"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."

Xiao Xuan smiled and shook his head, knowing that he had brought a lot of psychological pressure to the two little girls. This was not his intention.

"You guys are... very good."

"I have been waiting for a thousand years, and now a member of the Xiao clan has finally reappeared in front of me. God really opened my eyes, and my Xiao clan blood will not be buried in the long river of time."

Xiao Xuan looked at Xiao Yan, sighing in his tone, and feeling glad that his mistakes would eventually be made up for.


Suddenly, Yao Wan spoke, as if recalling something. She raised her hand, touched her ring, took out a small jade bottle, and then handed it to Xiao Xuan.

"Well... I came in a hurry, but I didn't prepare any gifts. I hope Senior Xiao Xuan accepts a pill that may be useful, as a way to express the feelings of us descendants."

Yao Wan considered her words for a while, then said with a smile, which made Xiao Xuan slightly stunned, and then he subconsciously took the jade bottle.

He opened it subconsciously, and a faint fragrance of elixir spread out, as warm and moist as water, which made people feel refreshed and at the same time, it did not cause any discomfort due to the changes in the senses in a short period of time.

"This is……?"

Even Xiao Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and was quite surprised by Yao Wan's action: "Ninth-grade elixir?"

Even among ancient races, not everyone can easily obtain ninth-grade elixirs.

"This is the elixir passed down by our ancestors. The Soul Condensation elixir has the effect of gathering remnants of souls and repairing them. However, I am not sure whether this elixir can actually work on Emperor Realm souls."

Yao Wan explained, but Xun'er couldn't help but glance at her. She didn't know that Yao Wan had done something like this beforehand, but she didn't take it as her own credit. She couldn't help but frown slightly, not say something.

I just thought unconsciously in my heart, if it were her, would she do this?

Considering the overall situation, she might still do it...but...

Xiao Xuan's brows couldn't help but raise a hint of interest, and then he poured it out of the jade bottle and looked at it carefully. However, after a moment, he finally shook his head and put it back again.

"This elixir is indeed beneficial to me, but it only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. It just gives me more time to kill."

Xiao Xuan originally wanted to ask Yao Wan to take back the elixir, so that he wouldn't need it. After all, in his opinion, a dead soul that he couldn't tell how long he could survive would have no way to leave the sky. The tomb can't help much. Even if the two little girls are from eight tribes and have a big family, there is no need to waste any resources for themselves.

But thinking about it carefully, this seemed inappropriate. After thinking about it, I finally accepted this useless but valuable gift.

"It doesn't matter, I will accept your kindness... However, since I accept your gifts as an elder, it is not okay not to give back - so be it, I will be satisfied with whatever you want to do in the Tomb of Heaven. You can have whatever you want, okay?"

Xiao Xuan said, after all, what he can do now is actually the only one that can still retain some strength in the tomb.

"Well, thank you, Senior Xiao Xuan. I won't be polite. There are indeed some things that require Senior Xiao Xuan's help later."

Yaowan naturally knows that for these strong men of the older generation, commitment is of course extremely important. If he asks for help now, the elders will not be disgusted, but will be happy.

"That's natural. Whatever Wan'er wants to do later, just go ahead and do it."

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Xuan, who had an infinite sense of intimacy in his words, and couldn't help but said: "Ancestor Xiao Xuan, is he still alive today?"

Xiao Xuan, who was particularly enthusiastic just now, couldn't help but fell into silence for a moment. The smile on his face gradually dissipated and was replaced by a trace of seriousness and seriousness.

"...I understand what you mean."

Xiao Xuan, who had just put away the jade bottle, shook his head and said: "It's just that my soul remains in the sky tomb now. Relying on the special nature of the sky tomb, I can continue to exist. And if I leave the sky tomb, I'm afraid I won't be around for long." It will dissipate by itself.”

"It's just a remnant soul. If you die, you will die. I have no nostalgia for it...but I can't die yet. Do you understand?"

Xiao Yan was silent, what maintained Xiao Xuan's existence now was the sky tomb, and what supported Xiao Xuan's survival was the responsibility extended from the past bloodline.

"I understand everything, ancestor."

"I know this. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come to the Sky Tomb to look for me, would you?"

Xiao Xuan smiled slightly, and then said: "But in this case, I still need you to complete some very important things."

"What does the ancestor mean?"

"You have practiced the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, right? I can feel it."

