...?"

"She is not with me now, and I will still look for her later."

Xiao Yan didn't understand what Hei Qing meant, but he pretended not to understand what he meant and brushed it off.

Before Hei Qing could speak, he felt Zi Yan's elbow poke him. At the same time, he also realized that it was a bit presumptuous for him to ask this question.

After chatting, Hei Qing led them to concentrate on their journey, but saw an unusual silver halo emerging at the end.

After rushing into the aperture, Xiao Yan's vision suddenly became brighter after a moment of blur. The field of vision in front of him was no longer the monotonous silver gray. Lush green and mountain peaks once again filled his field of vision.

Standing high in the sky, Xiao Yan looked at the land in front of him in astonishment, which was more accurately called an island.

The area of ​​this island is extremely vast. Above the sky of the island, there is a circle of light silver semicircular light curtain hanging down, enveloping the entire island. When looking outside the light shield, it is the dark and gloomy light curtain. The void almost instantly reminded Xiao Yan of the previous scene in the Ruins of Oblivion.

And just like the Ruins of Oblivion, the existence of this island is naturally hidden in the void.

"let's go."

As Hei Qing said that, he took Xiao Yan and Zi Yan to continue walking forward. Under the tallest peak of Gulong Island, he saw many people waiting for their arrival.

As soon as he landed, several old men couldn't help but surrounded him.

"You're back."


When Yaowan opened her pale golden eyes again and woke up from the short breath adjustment process, she slowly stood up from under the Cangwu sacred tree, then stepped across the water of Zhuogu Divine Spring, preparing to leave the place of inheritance.

"It looks like the Yan Clan has received news?"

Medicine Emperor Xuying was naturally aware of the divine message that was invisibly transmitted to the inheritance place. It was news from Qinglin, saying that a distinguished guest came to look for her.

"It's almost time. The strange fire is of great significance to the Yan clan. I don't believe that the Yan clan won't take the bait."

"Then, why did you give the method of dividing fire to the Yan Clan but never left it to the Clan for their own use?"

Yao Emperor Xuying watched him slowly walk ashore, with half of his body following the wet herbs, and couldn't help but ask.

"If there is such a good thing, then of course I want to keep it for ourselves first--"

Yao Wan answered casually while taking off her wet clothes. Her smooth skin was exposed to the air. Yao Wan was startled and looked at the hazy figure on the water surface with an awkward but polite smile.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Can the ancestor turn around? I'll change my clothes."

Yao Wan said a little embarrassedly. She has been thin-skinned since she was a child. In her previous life, she went directly to the private room to go to the toilet.

The Medicine Emperor's shadow was speechless for a moment, and couldn't help but say: "Even if I turn around, my divine sense is everywhere in the inheritance land, and you can't hide it at all. Besides, if you don't like being seen, then don't change. Just use Dou Qi to dry your clothes. I haven't seen you change clothes for anyone."

"It's different this time."

Yao Wan coughed lightly and said: "This time when the Yan Clan comes, I will probably go with them to the Yan Clan. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear at home, but you always have to be polite when you go out. Even if I don't care, I can't embarrass our Medicine Clan, right?"

"You also have to have face."

The Medicine Emperor's shadow had no choice but to turn around slowly, and Yao Wan immediately changed into a more solemn Medicine Clan Luo skirt, and at the same time dried the originally wet clothes.

"Let's continue the previous topic - if possible, I naturally want to leave the method of splitting fire to the Yao Clan for their own use."

"If possible...? So, what do you mean?"

"With my current soul realm, even the Eight Desolate Destruction Flame of the Yan Clan has the confidence to safely separate a new source of fire, but splitting fire is only the first step after all."

Yao Wan let out a long breath and explained.

"You mean... my clan can't afford the process of cultivating different fires?"

"That's true. The nature of my flame of life is different, and the method of cultivation is also special and cannot be copied. If I cultivate different fires step by step, there is no such condition in the medicine world. If I force resources, I don't know how much resources will be wasted. Even if I finally cultivate different fires, I will have to bleed a lot."

The eyes of the Medicine Emperor flickered slightly, and then he said: "So you just pick peaches from the Yan Clan?"

"You can't say it's picking peaches, right? This is too harsh. No matter what each Take what you need, and it is certain that with the conditions of the Yan Clan and the research and understanding of the strange fire, the resources needed to cultivate the strange fire must be much smaller than if we simply use resources to force it. "

Yao Wan smiled slightly and said, "Everyone just takes what they need-right?"


The Medicine Emperor chuckled, but it was impossible for him to really blame Yao Wan for anything. Instead, he revealed some praise. As the son of the Medicine Clan and the holder of the divine bloodline, Yao Wan naturally does not need to be responsible for others. He can lead the Medicine Clan to prosperity and is the most outstanding offspring.

Then Yao Wan left the inheritance place, and the shadow of the Medicine Emperor fell into a deep sleep. Although she no longer cared about her life or death, she was just a remnant soul anyway, but after confirming that the Devouring Soul Clan was indeed active, she began to consciously and actively maintain her remaining little strength to avoid some situations she did not want to see.

As for Yao Wan, although she did not like this descendant who said one thing and meant another at first, now that they have gotten along, she knows that with her talent and ability, even among the eight clans, there is no one who can match her.

If she inherits... it would be a good choice.

However, unlike the previous helplessness of having to choose her, she is more of a recognition. She would not even look at other people from the Yao clan.

The only thing she needs to worry about is the person who gave her the intertwined branches and leaves. The intertwined branches show vitality, which means she is deeply in love with them. She just hopes that the person she likes is not someone with ulterior motives. However, with her heart, that kind of person probably won't be in her eyes, right?

The phantom of the Yao Emperor, who has placed the hope of the Yao clan's revival on Yao Wan, whispered softly in his heart.

Yao Wan left the inheritance place and returned to his own cave, and saw Qing Lin.

"Has the Yan clan come?"

"Yes, in the welcoming hall, Miss, what are you doing..."

Yao Wan thought to herself that it was indeed the case, and she felt relieved.

"This is called business at your doorstep."

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