Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 539: Reunion with Qinglin

But after all the fun, there is of course business that needs to be done.

After recovering from the injury, the top priority right now is naturally to recuperate. On the other hand, because Yao Wan clearly told Yao Dan that there is no rush for the marriage between the two, the marriage between the two has been put on hold. Well, there are only rumors among the Yao Clan that there is now an additional uncle from the Yao Clan, who is currently cultivating in the Yao Clan.

Many people are full of curiosity about this young lady from the Medicine Clan. After all, he can defeat the eldest lady head-on and even break the existence of the Dou Sheng Space. Although the Medicine Clan is a common practice of refining medicine, the underlying logic still respects the strong. , if you can show your strength, you will naturally not attract gossip.

And Xiao Yan's current strength is naturally obvious to all.

After resting for half a month, Xiao Yan fully recovered his condition. In the cave, the fighting spirit was full, as if it was a small world of its own. The rotation of the five elements was also of great benefit to Xiao Yan's recovery, otherwise he would not have been able to recover. So fast.

When he opened his eyes again, a girl in a light green dress had been waiting aside for a long time.

"Master Xiao Yan! Great, you finally woke up!"

Before Xiao Yan could fully come back to his senses from his cultivation state, he saw the pretty girl who had fully grown up approaching him, her enchanting green eyes full of love. Xiao Yan's concern and the surprise of meeting again after a long separation.

Xiao Yan couldn't help blinking his eyes, his face full of confusion, and he couldn't help but shrink back.

"Who are you……?"

"Master Xiao Yan doesn't recognize me anymore?"

The girl in front of her was slightly startled, as if she had never expected that such a thing would happen. However, she quickly reacted and opened one of her sleeves. There was a small row of fine hair growing under the beautiful woman's wrist. Show him the neat blue scales.

"Are you, Qinglin?!"

Xiao Yan's voice rose slightly. At first, he thought this girl looked familiar. Only after she revealed the proof of the snake-human hybrid, he was able to tell the difference. At the same time, he couldn't help being startled.

"I haven't seen you for seven or eight years, and I can't even recognize Qing Lin."

Xiao Yan sighed and said from the bottom of his heart, after all, when she was in the Motie Mercenary Group, this little girl couldn't keep up with her nutrition. No matter how good her foundation was, she was sallow and thin. But now she has fully grown and has really become a big girl. Yes, women’s eighteen-year-old transformation is really not just talk.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Master Xiao Yan still remembers me."

Qing Lin didn't care at all, but hugged her cheek, feeling a little embarrassed: "Well... when the young lady came out of seclusion, she almost didn't recognize me..."

"So, Qing Lin is...?"

Xiao Yan murmured softly, but then he noticed that Qinglin's cultivation speed was not slow at all, and he seemed to have reached the level of Eight Star Dou Zun.

"After I came to the Medicine Clan, the young lady was very kind to me and even allowed me to officially join the Medicine Clan. I am usually called to practice by the young lady, and I only occasionally come out to do something for the young lady."

Qing Lin said with a smile that although the days in the Medicine Clan were always extremely busy and made her hurried, as if so many years had passed in a blink of an eye, she still quite liked the atmosphere in the Medicine Clan.

"That's it..."

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and it made him feel relieved to see that his old friend was no longer as bullied and lonely as before.

"By the way, where is Wan'er? Why don't you see her?"

"The lady is taking care of the strange fire, and also asked me to give this thing to Master Xiao Yan."

Qing Lin said, then picked up a Nai Ring from the stone table and placed it in Xiao Yan's hand.

Xiao Yan concentrated slightly, and naturally recognized what it was at a glance. The power of his soul was immersed in it, and a scroll and many medicinal materials made Xiao Yan react.

He waved his hand, and the ancient scroll fell into his hand. A strong and powerful soul aura emanated from it, which made Xiao Yan feel at a loss for a moment. However, after a short period of adaptation, he opened the scroll and found the elixir in it. Then countless mysterious characters flew out and flew into Xiao Yan's mind.

The eighth-grade elixir, Qinglian Duer Dan.

Its function is very simple, it is used to assist in refining strange fire, and——

Eliminate the side effects caused by fusion of alien fire.

Xiao Yan looked at the words on the scroll that had been engraved in his mind, but he couldn't help but blink.

"these things……"

"Well... the lady told me that if Master Xiao Yan is confident that he has this ability, he will refine the elixir first, and she will help him then."

Qinglin explained.

When Xiao Yan heard this, she couldn't help but lower her head and look at the scroll, and she couldn't help but sigh. This understatement did not know how much energy she spent on it.

"Master Xiao Yan, what's going on?"

Qing Lin looked at Xiao Yan and couldn't help asking. Xiao Yan immediately came back to his senses and shook his head. No matter what, he naturally couldn't let her efforts go in vain. He took a deep breath and said: "It doesn't matter. , I will refine this elixir immediately, I can’t let her worry too much all the time.”

