"It should be said that he is indeed the number one genius of the Medicine Clan. He can refine ninth-grade elixirs at will."

Outside the crowd, Yao Xingji shook his head. Even though he was unlucky enough to not be here to witness the entire process of Yao Wan refining the ninth-grade elixir, he no longer had any thoughts of competition.

It would be better to say that no normal person would want to compete with her.

"It's no wonder that the clan leader and Elder Wanhuo are so partial to her."

Not far away from the Medicine Star, the iceberg beauty with blue and waist-length hair slightly narrowed her clear eyes. In her tone, the medicine spirit was not jealous. No one would be jealous of the moon hanging alone in the sky. People are jealous of the eternity of the Milky Way, but it is inevitable to sigh that the gap between geniuses is wider than the gap between geniuses and mediocre people.

It seemed like they were trying so hard, but they couldn't even touch the woman's heels.

What's even more frightening is that Yao Wan is almost the youngest of their generation.

It is really sad to say that Yao Xingji's medicine refining skills, his own soul realm, and his brother's strength are all constantly climbing with the same person as the target.

"I originally thought that Ling'er wouldn't like her very much."

Yao Xingji let out a long breath, his tone was incomprehensible, no one knew what Yao Xingji meant.

Who among the younger generation of the Yao Clan today doesn’t know that the leader of the Yao Clan is so obsessed with the eldest lady that he doesn’t even think about food or tea. In order to cope with the eldest lady’s recruitment, he almost turned around and went into seclusion, and he was about to break through. In the semi-saint realm, he defeated the leader in an upright manner and surpassed her.

When Yao Ling heard Yao Xingji's words, he suddenly became displeased: "The relationship between you and I has not yet reached the stage of calling you that! As for my brother... that man will never look back until he hits the wall. Forget it, he likes the medicine so much, then let him taste the fist tempered by the black magic thunder. "

Yaoling obviously had a lot of resentment towards her brother, but what made her even more surprised was that when she went to look for him after the last coming-of-age ceremony, he was more or less woken up by the scolding, so why now... ?

Yao Ling's answer made Yao Xingji take a deep breath and couldn't help but shake his head. I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who are worthy of the eldest lady.

It’s just that compared to the members of the family, Yao Xingji and many young talents who feel that they are not even qualified to pursue the eldest lady, it is even more difficult for the eldest lady to be abducted by a boy from another family who does not know where. People accept it.

When Yao Wan returned to her cave, she saw an old and tall figure showing some hesitation at the entrance of the cave.

Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh, but she couldn't turn around, and then slowly walked towards her cave.

"Wan'er is back?"

When Yao Dan saw his grandson finally back, a gentle and concerned smile appeared on his kind face.

"Well... I'm back."

Yao Wan laughed sarcastically. Even without her needing to say anything, Yao Wan knew that the movement of her refining medicine must have been discovered by the clan leader. A calamity cloud so big could be seen from half of the sacred mountain. If she didn't notice it, then there was a real ghost. .

"Are you injured? Does it still hurt? I still have a few pills here that can eliminate the aura of destruction. You can take them first."

Saying that, Yaodan took out a small jade bottle from Najie and stuffed it into Yao Wan's hand without saying goodbye, which scared Yao Wan and made her step back.

This is what she fears most, and a large part of her little treasury is stuffed to her by the old man regardless of whether she agrees or not.

"Okay, okay, Patriarch, I'm really fine..."

Yao Wan's tone was full of helplessness, and she said: "Look, the Dharmakaya is successful, and it is invincible against the fighting saints. Just keep it in your stomach, ah."

"Wan'er, are you really okay?"

Yao Dan looked at Yao Wan's white and rosy cheeks, and it was obvious that she looked good. It would be better to say that she could not look bad as she was sitting in the flames of life.

After coaxing the old man back, Yao Wan breathed a sigh of relief, but did not stop. He immediately entered the cave and once again entered his true training place - the place of inheritance.

"Have you ever got it?"

In the golden inheritance place, as always, under the warm and soft golden light, there are a few withered leaves of the Cangwu sacred tree falling down.

The phantom of the Medicine Emperor emerged from the water, looked at the Yao Wan, and couldn't help but ask.

"Got it."

Yao Wan waved the jade-like elixir between her slender green fingers, then flicked her fingers and threw the ninth-grade elixir to Yao Emperor Xuying without any hesitation.

The phantom of the Medicine Emperor raised his hand to catch it, and then brought it slightly to his hazy lips. Yao Wan couldn't see clearly how the figure opened his mouth, but he only saw that it took a lot of effort to successfully refine it. The elixir that came out disappeared into a hazy mist.

"Is this pill really useful?"

Seeing the ancestor taking the elixir without much hesitation, Yao Wan couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

"Is there anything wrong with the recipe I gave you?"

