Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 558 Yao Wan: How dare anyone interfere in my family affairs?

Yaowan's answer can be said to have completely ended the debate.

Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi looked at each other involuntarily, but they didn't expect Yao Wan to answer so... straightforwardly.

They even couldn't help but suspect that there was something wrong with their ears. How could the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan say such a thing?

Even in Dou Qi Continent, strength is often respected, but Yao Wan is obviously not a little woman who can be easily rounded and flattened. In their expectation, even if Xiao Yan does not become a henwife in the future, he will not be immune to it. As a wife's medicine restraint.

As the future successor, Yao Wan is considered a 100% rich woman in the Yao Clan. Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, there are probably not many women who can compete with her. This soft-mouthed Xiao Yan The food is no longer shabby.

Since they are already on a soft diet, it seems that it is not difficult to understand if they are more restrained.

The results of it?

Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi couldn't believe what they heard.

Yaowan actually allowed Xiao Yan to be younger?

Even in dreams, there is no such good thing.

Seeing Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi fall into silence, Yao Wan hummed softly, crossed her arms and said, "Why are you looking so surprised? Are you surprised?"

"The matter between me and Xiao Yan is just between me and him. It has nothing to do with anyone else, and there is no need for others to comment in front of us."

Yao Wan said, then couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan and said, "Really?"

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, seeing Huo Zhi speechless, Huo Xuan sighed.

"...With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?"

Huo Xuan sighed, people should be compared with each other, but goods should be thrown away. He was really envious now.

Huo Zhi remained silent and didn't speak. But as a woman, she couldn't help but sigh quietly. They didn't have any opinions themselves. Naturally, she, an outsider, didn't have the right to say anything.

What's more, neither Xiao Yan nor Yao Wan are people who care about the outside world.

After chatting for a while, Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi parted ways with Yao Wan and the others.

After the shuttle boat traveled for a long time, it finally reached its destination.

Many guests invited by the ancient tribe then walked out of the shuttle. At this moment, the dark warship had left the space tunnel and reappeared in a beautiful world between heaven and earth.

Between heaven and earth, a vague and terrifying aura surges like clouds and mists in the mountains, which makes people secretly frightened. This ancient clan's strong men are like clouds, unfathomable.

Yaowan didn't feel anything special. Instead, he was vaguely aware of it, as if he had already felt something.

"Dear guests, please come!"

The old voice greeted everyone behind them, and many people responded politely. Then they used their body shape to fly down from the warship and flew towards the building complex in the center of the mountain range. There was the ancient clan. Reception place.

" anxious."

Yao Wan sighed, but she didn't care. Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't move, she stood beside him quietly and waited.

Xiao Yan naturally noticed it. He stood on the bow of the boat and looked at the distant peaks. He caught a glimpse of the beautiful figure on the peaks and couldn't help but concentrate slightly.

The distant gaze continued for a long time, and the beautiful figure on the cloud peak finally moved, stepping on the clouds, her skirt fluttering, like a fairy in the clouds, with a kind of ethereal, coming on the clouds under the gaze of many eyes. , and finally suspended outside the warship.

Looking at the woman in green who suddenly walked straight towards her, all the eyes on the warship were cast towards her, with a hint of surprise and surprise in their eyes.

The girl is dressed in a light blue dress, with three thousand blue silk threads tied up casually. The light breeze blows in, and the blue silk threads are fluttering, out of the world and refined. A pair of moving bright eyes, revealing an ethereal meaning, are like the deepest starry sky, which makes people feel... It is difficult to shift one's gaze away from it.

Look at the Qingren city once, and then look at the Qingren country.

Such stunning beauty is truly stunning.

Not to mention men, even women would feel ashamed when they saw her.

She walked slowly and finally stood at the bow of the boat, looking at her sweetheart quietly.

"Brother Xiao Yan..."

Xun'er was slightly lost in thought, but she did not forget the particularly eye-catching woman next to Xiao Yan at this moment.

Xun'er did not deliberately control her voice. As soon as she finished speaking, many guests who came to the ancient tribe couldn't help but secretly smack their lips.

But before the uncontrollable speculation in everyone's hearts was ready to come out, Xun'er turned his head and looked at Yaowan, with two rays of light shooting out of his bright eyes, but he didn't seem to be completely driven by anger. There was a hint of provocation at the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help but take a step further. Wenxiang Nephrite fell into Xiao Yan's arms, making the guests and other ancient strong men who were observing secretly stunned.

But now, Xun'er's face showed no trace of the joy of meeting her sweetheart again. Her eyes were looking straight at Yaowan, as if she wanted to see even a trace of anger and anger from her body.

After all, Xiao Yan is now the uncle of the Yao clan. She doesn't believe that Yao Wan will not react at all.

So what if she was one step ahead? Now that brother Xiao Yan has come to the ancient clan, is it possible that she still wants to greet him with a smile and give in to him? !

