Yao Wan's footsteps were light, as graceful as dancing steps. The fist wind that tore through space brushed against the corner of her clothes. Yao Wan's slender jade fingers bent into claws and gently scratched.

Xiao Yan's hair stood on end and he immediately retreated, but Yao Wan seized the flaw, stepped forward, and kicked Xiao Yan in the chest.

Xiao Yan's body flew out like a cannonball.

However, the fist-and-foot fight in a moment made the eyelids of the geniuses watching the battle on the clan monument square jump wildly.

The scene of Xiao Yan defeating Lei Xiao with one punch and Yao Tian in ten rounds was enough to be deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it also made many geniuses immediately realize that in terms of close combat alone, I am afraid that no one in the eight clans can be his opponent.

As a result, he was kicked away by the eldest lady of the Yao clan?

Hearing the sound of space breaking from the light curtain, many young talents from the eight clans could not help but touch their chests subconsciously. Although it was an opportunity to contact the most beautiful woman in the eight clans, they probably didn't have the chance to do so.

Xiao Yan quickly adjusted his posture, and then exerted force on his feet. The figure that was kicked out suddenly adjusted and mobilized. His chest ached slightly. Although he had the Dharma body to protect him, Wan'er's kick also made him feel a palpitation and pain.

He gritted his teeth slightly, and then punched down, but she still dodged it.

Looking at the pretty face in front of him, Xiao Yan clenched his fist fiercely, and the empty fist and the surrounding space shrank together.

Yao Wan immediately felt a traction from the space itself pulling her in place.

Subconsciously looking up, a black dot like a star shrank and condensed.

She was the one who taught him the Ancient Dragon Stepping into the Void, so how could Xiao Yan not know how difficult Yao Wan was in terms of body movements, so he naturally pursued a one-shot victory.

The black spot shrank like a black hole, but Xiao Yan's power was compressed to the extreme and the roar of the dragon and phoenix burst out. Then he punched out and directly blasted Yao Wan, whose steps were slightly stagnant, away.

This kid really has the heart to do it?

At the same time when Yao Wan was blown away, many people in the clan monument square couldn't help but have such thoughts in their minds, and they didn't know what this kid was doing here.

Even if he really won, then this Yao clan lady would be his wife-to-be? How could he do this?

Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but wonder in his heart, this stinky boy, in order to marry Wan'er, really didn't show any mercy at all?

Only the two people in the space did not think about this problem. Even though she was knocked away by Xiao Yan's punch, Yao Wan did not seem to be angry. Instead, she felt a faint joy in her heart.

Although she had vaguely realized that Xiao Yan's growth might have exceeded her expectations, she was relieved when this power was displayed in front of her.

The faint glazed light dissolved the distortion and depth like a black hole, attracting countless Yao clan members to worship and worship when they saw this scene.

Xiao Yan immediately realized that it was Wan'er's glazed Dharma body, but unlike his Dharma body that focused entirely on physical strength, Wan'er seemed to have transformed it into an invisible existence. Although her physical strength was not as good as his, her ability to defend and resolve various energies and fighting skills was terrifying.

As the glazed divine light dispelled the distortion and darkness in front of her, it also completely enveloped Yao Wan. Xiao Yan immediately reacted and Wan'er was going to get serious.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the azure flames of life gathered like a tide below the space, turning into a high platform, and the dark thunder gathered above the head, like a curtain of the sky.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded, and a dazzling golden light seemed to smash the space, squeezing the entire space violently, and cracking out dazzling and shocking space cracks.

Yao Wan's lotus feet stepped on the non-existent space, echoing a ripple from the space itself.

The slender white fingertips slowly grasped the broken stone hammer from the center of the crack in the space, and suddenly pulled it out from the crack in the space, and countless hazy space fragments scattered.

As Yao Wan's fingertips climbed up, the invisible storm suddenly erupted with her as the center, sweeping across the entire space opened up by the Dou Sheng. This kind of terrifying fluctuation could not even be detected by those with low strength. On the contrary, the more powerful the strong outside the field were, the more they could feel the tremor of overturning the entire space, which shocked people's hearts.

She was like the original person who created the world. Following the ancient myths, she used a rough stone hammer to open up the chaotic world.

It makes people sigh from the bottom of their hearts, what kind of stupidity can make people dare to challenge this horror?

The terrifying breath coming from the falling sky made those eight clans who were defeated just now unable to sit down and heal their wounds. However, the more they focused on the beautiful figure in the light curtain, the unspeakable shock in their hearts quickly fermented into a slightly funny bitterness.

It is really hard to imagine that not long ago, they dared to covet such an existence.

