After that, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan stayed in Xingyun Pavilion for more than a month before returning to the Yao Clan.

The matter of the Heavenly Tomb is of vital importance and cannot be treated casually by them.

Naturally, what Xiao Yan needs to consider is the reaction from the ancient tribe.

"What's wrong? How will you face your sister Xun'er in the ancient clan after worrying about it?"

On the flat back of Tian Yaohuang, Yao Wan's tone rose slightly, but it rarely revealed a hint of unusual flavor.

"More or less..."

Xiao Yan naturally couldn't deny this kind of thing, but his tone was a little ambiguous.

"...Hmph, I am very curious. The uncle of the Yao Clan went to the Ancient Clan to mess with the eldest lady of the Ancient Clan. I don't know what the expressions of the geniuses and old guys of the Ancient Clan will be."

Yao Wan hummed slightly, but didn't care. Instead, she tilted her head back and lay on Tian Yaohuang's back. The corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably as she spoke.

Since the incident at the Ruins of Oblivion, apart from practicing, Yao Wan has been thinking about what to do if she and Xiao Yan fall in love, and what to do if she and Xiao Yan fail to fall in love. She was so entangled and uncomfortable that now the dust has settled. , but it also allowed her to finally have the leisure time to watch other people's excitement.

Just thinking about it makes me happy that it was Kennedy riding in a convertible.

If not in front of Xiao Yan, Yao Wan could hardly control the raised corners of her mouth and wanted to laugh out loud.

It's just that the joke now has some of her own elements mixed in, so it's a bit hard to explain, but she can't be blamed!

Yao Wan let out a faint breath. Speaking of which, her progress was so fast thanks to someone who helped push the flames...

If it weren't for her, she might have started to consciously keep a distance from Xiao Yan, and then find an opportunity to gradually break off this relationship.

Although Xiao Yan had a lot of obsession with him in his heart, he still had a family after all, so he kept dragging it on like this. It is estimated that in the end it would be nothing, and everyone would just pretend that this matter had never happened, and Luo Hua intended to, Liu Shui is ruthless, and we will just be friends from now on.

But I never thought that the window between the relationship between two people would be broken like this.

Then he ran all the way on the uncontrollable emotional road, and finally realized that he couldn't escape, so he accepted his fate.

What else can you say? You can’t say that you’ve really fallen, can you?

No way? No way?

Yao Wan cursed in her heart, but saw Xiao Yan sitting next to her.

"Wan'er is jealous?"

"Jealous? Me?"

Yao Wan was startled for a moment, and then she couldn't hold back as if she had heard some funny joke. She raised the corner of her mouth and laughed out loud.

"I see that you have been somewhat delirious these past two days. How could I be jealous of others? Could it be Xiao Xun'er? Oh no, it should be called Gu Xun'er."

Yao Wan immediately stood up slightly and said with disdain.

"Hmm... Come to think of it, that's true?"

"Say it again, hum~~~"

The Qiongbi of Yaowan let out a very contemptuous snort, looked at Xiao Yan and said: "What kind of virtues do you have, I still don't know?"

"What virtue?"

Xiao Yan asked back, and then before Yao Wan could react, he stepped forward and gently stroked Yao Wan's cheek with his rough fingertips.

Yao Wan just thought that the most courageous Xiao Yan could do was to scare herself with a false shot at this time. A faint disdain showed on her lips, and she was about to say a few words of ridicule, but she did not expect that Xiao Yan would really Come as soon as you say.

There was not much room for thinking, and just following the instinctive throbbing, Xiao Yan kissed her, catching Yao Wan off guard.

Yao Wan opened her pale golden eyes and wanted to resist, but Xiao Yan took the initiative and grabbed the delicate hand of the person in front of him, giving her no chance to resist.

"Oh - you... ugh..."

Yao Wan struggled hard, but she didn't expect Xiao Yan to be so shameless and blatantly take advantage of her.

However, Xiao Yan did not press ahead. After pressing Yao Wan's sweet lips, he took the initiative to loosen the restraints on Yao Wan, and then looked at Yao Wan, as if asking her, is it right now? The understanding of his virtues has gone one step further.

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan, breathing heavily, with a trace of physiological tears in her eyes due to the sudden action, and she frowned slightly.


After a moment of silence, Yao Wan muttered dissatisfiedly: "...I really shame you."

Then he took the initiative to bite it.

Amidst the dull pain that could not be distinguished for a moment and the smell of blood that slowly spread in his mouth, the traces of scent coming from the medicinal herbs made Xiao Yan feel slightly dazed, like in a dream.

After all, it was rare for Wan'er to take the initiative like this. Even if his lip was bitten, Xiao Yan was still happy with it.