This isn't even an emotional battle anymore, it's just that Xun'er wants to fight for a while, and no one can take away her people.

But Yao Wan's reaction was still beyond her expectation.

Yaowan didn't pay attention to Xun'er's provocation at all. Instead, she looked at Xiao Yan, as if asking him: 'Do you feel comfortable being held by sister Xun'er? ’

Xiao Yan was helpless and did not struggle. Instead, he raised his hand and gently stroked Xun'er's three thousand black hair, leaving a wisp of lingering fragrance on his fingertips.

He naturally knew that Wan'er was not angry and Wan'er was very tolerant, so she signaled him like this.


Yao Wan chuckled lightly. As for Xun'er's little gesture, she didn't take it to heart at all. Xiao Yan usually would force him to hug her without any reaction, so why did he need to take the initiative?

The little girl is just young and wants to make her sister angry, but she still lacks the heat.

Only Yaowan could sit still, but the others couldn't sit still at all.

"Miss...uncle, this..."

Yao Ling and Yao Xingji were almost dumbfounded. What on earth was going on with Xiao Yan? How come someone other than the eldest lady can have an affair with a girl from the ancient tribe? This is still in front of Yaowan! How dare he!

Yao Wanzhu, on the other hand, couldn't sit still anymore. Xiao Yan was an uncle of the Yao clan. Although the engagement ceremony had not been held, it was already a done deal. But now he was involved with a woman from the ancient clan. What kind of behavior was that?

What's more, Yao Wanzhu recognized it at a glance. Isn't the girl in Xiao Yan's arms the daughter of the current patriarch of the ancient clan? Is it possible that he still dares to take them all?

It's just that Yao Wanzhu's voice made Yao Wan feel quite unhappy. When he said this, it seemed as if he was a resentful woman who couldn't stand her fiancé. He let him lose her temper and couldn't help but leave. Take the medicine and take a look at Wanzhu.

"I didn't say anything. Elder Wan Zhu doesn't need to say anything."

Yao Wanzhu's eyes widened immediately. He was so unbelievable that he couldn't believe what he heard. No, Miss, I am trying to stand up to you again! Madam, where are you from?

Sensing Yao Wanzhu's almost shocked expression, Yao Wan simply ignored it and just pretended that nothing had happened.

Which side are you on? Can't you have a good time if you have to take the initiative to find a place to be a loser?

It's boring, she doesn't want to wear a red nose, she should leave this kind of thing to Xun'er, she won't be happy to bear it.

Compared with the Yao Clan, the people of the Ancient Clan are naturally more restless.

Suddenly, the space seemed to be about to solidify together, but before Xiao Yan and Xun'er could make any move, Yao Wan snorted coldly, and the solidified space around him suddenly burst, and then quickly closed, echoing with a wave of The undercurrent of space ripples hit someone hiding in the dark, causing an uncomfortable muffled groan to come from somewhere in front of him.

Xun'er immediately noticed it, and when she left Xiao Yan's arms, she didn't forget to still hold Xiao Yan's hand.

"How presumptuous! Elders, do you still know the etiquette? You attack the guests of the ancient tribe as soon as we meet, but you want others to think that our ancient tribe is all barbarians?"

Xun'er then questioned, but also secretly observed the reaction between Xiao Yan and Yao Wan.

Xiao Yan had actually noticed it for a long time, but seeing that Wan'er seemed to be better off taking action, he tacitly chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Yao Wan, on the other hand, calmly raised her hand to play with a strand of black hair next to her ear, appearing nonchalant and not paying any attention to the counterattack just now.


An old figure appeared in embarrassment, with a trace of dazzling blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was obviously seriously injured.


Others were secretly shocked. This elder of the ancient clan was a powerful figure in the Eight-Star Dou Zun. How could he become so embarrassed in just one fight in this invisible confrontation?

She never cared about the horrified looks of others on her, but Yao Wan remained unmoved. She would not tell you any small punishments or big commandments. She would chop her left hand when she stretched out her left hand, and chop her right hand when she stretched out her right hand. An eye for an eye. , tit for tat, since you have the courage to take action, of course you have to be aware of being dealt with in turn, how can there be any reason to escape unscathed?

Before the old figure could speak, Xun'er felt the gaze from Yao Wan.

The meaning is simple and clear. You have to deal with your own family's affairs. If you can't even handle your own family affairs well, what kind of man are you going out to rob? You can just go back and sleep. It's a shame.

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I was paying attention to Xiao Yan just now. I thought I was accidentally attacked by an enemy. I overreacted a little. I didn't hurt this elder, right?"

Yaowan spoke with a smile, but her eyes were colder than a poisonous snake. No matter how Gu Xun'er made trouble with her, it was a matter between the two of them and Xiao Yan. How could it be anyone else's turn to interrupt and interfere with it?

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