Some people even secretly rejoiced that they didn't have to face that beautiful figure.

Yao Tian and Lei Xiao looked at each other, their faces were numb from the shock they felt. They couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if they stood in front of her.

I'm afraid she wouldn't even be able to take him seriously...

Yao Wan, who looked like she was covered in a golden veil, held a stone-breaking hammer and looked at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan remained silent, a fire dragon entwined around him, turning into a huge fire ruler in his palm.

Behind him, five kinds of strange fires manifested as fire spirits, condensing into a huge wheel behind him, and their momentum was not inferior to hers.

The fire spirits roared and gathered, and in almost an instant they crossed the huge boundary of space and attacked Yao Wan directly.

Yao Wan didn't even look at them, but thunder flashed around her body, and the black lightning was carved into a ferocious dragon shape by the terrifying soul power, and pounced on the five fire spirits that appeared.

And this was just a trick to cover Xiao Yan's eyes. A shallow ripple echoed above the space. Xiao Yan came with a fire ruler, and with the momentum of splitting mountains and breaking waves, countless strange fires were encouraged to gush out, turning into a hot sword energy, burning space.

"Flame Devouring Wave Ruler!"

Xiao Yan shouted in a low voice, and without hesitation, he attacked without hesitation. The six-color fire blended with each other, bursting out extremely terrifying destructive power. The space was slightly distorted, but it was still barely maintaining the status quo.

Yao Wan said nothing, just waved the stone hammer, and the fighting spirit gathered like mountains and seas.

What kind of fighting skill is this?

The many Dou Sheng strongmen, the eight clans Tianjiao, and the Yao clan members who were closely watching the every move between the two were all very alert and unwilling to miss any details.

Only Yao Wanhuo had a little murmur in his heart. He didn't remember that there was a fighting skill related to it in the Yao clan's inheritance. Could it be that Wan'er had made up another fighting skill herself?

However, Yao Wan didn't give them too much time to think. Only at the moment when the fighting spirit gathered, the broken stone hammer shattered the hot sword energy and space together. Countless golden cracks suddenly appeared in the gray and dim space, causing the space to tremble.

The Medicine Clan elder who had just closed his eyes to rest after opening up the space suddenly opened his eyes. While looking up at the sky, he immediately opened his hands. Countless Dou Qi condensed into a huge chain to maintain the sky, tied it tightly, and then formed two spells to stabilize the space force, pressing it horizontally on the sky. The sky, which was originally trembling slightly, finally calmed down temporarily.

But even so, it still made the Medicine Clan elder and many Dou Shengs a little stunned.

Did she already have the ability to threaten the Dou Sheng space?

And that hammer could not even be considered a fighting skill. No, to be precise, it had exceeded the scope of fighting skills. There was no need for a special way of running Dou Qi, a unique distance, but it was an action engraved in the instinct like the racial talent of the Warcraft.

She had already mastered what she had learned in the past, so naturally she did not need any extra fighting skills.

Her every move was the manifestation of fighting skills.

The power of the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler, when it hits this plain stone hammer that can only break and destroy, will naturally be annihilated.

At the moment when the sword energy collapsed, a faint sigh came from the clan monument square.

Even though Xiao Yan has brought them many unparalleled shocks, his performance can be said to be overwhelming the young generation of the eight clans today. It is no surprise that he has done his best. Even though Xiao Yan is a remnant of the former Xiao clan, most of the elders do have a little recognition of such a young man.

And a little hope that their descendants can have the same style as Xiao Yan.

But it is undoubtedly not easy for him to get to this point now, but how slim is the hope of stopping Yao Wan?

Defeat to Yao Wan can't even be his defeat, but it is enough to make the eight clans sing, and Yao Wan... Now I am afraid that no one has the idea of ​​competing with him.

A vase with the divine blood of the Yao Clan... From now on, no one will ever think of her like this again.

Yao Wanhuo's eyes did not change, he just sighed and prepared to save people.

But just when he was about to take action, he realized that another Dou Qi had already completed its operation in Xiao Yan's body.

No, Xiao Yan still has a backup plan?

The wide fire ruler in his hand quickly changed sharply, turning into a dark red hot blade, and the strange fire spirits that were just expelled by the Black Thunder Dragon Spirit merged into it.

"Flame Sword, Break the Mountain!"

There was almost no pause. With Xiao Yan's fire control technique, it didn't take even a moment to complete this attack.

In an instant, the fire ruler turned into a flaming sword and collided with the broken stone hammer. The blazing flames and dazzling golden light filled the entire Dou Sheng space.

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