"The young lady is just thinking about Master Xiao Yan, and Master Xiao Yan doesn't need to be so angry."

Qing Lin couldn't help but smile. She had just recovered a little bit now. When she just came out of seclusion, Yao Wan told her that not only was Xiao Yan here, but he had successfully become the uncle of the Yao clan, she almost fainted. .

God has eyes!

The two of them are finally done!

Qing Lin tried hard to keep a serious look in front of Yao Wan, but in the end he still couldn't control the corners of his mouth that raised crazily, and was scolded by Yao Wan for this.

But it doesn't matter now. Qinglin knows very well what kind of character the young lady has. She won't be able to give in to her mouth even if she dies. If she wants to admit it, it would be easier to just kill her.

It's just that this is not something that a maid like herself needs to consider.

Qing Lin looked at Xiao Yan, then said with a smile: "Then can I call you Uncle Xiao Yan now?"


Xiao Yan was slightly stunned by Qing Lin's sudden question, and then he couldn't help but shook his head slightly, with a helpless smile on his face: "Let's call him Young Master. There are still some things between us that have not been completely resolved. You now If you dare to call me uncle openly, I'm afraid Wan'er will kick you out later."

"Hmm...that seems to be true."

Qing Lin came back to his senses and couldn't help but nod lightly.

"Leave the next thing to me, I will take care of it... By the way, is there any refining pharmacy here? I'm going to refine the elixir right now."

"Then I'll take Master Xiao Yan there. Not to mention too many things, I still have a good reputation in these places."

Qinglin said with a smile.

Xiao Yan had no doubt that he was there and set off immediately.

Leaving the Cave Heaven Domain where Yao Wan is located, halfway up the huge sacred mountain of the Yao Clan, there are people coming and going, and there are many young people among them who have reached the level of Dou Zun early. Race, what determines the status in the clan is not only bloodline, strength, but also alchemy skills.

Xiao Yan, dressed in a black shirt, attracted the attention of many people when he appeared here.

Although there has never been any taboo against color in the Yao Clan, few people do wear all black. Not long ago, Xiao Yan defeated all the geniuses and even defeated the eldest lady. Naturally, the people of the Yao Clan were not interested in this color. The young lady from the medicine clan was deeply impressed.

The existence of Qinglin has also attracted the attention of many people. In these years, anyone who knows something about the younger generation will know that although the eldest lady of the Yao clan stays at home and rarely shows up, there are also foreigners. The maid Qinglin who comes here often handles various matters for her.

"——Why are Qinglin here? Could it be that the eldest lady has any orders?"

Before Qing Lin could explain to Xiao Yan, they heard someone greeting them.

Xiao Yan subconsciously searched for a voice, but saw a man wearing a robe from the Medicine Clan slowly walking towards him. His soul was pulsing strongly, and he was obviously an alchemist of high rank.

"I'm bringing Master Xiao Yan here to find a refining pharmacy to refine the medicine. Is there anything wrong with Ren Yaozi?"

Qing Lin was obviously very familiar with the visitor, and he responded to it in a normal manner. At the same time, he said to Xiao Yan: "This is Yao Xingji, a sixth-grade bloodline of the Yao Clan and an eighth-grade alchemist. Apart from the young lady, this person is Yao Xingji." One of the best alchemists in the clan.”

"Compared to the eldest lady, everyone else is just mediocre."

Yao Xingji shook his head, then looked at Xiao Yan, and said with a smile: "I never thought that my uncle, who is the younger generation of the Eighth Clan, is actually an alchemist."

"It's just a small fight. It's nothing compared to Wan'er."

Xiao Yan told the truth that during the process of refining the medicine, the teacher had said long ago that Wan'er was a being who had reached further than his previous peak, and even if he wanted to catch up with and surpass Wan'er, he would still be unable to do so. It takes quite some time.

"In that case, why not come with me first? I know a good place to go."

Yao Xingji waved his hand, then smiled, and turned his attention to Qing Lin.

"What do you think of Qinglin? It's not like you've broken the rules, right?"

"What do you think, Master Xiao Yan?"

Qing Lin frowned slightly, already knowing that Yao Xingji didn't hold anything back.

"That's fine."

Xiao Yan nodded. He didn't want to conflict with the people of the Medicine Clan, but that didn't mean that he was timid. Since they were all coming, could he still give in?

Yao Xingji nodded slightly, and then said: "Please, not far ahead is the Medicine Refining Square. Not long ago, the eldest lady refined a ninth-grade treasure pill here."

As he spoke, several medicine cauldrons were neatly arranged on a large high platform. Many people were refining medicine here. The other alchemists were talking about it on the side, seeming to be discussing about the process of refining medicine on the stage. thing.

Only by talking to each other and learning from each other can one's own alchemy skills also make great progress.

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