"The Xiao clan's clan pattern is not given by others, but is cultivated by oneself, and the three mysterious transformations of heaven and fire are where the magic is."

"It's just really strange that the Three Mysteries of Heavenly Fire have gone round and round, and actually returned to the hands of people from my Xiao clan. It's really time and destiny."

Xiao Xuan raised his hand and lightly tapped his fingertips on the center of Xiao Yan's eyebrows, and a vague and mysterious line appeared. It was quite similar to the clan lines that Yao Wan and Xun'er got after awakening their bloodline.

Yao Wan only took a glance and could tell that there was an essential difference between this fuzzy pattern and their clan emblem.

That is blood.

Blood is the foundation of the clan emblem, just like the root system of plants. Only when the blood is strong enough can the branches of the clan emblem floating on the surface flourish.

And what Xiao Yan showed now can't even be considered a clan emblem. After all, without blood as the foundation, there will naturally be no clan emblem at all. Although Xiao Yan still inherited the blood of the Xiao clan, this blood is no longer the same as the blood of the ancient races, and it does not have the power that the Doudi blood should have. Even if he practiced the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, he still couldn't get the clan emblem to appear. What he had was just a rootless duckweed.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, but suddenly he recalled where his Skyfire Three Mysterious Changes came from, and then he said: "It's not a special fate, just found the relics left by people in the past."

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly. He originally thought that Xiao Yan might have come into contact with the Burning Flame Valley and just got the Skyfire Three Mysterious Changes, but now it seems that this is not the case.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Yao Wan, and subconsciously said: "In this case, the death energy entangled with the Flame of Life on Wan'er's body is also due to this reason? Is this Flame of Life the strange fire you cultivated yourself?"

"Well... This is also thanks to Xiao Yan's help."

Yao Wan told the truth. If she hadn't taken the way of using the Burning Art to please others, it would probably not be so easy for her to cultivate the Flame of Life.

"So that's how it is. When I used the strange fire to self-destruct, did the Yin-Yang flames actually have some residue left?"

Xiao Xuan naturally knew where the death energy on Yao Wan came from: "The polar nature of the Yin-Yang flames can be manifested on the flame of life, and such a thing can actually be born? It's really interesting, can you let me take a look?"

Yao Wan would naturally not refuse, and then raised her hand, and a deep red and black flame surged from her fingertips, and the breath of death was terrifying.

"You can use it skillfully, which naturally proves that this move is a blessing, not a disaster. Being able to master such power is also your own opportunity."

After speaking, Xiao Xuan turned his head and looked at Xiao Yan.

"I wonder if you are ready?"

Xiao Xuan asked, and Xiao Yan naturally knew the word "prepare" in the mouth of the ancestor. It is impossible for him to come to the Xiao Mansion in the Heavenly Tomb just to worship the ancestor.

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then he was about to agree, but Yao Wan spoke first: "If you are not in a hurry, can you do me a favor first?"

Yao Wan's words surprised Xiao Xuan, but he did not feel too offended. After all, they are all family, and Xiao Yan can stay in the Heavenly Tomb for at least two or three years, so Xiao Xuan is not really that anxious. Instead, he was quite moved by the fact that his descendants did not feel distant from him, and then he said with a smile: "That would be the best. I wonder what Wan'er wants me to do for you?"

Xiao Yan could not help but look at Yao Wan's beautiful light golden eyes curiously, and he could not help but feel a little surprised. It did not seem to be a surprise that Wan'er would choose to speak directly at this time. It should be more intentional.

Wan'er did not want to accept the inheritance left by her ancestors so quickly?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little doubtful, but he also knew that Wan'er must have her own ideas and reasons for doing this. She wouldn't hurt him, but he couldn't help but worry whether she would do something too hard for herself.

"This matter shouldn't be difficult for Senior Xiao Xuan. I need some semi-saint-level energy cores to break through in the Heavenly Tomb."

Yao Wan said, and Xiao Xuan couldn't help but nod secretly. This was a very reasonable request for Wan'er. Just by observing her aura, it was clear that she had been dormant in this realm for a while. It can be said that all the foundations have been laid, and everything is ready. Only the east wind is missing.

"In this case, I will help Wan'er first."

As Xiao Xuan spoke, the third floor of the Heavenly Tomb outside the Xiao Mansion was thundering, as if a heavenly punishment had been descended in an instant, targeting those semi-saint energy bodies that were either wandering or hunting in the Heavenly Tomb.

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