It's just that Xiao Yan refused to be honest even if he was bitten. His slender fingertips slowly touched the corners of his plain clothes, and then climbed up Yaowan's slender waist little by little.

Sensing Xiao Yan's dishonest hand, he became even more angry and bit the tip of Xiao Yan's tongue gently.

Xiao Yan naturally couldn't ignore Yao Wan's warning, but he had tried several times just now, but could not find the entrance to Wan'er's skirt. In desperation, he could only give up in frustration.

A trace of pride flashed across Yaowan's eyebrows, but this pride ended abruptly before it lasted long.


The bright red blood stains on the light red lips were dazzling. Xiao Yan was breathing heavily. Even if she didn't feel his hot breath, she could feel that something in Xiao Yan's chest was ignited. Same.

After the two of them were playing around, they got too close, and physical contact was inevitable. There was an inexplicable familiar touch, and Yao Wan's heart skipped a beat. She blinked and couldn't help but feel... He raised his head and looked at Xiao Yan. Although he didn't look as panicked as he did the first time, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Even after being a daughter for more than 20 years, Yao Wan could not be so naive that she would not know what this thing is.

And Xiao Yan's eyes frightened her even more, they were hot and burning, as if they were going to tear her apart.

However, Xiao Yan naturally noticed Yao Wan's slightly panicked eyes, and immediately realized that he was somewhat unable to control his anger.

"...After staying in Xingyun Pavilion for so long, you didn't find Xian'er, Medusa or the others...?"

Yao Wan suddenly regretted it. Normally, how could she dare to fight back like this when Xiao Yan gently teased her?

Didn't she still think that there was at least... at least... between Xiao Yan and them? Otherwise, how could she dare to be so proactive in front of Xiao Yan?

"Everyone is busy practicing. Medusa still needs to look after Xiao Xiao with you. Then the tomb in the sky is coming soon. There will be matters involving the ancient clan that need to be resolved soon. How can I be in the mood to do such a thing?"

Xiao Yan tried his best to ease his breathing, and then explained.

"But it does surprise me that Wan'er can take such initiative."

"Okay, don't say such things-"

Yao Wan covered her ears. Even though Xiao Yan didn't mean to make a joke on her, Yao Wan just couldn't stand this statement. It was so strange...

Xiao Yan naturally shut his mouth honestly, and Yao Wan slowly lowered his hand.

"...Does it feel hard?"


"Is it hard?"

Yaowan repeated it, slightly emphasizing his voice.

"Then Wan'er... help me, okay?"

If Yao Wan just pretended to be deaf and dumb, nothing would happen to Xiao Yan. He would just take a Qingshen Pill and be fine after a while. But Yao Wan insisted on teasing her like this in front of him, how could Xiao Yan be able to bear it? He could continue to endure it, but he wasn't Liu Xiahui, so how could he not react?

When Xiao Yan's breath flowed into Yaowan's nasal cavity again, making her eyes slightly blurry, her heart was also extremely complicated, and she was unable to get off the horse.

Why did you take the bait like this...

But Yaowan did not refuse cruelly in the end.

"I really admire you..."

Yao Wan, who knew that she could not escape this disaster, swallowed and finally said: "Help... I can help you, but... that, that can't be done, absolutely not... you can only use your hands!"

"……Ok, I know."

"I know your size, okay... hurry up, hurry up..."

Yao Wan turned her head away, not wanting to look at Xiao Yan at all. At the same time, she kept urging, she just wanted a quick victory.

"So hot..."

"Can you be a little gentler? Wan'er's hands are so hurts..."

"Don't be picky! Oh... I will be gentler..."

Yao Wan felt that she already wanted to die, but she still quietly relaxed her grip as Xiao Yan said.

After all, it was the first time...the first time in this life to do such a thing, or to do such a thing for others, Yao Wan didn't know how to describe it.

I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die————

" tastes so strong..."

Yao Wan whispered in disgust, Xiao Yan was about to reply, but Yao Wan's reaction became more intense: "Shut up, don't talk!"

Xiao Yan took a slight breath of cold air from his nose, his chest rose and fell slightly, and he tried hard to remain silent.

To be fair, it was hard to say that Yao Wan's craftsmanship was good when it was his first time doing this kind of thing.

But Xiao Yan still responded quickly, probably because it was different from the body's temporary inability to adapt and dissatisfaction, but it greatly pleased Xiao Yan's spirit. As the first step to cross the boundary between the two, it was enough. It made him dream about it.

It's just that the medicine is bitter.

After venting a few times, it finally came to an end.

The first thing she did when she returned to the Yao Clan was that Yao Wan immediately returned to her cave. She didn't even have time to return to the clan leader, so she ran to wash her hands, her eyes even more terrifyingly gloomy.

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