Yao Emperor Xuying replied calmly, Yao Wan remained silent and just looked at her current Xuying quietly, wanting to confirm whether there would be any substantial changes.

The elixir he refined is called Condensing Soul Gathering Pill. Just by hearing the name, you know that it is a precious elixir specially used to warm and nourish the remnant soul. However, this is not an elixir developed by Yaowan himself. It was the elixir given to her by the Medicine Emperor and asked her to try to refine it.

And since the founder now wants the Condensation Pill, it is not difficult to guess what the founder is planning now.

Except for the slightly clearer image of the hazy beauty, Yaowan had been waiting for a long time and had not waited for any changes visible to the naked eye.

This made Yao Wan feel a little strange, but he didn't care about her and asked: "...it's useless?"

"It's no use of your size. What do you think it can do? Really help me gather the Emperor's Soul? Although the Fighting Emperor's Soul is extremely difficult to disappear, if the remnant soul wants to be restored, it cannot be done by a mere ninth-grade elixir. ”

Medicine Emperor Xuying's tone was filled with annoyance, and he explained: "It's just to let my remaining soul be more or less free, and to consume it more slowly."

"That's it..."

There was a trace of disappointment in Yao Wan's tone. She thought that there was hope for the resurrection of the ancestor. If this was the case, then her Yao Clan would really have nothing to fear from anyone.

"But you don't have to be so disappointed. Since I chose to ask you for this elixir, I naturally have no intention of leaving the Yao Clan behind. It would be fine if only the Soul Clan had its own evil intentions, but now the Spirit-Devouring Clan has appeared on the Fighting Qi Continent. , How can I stand by and watch, future generations have no future, do I really have to watch you die? "

Yao Emperor Xuying said, then looked at Yao Wan's beautiful figure, and suddenly said: "Why is the aura of destruction on the body so heavy? Is it because of the black magic thunder of this Condensation God-Gathering Pill?"

Yao Wan knew that nothing could be hidden from the ancestor, so she nodded her head gently, and as she spoke, a soft glazed auspicious light appeared from her body, causing Yao Emperor Xuying to raise his eyebrows unconsciously, slightly surprised. different.

"The Glazed Body Sculpting Technique...it seems a little different...how did you modify it? You are so courageous. You dare to tamper with a technique that you have not practiced to the extreme. I don't even know what to say about you." True talent is simply seeking death.”

"In the journey of cultivation, there is always only the principle of starving the timid to death and starving the bold to death."

Yao Wan, however, simply regarded Yao Emperor Xuying's evaluation of herself as a compliment. There was a trace of confidence on her cherry-colored lips, and then she subconsciously raised her slender hand, and a trace of black current as black as ink was flowing through her. The white fingertips danced and shone.

"It's a pity that there are only Burning Techniques in the world, and there are no 'Thunder Techniques' or 'Electric Techniques'. Otherwise, absorbing the power of this black magic thunder should be able to take my cultivation to a higher level."

Yao Wan fiddled with the not-so-peaceful Black Magic Thunder with her fingertips and smiled.

"It's almost time for you to fight for the saints... You really don't want to wait until the time of marriage to show off your 'friend', and at the same time say that it's all your fault for being careless and get married, right?"

Yao Emperor Xuying didn't bother to pay attention to Yao Wan's way of becoming stronger, which made his eyelids jump wildly when he saw it, and then said.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Yaowan was stunned when he heard this, and then choked on his own saliva. He subconsciously patted his chest and felt relieved for the time being.

"No - I didn't even tell him about this! Don't talk nonsense!"

Yaowan's tone contained a bit of irritation, and it was obvious that she couldn't stand such a joke.

"Don't worry about Fighting Saint for now - I recently had some new ideas when I was practicing the power of the soul... I need some new experiments and exercises."


"I call it the fighting method of fighting gods in one - but it is still too early to say this, and more experiments are needed. For this, I need not only the strength of the fighting spirit realm and the soul realm, but also the strength of the fighting spirit realm and the soul realm. The matching body.”

Yao Wan said solemnly, Yao Emperor Xuying vaguely noticed something, not only frowned slightly, this guy...sometimes she didn't know whether Yao Wan was deliberately pretending not to know anything, or whether he was really so evil that even Only in this state can you be aware of anything you come into contact with.

But she didn't stop Yao Wan. Since she had the confidence, she might as well let her try. It didn't matter if she failed, but if she really succeeded... that would definitely be a good thing.

"You're really giving me more and more surprises... It doesn't matter, it's better to say this."

Yao Emperor Xuying wisely did not mention her relationship issues to Yao Wan this time. Lian Li Zhi Ye was enough to prove everything. It was useless to say anything. It just depends on how she handles it in the future.

Just don't blindly look at some scumbag who stabs you in the back, and just leave the rest...

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